• 2 months ago
Naz (Sinem Ünsal) is a recent graduate of the police academy and lives with her uncle and her mother, a protective character. The police department, which is in pursuit of a mafia boss named Tarık Koşuoğlu (Tardu Flordun), decides to use Naz and a crazy police officer Pamir (Halit Özgür Sarı) together on an undercover mission. Pamir and Naz will move across the street from the mafia family's house like a newly married couple, gain Tarik Koşuoğlu's trust, and bring him to justice…

Cast: Sinem Ünsal, Halit Özgür Sarı, Tardu Flordun, Bülent Emrah Parlak, Şinasi Yurtsever, Ece Dizdar, Selçuk Borak, İdris Nebi Taşkan, Emrullah Çakay, Fulden Akyürek, Erşan Utku Ölmez, Hasan Elmas ve Şebnem Sönmez


#Undercover #sinemünsal #HalitÖzgürSarı


00:00Maybe you can help me with that.
00:12Can you look at me?
00:20What is it? What happened?
00:22What happened?
00:30I don't know.
00:32I don't know.
00:34I don't know.
00:36I don't know.
00:38I don't know.
00:40I don't know.
00:42I don't know.
00:44I don't know.
00:46I don't know.
00:48I don't know.
00:50I don't know.
00:52I don't know.
00:54I don't know.
00:56I don't know.
00:58I don't know.
01:28I don't know.
01:40What was that?
01:44Where did it come from?
02:02It's very dangerous, okay?
02:08Don't make things more complicated.
02:12What happened...
02:14What happened outside...
02:16It's all because of Zeynep.
02:20Because of Zeynep?
02:26That's why you kissed me.
02:30Because you're jealous.
02:34Are you jealous of me?
02:38I don't understand what you think of yourself.
02:40Because of Zeynep.
02:42More importantly, Tarik.
02:44Tarik was in the garden.
02:46He was watching you talking to his daughter.
02:52Tarik sees you as his brother.
02:54It's not good for a man to see his daughter talking to a married man at night.
03:00So I came and kissed my husband.
03:02You kissed your husband.
03:04I kissed my husband.
03:06I mean Levent.
03:10You can think of it as a life kiss.
03:12It doesn't matter if you kiss me at Tarik's house.
03:20You kissed me just now.
03:22And you didn't see Tarik.
03:28I saw Tarik.
03:30After I saw Tarik, I had to kiss you.
03:36What are you waiting for?
03:38What do you want?
03:40You're so emotional.
03:42I'm very emotional.
03:44I'm very emotional.
03:48They don't talk to you.
03:50They don't go out without telling you.
03:52They don't come back at night.
03:54I'm very emotional.
03:56You were leaving.
03:58Tarik was watching you.
04:00I came and saved you.
04:02Don't lie to yourself.
04:04You're confused.
04:06You can't control your emotions.
04:08You have to be thoughtful.
04:10You're talking nonsense.
04:12Am I talking nonsense?
04:14Don't talk nonsense.
04:16I'm jealous of Zeynep.
04:18Why am I jealous of Zeynep?
04:20Is that the only reason I'm jealous of Zeynep?
04:22Then why are you pushing her?
04:24Why don't you be friends with her?
04:26Maybe she'll tell us everything.
04:28Maybe she'll finish this operation.
04:30Why don't you focus on your job?
04:32You order.
04:34I'm not ordering.
04:36I'm telling you to do your job.
04:44I love you.
05:30Good morning.
05:32Good morning.
05:34Have some coffee.
05:36No, thank you.
05:40Come on.
05:42A coffee is good.
05:46If I go now,
05:48the longest interrogation in the world will begin.
05:50Can I come?
05:52Yes, and you're not alone.
05:54Come on.
06:00Come here.
06:02Are you a lawyer?
06:04I'll eat.
06:06Open the seat.
06:08I'm hungry.
06:10I haven't eaten in two days.
06:12Yes, stay.
06:14What's in it?
06:16What do you mean, what's in it?
06:18There are rules in hospitality.
06:20If the guest doesn't have a house to stay,
06:22he stays in the girl's house or the boy's house.
06:24But it's appropriate to stay in the girl's house.
06:26That's it.
06:30they have houses.
06:32Let them stay.
06:34Do they have houses?
06:36Do I have houses?
06:38Why are you asking me?
06:40How can I know?
06:42You're trying to take words out of my mouth again.
06:44I didn't mean that.
06:46You're talking to yourself.
06:48If you know something, tell me.
06:50If you don't, don't confuse me.
06:52I choose not to confuse you.
06:54And I'm leaving the place.
06:56You're in my throat.
06:58Oh my God.
07:00Drink your tea.
07:02No, you drink it.
07:06Bon appetit.
07:12Thank you so much.
07:14I really needed it.
07:16It was so good.
07:20What's up?
07:22You never talked to me.
07:24What happened all of a sudden?
07:26I told you.
07:32We studied in London.
07:34We said
07:36there are so many things
07:38we can share and talk about.
07:44We can't be in the same situation as you.
07:46So what?
07:48Mine was different.
07:50So what?
07:52You just got here.
07:54We'll definitely find a common ground.
07:56Of course we will.
07:58What happened?
08:02Why don't you come over tonight?
08:04We can do something.
08:06What do you mean?
08:08Come over to our house.
08:10You, me, Levent.
08:12We'll talk about London.
08:14I've been looking for someone
08:16to be my friend for a long time.
08:20I mean, I said okay.
08:22We'll get in touch.
08:24I'll call you.
08:26Good morning.
08:28Good morning.
08:30What's up?
08:32I needed a cup of coffee.
08:34Thanks to Yaz.
08:36She invited me.
08:42We're single now.
08:44Mr. Levent,
08:46the first coffee of the morning.
08:48You're so sweet.
08:50Would you like some coffee, honey?
08:54You take mine, I'll take mine.
09:00You have a very sweet wife.
09:02That's right.
09:04She's very sweet.
09:08But of course,
09:10you have to be careful.
09:12God forbid.
09:14The coffee was very good.
09:18Like you.
09:20I'm kidding.
09:24Can I have one?
09:30Like you.
09:32I'm kidding.
09:36Can I have one?
09:46Naz, good morning.
09:48Good morning, mom.
09:50Where's the groom?
09:54Where is he?
09:58Should we talk about it?
10:00Mom, people have their own things to do.
10:02We can't just sit here all day.
10:04You're not coming?
10:06Okay, I'll tell Tarat.
10:08We'll talk about it if he's available.
10:10We'll talk about it all together.
10:18I'm coming to visit Mr. Talat.
10:20I have the right to see
10:22who my daughter lives with.
10:24You have every right.
10:26Did you want to tell me something?
10:28No, never.
10:32Kisses, mom.
10:34See you.
10:48Mr. Talat.
10:52What does your mother want?
10:54Calm down.
10:56Yes, I'm listening.
10:58What's going on?
11:00She wants to see where I live.
11:02Will she come to the site?
11:04Of course not.
11:06She needs a house for you.
11:08For whom?
11:10For you.
11:14we didn't prepare for any operation.
11:16What is this?
11:18I told you.
11:20It's hard to convince my mother.
11:22It shouldn't have been this hard.
11:24Naz, my beautiful sister.
11:26It can't be this hard.
11:28What are we going to do?
11:30You're experienced.
11:32Find a solution.
11:46She's coming.
11:48It's beautiful.
11:52Enjoy your meal.
11:54When did you last come to Istanbul?
11:58It's been a long time.
12:00I'm glad you came.
12:02I felt so lonely.
12:22should I stand in front of the cameras now?
12:26You're behind the camera every day.
12:28Isn't it time?
12:30If you stand in front of the cameras,
12:32if they shoot you,
12:34if you walk,
12:36if you live,
12:38if you don't watch,
12:40doesn't it work?
12:42What is this?
12:44It's like watching a movie.
12:4624 security cameras.
12:48You're watching 24 security cameras.
12:52Am I addicted to the screen?
12:54I can't stop looking.
12:56My hand always goes to the screen.
12:58If I don't look at the laptop, I look at the computer.
13:00If I don't look at the computer, I look at my cell phone.
13:02My cell phone is running out of battery.
13:04I'm looking at other people's phones.
13:06Do you think I'm addicted to the screen?
13:08Calm down, Noman.
13:10Your star has fallen.
13:12You're confused.
13:14It means you were affected by this.
13:16What are you talking about?
13:18What are you talking about, Noman?
13:20We need to take care of you urgently.
13:22Are you asking for help?
13:24That's what I'm saying.
13:26I'll take care of it right away.
13:28I'm not going to let anyone eat my husband's business.
13:30I'll take care of it right away.
13:38Don't look.
13:40Meriç, how are you?
13:42We need you very urgently.
13:46How are you?
13:54Are you okay?
13:56I'm as good as I can be, Tarık.
13:58Look at that.
14:00Look at that.
14:02For God's sake, look at that.
14:04I asked if you were okay, Nehir.
14:06Did we do anything wrong?
14:08It's nothing, Tarık.
14:10It's nothing.
14:12Everyone in this house is hiding things.
14:14What is this?
14:16Nehir, tell me.
14:18What is it?
14:20I'm trying to get used to our new life, Tarık.
14:22What new life?
14:24Look at that.
14:26You're going out without telling anyone.
14:28Zeynep settled in our house again.
14:30It's obvious that someone is listening to us.
14:32It's such a fun house, isn't it?
14:36Where is Zeynep?
14:38I don't know, brother.
14:40I wasn't at home.
14:42Does anyone in this house know where Zeynep is?
14:44We're doing business with you.
14:52Yes, dad.
15:02Good morning.
15:04Good morning.
15:06Good morning.
15:08Good morning, Tarık. How are you?
15:10I'm fine, brother. How are you?
15:14I'm going to have coffee. Is it urgent?
15:16No, I can't see you at home.
15:18I'm here, Tarık.
15:22Enjoy your coffee. See you later.
15:26See you later, Nehir.
15:32We made it through last night.
15:36Thank you for the coffee.
15:38You're welcome.
15:40See you later.
15:44See you later.
15:46See you later, Mr. Levent.
16:12Someone needs to clean this up.
16:14We have work to do.
16:18I don't have anything to do with this.
16:20Let me go.
16:22You can't hide from me.
16:24If I had, I would have jumped.
16:26I can't control myself.
16:28Cicek, don't be ridiculous.
16:30We knocked them down.
16:32We have work to do.
16:34I feel like we knocked them down.
16:38I'm sorry.
16:40Nazar called.
16:42She said, say hello to Cicek.
16:44She said, she would take care of this.
16:46She said, she would do it.
16:48She said, she would get us out of this mess.
16:50Please, don't shake your lips.
16:52You've been working so hard.
16:54That's enough.
16:56What are we going to do?
16:58We need a house.
17:00What house?
17:02Our house.
17:04The house of Talat and Cicek.
17:06The house of Talat and Cicek?
17:10It's obvious.
17:12He's got it.
17:14He's got it.
17:16He's got it.
17:18I won't let him have it.
17:20I'm getting emotional.
17:22I'm telling you again.
17:24We need a house.
17:26What are we going to do?
17:30Don't you have a house?
17:32No, I don't.
17:34We can't lie to him.
17:36We can't.
17:38What lies are you talking about?
17:40No, sir.
17:42Cicek said,
17:44when we lie,
17:46we explode.
17:48I said, I don't have a lie.
17:50I said, I don't have a lie either.
17:52Let's see.
17:54We don't have a lie, sir.
17:56We don't have a lie.
17:58I don't have a house.
18:00You'll find another house.
18:02Where will I find it?
18:04I don't know where I'll find it.
18:06Find it with stuff.
18:08What's going on, Oyaz?
18:10Where did this come from?
18:12I saved it from the brush.
18:14I extended it with help.
18:16It's my new target.
18:18I'm getting along well.
18:20What happened all of a sudden?
18:22Did you decide to be friends with Zeynep all of a sudden?
18:24No, dear.
18:26How can I remember?
18:28Because you told me.
18:30I wanted you to find common ground.
18:32I wanted you to tell me
18:34how psychopathic your father is.
18:36Write it down.
18:38Don't worry about me.
18:40I'm Zeynep's new friend.
18:42We'll get along well.
19:07Mr. Mamuk, what happened again?
19:09Let me in?
19:10No, don't come in.
19:12What happened again?
19:14Did you take care of your house work?
19:16If you don't, your sister won't come here.
19:18What does Aynur have to do with your housework?
19:20There's a limit to my patience.
19:22Lies at home, works at home.
19:24We need to sort this out somehow.
19:26If my sister comes here, it'll be over.
19:28You don't know anything!
19:30Where is Naz? Is she inside?
19:32Forget it. I'll find out from Naz.
19:34Please go back to your station.
19:36Okay, I'll go.
19:38Give me some information.
19:40I'm stuck in the last operation.
19:42Okay, please.
19:44Okay, see you.
19:54Chief, we had to go to Çiçekli.
19:58Çiçekli will help us with some things, right?
20:02Is it about Ms. Aynur?
20:04No, if it's about Ms. Aynur, we'll tell you, chief.
20:06These don't say, but I'll tell you for sure.
20:10Chief, let me help you.
20:12I'll let you know.
20:14Okay, get out.
20:26What's up, Ms. Nehir?
20:28Why are you hanging around in the house?
20:30No, no.
20:32There's a devil in these neighbors.
20:34Where did she come from?
20:36Even Zeynep can get along with them so well.
20:38Come on, Nehir.
20:40Don't go and do silly things.
20:42I don't know, honey.
20:44She's a live bomb.
20:46We don't know when and where she's going to do something silly.
20:48What can I do, Nehir?
20:50What do you want from me?
20:52We talk all day long.
20:54I'm bored, that's enough.
20:56Then don't cut and throw, Tarik Kursuoglu.
20:58Don't come unnoticed.
21:00You're sweeping everything under the carpet.
21:02Look, I'm telling you.
21:04Zeynep and I are too much for this house.
21:06Don't exaggerate, Nehir.
21:08I'm not exaggerating at all.
21:10Did you hear what I said?
21:12I heard.
21:14Well, then don't forget how serious I am.
21:16Who is it?
21:18Your uncle.
21:20Where is your mother coming from?
21:22She wants to see where I live.
21:24I guess I'm not in a position to invite her.
21:26So I called Talat.
21:28I told him to find a house for himself.
21:30She wants to talk to Talat.
21:32As a woman.
21:36At least you didn't give her the address of this place.
21:38Pamir, you're being too harsh now.
21:40I'm sorry.
21:42I'm sorry.
21:44What are you doing now?
21:46Come on.
21:48Where are we going?
21:50He found a house, brother Talat.
21:52He solved it.
21:54Come on.
21:56He must have found a great solution.
21:58He must have found a great solution.
22:10Look at me.
22:12I can't clean this house on my own.
22:14Besides, no human can do this.
22:16Because this house
22:18can't be cleaned in a day.
22:20Where did you find this place?
22:22What should I do?
22:24I live in Gültepe.
22:26Should I have invited Ms. Aynur there?
22:28Would they have been nervous
22:30waiting for money?
22:32I'm the CEO.
22:34Okay, right.
22:36You're the CEO.
22:38Whose house is this?
22:40What are you going to do?
22:42Get out of here.
22:44We're going to clean this place.
22:46It's going to be Talat Güneş's house.
22:54Brother Talat, what is this place?
22:56What's going on now?
22:58Why are you getting mad at me?
23:00Ask your wife.
23:02The cook is coming.
23:04Yes, she told me.
23:06The cook is coming.
23:08We found this place.
23:10We're going to clean this place.
23:12It's going to be Talat Güneş's house.
23:14Whose house is this?
23:16It's a beautiful house.
23:18This place is empty.
23:20This is Talat Güneş's house.
23:22I'm his wife.
23:24Çiçek Güneş. Nice to meet you.
23:26Nice to meet you.
23:28Let's cut the chat.
23:30We're going to turn this place into a house.
23:32Come on.
23:38Come on.
23:48Come on.
24:08You made us tired.
24:12We're going to do this.
24:28Did you talk to Mr. Talat?
24:30What are you doing?
24:32Everyone is here.
24:34How are you?
24:38Mr. Talat.
24:40I'm fine. Thank you.
24:42Ms. Aynur, you're fine.
24:44Because we cleaned the house.
24:46Ms. Aynur.
24:48You wanted to see.
24:52The doors of our house are open to you.
24:54Ms. Çiçek.
24:56Please understand me.
24:58My daughter went to London.
25:00She came here to get married.
25:02I have the right to know who she lives with.
25:04Of course.
25:06We prepared everything.
25:08Ms. Aynur.
25:10Mr. Talat says it's okay.
25:14We'll talk about the wedding.
25:16See you tomorrow.
25:18The woman is ready for the wedding.
25:22Mom, you're talking about the wedding, right?
25:24Like we talked about.
25:26A small wedding ceremony.
25:28Naz, listen to me.
25:30Are they trying to finish this job?
25:32They don't understand.
25:34Why don't they understand?
25:36How many times will we tell them?
25:38Who wants to finish it?
25:40Ms. Aynur.
25:42Didn't we say it's a wedding?
25:44Tell me what you want.
25:46We'll see.
25:48Okay, when we get together,
25:50we'll talk about all the details.
25:52If it's a wedding, it's a wedding.
25:54If it's a wedding, it's a wedding.
25:56Yes, it's a wedding.
25:58Okay, mom.
26:02Don't be angry.
26:04I'm holding myself.
26:06But I don't want to be under pressure.
26:08Why are you under pressure?
26:10We'll have a wedding for 40 days.
26:12That's enough.
26:14Okay, Mr. Talat.
26:16Okay, but there's a wedding.
26:18There's a house.
26:20There's a bride.
26:22There's a son.
26:24Your mother would like a wedding for him.
26:26What can we do?
26:28Okay, okay.
26:30Let's squeeze our teeth for three more days.
26:32Then let's finish this.
26:34Let's get on the plane.
26:36I'm going.
26:38Where are you going?
26:40I have a job.
26:42I'm curious.
26:44I have a job.
26:48Don't be late tonight.
26:52There's a guest.
26:54Don't be late tonight.
26:58How long have you been married?
27:00It's been a month.
27:02This is a fake marriage.
27:04I'll tell you the truth.
27:06Let's keep our feet on the ground.
27:08Don't talk nonsense.
27:24There's a lot of money in it.
27:26Don't talk nonsense.
27:36Have a nice day.
27:38Have a nice day.
27:54What is he doing in our house?
27:56He got up in the morning and came here.
27:58Don't say that.
28:00Send him away.
28:02For God's sake.
28:04I thought he was an expert.
28:06Don't worry.
28:08Are you ready?
28:10We're ready.
28:12Let's not talk nonsense.
28:14We're ready.
28:18Come on.
28:20I'll sit down.
28:36He's having a seizure.
28:40He's having a seizure.
28:44There's something you're always watching.
28:46You saw it.
28:50But your angle is very wrong.
28:52I told you.
28:54The angles of the planets, right?
28:56No, it has nothing to do with planets.
29:00You're looking at something from the wrong angle.
29:02Is it the angle of the cameras?
29:04Don't start with the cameras.
29:08Leave what you're watching.
29:10Or you'll be in trouble.
29:14You'll witness things you don't want to see.
29:16It's over.
29:18There's no camera.
29:20You don't watch anymore.
29:22What about the security of the site?
29:24Your security?
29:26Your security is dangerous.
29:28Also, your chakras are completely closed.
29:30It needs to be opened.
29:32Let's open it right away.
29:34Not right away.
29:38At least five sessions.
29:40No more.
29:42He says five sessions.
29:44What am I saying?
29:46He's a charlatan.
29:48You're humiliating me.
29:50Don't worry about him.
30:02You don't want me to watch?
30:04Is that so?
30:06Not at all?
30:08Not at all.
30:12How can we do it?
30:14Can you tell me?
30:16Can you tell me?
30:18Tell me.
30:22Tell me.
30:48You're welcome.
30:53I've missed you too.
31:07Welcome, uncle's daughter.
31:13Namuk Bey.
31:14Welcome, my writer.
31:18Look, the river is coming. Okay, uncle, let's pack up now.
31:21Yağız, where are you?
31:23Oh, I had things to do.
31:25I took care of them.
31:27That's it.
31:28I'm on duty.
31:31Okay, good luck, Mr. Namuk.
31:33See you then, good luck.
31:36Oh, I say, take care of your wishes.
31:38Because what you think happens to you.
31:41I mean, I'm very afraid that anything can happen at any moment.
31:44See you then, good luck.
31:46Oh, I say, take care of your wishes.
31:48Oh, I say, take care of your wishes.
31:52Isn't she crazy? She's talking nonsense.
31:54Oh, no, honey, you're a good man.
31:56You say.
31:57Did you see? She burned her finger.
31:59Oh, today everyone is a king.
32:01How are you?
32:03Are you okay?
32:04I'm fine, I'm fine.
32:05Let's go out to dinner tonight.
32:07We have another plan.
32:09Is that what you're saying?
32:11I mean, it's something we've promised before.
32:14But let's do it tonight, okay?
32:17Okay, then.
32:18Okay, then you kiss Ömer like this.
32:20Kiss him and say hello.
32:22See you.
32:24Okay, honey.
32:25I'll call you later.