(Adnkronos) - “Già diversi anni fa abbiamo orgogliosamente avviato un cammino sul sentiero della sostenibilità, con il coinvolgimento dei nostri partner e con azioni anche importanti. Oggi, questa collaborazione con Marevivo e con Bat Italia ci permette di dare ulteriore sostanza a questo cammino che stiamo facendo nel campo della sostenibilità”. Lo ha detto Franco Collavino, direttore generale di Udinese Calcio, a margine del lancio della campagna “One Mission, One Planet”, una nuova iniziativa che punta a ridurre le emissioni di CO₂ e a contrastare il fenomeno del littering nelle aree circostanti gli stadi, realizzata da Marevivo in collaborazione con BAT Italia e Udinese Calcio, con la partecipazione della start-up JustOnEarth e il patrocinio della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.
00:00It is a path that we have already started several years ago, and we have proudly started a path, a journey on a path made of sustainability with the involvement of our partners, with also important actions.
00:25I remember that a few years ago, thanks to the collaboration with our technical sponsor Macron, for example, we made t-shirts made of totally sustainable material, 13 plastic bottles to make the fabric that makes up the t-shirt.
00:44This action was then copied by other clubs and today, for example, in the world of Macron, there are more than 200 companies that use this type of material to make t-shirts.
00:57And so we have done many other actions, precise and concrete, and today this collaboration with Marevivo and Batitalia allows us to give even more substance to this path that we are taking in the field of sustainability.
01:13The idea is precisely this, to carry out actions that can lead to concrete results with the involvement of all the actors involved in a match, the audience, the fans, but also the partners and the institutions.
01:30And we really believe that through actions of communication, through concrete measures in the organization of matches and through the possibility of measuring these actions, we can really take concrete steps forward on a topic that does not allow more delays such as sustainability.
01:54We have been working in this direction for several years, through actions that have led to the modification of our corporate organization, including the role of a sustainability manager within our organization,
02:11and with concrete actions that, for example, have also led to the realization, thanks to the partnership with Blue Energy, of a photovoltaic system of almost 2 million kilowatts, which will allow the entire territory to benefit from green energy produced at the stadium.