• 2 months ago
#pti #imrankhan #pmlngovt #pakistan #economy #pakistaneconomycrisis #pmshehbazsharif #nawazsharif #imf #daniyalaziz #pmlngovt #KhurramHameedRokhri

(Current Affairs)

- Aniqa Nisar

- Khurram Hameed Khan Rokhri IPP
- Daniyal Aziz PMLN
- Barrister Sher Afzal Khan Marwat PTI
- Allama Raja Nasir Abbas MWM

"Government Should Aim to Achieve IMF Targets As Soon As Possible..." Daniyal Aziz's Statement

"After Bearing Significant Losses, Some Stability Has Achieved..." Khurram Hameed Rokhri's Statement

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00:00Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and the opposition team will meet Imran Khan and in this meeting
00:27they will discuss their written Charter of Demand with Imran Khan and then the matter will move forward.
00:41After that, there will be a meeting of the negotiating teams and in this meeting, when the Charter of Demand will be presented by the PTI,
00:50there will be a ball in the court of the government and the government will have to decide what can be agreed and what cannot be agreed.
00:57Along with this, there is an important decision to be made tomorrow.
01:01According to this, there are rumours in the city of Iqtadar that the decision may not come tomorrow.
01:06If this decision does not come tomorrow, then it will be directly associated that after the meeting of the negotiating team,
01:12this decision will not be kept safe.
01:15And if this decision comes, then according to the £190 million, this is a strong case.
01:24And if Imran Khan is punished in this case, then there will be a different opinion in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and the negotiating team.
01:34Yesterday Irfan Siddiqui was with me.
01:38He said that if the negotiating team of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has to meet Imran Khan for every small thing,
01:48then it will be difficult.
01:52The PTI team should get so much confidence from their chief that they can move the negotiations forward with full confidence.
02:01Yes, if a decision is made and they have to take guidance from their leaders, then they should definitely take it.
02:07We will not let the negotiations go wrong just because we did not give them a chance to meet Imran Khan.
02:16But if they feel the need for a small movement, that they will take guidance from there and give an answer to such a thing,
02:23then maybe they will not be able to move forward with full confidence.
02:27And there will be difficulties for the government as well.
02:30Now you know that most of the leaders of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, including their spokesperson,
02:36Sheikh Waqas is saying that this decision will not have any impact on the negotiations.
02:42But yesterday Hamid Reza said in my program that if the decision is against, then it will definitely have an impact.
02:50Let it be very clear.
02:52If the decision is against the will of Imran Khan, then where will the negotiations stand?
02:59They will stand where they are standing.
03:01We are not asking for a deal that we have not done.
03:04We are not asking for a deal. Let it be very clear.
03:09So even if the decision is made, the process of moving forward or stopping it,
03:13is not based on the seriousness of the people in this committee, nor is it based on anyone else's seriousness.
03:19Because we are dealing with the people.
03:21Maybe there will be a change in attitude from the negotiations.
03:24There will definitely be an impact on that.
03:26But Mr. Khan has said that whatever the decision of that case is,
03:29you will finalize these negotiations on 31st January, this way or that way.
03:33So they will continue.
03:36Now I am going to put one more important thing in front of you.
03:38My news is that within KPK, within a short period of time,
03:43an important position is going to be taken away from someone and taken by someone else.
03:47Now these are my sources.
03:49Time will tell.
03:50But one more important thing that you will have to keep an eye on is that
03:53PTI and their allies are also in a state of turmoil.
03:57And there is also a state of turmoil in the government alliance at this time.
04:00The People's Party is repeatedly complaining to the PMLN.
04:04Allama Nasir Abbas is also complaining to the PTI and especially to the KPK government.
04:10Now next week, next month and this year's campaign will be political.
04:15There will be a lot of ups and downs.
04:17This is what we will discuss.
04:18I will introduce the guests who are with me for the first segment.
04:20Mr. Daniyal Aziz is with us.
04:22He is a senior politician.
04:23Thank you very much, Mr. Daniyal, for joining us.
04:24It's a pleasure having you in the program.
04:26Mr. Khurram Rokri is with us.
04:28Mr. Khurram Ameed Rokri is also the leader of IPP and a senior politician.
04:32Thank you very much.
04:33Thank you, Mr. Khurram.
04:34It's a pleasure having you as well in the program.
04:36Mr. Daniyal, starting from you.
04:38You have been a part of the PMLN for a long time.
04:40And the politics that is going on now is going on under the principles of the PMLN.
04:45The principles under which Nawaz Sharif had thought of moving the PMLN forward.
04:50Nawaz Sharif has been sidelined because it is not going on.
04:53No, I think the issue of Nawaz Sharif's sidelining is completely separate.
04:57But it is certain that the current government of Pakistan Muslim League Noon
05:02needs some kind of lifeline.
05:04Because their economic targets are not in accordance with the IMF agreement at the moment.
05:11And two months later, the IMF is coming for a review.
05:14And if that pillar, Pakistan's entire stability is standing on one pillar.
05:19If it moves, then the talks of growth are still going on, which is a big question mark.
05:26But in order to deal with this, they need time to complete the targets of the IMF
05:32rather than fire fighting.
05:36And to give at least a semblance that the political process is now at a place
05:41where economic matters can be resolved.
05:44So it should be a multi-pronged strategy.
05:46On one hand, they are trying to cool down the politics.
05:49On the other hand, they should not ignore the economic matters.
05:52Because the government is saying that we are flying Pakistan.
05:54Iran-Pakistan is a two-year old program.
05:58And they have announced the same logo and the same program in the budget in June.
06:05Right now, they have just put the signatures and statements of two or three Chief Ministers
06:10at the beginning and have dusted them off.
06:12You are saying that they have recycled everything?
06:14Yes, I am saying that.
06:15It is written in its own name.
06:17And let me tell you that the program that was supposed to be announced last year on 14th August,
06:26which was of the Finance Minister, Stephen Deckeran,
06:29the think tanks that were formed, everything happened.
06:31In reality, that was the program.
06:33But by cutting it, by sanitizing all the things that were there,
06:39they have now announced this program with the exception of the old one.
06:43In which, contrary to that, all the status quo things are there.
06:47Somewhere you will not see civil service reform.
06:49Somewhere you will not see the word of privatization.
06:51Somewhere you will see that the government has no business in business.
06:54All these words have been removed.
06:57And the process that was to open the economy of Pakistan
07:01and to add the economy of Pakistan to the international value chains,
07:05like Vietnam or Bangladesh or many other countries have progressed.
07:10All those programs have been removed.
07:13The Prime Minister did mention all these things.
07:16I will come back to this.
07:17But Mr. Khurram Hamid Rokri,
07:19like Mr. Daniyal said, the economy side has been shown to be recycled and flown back to Pakistan.
07:25So that is a very, very big claim.
07:26And especially considering that if the government rectifies the economy at this time,
07:30then the political turmoil that is going on may be reduced a little.
07:35Look, this is Mr. Daniyal's view.
07:38What I want to say is that the economy and the specialists who are working on it,
07:42the whole world is watching.
07:43People are watching and studying the economy of Pakistan.
07:46Where are the signs going?
07:48I will say this in defense of the government.
07:50I will definitely say this.
07:51Don't you see that the signs are getting better?
07:54Or are we getting such signs that we should be worried?
07:57Have we come out of that pit,
08:00which is inflation,
08:02which is after coming out of all this,
08:04which is the situation of Pakistan.
08:05The present situation that you are going through,
08:08on the borders, on the different,
08:10are you going towards betterment?
08:12Or is your crying and weeping left in the houses?
08:16Without a doubt, we are going towards betterment.
08:19And after enduring great losses,
08:23stability has been achieved.
08:26And now after achieving stability,
08:29you will climb the mountain.
08:30You will get better.
08:32The resources that we have,
08:34be it mines and mills,
08:36be it manpower,
08:38be it assets that we can send abroad,
08:41in the form of skilled labor,
08:43it should not be like this.
08:45But the problem is that it is just a verbal expenditure
08:49and the implementation is zero.
08:51Yes, we have seen this.
08:52You and our lives have gone through this.
08:54Now the problem is that the milk is burnt,
08:56the tea is also burnt.
08:57That is why our trust does not go so fast.
08:59And because the headache is so severe
09:01that even if there is a little bit of relief,
09:03people think that it is the same as before.
09:05This is natural.
09:06There is nothing like this.
09:07Because the way you are going,
09:15and the seriousness you are demonstrating,
09:19things will go towards betterment.
09:21And because of this,
09:22your challenges will also increase.
09:24We will wait and watch.
09:25One more thing.
09:26All those mafias,
09:28be it diesel smugglers,
09:30be it narcotics smugglers,
09:32be it smugglers who sell 2 numbers of fertilizers,
09:34be it anything they do,
09:36they have started to have issues.
09:40They had a good time.
09:42You and I did not have a good time.
09:44The legitimate businessmen did not have a good time.
09:46There was no foreign investment.
09:48Because they were making so much money in Pakistan,
09:50be it the narcotics smugglers.
09:52So when they started to have issues,
09:54and their problems started,
09:56be it those who make 2 numbers of cigarettes,
09:58they started to have issues.
10:00So when they started to have issues,
10:02and they started to be asked,
10:04legitimate things are being done.
10:06I am very hopeful.
10:08I am optimistic.
10:10God willing, this will happen.
10:12But we will discuss and delve into this topic some other time.
10:14Now let us come to political instability.
10:16For a long time,
10:18Imran Khan said that if he leaves the government,
10:20he will become more dangerous.
10:22And he was seen to be more dangerous.
10:24For himself.
10:26He is saying that our popularity is on the rise.
10:28We are aware of it.
10:30Popularity is a different thing.
10:32But the losses they have incurred,
10:34there was no reason for them to go to this extent.
10:38if someone goes to ask
10:40if all their slogans are being served
10:42for their voters,
10:44for their people,
10:46they have put it in a dilemma.
10:48What should they have done?
10:50The leader's job is to
10:52save his people,
10:54take them in his arms,
10:56but not to let them reach others.
10:58Whatever has happened,
11:00and what is happening,
11:02it has turned upside down.
11:04For example,
11:06if this mandate
11:08had not increased so much,
11:10then what was the need
11:12to do all this?
11:14The establishment also wants
11:16Pakistan to be successful.
11:18If it had come in their shape,
11:20they would have blocked their way.
11:22They have come to the stage of negotiations.
11:24Earlier, they used to say that
11:26they do not want to sit with them.
11:28I think it would have been better
11:30if they had negotiated.
11:32The people who are saying
11:34that the condition of inflation
11:36has reduced,
11:38but the people who have been
11:40suppressed under the mountain
11:42of inflation for the past five years,
11:44they do not see any light in it.
11:46Do you really expect
11:48the people of Pakistan to talk?
11:50I think they should have done it.
11:52If the people want to cry for themselves,
11:54then what will the people
11:56of the democracy
11:58get from the negotiations?
12:00They should have said
12:02that the five-year mountain
12:04has fallen on the people.
12:06Even today, the state bank
12:08is showing a rate of 5% to 7%.
12:10If you show a rate of 5% to 7%
12:12in the rest of the world,
12:14it will be a disgrace.
12:16Should they not keep
12:18a rate of inflation?
12:20This is just a dream.
12:22I want to tell you
12:24that we are economists
12:26and we know this.
12:28The laws of Pakistan
12:30also testify to this.
12:32Inflation does not happen,
12:34it is done.
12:36If it is being done,
12:38then it is in your control.
12:40If you read the reports
12:42of the monetary policy committee
12:44of the state bank,
12:46they are saying that
12:48inflation is being controlled.
12:54The planning commission
12:56has set a target of 12%
12:58for inflation this year.
13:02The figures of the state bank
13:04are from 11.5% to 13.5%.
13:08If you look at the IMF,
13:10at the end of June,
13:12they have set a target of 10%.
13:14This is a double-digit figure.
13:16I am telling you
13:18that people may not
13:20be aware of this,
13:22but Bloomberg, Fitch,
13:26Asian Development Bank,
13:28World Bank, IMF,
13:30our own state bank,
13:32the planning commission,
13:34they have not revised it.
13:36They are saying that inflation
13:38will be in double digits in June.
13:40If it does not happen,
13:42then how has the state bank
13:44of Pakistan made this plan
13:46that we have set a target
13:48of 5% to 7%.
13:50This is a big injustice.
13:52We have come to a single-digit figure
13:54in September,
13:56last year, on inflation.
13:58But if this is proved right,
14:00that we will go into double-digit
14:02in the middle of this year,
14:04in inflation.
14:06Inflation is only increased
14:08when the economy is boosting
14:10but here the economy
14:12is not moving fast.
14:14On one hand, there is economic instability
14:16and on the other hand,
14:18political instability.
14:20The government has its hands full.
14:22No, no, the government is
14:24facing challenges.
14:26The government is facing
14:285 years of devastation
14:30from 2018 onwards.
14:32The government has to
14:34carry all the burden.
14:36So the government
14:38is facing challenges
14:40and the challenges are increasing.
14:42We have said this before
14:44that chaos has reached
14:46such a level
14:48that there is only one way
14:50to get rid of chaos.
14:52Who among us?
14:54Everyone, all of us.
14:56PTI says you should get well,
14:58the establishment should get well,
15:00you say PTI should get well.
15:02No, no, PTI's claims are
15:04neither legitimate nor justified.
15:06In 2018, after establishing
15:08the government, he came out
15:10of vote of no confidence
15:12and threatened to become
15:14more dangerous.
15:16He blows himself up.
15:18I am sorry, I am cutting you short.
15:20But do you agree with this?
15:22I see something else.
15:26I see that his popularity
15:28was very low during
15:30the time of his government.
15:32His MNAs and MPAs used to say
15:34No, no, no.
15:38his political capital was spent.
15:40Populism, his populist approach
15:42was based on which he came
15:44into the government in 2018.
15:46Now he had to deliver,
15:48his party had to deliver.
15:50The thing that we are facing,
15:52people have gone back to him.
15:54It is like the effect of colonialism
15:56on the oppressed.
15:58Whoever is oppressed,
16:00even if he has killed 10 people,
16:02how will he end the tag of oppression?
16:04The tag of oppression will end
16:06like Mr. Daniyal said,
16:08the condition of poverty will
16:10stop and inflation will end.
16:12Now there is a focus on two things.
16:14Inflation will end and people
16:16will have a better life.
16:18I say focus on three things
16:20and law and order will be better.
16:22I would like to add one more thing
16:24that the youth, our children
16:26have become useless.
16:28No, no, no. Majority is.
16:30No, no, no.
16:34Point noted.
16:36I tell majority.
16:38My area is full of minerals.
16:40Mines and minerals.
16:42If no one takes advantage of it,
16:44then the children will sit
16:46and play hollywood.
16:48What will they do?
16:50They will dig with their hands.
16:52You have easy mining here.
16:54You can work as a tractor.
16:56You can go,
16:58but if you work,
17:00who will create ease for them?
17:04We had to do it.
17:06If not, and today we started
17:08walking in that direction.
17:10Now we have started walking in the direction.
17:12We are not going here and there.
17:14No, you have not only made
17:16its direction,
17:18you have made a policy for it
17:20and you are walking in that direction.
17:22When you walk, things will be better.
17:24We have seen this in the field
17:26that your things have started getting better.
17:28The five-year load was not a little load.
17:30So things will be fine.
17:32The second point you gave,
17:34you were talking about political turmoil.
17:36Are you ending political turmoil?
17:40Someone asked me the approach of populism.
17:42He said, sit like this.
17:44He said, it is popular.
17:46He said, I am talking about politicians.
17:48I said, Maulana Fazal Rehman Khan is the most popular.
17:50All together,
17:52standing at his door.
17:54PTI also went and stood like this.
17:56They have no way for us.
17:58Populism is what?
18:00Populism is a game.
18:02Why is populism popular?
18:04Because you have more rating.
18:06Ask PTI to hold a meeting of Maulana Fazal Rehman.
18:08Ask Maulana Fazal Rehman.
18:10He is also popular politically.
18:12Okay, I got your point.
18:14Mr. Daniyal, tell me the way forward.
18:16One or two months are very crucial for Pakistan.
18:18These are not normal months
18:20in which economically and politically
18:22the situation can get worse.
18:24Prime Minister also went to UAE.
18:26And you know,
18:28when we need something, we go to UAE.
18:30Do you think Pakistan is getting something?
18:32I think they have
18:34made a lot of efforts.
18:36Look, I am telling you,
18:38you cannot deny the international system.
18:40No matter how many ceremonies you have,
18:42or not.
18:44And the IMF documents,
18:46the job of IMF is
18:48to see how many
18:50jobs are available, how much you have to spend,
18:52and how much gap is there.
18:54They have to finance that so that you can stabilize.
18:56And according to the IMF documents,
18:58this year Pakistan's
19:00foreign direct investment
19:02growth is
19:04less than
19:061% of GDP.
19:08So if you look at that,
19:10on which they have made an entire international program,
19:12then I think it is
19:14quite disappointing.
19:16And I am surprised that
19:18how do you think foreign direct investment
19:20is going to come?
19:22When your own financial intermediation sector,
19:24which is banking, leasing,
19:26or insurance sector,
19:28is not ready to take a position in Pakistan.
19:30You know,
19:32the gross fixed capital formation
19:34that is coming from our banking system,
19:36is almost zero.
19:38One big reason is that the government
19:40has taken all the money in the loan.
19:42And the second big reason is that
19:44these cars do not come out of leasing.
19:46They are not ready to take exposure.
19:48They are risk averse.
19:50The project finance
19:52has not been in Pakistan
19:54since Ishrat Hussain and Shaukat Aziz.
19:56Is it the government's fault?
19:58Of course, they did not give any indication
20:00as to where you want to take Pakistan.
20:02The banking sector
20:04has not been discussed
20:06with them in any way.
20:08By the way, they did give an indication.
20:10That day the Governor of the State Bank
20:12was sitting in Pakistan.
20:14The Governor of the State Bank said
20:16that you have been made autonomous.
20:18I am not in favour of this.
20:20But the previous government
20:22has done something of its own.
20:24No, you have made me autonomous.
20:26I do not speak against it.
20:28I think it is their function.
20:30But what have they done
20:32by being autonomous?
20:34They have taken off the skin
20:36of Pakistan.
20:38The State Bank of Pakistan.
20:40Inflation has increased by 38%.
20:42When does it increase?
20:44It means that when inflation
20:46happened in Pakistan,
20:48the real problem happened 12 months ago.
20:50At that time, it was Raza Bakar.
20:52During the PTI period.
20:54Yes, during the PTI period.
20:56Instead of punishing them,
20:58they were made consultants again.
21:00This is the government.
21:02They are all together.
21:04It is interesting that
21:06even before he came,
21:08it was known that he would come
21:10because he was independent
21:12on the government's money.
21:14Dhanayal is a businessman.
21:16The banks of Sialkot must be doing
21:18a good job.
21:20Faisalabad has a lot of business.
21:22Banking is not dependent on people.
21:24People are dependent on the black market.
21:26It is possible that someone
21:28has hidden dollars under the house.
21:30Sharaswati is at a place
21:32where people say,
21:34what is the need?
21:36If I am getting money above 21%,
21:38I will buy 10 plots.
21:42The whole world has gone on these things.
21:44How do we fix it?
21:46How do we identify the problems?
21:48If we want to fix the problem,
21:50we can.
21:52If Anika can do a show
21:54at an international level,
21:56can't Pakistan do it?
21:58We can do it.
22:00Sialkot is the city of Pakistan.
22:02Sialkot is the city of Pakistan.
22:04Why do you think that the world's
22:06best businesses are happening there?
22:08Why do you think?
22:10If Sialkot can do it in Pakistan,
22:12can't the whole of Pakistan do it?
22:14The government has to do
22:16the ease of doing business.
22:18If you keep taking money
22:20from the banks,
22:22won't the banks get an incentive
22:24to give loans to the businessmen?
22:26When you identify the things,
22:28they will finish it.
22:30When you said that we have to
22:32bring Sharaswati down and
22:34people have to get out of
22:36DHA and Bahria
22:38and plot investments,
22:40they will work.
22:42I am saying again,
22:44why can't the small and medium
22:46industries work in Sialkot?
22:48Why can't it work in my district?
22:50Why can't it work in Quetta?
22:52Why can't it work in Kuwait?
22:54We have equal things.
22:56I will tell you.
22:58One is the security issues.
23:00The industries in Balochistan
23:02This is a three pronged challenge.
23:04Economy, politics and security.
23:32Time is up.
23:34One small comment.
23:36I just want to say that
23:38until you take all the money
23:40from the banks,
23:42nothing can be done.
23:44Thank you very much.
23:46After the break,
23:48Mr. Marwad is with us.
23:50See you after the break.
23:52Welcome back after the break.
23:54Before the break,
23:56we were talking about the
23:58political situation in Pakistan.
24:00Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
24:02or to be precise, Mr. Imran Khan.
24:04People are talking about
24:06Mr. Imran Khan coming out.
24:08Mr. Hamid Raza is saying
24:10that it is time for us to smile.
24:12Some are saying that
24:14Mr. Imran Khan is coming out by March.
24:16Some are saying that
24:18after January 31st,
24:20it will be easy for us.
24:22Mr. Marwad is with us.
24:24Thank you Mr. Marwad
24:26for joining me in the program.
24:28We will take Mr. Imran Khan out
24:30through the political
24:32and judicial efforts.
24:34Negotiations are taking place.
24:36Our aim is to
24:38have Mr. Imran Khan
24:40as a political prisoner.
24:42At the same time,
24:44politics is also going on.
24:46The call for remittances
24:48is on hold.
24:50Hold on?
24:52Mr. Khan has already given the call.
24:54No one stopped him.
24:56Mr. Khan has already said
24:58that he will not
25:00stop anyone
25:02as per his convenience.
25:04The decision will be made
25:06after the complete
25:08remittance by-card call.
25:10We hope that this will not happen.
25:12The negotiations
25:14will be conducted
25:16in a good way.
25:18Mr. Marwad, please explain to me
25:20that you are saying that
25:22we will take Mr. Imran Khan out
25:24as a political prisoner.
25:26You have been trying to do this
25:28for a long time.
25:30In the negotiations,
25:32you had to give written demands
25:34to Mr. Jain.
25:36The government is waiting
25:38for you to give written demands
25:40to Mr. Jain.
25:42But you are not giving
25:44written demands.
25:46What is this?
25:48They already knew
25:50that there are two demands.
25:52It was not required
25:54to give written demands.
25:56The PTI had said that
25:58they will give written demands.
26:00What do they know?
26:02The entire nation knows
26:04that there are two demands.
26:06So, they have to give written demands.
26:08There should not be any harm
26:10in giving written demands.
26:12In fact, the preparations
26:14should have been made
26:16before the 2nd.
26:18But the PTI leadership
26:20has decided that
26:22there can be political
26:24or legal consequences.
26:26What can be the legal
26:28and political consequences?
26:30For example,
26:32the government mandate
26:34has been stolen.
26:36They can say that
26:38you have demanded
26:40from the government
26:42which you do not
26:44consider legitimate.
26:46There can be political
26:48or legal consequences.
26:50But you are right
26:52that once we sit
26:54at the table of negotiations
26:56and the world knows
26:58that these are our demands
27:00then there should not
27:02be any harm
27:04in giving written demands.
27:06So, the meeting
27:08that took place
27:10this time
27:12is a meeting
27:14where the PTI
27:16should not interfere.
27:18So, the meeting
27:20will take place on Monday?
27:22Yes, Inshallah.
27:24The deadline given
27:26for the negotiations
27:28is January 31st.
27:30If the PTI is delaying
27:32then how will things be solved?
27:34I think that
27:36if these demands
27:38are taken seriously
27:40then the matter
27:42will be in the court of the government.
27:44We have to decide
27:46what we have demanded.
27:48We have not demanded
27:50what they could not give us.
27:52The government has shown
27:54a lot of hesitation.
27:56The PTI has shown a lot of hesitation.
27:58We have not demanded
28:00the recovery of the mandate
28:02because we know
28:04that they cannot give it
28:06and they will not give it.
28:08We have not demanded
28:10the cancellation
28:12of the elections
28:14because we know
28:16that the government
28:18is not giving them
28:20the right to do so.
28:22We have not demanded
28:24the cancellation
28:26of the elections
28:28because we know
28:30that they cannot give it
28:32and they will not give it.
28:34We have not demanded
28:36the cancellation
28:38of the elections
28:40because we know
28:42that they cannot give it.
28:44We have not demanded
28:46the cancellation
28:48of the elections
28:50because we know
28:52that they cannot give it.
28:54We have not demanded
28:56the cancellation
28:58of the elections
29:00because we know
29:02that they cannot give it.
29:04We have not demanded
29:06the cancellation
29:08of the elections
29:10because we know
29:12that they cannot give it.
29:14We have not demanded
29:16the cancellation
29:18of the elections
29:20because we know
29:22that they cannot give it.
29:24We have not demanded
29:26the cancellation
29:28of the elections
29:30because we know
29:32that they cannot give it.
29:34We have not demanded
29:36the cancellation
29:38of the elections
29:40because we know
29:42that they cannot give it.
29:44We have not demanded
29:46the cancellation
29:48of the elections
29:50because we know
29:52that they cannot give it.
29:54We have not demanded
29:56the cancellation
29:58of the elections
30:00because we know
30:02that they cannot give it.
30:04We have not demanded
30:06the cancellation
30:08of the elections
30:10because we know
30:12that they cannot give it.
30:14We have not demanded
30:16the cancellation
30:18of the elections
30:20because we know
30:22that they cannot give it.
30:24We have not demanded
30:26the cancellation
30:28of the elections
30:30because we know
30:32that they cannot give it.
30:42Marwa sahab,
30:46the facts in front of the cameras
30:48is the government negotiating team
30:50is praising PTI
30:52and the government
30:54is praising PTI,
30:56which is a good thing
30:58at least the environment was positive.
31:00that perhaps these negotiations will not be successful.
31:02Do you see this first phase of the negotiations being successful?
31:06I can see it. We have no other option with the government and the Pakistanis.
31:11Either we have to go back to the same, we have to see the politics of beatings,
31:16we have to see the politics of beatings, we have to see the politics of taunts,
31:20we have to see the politics of arrows and arrows, we have to see the political upheaval
31:24which has been going on in the country for two years and the Pakistanis are suffering.
31:27The system, business, real estate, textile, your entire industry has stopped.
31:33Even today I was seeing that Mian Shahbaz Sharif has again gone to the UAE to ask for it.
31:40So how long can the people survive by asking for it?
31:46But if for example in this phase nothing happens till 31st January, then what next Mr. Marwad?
31:54I think they are aware of both sides.
31:57Now we have to get this country out of this state of uncertainty and political instability.
32:05I have heard you say that you see the stage two of the negotiations and Mr. Khan will do it himself.
32:13Who will be in the stage two of the negotiations?
32:16Who will be sitting with the other party, Mr. Khan?
32:19I think that if you want to take the negotiations to the solution of the country's problems,
32:26this is not a problem of leaving the political prisoners,
32:29this is to make them capable of negotiating at the moment.
32:33So when they come out, they will sit.
32:35The real problems are of the government of Pakistan, of justice, of economy,
32:41and there is no roadmap for this.
32:43The system that is in place today, this is not a system.
32:48The system that was in place in 2018, Mr. Marwad?
32:50No, I am talking about two years ago.
32:52So it was fine before that?
32:54Before that there was no 26th January amendment.
32:57But before that there was a lot more, there was RTS.
33:00No, I am not talking about RTS.
33:02You are only talking about judiciary.
33:04No, I am talking about the system.
33:06If there was RTS at that time, as you said, then why are they not getting the RTS inquiry done in their time?
33:14That's a very valid question.
33:16That's a very important question, which the government should also answer.
33:19But tell me, Mr. Marwad, for example, all these things happen,
33:23the matter comes in a positive way, but then it gets stuck on a definition.
33:28Who are the political prisoners?
33:30One is the person who did a political speech,
33:34he was caught, he wrote a column, he was caught.
33:36One is the one who really broke things.
33:38Is he a political prisoner?
33:40The one who really broke things, the one who was punished by the army,
33:45he himself was released.
33:47So it was an appeal for forgiveness and mercy.
33:50No, what I am trying to say is that if he was a political prisoner,
33:54then he himself was released.
33:56It is not about forgiveness and mercy.
33:58The thing is that the people who are in prison,
34:01they are connected to a political action or crime.
34:06Whether it is burning roads, breaking things, slogans.
34:09Now let me give you my example.
34:11On 26th November, I was also accused of killing a ranger.
34:16Where this incident took place,
34:19the next day I joined this protest here in Islamabad.
34:23It took place on 26th November.
34:25I am giving an example.
34:27I received 15 FIRs on 26th November.
34:31I did nothing.
34:32I just stopped people from going further from China Chowk.
34:36So if these people go inside,
34:39then these are the people who are burnt.
34:42PTIE, you must have heard,
34:44Dr. Tarik Fazal Chaudhary was telling that
34:47our people from Noon were also put inside on 26th November
34:50and then we released them.
34:52So, when the work of the mosque happens,
34:55it was said that they come in the work of the mosque's gardener.
34:59So, in this situation,
35:01the people who are caught inside,
35:03they do the work of the mosque's gardener.
35:06Okay, let's go to the other side, Mr. Marwat.
35:08Let's talk about the internal affairs of Pakistan.
35:11If you want to bring Mr. Khan out,
35:13then you have to do it in a legal way.
35:15In the legal team,
35:17if it is just the legal team of the PTIE,
35:20then it is a different matter.
35:23I remember there was an audio leak of Ms. Aleema Khan.
35:26And there was a talk of Ms. Bushra's interference in legal matters.
35:30And now this thing has come out.
35:32The ILF, Insaaf Lawyers Forum,
35:36they have clearly said that there is such a thing.
35:39Do you think that now you can say that
35:41Ms. Bushra is not a part of politics,
35:43when she is also a part of politics,
35:45and also a part of law,
35:46and she has interference in all this?
35:48I want to say one thing very clearly.
35:52Pakistan Tariq Insaaf's worker,
35:54leader, parliamentarian,
35:56believes that Khan is the leader.
35:59Khan's family,
36:01this is not a small matter,
36:03that Maryam Bibi became the leader,
36:05after Mian Sahib,
36:06then it will be the turn of Junaid Sabdar,
36:08and here is Hamza Shahbaz.
36:10We can never believe this,
36:12nor do we have this conscience.
36:14Our leader is Khan.
36:16And apart from Khan,
36:18if his family is playing a role in Khan's release,
36:21good enough.
36:23But Mr. Marwad,
36:24the problem is that
36:25if it is not just a matter of politics,
36:27if it is just a matter of release,
36:29then it is a different matter.
36:30Despite Khan's insistence,
36:32Bushra Bibi had brought her to D-Chowk.
36:34She was a role in politics,
36:35and now a new role has come out.
36:37Do you consider Bushra Bibi as a leader?
36:40I told you, my leader is Khan.
36:42Who all do you consider?
36:44If I ask you in PTI,
36:46who will you follow,
36:48who will you agree to,
36:50who will you trust?
36:52Khan is our founding chairman.
36:54He is my leader.
36:56After Khan,
36:58our elected chairman is
37:00Barrister Gore.
37:02I trust him.
37:04Third is CMKP,
37:06Ali Amin Khan.
37:08I talk to all three of them.
37:10I don't have any other leader,
37:12apart from him.
37:14I don't listen to anyone else.
37:16Does the entire party believe this,
37:18or are there questions in the party?
37:20Tell me honestly.
37:22No, no.
37:24I have my own point of view.
37:26It is a bit complicated.
37:28It might not be good for PTI
37:30to have a lot of independent leaders.
37:32But I am this.
37:34I believe in all three of them.
37:36You believe in all three of them,
37:38and the rest on the other side as well?
37:40No, I have left the rest.
37:44you are talking about Ali Amin Ghandapur.
37:46Allama Nasir has said something about him.
37:48Listen to that.
37:50It is a very important statement.
37:52Believe me,
37:54this issue could have been resolved in a week.
37:56But because of their incompetence,
38:02the government and the local administration,
38:04all of them have been negligent.
38:06Even Rameh Wazirullah,
38:08the KBKCM,
38:10they do not know
38:12how much loss
38:14they will cause to the movement
38:16of justice in Pakistan.
38:18They just want power.
38:20They are people who do power politics.
38:24Mr. Marwat, they are your allies.
38:26And these are the allies
38:28who are in the Muzakirati team.
38:30They are saying about Ali Amin Ghandapur
38:32that he has brought us to a very wrong place
38:34and it is only a matter of power politics.
38:36How do you justify this?
38:38I cannot support what Allama Nasir has said.
38:40Allama Nasir has said
38:42that there are people
38:44of his sect
38:46and there is a team
38:48involved in this issue.
38:50And they are saying
38:52to gather
38:54their sympathies
38:58they do not have the right
39:00to criticize Ali Amin Ghandapur.
39:02Why is that?
39:04We are allies.
39:06We will start
39:08criticizing each other.
39:10Khan gave two seats
39:12to us in Punjab.
39:14One seat to him
39:16and one seat to a lawyer.
39:18And after this,
39:20in the case of
39:22KP's government,
39:24the peace that
39:26has been established
39:28and the roads will be open in two days,
39:30the deputy commissioner
39:32of KP's government
39:34is saying that
39:36he has risked his life.
39:38The assistant commissioner
39:40and many other people have been injured.
39:42For what are they paying this price?
39:44Who are these people?
39:46So you reject Allama Nasir's statement?
39:48No, Allama Nasir...
39:50There is a lot of tension in the allies.
39:52No, no, if there will be such talks,
39:54no one will criticize
39:56Ali Amin Khan's government.
39:58This cannot be welcomed.
40:00What reaction will Ali Amin Ghandapur give to this?
40:02You will take this matter to him, won't you?
40:04What will he react?
40:06No, he doesn't need to speak on this.
40:08We are there.
40:10If there is any such thing
40:12regarding the party...
40:14What you have said is that
40:16if such criticism is done,
40:18matters can get worse,
40:20even with the allies.
40:22Do you consider this a warning or a threat?
40:24No, I can request.
40:26We respect Allama's
40:30We will not say that
40:32he is our enemy.
40:34We say that he is not our enemy.
40:36He gave us the helicopter
40:38and brought the students
40:40and the patients.
40:42He gave us medicines.
40:44The roads that were closed
40:46could have been opened.
40:48But the joint decision of the army
40:50and the military government
40:52was that we did not fire on the people
40:54in order to open the roads.
40:56Honestly, I and all the Pakistanis
40:58pray that the matter of Kurram
41:00is peacefully and amicably
41:02solved by all the parties.
41:04Thank you very much for joining me in the program.
41:06After the break, Allama will also be with us.
41:08See you after the break.
41:10Welcome back after the break.
41:12The matter of Kurram has become tense.
41:14There was a peace treaty.
41:16But after the peace treaty, there was an attack.
41:18Some perpetrators have been arrested
41:20regarding the attack.
41:22The investigation is going on very fast.
41:24Actions are also being taken.
41:26Allama Nasir Abbas's Kurram
41:28is still burning.
41:30It is very important to save it from burning.
41:32It is the responsibility of the
41:34provincial government
41:36along with the federal government
41:38and all the security agencies.
41:40Allama Nasir Abbas is with us.
41:42He is the head of the MWM.
41:44He is also a member of the Pakistan
41:46Movement for Justice.
41:48He is also a part of the discussion team.
41:50Allama is very vocal
41:52regarding the insincerity of the provincial government.
41:54Allama, thank you very much
41:56for joining me in the program.
41:58Allama, there is a peace treaty.
42:00After the peace treaty, there is an attack.
42:02If both the parties were ready
42:04regarding the peace treaty,
42:06which I have received
42:08a lot of contradictions.
42:10If they were ready, then what happened?
42:12These are the people who fight each other.
42:14They should be arrested.
42:16They should be punished.
42:18They should not be left open.
42:20But they kept getting
42:22deals and then
42:24they went to war.
42:26Then you saw how many Alawis were born.
42:28Then the roads were closed.
42:30Then it was said that they will sign the peace treaty
42:32or endorse it
42:34according to the committee
42:36and then the roads will be open.
42:38But homework is very important.
42:40The provincial government
42:42and the ministerial government
42:44are responsible.
42:46Wafaa is also responsible
42:48because the areas of Fatah
42:50have been occupied.
42:52But the infrastructure
42:54has not been built properly.
42:56The DC of one district
42:58is sitting in another district.
43:00The police are not capable
43:02to give security to the people
43:04or to fight the terrorists.
43:06That area is very strategic.
43:08The area of Fatah
43:10is surrounded by Afghanistan
43:12from three sides.
43:14What happened inside?
43:16On one side is Pakistan
43:18and on the other side
43:20is Afghanistan.
43:22If we see something bad today,
43:24it is because of the bad things
43:26that happened a few months ago.
43:28This road is very strategic.
43:30It is very important.
43:32The supply line to our border
43:34is from here.
43:36God forbid, if this road is not safe,
43:38who will be the first to be harmed?
43:40Our security personnel
43:42and our army will be harmed.
43:44Their supply line will be under fire.
43:46For the security of Pakistan,
43:48it is very important
43:50that the roads are safe.
43:52It is necessary for everyone.
43:54It is not just a government
43:56that should depend on the government.
43:58All the military personnel
44:00should work together
44:02and they can do it.
44:04Allama sahib, what you are saying
44:06is absolutely correct.
44:08I have just returned from
44:10Kurram and Parachinath.
44:12The situation is tense there
44:14Allama sahib, you have just said
44:16that the CM of KPK
44:18has brought this matter
44:20to a point
44:22where it is
44:24a crucial moment.
44:26You have also said
44:28that he is only involved
44:30in power politics.
44:32He is not concerned about this.
44:34It has been 12 years
44:36since the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
44:38has been in power.
44:40This matter has been going on
44:42for 12 years.
44:44Allama sahib,
44:46why has this matter
44:48not been solved politically?
44:50In Pakistan,
44:52the system is run
44:54on a dark basis.
44:56When a problem arises,
44:58it becomes a big problem.
45:00When I was young,
45:02I used to hear that the situation
45:04in Balochistan is bad
45:06and it will only get worse
45:08if it is not solved.
45:10We all went there
45:12to meet the people
45:14and make sure
45:16that the people
45:18are trusted.
45:20They should not feel
45:22that they will be killed
45:24because of their wrongdoings.
45:26They will kill us.
45:28There is fear among the people.
45:30If the people
45:32are trusted,
45:34then things can be solved.
45:36But when there is no
45:40when there is no safety
45:42in the safety of the people,
45:44when people die,
45:46when the road is open
45:48and the people
45:50are worried
45:52and killed,
45:54then what is this?
45:56This is a war crime.
45:58This is a war crime.
46:00The people who are being punished
46:02are fighting.
46:04I am with Imran Khan.
46:06I will support him till my last breath, but I will not accept his government's attitude.
46:14Mr. Allama, Mr. Marwad was here a while ago, I also made him listen to your clip.
46:19He says that Mr. Allama is our ally, he should not give such statements,
46:24because of which there can be a lot of tension.
46:27Can an ally speak about something right?
46:31See, you think for yourself.
46:34I have said before that I will be loyal to Imran Khan, I will give my life,
46:39but I will not back down.
46:41But it is not their responsibility to bring peace in these areas,
46:44to solve these issues, not to let them progress.
46:46After all, whoever is the government, whatever will be done,
46:50who will be harmed? The PTI will be harmed.
46:52People ask me, they ask us, why is this happening?
46:56What answer should I give to people?
46:58I understand your emotions.
47:00I will speak the truth, I will speak the truth.
47:02I am with Imran Khan on the basis of truth.
47:05For freedom, for justice and for justice, I am with him.
47:08When their roads will be closed, their freedom will not be on their heads.
47:12There will be oppression and injustice.
47:14Imran Khan has risen for justice, for freedom, for real freedom, I am with him.
47:19But his friends, they will have their own problems and difficulties.
47:23But I don't understand, that after such a long time,
47:27we have become so careless.
47:30I accept that the entire KPK is facing difficulties in terms of peace and security.
47:35Our Afghanistan border has been disturbed.
47:37There are a lot of terrorist attacks there.
47:40People are being killed, our forces are being killed.
47:42I know everything.
47:44Despite this, there is a need to make an effort.
47:46And something can be done.
47:49Despite the difficulties, the government has a lot of problems and opportunities.
47:53Mr. Allama, I spoke to some people from Parachinar.
47:56They said that if a 40-kilometer patch of Bagan is widened and made like a motorway,
48:03where cars can go fast,
48:05then this will become a big obstacle in the attack.
48:09Because there is a slow and broken road there.
48:11Because of that, these people get a chance.
48:14This is the work of the provincial government.
48:17Did you see this?
48:19Look, I spoke to the minister.
48:23He said that to make this road safe,
48:26not just 400 people, but the police are forcing them.
48:28They are increasing the force.
48:30There will be retired commanders,
48:32and good, well-trained people.
48:34They have kept money for development, roads, check posts.
48:37They have said that they have done everything.
48:39It is correct, isn't it?
48:41They have also promised.
48:43The decision of the Apex Committee has also been written.
48:45A lot has been written.
48:46If there is implementation on this,
48:48a lot of things will be better, I think.
48:50Mr. Allama, you will meet tomorrow,
48:53or after that of the negotiating team.
48:55Will you raise the issue of Kurram
48:57and your discontent with the provincial government,
49:00the KPK government, in front of Mr. Imran Khan?
49:05First of all, I have already spoken to Mr. Imran Khan.
49:08We have met before.
49:10We want implementation.
49:12If people start getting relief there,
49:14our discontent will end.
49:16If people get relief,
49:18we want implementation.
49:20Mr. Imran Khan himself asks.
49:22We were not there.
49:24When we spoke to the lawyer,
49:26he also said that the issue of Kurram should be resolved.
49:28Whenever we meet him or not,
49:30he has shown his sensitivity on the issue of Kurram
49:32and said that this issue should be resolved.
49:34He speaks and talks, Mr. Imran Khan.
49:36Even now, he will go and ask what has happened.
49:39Mr. Allama, thank you very much.
49:41This is a very sensitive issue.
49:43I wish that this matter is resolved immediately.
49:45All stakeholders, especially the provincial government,
49:48should play a very important role.
49:50Those who are trying should also amp up.
49:52Thank you very much, Mr. Allama.
49:54You have joined us.
49:56Let's end our program with this prayer.
49:58May Allah make this new year a year of peace and security for Pakistan.
50:03Allah Hafiz.
