• 2 months ago
Returnable Plots Registration in Amaravati : రాజధాని అమరావతి నిర్మాణ పనులను తిరిగి ప్రారంభిస్తున్న తరుణంలో ఎలాంటి సాంకేతిక సమస్యలు తలెత్తకూడదని ప్రభుత్వం భావిస్తోంది. రాజధానికి భూములిచ్చిన రైతులకు రిటర్నబుల్‌ ప్లాట్లను వీలైనంత త్వరగా అప్పగించాలని నిర్ణయించింది. తమ తమ రిటర్న్‌బుల్‌ ప్లాట్లు రిజిస్ట్రేషన్‌ చేయించుకోవాలంటూ అధికారులు అన్నదాతలకు లేఖలు పంపుతున్నారు. ఈ మేరకు ప్రత్యేకంగా ఆహ్వాన పత్రికలు కూడా ముద్రించారు.


00:00The government is concerned that the government should not bring up any technical issues in the process of restarting the construction of Rajadhani Amaravathi.
00:09The government has decided to hand over the returnable plots to the farmers who have given land to Rajadhani Amaravathi.
00:15Authorities are sending letters to the farmers to register their returnable plots.
00:20The government has also sent invitations to the farmers.
00:23The government is inviting the farmers to register their returnable plots.
00:29Authorities are asking for the government's cooperation to complete the Amaravathi Amaravathi project.
00:35Many farmers have given land to Amaravathi Amaravathi.
00:38We need to get the land registered.
00:40Many people are coming from America, Germany and other countries.
00:45Some people are coming from Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
00:48We are ready to register your returnable plots.
00:53We will register your returnable plots from 10.30 am to 6.00 pm.
00:58If you register your returnable plots with your original document and your Aadhar card details,
01:05we will hand over the original document to you.
01:09This will boost your confidence and trust.
01:19Some people were not able to register their returnable plots due to various reasons.
01:23Farmers were not able to register their returnable plots due to the removal of Amaravathi Amaravathi.
01:28Registrations have been opened with the help of the Kootami government.
01:32Almost 3000 returnable plots have been registered during this period.
01:36In connection with 9 villages in Rajadhani Parithilam,
01:39the CRDA has organized a registration process.
01:45Farmers are protesting against the CRDA's request to register their returnable plots.
01:53In the past, the CRDA has asked us to register our plots.
01:59But no one registered our returnable plots.
02:05Now, the Kootami government is completing the registration process very quickly.
02:11We are very happy to receive this invitation letter.
02:19Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, Mr. Lokesh, Mr. Pavanakalyan,
02:23the people of Rajadhani and Amaravathi want to register their returnable plots as soon as possible.
02:31When will you register your returnable plots?
02:35Amaravathi will prosper.
02:37Our dream will come true.
02:40All the farmers who do not register their plots should register their plots.
02:45The CRDA has said that Amaravathi will prosper only if we register our plots.
02:52Let us all contribute in this way.
02:55We do not know how to express our happiness in this invitation letter.
03:01Let us all register our plots.
03:04Let us contribute as much as we can.
03:08The CRDA has decided to complete the registration of the returnable plots in the next 100 days.
