• 2 months ago
La vipère cornue du Sahara est un serpent rusé qui se fond parfaitement dans le sable, la rendant presque invisible. Elle se cache juste sous la surface, laissant une petite marque dans le sable, alors si vous en voyez une—courez ! Bien que son venin ne soit pas mortel pour les humains, il peut provoquer de sérieuses douleurs, des gonflements et d'autres symptômes désagréables que vous voudrez certainement éviter. Ce serpent est un maître de l'embuscade, guettant les lézards et les rongeurs qui s'approchent trop près. Ses "cornes" au-dessus de ses yeux lui donnent un air féroce, mais elles pourraient en fait aider à protéger ses yeux du sable rude du désert. Donc, si vous explorez le Sahara et que vous apercevez quelque chose d'inhabituel dans le sable, il vaut mieux rester à l'écart—mieux vaut prévenir que guérir ! Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00You are walking in the Sahara desert, and all you see around you are dunes out of sight.
00:07And then, all of a sudden, you see this mark in the sand.
00:11The wisest thing to do is to flee this place as quickly as possible.
00:16Because if you close your eyes and concentrate well,
00:19you will realize that it is a viper waiting for its next meal, well hidden in the sand.
00:27Paradoxically, the bite of this snake has never led to man's death.
00:31But then, why run away? Let's find out.
00:36The viper is one of the most famous snakes in the desert, and a true pro of concealment.
00:43The non-scientific Serast Serast of this snake is one of the best camouflaged creatures of all the animal kingdom.
00:52It can measure between 30 and 60 centimeters in length on average,
00:56but the largest specimens can reach 84 centimeters, or almost a meter.
01:02Even if it doesn't seem super long to you, believe me,
01:05you wouldn't want one of these animals to sneak behind you.
01:09It is interesting to note that the females of this species are larger than the males,
01:13which is rare among snakes, and gives them an even more intimidating presence.
01:19But what is really unique about this viper are of course its horns,
01:23frightening, one above each eye.
01:26It gives this reptile a dragon look, and distinguishes it from most other desert vipers.
01:32All the Sahara vipers do not have these horns.
01:35Some have some kind of little buttons, and others nothing at all,
01:39depending on what genetics has decided to give each one.
01:42Nevertheless, these horns reinforce the menacing aspect of the viper and make it even more formidable.
01:47But it is not only the horns or the size that make these creatures so fascinating.
01:53Males and females have other differences than their size.
01:56The head and eyes of the males are much larger than those of the females.
02:01And compared to their close relatives, the Serastes gaspereti,
02:05these Sahara horned vipers have a big head,
02:08and are more likely to have these frightening horns.
02:11Now let's talk about what makes the horned viper a real master of survival.
02:15Its amazing ability to hide in the sand.
02:18The color of this viper corresponds to the different shades of the Sahara,
02:22yellow, gray pale, pink, reddish and light brown.
02:26Its back has a complex pattern, with dark semi-rectangular spots
02:31that sometimes merge to form transverse bars.
02:34At the same time, the lower belly is white, and the tail often has a black end.
02:39It's a trick.
02:41Some animals can confuse this feature with a scorpion dart.
02:46This camouflage is the main form of defense of the viper and its best hunting tool.
02:51This reptile is not content to slip quickly out of sight.
02:55It dives into the sand.
02:57It can shake its body under the sand of the desert,
03:00leaving only its eyes and nostrils.
03:04Imagine such a skillful creature to hide,
03:07that it just has to lie down to disappear almost completely.
03:10And then watch the mouse, the lizard or the man who would pass by without suspecting anything.
03:15During the day, the viper usually hides under rocks
03:19and in burrows dug by other animals.
03:22Sometimes, it just hides in the shade of the bushes.
03:26For such a ferocious-looking creature, the horned viper of the Sahara is surprisingly calm.
03:31It will not waste its venom if it can avoid the threat,
03:35preferring to remain still or hide.
03:38But when it feels really threatened,
03:40it gives a really spectacular warning.
03:43It rubs its spines against each other,
03:45producing a whistling and a characteristic crackling
03:48that tells you that it is ready to strike.
03:53And if you ignore this warning,
03:55the bite of this viper is loaded with a toxic venom that can be very dangerous.
04:02This is why manipulating such a snake can be a fatal mistake,
04:06as discovered by two unfortunate amateurs in Europe.
04:09Our two friends were bitten by horned vipers in captivity
04:12and the bites caused extreme swelling,
04:15blood clotting problems,
04:17and even renal failure.
04:20The venom contained in these bites contains special compounds
04:24that disturb blood clotting,
04:26attack the kidneys,
04:27and can cause serious internal hemorrhages.
04:30There is an effective anti-venom,
04:33but it is clear that the bite of the horned viper of the Sahara
04:36is not to be taken lightly.
04:39Here is another surprising fact about this reptile.
04:42When it moves,
04:43the horned viper of the Sahara does not glide as usual.
04:47Instead, it uses a unique style called lateral displacement.
04:52The animal raises a loop of its body,
04:54moves it forward,
04:56and then pulls the rest behind it.
04:58This lateral movement allows the snake to move on the hot sand
05:02without its belly touching the ground for too long.
05:05In a place as scorching as the Sahara,
05:08this technique is not only cool,
05:10it is essential to its survival.
05:12If the horned viper is the champion of camouflage in a desert environment,
05:17it has serious competitors in other landscapes.
05:20All over the world,
05:21all kinds of snakes have perfected the art of melting in their environment
05:26to catch their prey and avoid being devoured themselves.
05:30This is the case of the brown snake,
05:32an Australian snake,
05:34and one of the most venomous in the world.
05:36Its color allows it to hide in rocks and the ground,
05:39which makes it extremely difficult to spot,
05:42until you are practically in front of it.
05:45A bite of this snake can be fatal in less than an hour.
05:48Or the copper-headed moccasin,
05:50which can be found in the US forests.
05:53The pale and pink colors of this snake
05:55match perfectly with the autumn leaves.
05:58It often hides instead of fleeing,
06:01which leads to many accidental bites.
06:04Its venom is generally not deadly,
06:06but it is painful,
06:07and as this reptile hides very well,
06:09encounters are frequent.
06:11The Angolan and Namibian viper
06:14likes to hide in the sand like the Sahara horned viper.
06:18It mainly feeds on lizards,
06:20and its sand-colored scales make it almost invisible.
06:23Fortunately, its bite is not too dangerous for humans.
06:27Now look at this terrifying creature.
06:30It's the wood snake.
06:32This snake lives in the luxurious forests of the United States
06:35and uses its colors to melt in the forest vegetation.
06:39You may not see it,
06:41but if you hear its click,
06:43step back a few steps,
06:44because its venom is powerful.
06:46The Pacific Gopher Snake,
06:48found on the west coast of the United States,
06:50can measure up to 2 meters in length.
06:53What is good about this reptile,
06:55is that it is not venomous.
06:57It hides well in forests and fields,
07:00but it is harmless to humans.
07:02Just don't be afraid of it,
07:04because its bite is still painful.
07:07In the rocky fields of California and Oregon,
07:10you may meet the West Cretaceous,
07:13which likes to melt in dark brown and golden rocks.
07:17Its ring is often the only warning you will receive from it.
07:22The following snakes are not particularly dangerous,
07:26but they are unparalleled masters of camouflage.
07:29The green color hides perfectly in leaves and grass,
07:34and it is generally invisible to unnoticed walkers.
07:38The Viper Pelliade likes to hide in leaves and bushes.
07:42As for the harmless Striped Cougar,
07:45it knows how to melt in the ground and the base of vegetation.
07:48Do not forget that even if all these snakes are not venomous,
07:51they can still give you a painful bite.
07:54Of course, I can not not mention the huge reticulated python.
07:58Even if it can reach more than 6.5 meters long,
08:01this snake from South Asia is an expert
08:04when it comes to hiding in leaves and in the shade.
08:07It is one of the only snakes known to occasionally hunt humans.
08:10So be careful on its territory.
08:13In nature, snakes like the Horned Viper of the Sahara
08:16camouflage themselves to hunt and avoid being hunted.
08:20They can hide in leaves, sand or rocks,
08:24but in any case, it is always for a very specific purpose
08:27that evolution has given them this unparalleled talent.
08:31The Desert Viper hides to stay cool and catch its prey,
08:35while the snakes of the forests melt in the mass
08:39to hunt in silence and avoid humans.
08:43For them, staying hidden is not just a matter of survival,
08:47it is a considerable advantage.
08:49So, the next time you go hiking,
08:52do not forget that you could meet one of these hunters.
08:55They watch you with calm and frightening patience.
08:58And yes, have fun!
