• last year


00:00:18He said he was crazy as my mom's work and my lost me. Yes, but I know where they start on Kata
00:00:24No day yes, but it's a total cinema, Suna
00:00:29Pero Dios no hizo suficientes para todos por eso tenemos que ser elegidos para poder tener una mamá
00:00:42Me pregunto que tipo de niño le gustaría una mamá y dulceres como te llamas pequeña
00:00:49Un niño dulce
00:00:58O alguien que sea lindo
00:01:04Una linda princesa que parece una hermosa reina
00:01:10En serio pareces una muñeca
00:01:21Que pasa si no es dulce ni bonito
00:01:29Bebés lloran mucho les pasa algo no lo sé pero no quiero un bebé que llore mucho
00:01:45Tiene que ser un niño alegre que nunca llore aunque tenga muchas ganas
00:01:57Creo que está claro que nunca tendré una mamá en esta vida
00:02:04Por eso he decidido que si no puedo tener una
00:02:10Por eso mi sueño es poder convertirme en madre
00:02:26Oye como se te ocurrió eso si no puedo tener una madre en esta vida simplemente seré una
00:02:33Eso es muy tuya
00:02:37Sabes que nunca vas a ser
00:02:41Madre no conocemos el amor
00:02:44Quienes no conocemos el amor paternal
00:02:46Pasaremos resentimiento a los hijos así que no podemos ser buenos padres
00:03:09Estabas en lo correcto
00:03:12Sobre que
00:03:14El amor paternal
00:03:16Dijiste que no podemos dar un amor que nunca experimentamos y creo que tenías razón
00:03:21Eres una especie de profeta
00:03:26Sobre eso
00:03:29Cántame una canción
00:03:31Tus palabras sembraron las semillas de mi desgracia y quién sabe tal vez si realmente deseas mi felicidad me ayuda a encontrarla algún día
00:03:44Claro y con cuál canción te brinda felicidad al nacer
00:03:53Claro esa canción es perfecta para ti
00:04:04No era broma no era en serio
00:04:20Al nacer tu destino ha sido
00:04:26Recibir amor
00:04:28Cada instante al vivir
00:04:32Entra directo al corazón
00:04:34Crees que estoy jugando parece que juego puedes intentar sonar sincero para variar soy sincero
00:04:41entonces vuelve a cantar
00:04:57Al nacer
00:05:00Tu destino ha sido
00:05:04Recibir amor
00:05:08Cada instante al vivir
00:05:10Entra directo al corazón
00:05:21Al nacer tu destino ha sido
00:05:29Recibir amor
00:05:33Cada instante al vivir
00:05:35Entra directo al corazón
00:06:25Parece que ya estamos cerca está justo ahí
00:07:06I came
00:07:12Espera que estas haciendo
00:07:33El auto que conducía ese bastardo estaba nombre de este tipo centro de recados gejo hoy a despierta
00:07:40Si jefe dígame hablame sobre gejo que o a quien persigue que tuvo que ir de yoya a guionzang
00:07:47Vino a esta ciudad costera y luego se fue a las montañas porque crees que está haciendo eso bueno
00:07:53La persona con la que hablé dijo que tampoco sabía nada dijo que intentaría descubrirlo si lograba localizarlo
00:08:00Ah por cierto eso me recuerda algo que gejo me dijo no me quedo porque no no me quedo porque no tenga
00:08:07Donde vaya donde quiera ir por eso nos quedamos aquí recuerdo diciendo esas tonterías una y otra vez
00:08:14Que estupidez se nota que ese tipo es un bueno para nada
00:08:19Está completamente loco
00:08:28Responde dijiste que ese tipo te iba a llamar si jefe
00:08:33Si hola si el habla diga quien
00:08:39Chesung yok ya no acepto esos trabajos
00:08:44Aceptaba buscar personas desaparecidas
00:08:48Quien es prohibido apagar el teléfono entendido
00:08:56Cuanto falta para llegar al hotel creo que estamos cerca en una hora dijiste media hora
00:09:02Es que chica
00:09:50Buscas esto
00:09:53Quien le dijo que podía tomarlo lo dejaste caer lo encontré en el suelo mocoso malagradecido
00:10:14En fin ya que estás despierto quiero que me acompañes a un lugar sería aburrido y solo ven conmigo
00:10:20voy a regresar a la cama
00:10:31Quiero que me acompañes
00:10:33Si es un lugar divertido
00:10:36Rápido te espero preparate y te veo allá afuera
00:10:46Mira nada más es genial literalmente puedo oler el océano
00:10:52Cuando estás en Busan debes visitar el mercado de pescado al amanecer
00:10:57Mira esto este pescado es fresco lo sé por el color
00:11:07Te quiere comprar lo que tú quieras
00:11:11Dime cómo te gusta sashimi en sopa o a la parrilla
00:11:15Pues me gusta el ramen
00:11:18Quieres ramen te disparo una sopa
00:11:23Vamos a buscar nubina
00:11:34Oye fíjate por donde vas y tu mira bien por donde caminas pudieron lastimarte dame eso inconsciente vámonos
00:11:48No te distraigas hijo no me sueltes la mano
00:12:10No es necesario que me tome la mano
00:12:12Vas a caminar conmigo pocoso
00:12:14Hola a todos
00:12:30Mira nada más que vas a llevar
00:12:32Acércate ven
00:12:34Toma esto prueba es caballa al asalto
00:12:40Mastica antes de tragar
00:12:42Nos das arroz rápido
00:12:44Toma esto
00:12:46No mastiques solo trágalos
00:12:50No puedo tragar
00:12:52Llevaremos 5 de estos
00:12:545 bien picados por favor
00:12:56Oye tu hijo es muy guapo
00:12:58¿Se parece a su madre?
00:13:00¿De qué está hablando señora?
00:13:02Mira esta cara me veía así cuando era más joven
00:13:04Somos idénticos
00:13:06¿Entonces qué le pasó en la cara?
00:13:08Oye como me ves te verás
00:13:10¿Quién dice eso?
00:13:12Ustedes se parecen mucho en el carácter
00:13:14¿Qué le pasa?
00:13:18Ya des de prisa y prepárenos la caballa
00:13:20Esta se ve bien mírala es enorme
00:13:24Y mira esta otra tiene mucha carne
00:13:38Señor Ku
00:13:40Oye yo
00:13:50Señor Ku
00:13:56Oye yo
00:14:02¿A dónde habrán ido?
00:14:10¿A dónde habrán ido?
00:14:16Aquí está
00:14:18Sigue aquí
00:14:22Me estoy volviendo loca
00:14:24¿Te sientes mejor?
00:14:26Ya que viste que no te abandonó
00:14:28Estoy enloqueciendo
00:14:32Me estoy volviendo loca
00:14:36Este se parece a Yemi
00:14:38Cara plana y ojos grandes
00:14:44Es muy pequeño
00:14:46Oh palometa plateada
00:14:48Oye voy a preparar palometa plateada estofada
00:14:50Quiero tres
00:14:52No no quiero cinco mejor
00:14:54Oh lovina
00:14:56Dame una con mucha carne
00:14:58Quiero una recién pescada y que esté fresca
00:15:00Una grande
00:15:02Voy a preparar sopa con ella
00:15:04También quiero este pulpo de grandes tentáculos
00:15:06Vamos a comer hasta reventar
00:15:08¿Quieres probar el jurel japonés?
00:15:10Dame esa caja de jurel
00:15:12¿Para qué me pregunta?
00:15:14Noventa mil guones
00:15:16Muy bien noventa mil guones
00:15:18Oigan perdón me emocioné y lo olvidé
00:15:20Tenemos que hacer varias caminatas
00:15:22Así que no podemos cargar una caja
00:15:24Solo tomaré diez de ellos
00:15:26¿Los envuelves?
00:15:28Sobre la palometa plateada ahora que las veo
00:15:30Debo decir que son muy pequeñas
00:15:32Debe ser porque la temporada casi acaba
00:15:34Y el pulpo el pulpo no lo saques todavía
00:15:36Regresalo mejor
00:15:38Oiga esto no es un juego
00:15:40Me la llevo
00:15:42¿Cuánto es?
00:15:44Treinta mil
00:15:46Oye detente
00:15:48¿Cómo te atreves a querer engañar al señor mente maestra?
00:15:50Si me das uno que no esté fresco
00:15:52En lugar del bueno
00:15:54Te cortaré las manos
00:15:56Dame el que yo había elegido
00:15:58Eres un estafador
00:16:00¿Cómo te atreves a engañarme?
00:16:02¿Intentar engañarlo?
00:16:04¿Me llamó estafador?
00:16:06Oye tranquilo es suficiente
00:16:08Vuelve a tu lugar y dame el que había elegido
00:16:10Olvídalo ya lárgate
00:16:12Estás arruinando nuestro día
00:16:14Oye imbécil
00:16:16Ya cálmate
00:16:18Salí de casa
00:16:20A estas horas para venir aquí
00:16:22Y pasar tiempo con mi hijo por primera vez
00:16:24¿Cómo te atreves a intentar engañarme
00:16:26Con el pescado que estaba comprando
00:16:28Para mi querido hijo
00:16:32¿Qué te pasa?
00:16:36Ya basta
00:16:38¿Qué haces?
00:16:42¿Querías meterte contigo?
00:16:56¡Que no se vaya!
00:17:00¡Suéltame a mi hijo!
00:17:08¡No! ¡No!
00:17:26Ya quedó
00:17:30Quería prepararte
00:17:32Una deliciosa comida
00:17:34Digna de un rey pero mira esto
00:17:36Maldita sea
00:17:38No hay problema ya le dije que el ramen es mi favorito
00:17:50Si que eres torpe ¿No?
00:17:58Me di cuenta de que peleas muy bien
00:18:00Y no te intimidaste frente a esos cuchillos
00:18:04¿Cómo ha sido tu vida hasta ahora?
00:18:06Ya sabe
00:18:08Solo sobrevivo
00:18:10Golpeo o me golpean
00:18:12Ruedo, destrozo cosas
00:18:14Lo que la situación no merite
00:18:24Se que eres joven
00:18:26Pero debiste pasar por mucho tu solo
00:18:32Y lo superaste
00:18:34Bien hecho
00:18:46Me esta entrando humo a los ojos
00:19:12¿Te digo algo?
00:19:14Ese idiota
00:19:16El tipo de los pulpos que venia hacia ti con su cuchillo de sashimi
00:19:18Le atrape la cabeza con la red de pescar
00:19:20Te salve la vida tonto
00:19:24Por eso las peleas en equipo siempre son mejores ¿Verdad?
00:19:26Es divertido
00:19:28Pero usted se veia tonto con la red
00:19:30Es porque ellos son muy astutos
00:19:32Y esos astutos siempre ganan
00:19:34Entonces lo sabes
00:19:54Reacciona ya Yoyemi
00:19:56Necesitas vivir tu vida
00:20:12No... no...
00:20:40And now...
00:20:43Where will I go?
00:20:46Don't expect to fulfill a precise purpose in life.
00:20:49If you lose your way while you're going somewhere,
00:20:52nothing will happen and you'll become a tramp just like me.
00:20:59That idiot...
00:21:28You've had enough, haven't you? Let's go.
00:21:33How much time do you have left?
00:21:37Excuse me?
00:21:40The opioids.
00:21:45They're a drug that's often prescribed to patients with stage 4 cancer.
00:21:50I took something similar a few years ago, so I know them.
00:21:54Do you think it's time to talk about that?
00:21:56And does Jemmy know?
00:22:00You really are a fool.
00:22:04You're a fool and a stubborn one.
00:22:06You have to tell her right away. She deserves to know.
00:22:09This is ridiculous. That's enough, sir.
00:22:12Just because I'm kind and I follow her game, you think we're close?
00:22:15Are you serious?
00:22:16Do you really think I'm her son? No.
00:22:18Don't be ridiculous. We're strangers.
00:22:20Don't meddle. It's very annoying.
00:22:22I'm worried about you, and you're unbearable, you idiot.
00:22:34What will happen if you're really my son?
00:22:42Damn it.
00:22:45I have this damn disease.
00:22:48What if you...
00:22:50What if you live a miserable life like the one I have?
00:22:57That's why I'm like this.
00:22:59I'm scared and worried.
00:23:03I'm very worried, Joe. I'm sorry.
00:23:12What's wrong with him?
00:23:13Where are you going? Come back!
00:23:15Listen, I'd give you everything I have, but I don't have anything anymore.
00:23:20Hey, yes, I know. Take this arm. I can give it to you right now.
00:23:24Come back now.
00:23:26Hey, take my arm, this arm.
00:23:28If having this arm could heal you, I would give it to you without a doubt.
00:23:32He's my son.
00:23:34Hey, son. Hey!
00:23:37I mean it. I'll give you my arm.
00:23:43Right there.
00:23:52Hey, it's that idiot again.
00:23:56As you wish, boss.
00:24:13What are you doing?
00:24:22Listen, how many times do I have to tell you?
00:24:25I don't know that guy.
00:24:26He's a gypsy, whatever he is. I don't know who he is.
00:24:29Son of a bitch!
00:24:31Son of a bitch?
00:24:33I'm talking about Cicengio.
00:24:34That bastard dared to kidnap my girlfriend and escaped.
00:24:38Kidnapped your girlfriend?
00:24:39That's right. This bastard showed up in your jeep and took my Jemmy against his will.
00:24:46Hey, you have to listen to me. The fun won't pay your bills.
00:24:49I think the fun will pay everything. Do you understand?
00:24:53Looking for my girlfriend, Jemmy.
00:24:55Boss, the girlfriend's name is Jo Jemmy.
00:24:58I'll go get you right now.
00:24:59Hey, are you with someone?
00:25:00Yes, with a woman I kidnapped.
00:25:02Oh no, shit.
00:25:04That woman is Jemmy?
00:25:09Yes, tell me.
00:25:12Oh, what do you want? You saw the time.
00:25:16I wanted to know if Cicengio called to ask about me or...
00:25:21Do you think I'm his messenger?
00:25:23Why do you ask me one after the other? What a nuisance.
00:25:27Do you think I'm his messenger?
00:25:29Why do you ask me one after the other? What a nuisance.
00:25:40Wait, he always knew Geyo's real name.
00:25:44It can't be, it can't be.
00:25:48Don't make it up.
00:25:50Of course.
00:25:51So, Geyo and Cicengio have always been the same person.
00:25:57But if Geyo was the one who kidnapped the girlfriend of the Yara guy...
00:26:03It means that those idiots are wasting their time.
00:26:35How can he breathe like that?
00:26:48He left?
00:26:50Did you scare me? Where were you?
00:26:53Of course, anyone would react that way if the person next to them disappeared.
00:26:59I'm not the weird one.
00:27:02Did you get scared because I left?
00:27:04Oh, shut up.
00:27:07And are you relieved to see me again?
00:27:09Oh, get away, you stink of fish, get away!
00:27:15I showered, but I still stink. I went to the seafood market with Mr. Q.
00:27:19And were you drinking?
00:27:20Listen, it was ridiculous. Mr. Q grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me all over the market, treating me like his servant.
00:27:27Then I choked on a fish bone and almost died.
00:27:30In the end, we fought with the market vendors and my shoes and socks got soaked in the water puddles that stank of...
00:27:37Did you have fun?
00:27:38Have fun? Are you playing or what?
00:27:41Mr. Q said that team fights are more fun than one-on-one fights.
00:27:45It was us against 17 men, and I've beaten more, alone, but...
00:27:49How funny.
00:27:52You hated those who said things like, my team, your team, my this, my that.
00:27:56Things like the game and teamwork.
00:28:05Are you mad?
00:28:08Are you mad?
00:28:09No, why?
00:28:10Because I went out with Mr. Q without you.
00:28:12Do you think I'm a child? Don't be childish.
00:28:14You are childish.
00:28:26Hey, about the paternity test, maybe I'm not ready for the end of the day.
00:28:32We don't have to hurry to leave today.
00:28:34Besides, a storm is coming.
00:28:36There won't be a problem if we stay a few more days.
00:28:41You said Mr. Q liked you.
00:28:45So you think...
00:28:46Oh, it's true! Hey, hey!
00:28:49Try this.
00:28:50Fried shrimp.
00:28:52I brought them for you.
00:28:54You're going to like them.
00:28:56They taste better fresh out of the fryer, but here, try it.
00:28:58What are you doing?
00:29:00You know I'm allergic to seafood.
00:29:05Oh, sorry.
00:29:08In my defense,
00:29:10you can forget details in three years.
00:29:13You didn't have to crush the shrimp.
00:29:15Of course, I forgot it too.
00:29:17You've always been so indifferent and careless with me.
00:29:21Did you have to say that?
00:29:23You don't know how sorry I am to have lost three years of my life with you.
00:29:26I can't believe I forgot that.
00:29:28Then you should have gone with your husband. Why did you come back with me?
00:29:31Well, I don't know, I'm regretting it right now.
00:29:33Then leave and come back with him.
00:29:36How can you say that?
00:29:37Who's to blame for me being here now?
00:29:39Then leave.
00:29:40You believe in the power of love, don't you?
00:29:41Put your faith in that idiot again.
00:29:43Yes, try to stop me again and I'll leave without looking back.
00:29:46That makes you happy, doesn't it?
00:29:47Do it! Get out of here!
00:29:48Come on, leave!
00:29:51I'm sick of this.
00:30:03I'm sick of this.
00:30:49Oh, I really can't believe it.
00:30:53You see, I've invested time in learning different ways of fighting.
00:30:58But it really frustrates me to waste my time on something like this.
00:31:02I don't think it's a waste.
00:31:04Sometimes things happen and everyone makes mistakes.
00:31:07I say it's part of life.
00:31:11That means I don't need to hit Heijo myself.
00:31:15That's right, boss.
00:31:16It would be better to take advantage of that time to prepare kimchi for everyone.
00:31:24You're wrong.
00:31:26I guess you still can't assess the situation because you're new.
00:31:29But in this industry, we like to say,
00:31:31revenge is simple logic.
00:31:33You need to think simple to find the answer.
00:31:36So let's see.
00:31:38I left that bastard.
00:31:39He ruined my wedding day.
00:31:41Did he?
00:31:43Oh no!
00:31:46He did it!
00:31:47Now that idiot ran away with my girlfriend.
00:31:49Did he?
00:31:51Oh no!
00:31:54He did it!
00:31:55And that bitch who cheated on me with that bastard.
00:31:57She emptied my safe.
00:31:59Did she?
00:32:01Oh no!
00:32:10You didn't know that?
00:32:11Oh, I understand.
00:32:13Then let me rephrase.
00:32:15Because of that bitch who cheated on me with that idiot.
00:32:17And she emptied my safe.
00:32:18Now I'm broke.
00:32:20Am I wrong or not?
00:32:23Am I right?
00:32:26You see?
00:32:27If you think simple, you'll get the answer right away.
00:32:30So who's to blame for all this?
00:32:34I am.
00:32:35I am.
00:32:36I am.
00:32:37I am.
00:32:38I am.
00:32:39I am.
00:32:40I am.
00:32:41I am.
00:32:42I am.
00:32:43I am.
00:32:44I am.
00:32:45I am.
00:32:46I am.
00:32:47I am.
00:32:48I am.
00:32:49I am.
00:32:50I am.
00:32:51I am.
00:32:52I am.
00:32:53I am.
00:33:25Sleep a few hours straight.
00:33:28I have to go.
00:33:31By the way.
00:33:32Can I ask you a favor, Jemmy?
00:33:35What do you need?
00:33:36It's just that...
00:33:39The truth doesn't matter what the results of the paternity test say.
00:33:43I've decided to consider him my son anyway.
00:33:47That said, I want to act like his father for a few more days.
00:33:52Do you think you can persuade him, Jemmy?
00:33:56So he can stay a few more days?
00:34:03Do it for me.
00:34:09I'll try to talk to him.
00:34:16You don't have to leave.
00:34:17Sit down.
00:34:18Is there anything else you need me to do?
00:34:21Yes, there is.
00:34:22If you go down to the valley, you will find Angelica and Senecio de Fisher.
00:34:26Can you pick up a little for dinner?
00:34:28A lot of green leaves?
00:34:29Yes, a lot of green leaves.
00:34:30Choose all you want.
00:34:32See you later.
00:34:39The truth...
00:34:41I didn't want to bring it up at dinner, but...
00:34:45I'm sure...
00:34:46You know the kitchen of Hung.
00:34:49Oh, I see. You don't know her.
00:34:51You don't know the master of traditional food, Spong Hucha.
00:34:54I'm the only son of the fifth generation of that family.
00:34:59Then tell me what you want from me.
00:35:02Doctor, the anesthesia is happening. Be careful.
00:35:04Help me just this once.
00:35:05And I swear on the honor of my family that I will reward you for your help.
00:35:08I promise.
00:35:09I'll give you some advice. I say it from experience.
00:35:11Hey, Joe is...
00:35:13If you get involved in the problems of Zizengio,
00:35:15your life will be ruined before you realize it.
00:35:17So listen to me and stop...
00:35:19If my life is ruined or I end up in hell,
00:35:21I swear I'll take care of that later.
00:35:24I beg you, please.
00:35:26You're the only one I can ask for help now.
00:35:29You are my only hope, Yukiko.
00:35:32Please help me just this once.
00:35:35Please, I beg you.
00:35:54How did all these cuts happen?
00:35:57Your skin heals very slowly.
00:36:19I love you.
00:36:23I love you.
00:36:26I love you.
00:36:35I love you.
00:36:41I love you.
00:36:46I love you.
00:36:49I love you.
00:37:02He's reacting!
00:37:04I'm going crazy!
00:37:07Hey, I'm going to fix the paperwork.
00:37:09So wait for me here.
00:37:11Hey, hey, hey!
00:37:12I want to drink banana milk.
00:37:14Maybe I lost a lot of blood.
00:37:15Can I go to the convenience store?
00:37:19If you lost blood, you need strawberry milk.
00:37:22Hurry up!
00:37:24Bring me cigarettes.
00:37:25And hurry up!
00:37:26Yes, I'll bring them.
00:37:38Those guys really kill people.
00:37:40Those bastards hit anyone.
00:37:42It doesn't matter who you are.
00:37:44You see me snoring, right?
00:37:46I'm risking my life to help you right now.
00:37:49Do you understand?
00:37:50If the address is correct, I'll pay you well.
00:37:53I swear.
00:37:55You have my word.
00:38:06I should charge you more for this.
00:38:08I send you.
00:38:10You have to find the other two.
00:38:13And we can prevent more blood from spilling.
00:38:17Hey, what are you doing talking to yourself?
00:38:19They don't have what I want.
00:38:21Hurry up.
00:38:22I'm going.
00:38:23They don't have a good supply here.
00:38:34Let's see.
00:38:37Montecuitoxan should go directly...
00:38:42Did you see who it is?
00:38:47It's him.
00:38:48Hey, I know you.
00:38:49It's the one from that day.
00:38:52Look who it is.
00:38:54The guy from the tiara.
00:38:55It's Mr. Tiara, head of the police station.
00:38:57It's true, it's Mr. Tiara.
00:39:00Oh, it's true, it's true.
00:39:01Do you know me?
00:39:03Of course.
00:39:04We were together in that cell.
00:39:05We encouraged you when you went crazy.
00:39:07And you undressed.
00:39:11It's you.
00:39:12It's the thugs.
00:39:14What did you say?
00:39:15We met at the police station.
00:39:18That's crazy.
00:39:19I know we live in a small country,
00:39:21but what a curious coincidence, right?
00:39:25You're right.
00:39:27I'm glad to see you again.
00:39:30I have to go.
00:39:31I have things to do.
00:39:37About your kidnapped girlfriend...
00:39:39I hope you find her, okay?
00:39:49Yes, success!
00:39:54Oh, look at him.
00:39:55It's very obvious why they stole his wife,
00:39:57if he's nothing but an idiot.
00:39:59What else is he going to do, please?
00:40:05Shut up.
00:40:06Get in, Kutoxan!
00:40:07Kutoxan, quick!
00:40:08Let's go there!
00:40:09Speed up, speed up!
00:40:10Now, now, now, now!
00:40:13No, no, no, no!
00:40:14Why reverse?
00:40:17Faster, faster, faster, faster!
00:40:28Good morning!
00:40:30Son, you must be hungry.
00:40:33It's almost ready.
00:40:35Look at this.
00:40:36A delicious and healthy meal,
00:40:38worthy of a king.
00:41:10didn't we pass through here?
00:41:13Boss, we're going in the right direction,
00:41:15but now we're deep in the mountains,
00:41:17so the GPS isn't working properly.
00:41:20I hope you understand
00:41:21that if we don't find Gello today,
00:41:23we'll bury you here, okay?
00:41:24Damn idiot!
00:41:27we have to set fire to the mountain
00:41:29so that Gello can run away.
00:41:31Then we'll catch him and finish him.
00:41:35Do you think we're hunting a raccoon?
00:41:37Let's say we set fire to the mountain.
00:41:39I could go down this way,
00:41:40maybe that way, or that other way.
00:41:42It's impossible to know where it's going to descend.
00:41:45Do you have that huge head
00:41:47so that your neck has something to hold on to?
00:41:49Or what?
00:41:50I told you to start reading books, didn't I?
00:41:52Instead of harassing people,
00:41:53use that time to...
00:42:01Excuse me, ma'am!
00:42:03Can you help us?
00:42:06Of course.
00:42:07We were told that...
00:42:09there was a wooden cabin near here.
00:42:11I'm sorry, young man.
00:42:13In fact, it's the first time I've taken this route,
00:42:15so I don't know.
00:42:18One more question.
00:42:20I wonder if you know who I'm looking for.
00:42:24You look...
00:42:29better in person.
00:42:40Don't cheat on that dog!
00:42:42Why did that woman have to show up here all of a sudden?
00:42:47Hurry up!
00:42:53I have to go!
00:42:56That hurts!
00:42:58What do you think you're doing, idiots?
00:43:00Up, up!
00:43:01Get up!
00:43:03I can't believe you lost her!
00:43:05Help me, please!
00:43:19Did you hear that, too?
00:43:27Where are you, Jimmy?
00:43:28Where are you?
00:43:40There you are!
00:43:48Honey, are you okay?
00:43:50I told you to be careful.
00:43:55You should be resting.
00:43:59Come here, Jimmy.
00:44:02Let's go inside and eat something.
00:44:04Don't go.
00:44:05No, don't go.
00:44:06Don't go.
00:44:08Don't go.
00:44:11Don't leave me.
00:44:13Don't leave me.
00:44:14Jimmy, I'm so excited.
00:44:16No, Jimmy.
00:44:17Don't leave me.
00:44:21You have to get up now!
00:44:22We have to leave right now!
00:44:25You're back.
00:44:26You didn't leave me.
00:44:27Wake up!
00:44:28What's wrong?
00:44:29There are thugs coming this way.
00:44:30They want to hit you.
00:44:31If you don't want to die, get up!
00:44:33What did you say?
00:44:35Get up!
00:44:38Oh, no.
00:44:51We have to go.
00:44:52I'll be back.
00:45:04A cabin.
00:45:05It's over there.
00:45:06Over there?
00:45:07Are you ready?
00:45:08Yes, boss.
00:45:24It must be this way.
00:45:27What do you think you're doing, you idiots?
00:45:29We're not here to play.
00:45:34It's cold.
00:45:35It's freezing.
00:45:45Hey, wait.
00:45:48I can't.
00:45:53I can't.
00:46:24Look at that.
00:46:27We meet again.
00:46:29It can't be a coincidence.
00:46:32Yes, it is.
00:46:35Why don't you tell me what brings you to this mountain?
00:46:54Oh, good.
00:46:55Okay, let's keep going.
00:46:56Good luck.
00:46:58The bastard I'm looking for is here.
00:47:01The one who kidnapped my wife, too?
00:47:04Wait a second.
00:47:05That means we're after the same guy.
00:47:09Oh, I get it now.
00:47:12So, they say your enemy's enemy is your friend.
00:47:16Let's shake hands.
00:47:18I'm Oh-Hung.
00:47:20Let's shake hands.
00:47:22I'm Oh-Hung.
00:47:23I'm a doctor in traditional Korean medicine.
00:47:29Is that your name?
00:47:31It can't be.
00:47:32I thought it was a username or something.
00:47:38Don't move or I'll paralyze you.
00:47:39Don't move, don't move, don't move.
00:47:41If you go one centimeter deeper,
00:47:43your boss's entire body will be paralyzed.
00:47:46You'll have to get off the helicopter.
00:47:48I've seen things like this in the movies,
00:47:50and I'm capable of doing that.
00:47:52Son of a bitch!
00:47:55Son, don't move, you idiot.
00:47:58Don't move, you idiot.
00:47:59I'm sorry, sir.
00:48:00Hey, I'm not...
00:48:01Go in now and look for Jamie right away.
00:48:06Don't move or you'll be paralyzed.
00:48:12Listen, attention.
00:48:13Yes, sir.
00:48:18Yes, sir.
00:48:43It was almost impossible to track Kuchek.
00:48:45He was going from one place to another.
00:48:47He never stayed in the same place.
00:48:51Who are you?
00:48:52I had lost a lot of money in stocks,
00:48:55and I needed cash.
00:48:57How dare you try to deceive Mr. Mentemaestra?
00:49:00When I was young, I couldn't control my...
00:49:02Hey, how long has it been since I've seen you?
00:49:04Your son has taken good care of you, huh?
00:49:05Do you want to come with me to that container?
00:49:07Let's go.
00:49:08I'm going to look for some soy.
00:49:09So what? Are you coming or not?
00:49:11Hey, shut up.
00:49:16At this rate, we'll die before we find him.
00:49:20It can't be.
00:49:21Hey, stay still, stay still.
00:49:32We're sorry to bother you,
00:49:34but could you drop us off at the port cargo terminal?
00:49:39It's worth five million boles.
00:49:46Are you really going to look for him? Don't do it.
00:49:49Hey, wait here. I won't be long.
00:49:52Hey, don't kill him.
00:49:53You can hurt him, but don't kill him, okay?
00:49:57Why does he want to find him?
00:50:15He's not here?
00:50:17Oh, Jimmy.
00:50:25Jimmy, where are you?
00:50:26The boss says to come back, you idiot.
00:50:28Take this needle out.
00:50:29Get out of here! Take this needle out!
00:50:33It was all a lie.
00:50:35It was all a lie.
00:50:37It was all a lie.
00:50:39It was all a lie.
00:50:41It was all a lie.
00:50:43It was all a lie.
00:50:45There's no paralysis.
00:50:47You could always move.
00:50:53You're a damn bastard.
00:50:55I'll simulate that spot.
00:50:57Help the kids go to the bathroom.
00:50:58Hey, you son of a bitch.
00:51:00You made me look like an idiot using acupuncture.
00:51:04What are you doing?
00:51:05Step back, you idiot!
00:51:27It's me.
00:51:28It's me.
00:51:29The phone's ringing.
00:51:30Step back.
00:51:31It's me.
00:51:32The phone's ringing.
00:51:33Step back.
00:51:35You're on speaker.
00:51:36And my boss, Chilzong, is here.
00:51:38Hey, Chilzong, or whatever your name is, listen to me.
00:51:41Where's my Jimmy?
00:51:42It looks like you've been dragging Kari and making her work to find me.
00:51:46I'm going to tell you where I am so you can come get me.
00:51:51But you're going to let Kari go.
00:51:54Listen to yourself.
00:51:55You think you're a hero, you damn clown?
00:51:57Once I find you, your friend's job will be done.
00:52:01Stop talking nonsense.
00:52:03And swear it.
00:52:04All right, I swear it.
00:52:06Where are you?
00:52:08I can hear you.
00:52:10Come quick.
00:52:12I don't have much time, so I won't wait long.
00:52:43Kari, where are you?
00:52:46I saw you, idiot.
00:53:02Where are you going?
00:53:12You've had enough fun, haven't you?
00:53:14I think I deserve an explanation.
00:53:16You hurt my arm.
00:53:18I'm going to take this arm and consider it your payment with interest.
00:53:21What do you say?
00:53:22Hey, hey, listen, listen, Chilzong.
00:53:24Could you please listen to me?
00:53:27I'm begging you.
00:53:42Forgive me.
00:53:44You see, the truth is, I...
00:53:48I swear I wasn't trying to steal your money.
00:53:53I wanted to invest it and return it.
00:53:56It's the truth.
00:53:59Well, it's just that other parents help their children to generate money by investing in stocks and using various types of savings accounts.
00:54:10I never did anything for my son.
00:54:14I kept telling myself, I'll multiply it ten times for my son.
00:54:19I said it over and over again.
00:54:24Don't be stupid.
00:54:37Does it hurt?
00:54:41Is that why you should have apologized when I gave you the chance instead of pretending?
00:54:48As they say, sincerity always reaches the heart.
00:54:51Have you heard that?
00:54:57You're just an orphan.
00:55:02I didn't run away without paying you in advance.
00:55:07You, idiot.
00:55:08You were happy for two days thanks to me.
00:55:14I let you sleep in my house.
00:55:16And I fed you.
00:55:18And thanks to me, you had fun in the market.
00:55:22Or not?
00:55:24Think about it.
00:55:25Because you will never meet a father like me.
00:55:29Nor will you enjoy this type of luxury.
00:55:31Nor do you dream about it.
00:55:45You're a bastard!
00:55:49Not even a dog would want to be close to a piece of trash like you.
00:55:52You're a human piece of trash. You're not a father!
00:55:56A shameless person like you could never be the father I left!
00:56:00Damn you!
00:56:01You're still dreaming about that, scum!
00:56:04Stop dreaming!
00:56:06He was kind and spent time with you
00:56:08because he felt sorry to see an old hermit living alone in the mountains!
00:56:14Piece of shit!
00:56:17And you, idiot.
00:56:18That's why I told you not to hang out with anyone.
00:56:21Come on, let's go.
00:56:22Seriously, come on. Let's go.
00:56:24Lucky guy.
00:56:29I guess...
00:56:30I guess...
00:56:31Now you're a team.
00:56:35You must like that.
00:56:39That someone to vary is by your side.
00:56:46You're a kid.
00:57:10I left home at this time to come here and spend time with my son for the first time!
00:57:15How dare you try to fool me?
00:57:17I know you're young and you've been through a lot, but you overcame it.
00:57:24Why did you say that if you didn't feel it?
00:57:30Why did you say that you gave me your arm without thinking about it for a second?
00:57:35Tell me why!
00:57:42If you planned this...
00:57:54Stop! Don't do it!
00:57:57Stop! Please!
00:58:00Please! Please! Don't do it!
00:58:04Don't do it!
00:58:27Don't do it.
00:58:58It wasn't him?
00:59:03That idiot wasn't your father?
00:59:10Didn't you see it in his face? It's obvious it wasn't him.
00:59:15That's good.
00:59:16I was less nervous when it was the penalty in the World Cup.
00:59:20Don't exaggerate.
00:59:23Oh, come on. We'll be fine.
00:59:26Well, we have to go. Let's watch the next one.
00:59:31By the way, don't worry about the money.
00:59:35I think I can predict the future, just like you.
00:59:38Last night, something told me I should put some money away from your cash.
00:59:48Did I do well?
00:59:50Just go.
00:59:52Where to?
00:59:54Go back home.
00:59:57I want you to leave.
01:00:05Why are you saying this now?
01:00:09I don't know. I think I'm bored.
01:00:12I thought I'd have fun with you, but I was wrong.
01:00:18I know you didn't plan to spend much time with me.
01:00:28We should stop running away.
01:00:43I'm not leaving!
01:00:53I don't want to.
01:00:56I'm tired of being the idiot who keeps falling for your lies.
01:00:59This morning, you talked about how well you had fun at the market and you looked excited.
01:01:03Why? Do you give up just because the guy who played to be your father stabbed you in the back?
01:01:08Stop being the victim!
01:01:10No more self-compassion! That's enough!
01:01:12You should be grateful that you can look for your biological father.
01:01:15I'm an orphan. Do you dare to show off in front of me?
01:01:19You told me to go with you.
01:01:21You said we'd wander aimlessly.
01:01:23I said no, and you stopped me from doing what I wanted.
01:01:25And now what?
01:01:26Do you want to leave me because I don't have fun with you?
01:01:28Do you just want to die?
01:01:35I don't want to leave!
01:01:39I'll find your biological father and talk to him.
01:01:42I'll ask him why he had to...
01:01:44I'll ask him why he had to bring an idiot like you into this world.
01:01:51I'll do it. I swear I will.
01:02:14I'll do it.
01:02:30What is this?
01:02:41Is it Yemi?
01:02:45If it's my Yemi...
01:02:50You said you'd follow me wherever I went and bring me back.
01:02:56I can ask you to do it.
01:03:01I'll be waiting.
01:03:03I'll be waiting.
01:03:08She said she'd wait for me.
01:03:14She told me.
01:03:33I've been for a while
01:03:37On a winter's day
01:03:42I'd be safe and warm
01:03:46If I was in L.A.
01:03:50California dreaming
01:03:54On such a winter's day
01:03:59Stopped into a church
01:04:02I passed along the way
01:04:06Well, I got down on my knees
01:04:11And I pretend to pray
01:04:15You left me preaching like the cold
01:04:19He knows I'm gonna stay
01:04:24California, California dreaming
01:04:29On such a winter's day
01:05:07Mother leaves her child
01:05:29California, California dreaming
01:05:34On such a winter's day
01:05:39California, California dreaming
01:05:44On such a winter's day
01:05:49California, California dreaming
01:05:54California, California dreaming
01:05:59California, California dreaming
01:06:04California, California dreaming
01:06:09California, California dreaming
01:06:14California, California dreaming
