• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Proponiamo la creazione di un ministero della Casa e delle politiche abitative, per avere una cabina di regia a livello nazionale che eviti la dispersione di funzioni e competenze tra quattro Ministeri e crei una strategia nazionale sulle città in sinergia reale tra pubblico e privato. Così facendo si possono mettere in atto piani strutturali di edilizia residenziale, sia pubbliche che sociale, e incentivi fiscali di natura tecnica, urbanistici e soprattutto di natura legale, rendendo quindi le locazioni più sicure”. Così Gian Battista Baccarini, presidente nazionale Federazione italiana agenti immobiliari professionali - Fiaip, a margine della conferenza stampa “Affitti studenti: strategie e proposte per far fronte all’emergenza abitativa”, organizzata dalla Federazione italiana agenti immobiliari professionali - Fiaip e SoloAffitti per discutere dell’ingravescente situazione che riguarda gli studenti universitari fuori sede e l’impennata del costo degli affitti.


00:00There are two proposals that are aimed at, on the one hand, increasing the housing offer especially for university students and, on the other hand, making the canons for students more sustainable.
00:14So the first involves the exemption of the IMU in favour of the owners because it stipulates transitory contracts in favour of university students.
00:22The second proposal, on the other hand, involves the students themselves, that is, the exemption, or rather, the detraction, which is now at 19%, would be increased by 30% on the basis of a year of total location,
00:34having a monthly savings of 150 euros against the 40 euros expected today.
00:40This would certainly lead to a boost for the students themselves, always within the usual limits set by the parents, and this will benefit the whole community, the market and those who work there professionally.
00:52We propose the creation of a Ministry of Housing and Housing Policies precisely to have a national management cabinet,
00:59to avoid the dispersion of functions and competences between the four ministries, and to be able to implement a national strategy on the cities,
01:06acting as a real synergy between the public and the private sector, so that, on the one hand, structural plans are put in place, whether public or social,
01:13and, on the other hand, fiscal incentives of a technical and urbanistic nature, and above all of a legal nature, that is, to make the locations safer.
01:19We prefer to talk about emergencies because we are the country of emergencies, but about priorities.
01:24If this is a priority for our country, it is clear that it must be put among the first actions to be taken,
01:31and therefore it must be done through a ministry, a management cabinet, as we said,
01:36which allows the implementation of actions, both from the point of view of the public, but also, as we said, with the help of the private sector, which is now necessary.
