• last year
🌍 Cet homme crĂ©e de l’eau potable Ă  partir de l’air ! 🚰

Moses West a mis au point une machine capable de transformer l’air en eau potable grĂące Ă  un principe simple mais ingĂ©nieux. 💧

đŸŒ«ïž En refroidissant l’humiditĂ© contenue dans l’air, l’appareil condense l’eau qui est ensuite collectĂ©e et stockĂ©e.

☀ AlimentĂ©e par des sources d’énergie renouvelables comme l’énergie solaire, cette invention peut produire jusqu’à 8 300 litres d’eau par jour, offrant une solution durable pour les rĂ©gions touchĂ©es par les pĂ©nuries d’eau. đŸŒ±

đŸ€ Sa fondation Ă  but non lucratif utilise cette technologie pour aider les communautĂ©s dans le besoin, avec des machines dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©ployĂ©es Ă  Porto Rico, Flint (Michigan) ou Sand Branch (Texas). đŸ˜ïž

Face Ă  une crise mondiale de l’eau, oĂč une personne sur quatre n’a pas accĂšs Ă  l’eau potable, cette invention reprĂ©sente un espoir tangible. 💡

đŸ”„ Avec des sĂ©cheresses qui s’aggravent, notamment en Californie et au Sahel, ce type de solution pourrait changer des millions de vies.

Source : moseswestfoundation.org 📰

Pour plus de vidĂ©os sur les innovations technologiques, abonnez-vous Ă  Omniscience. đŸ“Č

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00:00This man designed a machine that produces drinking water from the air.
00:03The principle is simple, the machine sucks the air from the environment and cools it,
00:06imitating the operation of a refrigerator.
00:08This process condenses the humidity contained in the air into droplets,
00:10which are then collected in a reservoir.
00:12It's like recreating a small cloud of rain inside the machine.
00:15According to Mos West, the founder, his machine can be powered by solar energy,
00:18hydraulic panels or other energy sources.
00:20Still according to him, it would be able to generate up to 8,300 liters of drinking water per day,
00:25and he plans to considerably increase this capacity in the future.
00:27His non-profit foundation collects donations to finance the construction of these machines,
00:31which he then delivers to the communities in need.
00:33He says he has already delivered to Puerto Rico, Flint in Michigan, and Sandbranch in Texas.
00:37Currently, he has declared that the foundation is trying to bring clean water to the Chicago Community Urban Garden
00:42to help reduce the city's food deserts.
00:44This innovation answers a major global problem.
00:46According to a report by the United Nations,
00:48more than one in four people in the world have no access to drinking water.
00:51Regions such as the Sahel and some parts of Australia and the United States,
00:54especially California, experience recurring and prolonged droughts.
00:57Solutions such as those developed by Mos West offer a concrete hope for a more equitable and sustainable future.
