Film Title: Sesh Belay Tumi
Director: Pranab Kr Nath
Film Type: Short Film
Genre: Drama, Sad Romantic
Location: Sabroom, Tripura, India
Screenplay: Pranab Kr Nath, Nisha Deb
Cast: Pranab Kr Nath, Nisha Deb, Pranoy Roy, Sonali Nama
Cinematography: Viraj Shil
Music Director: Tapas Dhar
Music Arrangement: Karjon Roy
Release Date: 23 October 2024
Sesh Belay Tumi is a poignant short film that delves deep into the realms of love, loss, and longing. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Sabroom, Tripura, this emotionally charged drama takes viewers on a journey through the complex emotions of its protagonists. Directed by Pranab Kr Nath, the film captures a delicate balance of romance and heartache, exploring the timeless theme of love that transcends the boundaries of time and circumstances.
The film revolves around the story of two lovers whose bond faces unforeseen challenges, leading to a heart-wrenching conclusion. The performances by the lead cast members, Pranab Kr Nath and Nisha Deb, are deeply evocative, capturing the essence of sorrow and love with subtlety and grace. Pranoy Roy and Sonali Nama provide essential support to the narrative, adding further layers to the emotional depth of the film.
Cinematographer Viraj Shil's visual storytelling enhances the emotional weight of the film, with beautiful shots that capture the serene yet melancholic ambiance of Sabroom. The evocative music, composed by Tapas Dhar, coupled with Karjon Roy's music arrangement, adds an extra dimension to the story, heightening the emotional resonance of each scene.
Sesh Belay Tumi is more than just a love story; it’s a reflection on the fragility of relationships, the pain of separation, and the enduring power of love, making it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys heartfelt, dramatic cinema. Released on 23 October 2024, the film has already made a strong impact with its rich narrative and emotional depth.
Director: Pranab Kr Nath
Film Type: Short Film
Genre: Drama, Sad Romantic
Location: Sabroom, Tripura, India
Screenplay: Pranab Kr Nath, Nisha Deb
Cast: Pranab Kr Nath, Nisha Deb, Pranoy Roy, Sonali Nama
Cinematography: Viraj Shil
Music Director: Tapas Dhar
Music Arrangement: Karjon Roy
Release Date: 23 October 2024
Sesh Belay Tumi is a poignant short film that delves deep into the realms of love, loss, and longing. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Sabroom, Tripura, this emotionally charged drama takes viewers on a journey through the complex emotions of its protagonists. Directed by Pranab Kr Nath, the film captures a delicate balance of romance and heartache, exploring the timeless theme of love that transcends the boundaries of time and circumstances.
The film revolves around the story of two lovers whose bond faces unforeseen challenges, leading to a heart-wrenching conclusion. The performances by the lead cast members, Pranab Kr Nath and Nisha Deb, are deeply evocative, capturing the essence of sorrow and love with subtlety and grace. Pranoy Roy and Sonali Nama provide essential support to the narrative, adding further layers to the emotional depth of the film.
Cinematographer Viraj Shil's visual storytelling enhances the emotional weight of the film, with beautiful shots that capture the serene yet melancholic ambiance of Sabroom. The evocative music, composed by Tapas Dhar, coupled with Karjon Roy's music arrangement, adds an extra dimension to the story, heightening the emotional resonance of each scene.
Sesh Belay Tumi is more than just a love story; it’s a reflection on the fragility of relationships, the pain of separation, and the enduring power of love, making it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys heartfelt, dramatic cinema. Released on 23 October 2024, the film has already made a strong impact with its rich narrative and emotional depth.
Short film