• 2 months ago
Penyesuaian aturan baru PPN 12% dinilaikan berdampak pada mengecilnya kontribusi penerimaan APBN 2025. Selain itu, sasaran objek kenaikan PPN yang menyasar kalangan atas juga diproyeksi tidak akan berdampak signifikan ke permintaan barang dan jasa terkait.


00:00And we go to the next information, the government adjusted the new rules, the PPN 12% is evaluated as having an impact on reducing the contribution of GDP growth in 2025.
00:09Yes, in addition to that, the target of the PPN increase object, which targets the upper class, is also projected to have a significant impact on the demand for goods and services.
00:18The government continues to implement the policy of adjusting the first tax rate, or PPN, from 11% to 12% as early as 2025.
00:30However, the increase in the PPN 12% rate only applies to services and luxury goods, which are currently consumed by the rich group, or goods that are currently targeted at the PPN-BM rate, which is included in the Ministry of Finance or PMK No. 15 of 2023.
00:46However, goods affected by the PPN 12% are as follows.
00:49Policy expert from the Center of Indonesia Taxation Analysis, or CITA, Ruben Huta Barat, noted the contribution of this PPN 12% adjustment to the PPN.
00:58He said this in the ADX General market review program at the end of last week.
01:03From the initial target set in the PPN 2025, the government must make a revision.
01:08In addition to that, in the projection of the implementation of the new PPN 12%, only the upper class will not have a significant impact.
01:15Various sources for the ADX General.
