• last year

¡Se hablará mucho de Sanem y Can Love!

Después de trabajar en la tienda de comestibles de su padre durante unas horas por las mañanas, Sanem pasa todo el día soñando y trabajando en su libro y está extremadamente feliz con su vida. Hasta que la madre diga que si el turno del niño no encuentra un trabajo adecuado, ¡tiene que casarse! Sanem tie
ne que empezar por el trabajo de su hermana en el artículo. No se da cuenta de que lo espera allí junto a su gran amor que embellece sus sueños, y sin saberlo se convierte en parte de una trampa tendida contra Can y la compañía ...

¿Podría ser un amor basado en mentiras? ¿Y Sanem? ¿Puede quedar atrapado en Can he odia?

Producción: Gold Film
Productor: Faruk Turgut
Director: Çağrı Bayrak
Guión: Ayşe Kutlu Üner

Sanem Aydın: Demet Özdemir
Can Divit: Can Yaman
Leyla Aydın: Öznur Serçeler
Mevkibe Aydın: Özlem Tokaslan
Nihat Aydın: Berat Yenilmez
Emre Divit: Birand Tunca
Ayhan Işık: Ceren Taşçı
Muzaffer Kaya (Zebercet): Cihan Ercan
Deren Keskin: Tuğçe Kumral
Cengiz Özdemir (Ceycey): Anıl Çelik
Güliz Yıldırım: Sibel Şişman
Osman Işık: Ali Yağcı
01:30Pájaro soñador.
01:39Oye, escucha.
01:41No llores, por favor, tranquila.
01:44Sé que tu cámara es lo más valioso para ti.
01:47Salem, no vale la pena que llores por algo así.
01:50¿De acuerdo?
01:51No llores.
01:52Es una cámara vieja.
01:53Yo trataré de reparar las piezas.
01:55Voy a intentarlo.
01:56Tú no te preocupes.
01:59De acuerdo.
02:01Te voy a castigar.
02:04Así que ven y siéntate aquí hasta que termine de arreglarla
02:07y no podrás irte.
02:09¿Lo prometes?
03:16Eso es.
03:17Un poco más.
03:20Está arreglada, ¿ves?
03:22Entonces se la llevaré inmediatamente a...
03:23No, no, no, gracias.
03:25Yo lo haré.
03:26Pero podríamos salir juntos a respirar un poco de aire.
03:29Está bien.
03:31Yo recogeré todo después.
03:36Oye, ¿tu trabajo como entrenadora no es impedir
03:39que la gente tome malas decisiones?
03:41¿Por qué no me dijiste que estaba tomando malas decisiones?
03:43Pero usted jamás me hace caso.
03:45Usted misma dijo que haría el trabajo a ese precio, señora.
03:48Me quitó el celular para escribirlo.
03:50Ay, es que me apresuré.
03:52¿Por qué tengo que ser tan impulsiva?
03:54Tendría que haberlo pensado mejor antes de meterme en este lío.
03:5920 libras.
04:00Llevo todo el día trabajando y me duele el cuerpo por 20 liras.
04:04¿Y de cuánto será mi ganancia?
04:07Pues 20 nada más, lo que usted dijo.
04:10¿Ah, Melkiveh?
04:12¿Por qué aceptaste esto?
04:14¿Por qué?
04:15¿Por qué?
04:16¿Por qué siempre haces lo mismo?
04:19Tienes que aprender, mujer.
04:20Siempre haces igual.
04:21Siempre haces lo mismo.
04:23¿Qué necesidad, Melkiveh?
04:24Está bien.
04:26Está hablando con usted misma, señora.
04:29Pero ¿por qué lo hice?
04:30¿Por qué?
04:31Señora Melkiveh, vuelva a la tienda.
04:32Lo que hiciste fue un error.
04:34Cometiste un grave error.
04:36¿Por qué lo hiciste?
04:37¿Por qué?
04:38Fue demasiado para ella.
04:41Con Osman tomamos la decisión correcta.
04:43Es lo que buscamos.
04:45Me alegro mucho.
04:46Fue un gran descubrimiento.
04:48Podemos tomar un café, si gustan, mientras terminan.
04:52Pues vamos.
04:53Señor Emre, voy a ver a Osman.
04:54Le aviso cuando esté listo.
04:55Muy bien.
04:56Gracias, Leila.
05:01Tierra Melkiveh.
05:03Llamando Melkiveh.
05:05Ay, caray.
05:08Bueno, ya me voy.
05:10¿De acuerdo?
05:11Pues ya me voy.
05:12Le da igual.
05:13Oiga, señora, voy...
05:15Voy a buscar a Muzafer para ayudarla.
05:18Y nos llevamos la comida cuando esté lista.
05:20¿De acuerdo?
05:25¿Cómo estás?
05:26Yo bien, pero...
05:31¿Qué le pasa, Melkiveh?
05:32Yo diría que tiene un conflicto personal interno.
05:36Mejor dejarla tranquila.
05:38Gusto en verlo.
05:39Hasta luego.
05:42Tienda de ese apasari.
05:57¿Estás bien?
05:58Estaba pensando.
06:00Soy impulsiva.
06:02Estoy reflexionando.
06:03¿Por qué soy así?
06:05¿Por qué soy tan impulsiva, Nihat?
06:09Me siento mareada.
06:11Ya veo.
06:12Mujer, cálmate.
06:14Ya sabes que puedes hacer lo que quieras y te hace feliz.
06:18Pero, ¿qué es todo esto?
06:21¿Qué haces preparando rollitos en medio de la calle?
06:23Es mejor que no preguntes.
06:25No quiero ni verlo.
06:26Me pasé todo el día en esto.
06:28Me duele la espalda, me duele todo el cuerpo.
06:30Y pensar que lo hice por 20 miserables liras.
06:33No entiendo.
06:34Me pagarán solamente 20 liras.
06:36Por cierto, ¿viste a las niñas?
06:38Me tienen preocupada.
06:39Pues ambas están muy bien.
06:41Leyla está tranquila.
06:43La vi mejor.
06:44Y Sanem, pues ya lo sabes, es la misma en todas partes.
06:47Le grita a Yan, pero él le tiene paciencia.
06:50Es un gran chico.
06:52Si fuera otro, ya la habría despedido.
06:56Estaba equivocada.
06:58Quizás Sanem tenga razón al hacerse ilusiones.
07:01Es un buen chico.
07:03No, Mezquive, tranquila.
07:07Mantén la calma.
07:08Tranquila, tranquila.
07:10Sobre todo, no se te olvide lo que le pasó con Osman.
07:14No, cálmate.
07:18Estás muy cansada, mujer.
07:22Bueno, tú ya sabes que te quiero.
07:25Tal y como eres.
07:27Te amo con locura, Mezquive.
07:30Yo también te quiero mucho.
07:37El maquillaje te queda perfecto.
07:39¿Sí? ¿Eso crees?
07:40Sí, aunque tu piel es perfecta.
07:42Solo necesitas maquillaje para evitar el brillo.
07:47Buen día.
07:49Hola, Leyla. ¿Qué haces aquí?
07:51El director general de Orgate es nuevo.
07:53Vinimos a ver quién es.
07:55Ay, te ves muy bien con ese traje de golf.
07:59Voy a hacer diferentes tomas.
08:01Pero créeme, estarás más que perfecto.
08:04Seguro que las fotos serán geniales.
08:12Que sea un éxito la sesión.
08:16Hasta luego.
08:17Nos vemos.
08:18Osman, continuemos, por favor.
08:24Déjame verte.
08:25Esa boina te queda muy bien.
08:27En serio.
09:28Hay un amigo mío del internado que se convirtió en un chef muy famoso,
09:40y me gustaría mucho que lo conocieras.
09:42¿Fuiste a un internado?
09:44¿No estabas viviendo en Estambul?
09:46Después de que mi madre se llevara a Emre,
09:49mi padre pasó por momentos difíciles y cayó en una depresión.
09:53Yo quise irme al internado porque así no me sentiría tan solo
09:57y era más fácil para mi padre.
10:00Bueno, no sabía que habías crecido sin tu hermano.
10:04¿Nos sentamos?
10:10Emre estaba en Suiza y yo me quedé aquí.
10:13Solo lo veía dos veces al año.
10:15Yo quería estar con él y se lo pedía a mi padre, pero se negaba.
10:19Emre se crió ahí desde pequeño.
10:21Ni siquiera hablaba bien el turco.
10:24Teníamos problemas de comunicación.
10:26Cuando terminó la universidad,
10:28mi padre lo llevó a trabajar en la empresa
10:30y por fin pudimos estar juntos.
10:33Sí, crecimos extrañándonos mucho.
10:36Por eso, tal vez...
10:39Bueno, ya sabes.
10:43¿Ustedes son muy unidos?
10:45Sí, así es.
10:47Los hermanos deben estar unidos.
10:49Para mí es fundamental.
10:51Soy un hombre solitario.
10:54Y bueno...
10:57Te estoy contando toda mi vida.
10:59Me abrí contigo.
11:00Normalmente no me gusta hablar de mi vida.
11:04Pero contigo...
11:07no puedo parar de hablar.
11:09Eso me agrada.
11:11Me ocurre lo mismo.
11:13El tiempo se pasa volando contigo.
11:15¿Eso crees?
11:16De hecho, es verdad.
11:17El tiempo se pasa volando cuando estamos los dos juntos.
11:20¿Vamos a ver a ese amigo mío?
11:22¿Te parece bien si vamos ahora?
11:24Anda, por favor.
11:25Por favor.
11:27Dí que sí.
11:29Dí que sí.
11:30Está bien.
11:32En la opinión de todos,
11:46And you're not going to get out of the car, are you?
12:03I thought you were going to have a drink and come back.
12:06No, I don't want to bother you.
12:08It's better if I wait for you here.
12:10Sanem, Pauline left.
12:11I know you don't want to talk about it,
12:13but she's not here and nothing happened between us.
12:15There's no future.
12:16Kuli misunderstood the situation and what she told you was a lie.
12:20Oh, I'm so sorry.
12:22Do you feel sorry?
12:24Are you serious?
12:26No, of course not.
12:27It's your private life and I didn't want to get involved.
12:30Come on, get out of the car.
12:32Come here.
12:33Oh, oh.
12:34Like the roller coaster.
12:37What's up, friend?
12:38Hi, how are you?
12:39Good, and you?
12:40Good, thanks.
12:41Everything is ready.
12:42I hope you like it.
12:44Let me introduce you to Sanem.
12:45Hi, Sanem.
12:47Oh, I'm so sorry.
12:48I prepared everything in a hurry.
12:49I'll wait for you at my house.
12:50That way we can get ready for the day.
12:52You have an incredible restaurant.
12:54Of course we'll go.
12:55You're her only friend.
12:57I have to go.
12:58Come with me.
12:59Come with me.
13:09What is this?
13:12It's for us.
13:34I love how your eyes shine.
13:37Are you okay?
13:40You relax.
13:42Don't worry about anything.
13:44Let's have dinner together.
13:52Everything looks perfect.
13:54You are perfect.
14:02But there will be no wine for you.
14:04No, I don't want to.
14:11We can't do this, guys.
14:13We're going to be late.
14:15You're not organized.
14:16This is not going to work.
14:18Please move.
14:19We have a lot of work to do.
14:21Hurry up.
14:23Hakan, you're so nice.
14:26It's a pleasure.
14:30Deren, dear.
14:31Everything is going well.
14:32Emre is talking to the client outside
14:34and Osman loves them.
14:36I'm sure he'll be happy.
14:38Hey, I have a question.
14:41What are you up to?
14:43What's your real plan?
14:45Let's see.
14:47Orgate is my client.
14:49I know.
14:50And I don't want you to manage my client.
14:53Tomorrow, we'll sign an annual contract with this client.
14:57Yes, I know that.
14:58And according to the contract,
15:00I'll be the one managing Orgate.
15:02I know that.
15:03And I don't want you to manage my client.
15:06Yes, I know that.
15:07And we agreed that Galina is yours and Orgate is mine.
15:11So you're not interested in Galina.
15:13Deren, dear.
15:15Galina is just a brand that I'm not interested in at all.
15:19I need to use my imagination because I'm a creative woman.
15:23And what's behind all that creativity you say you have?
15:26I'm very curious.
15:28I'll explain.
15:29I spend all day writing new ideas.
15:32For example, now we're on a stage
15:35and this happens to me.
15:37Jan has left.
15:39As usual.
15:41Mr. Aziz has finally retired.
15:45And I married Emre.
15:48That makes me Mrs. Aylin Dibit, the boss.
15:54And you're fired.
15:58I confess I didn't expect something so emotional from you.
16:02Is it a horror movie?
16:04Or is it a comedy?
16:06Poor Aylin.
16:07It's a shame.
16:08You have very little imagination.
16:10I'll describe a more realistic scenario.
16:13Mr. Aziz is not here.
16:15And Jan either.
16:18But I'm still here.
16:19Emre too.
16:21And we have Metin to advise us on any legal issue.
16:25As you know, he is one of the best lawyers in Istanbul
16:28and is a specialist in contracts.
16:30If he finds the smallest mistake, you're out.
16:32So your stage to take over the company is a bit of science fiction.
16:36And I'm very busy.
16:37I can't waste any more time.
16:39I'm going to work.
16:43Someone come over here and put more pistachios.
16:46Hurry up.
16:47Mr. Metin.
16:51Well, let's talk to him.
16:57Did you like it?
16:58What did you think?
17:01I've never eaten anything like this in my life.
17:04And I forced you to eat those disgusting meatballs.
17:06I can't believe it.
17:07Yes, it's true.
17:08Yes, right?
17:12You like different food.
17:14Polen prepared it for you.
17:20Why did you want to be alone that night with Polen in the cabin?
17:25I thought you had left.
17:27And Polen wanted to stay here, so we went back home.
17:34I've only taken you to the cabin.
17:37I haven't taken anyone else.
17:40I understand.
17:48You're so beautiful.
17:52What are you thinking about right now?
17:54Come on, tell me.
17:55Be honest.
17:56Tell me how you feel, please.
17:57Tell me.
18:01I'm scared.
18:03But I'm by your side.
18:05That's why I'm scared.
18:13Come on, let go of that fork.
18:15We're going somewhere else.
18:16Come on, let's go.
18:23How are you?
18:24All good?
18:25Yes, we are very satisfied.
18:27That makes me happy.
18:28A lot.
18:30By the way, Metin, our lawyer.
18:31How are you?
18:32Come, Metin.
18:33How are you?
18:34Hi, I'm Selma.
18:35Nice to meet you.
18:36Nice to meet you, I'm Onur.
18:38Metin, a pleasure.
18:39I need you to excuse me.
18:40I'll be right back, okay?
18:42Of course, I'll see you inside.
18:43Of course.
18:44See you later.
18:46See you.
18:48Thank you, Emre.
18:49How are you?
18:50Fine, did you bring the contracts?
18:51Yes, I'll leave them and go.
18:52I have a lot of work.
18:53Sorry to make you come, but you know we need them.
18:57No, no, no, it's okay.
18:59I also have Galina's contract ready.
19:01I'll send it to you tomorrow.
19:04Well, that was all.
19:06Emre, listen to me.
19:08Aileen is a dangerous woman.
19:10Don't get too close to her.
19:12Don't worry, I know.
19:14See you later.
19:16We have to talk about the reports for your mother.
19:18I'm going to change the contracts.
19:20We'll review them together later, okay?
19:22What? My brother doesn't know anything?
19:24Hey, it's impossible to talk about your mother with your brother, Emre.
19:28Metin, you don't remember.
19:30He doesn't want my mother to have information about the agency.
19:33We'd get in trouble.
19:35Well, what choice do I have?
19:37Your mother is a partner in the company and wants the reports.
19:40When Mr. Aziz was in charge, there was no problem,
19:42but now everything has changed.
19:44Look, I'm in a very uncomfortable situation.
19:47Your mother has legal rights.
19:49Then don't do it.
19:50Don't send him the reports.
19:52Talk to my brother, okay?
19:54Tell him.
19:55See you later.
19:56See you.
20:20Take it.
20:38What is this for?
20:40You look great.
20:44You look fantastic.
20:45I don't have keys, but don't worry.
20:47You wait here, I'll be right back.
20:49You'll see.
20:51Jan, where are you going?
20:52Don't worry.
21:01He left.
21:13Hey, Jan.
21:16Sanem, welcome.
21:18Come in.
21:20Over there?
21:21Yes, exactly.
21:22But take off your glasses, okay?
21:38What is this place?
21:41We are in this place because it is one of the most beautiful places
21:45in all of Istanbul.
21:47And what happens if the owner catches us?
21:49That is impossible because we are two owners
21:52and only I can catch you.
21:56It's a beautiful place.
22:01If this place belongs to you, why don't you live here?
22:04We lived here a few years ago when we were children
22:06and then my father decided he didn't want to be in this house
22:10and we left.
22:11But this place is very important to me.
22:14It's where I feel the real beat of Istanbul.
22:18Whenever I come back, I visit this house.
22:22I'd love to see it.
22:37It's beautiful.
22:43This is impressive.
22:52I've traveled a lot around the world.
22:55However, this is the most beautiful place in Istanbul
22:58because it transforms itself by preserving its beauty.
23:02You always discover something new.
23:06This is the city I always come back to.
23:12If you close your eyes, you will hear the beat of Istanbul.
23:17The beat of Istanbul.
23:19I close them.
23:36What do you hear?
23:39The seagulls.
23:44The wind.
23:49What else?
23:52The noise.
23:54The children laughing.
23:57The sea.
23:59And now?
24:03I hear my voice.
24:06I hear your voice.
24:18I fell in love with you.
24:35I fell in love with you.
24:54Every time I close my eyes, I only see you.
24:59When I open them, it's only you.
25:03In a rose, it's you.
25:05In every breath, it's you.
25:08In the cabin, it's you.
25:10In the forest, I think of you.
25:13I see you in the stars.
25:17It's only you.
25:31You're not going to tell me anything?
25:34I don't know what to say.
25:36Are you going to run away?
25:38Where can I go?
25:42You didn't run away from me just one night.
25:44You came to me.
25:46You were drunk.
25:51It's the night I called you evil king.
25:54Come here.
25:55So I was a fool.
25:59You told me, come here.
26:03And you told me, you owe me a dance.
26:06You looked at me and smiled.
26:11You put your head on my chest.
26:19And you fell asleep.
26:22It's you.
26:32In your wet eyes.
26:35A few times left.
26:44A cool summer day.
26:47It's you.
26:56Would you be my killer?
26:59The stubbornness to live again.
27:09Would you be my killer?
27:14The stubbornness to live again.
27:34It's all me, it's all me.
27:36I had to do some serious work.
27:37That's why I'm stressed.
27:39Oh my god!
27:41A ghost!
27:43Musa, what are you doing here?
27:44Can you tell me what you're doing here?
27:46Hey, you only see a black moustache in the dark.
27:49You're like a character from a horror movie.
27:51Do you understand?
27:52I'm looking for the stage.
27:53I went that way, but I couldn't find it.
27:55This place looks like a damn maze.
27:57It doesn't make sense.
27:58Just listen to me.
27:59We're preparing a photographic session.
28:01Tell me what the hell you're doing here.
28:03I want to be an actor, like Osman did, he became an actor, the butcher is an actor, and I'm not, why?
28:10That's why I came, to be here, before the session, to see if I can be chosen.
28:15Musa, get out of here, I'm very busy, get out, get out.
28:20I'm sorry.
28:21Let him go, don't touch him, give me that, come on, give it to me, get out, get out of here, Musa.
28:26Every time you show up out of thirst, you cause problems, and I'm not going to tolerate it,
28:31get out, please, because my heart hurts.
28:33You say your heart hurts, my friend?
28:36Well, yes.
28:37If you want to know what your pain is, ask me.
28:39I suffer from the heart, for love, disappointment, and obsession.
28:44I suffer from the heart, mine is a platonic love.
28:49The only thing that matters to me is, is Anem.
28:52Everything else gives me absolutely the same, I'm not interested in anything, really, no.
28:59Are you suffering from love?
29:03I'm also a sufferer.
29:05Are you serious?
29:06Well, yes.
29:07Who is she?
29:08Don't ask me, because I'll end up saying her name, and I don't want to.
29:11Who is she?
29:12Don't ask me, I'm not going to tell you, don't ask me.
29:13Who is she?
29:14I told you, she's not my client.
29:16Okay, fine.
29:20I opened my heart to her.
29:22And when we met, she told me that I don't have to forget her.
29:27Even if she feels that it's an impossible love.
29:31No, Yeye, don't forget it, don't give up.
29:34Fight for love.
29:36Loving without being reciprocated is also beautiful, old man.
29:39It's a unique love, because it's a platonic love.
29:42You want all my support and a shoulder to always cry.
29:46You know, when you feel like you need it, don't forget your love, even if you suffer a lot.
29:52Come here in my arms, my king.
29:54Don't you dare.
29:55Come here.
29:56Come here, my child.
29:58No, please, don't you dare touch me, don't do it, please.
30:01Everything will be fine, calm down.
30:03He feels good.
30:04We have to support each other.
30:10Men shouldn't cry.
30:12We have to be strong.
30:14We'll do it.
30:16Cry, my friend, cry.
30:18Let it out.
30:24Calm down.
30:26It's good to have someone like you.
30:28I love you so much, Yeye.
30:30Give him a hug for love.
30:45Well, I'm still waiting.
30:47Do you want me to get off?
30:49It's not that.
30:51I want you to tell me.
30:54Well, that you love me too.
30:57That you're very, very in love with me.
31:01I can't tell you now.
31:03I need more time, I have to think about it.
31:06Do you need time?
31:10Because I'm not very sure.
31:14I still don't have my feelings clear.
31:17Let's see.
31:18You mean you're not able to be honest with yourself
31:22and recognize everything you feel?
31:24No, I'm not talking about that.
31:27But I want to think how I feel.
31:30I'll tell you later.
31:33When I have it clearer.
31:39You'll tell me when you have it clear.
31:43Hey, when you have the answer,
31:45are you going to write it or are you going to tell me personally?
31:51In person.
31:52That sounds good to me.
31:56Did you know you're a unique girl?
32:00I love you.
32:03I thank you very much.
32:05Good day.
32:07Good day.
32:13Oh, and a kiss.
32:32Look, hold it like this.
32:35I need more light above.
32:37Like this.
32:38Now let's try.
32:41Look this way.
33:04Did you see the boss and Aileen?
33:06They're looking at each other like murderers.
33:08I saw it.
33:09It's exciting.
33:11Are you crazy?
33:12And Osman?
33:13They're taking pictures of another guy.
33:15Where is Osman?
33:19Where is Osman?
33:20Shut up!
33:21Shut up!
33:23Deren, we're ready.
33:24We can start.
33:25Seda, can we call Osman, please?
33:38Let's go.
33:58Osman is so handsome.
33:59Osman, great.
34:01You're very handsome.
34:02Bravo for you.
34:03Thank you very much.
34:09The truth is that he's very handsome,
34:11but with that suit he looks fantastic.
34:13Well, yes.
34:14Although I'm surprised it's the first time
34:16we agree on something.
34:19Nice to meet you.
34:21And what is it?
34:22Why are you all so happy?
34:23Sorry, I just asked a question.
34:25What the hell are we doing?
34:26This guy just put on a suit and didn't say anything.
34:29There's nothing to celebrate.
34:31Are you done?
34:32Because as far as I know, we haven't started.
34:34I just want to remind you that we're late.
34:36Shut up.
34:37We'll start with the session, okay?
34:39Okay, I understand.
34:40But what's going on with you?
34:42We haven't started.
34:43Shut up.
34:44I want to start.
34:45Govern yourself.
34:46Shut up or get out of here.
34:48Everyone's ready.
34:49Let's start.
34:50Easy, easy.
34:51Let go like I taught you.
34:53You'll do well.
35:08That's great.
35:11That's how you do it.
35:13One more.
35:15Didn't I tell you before?
35:17That's not how you drink.
35:18You don't realize you're doing it wrong.
35:20Please, focus.
35:21Please, repeat it.
35:23Try to do it better.
35:24You drink it like it's a damn poison,
35:26and that's not how you do it, my king.
35:28What are you talking about?
35:29Shh, shut up.
35:30Let us work, please.
35:31Could you shut up?
35:32Oh, okay, okay.
35:33I told you to shut up.
35:34What are you doing?
35:35What are you doing?
35:36Can we know what you're doing?
35:37He's nervous.
35:38I'm sorry.
35:39I just wanted to give his opinion.
35:40We're very sorry.
35:42It's just a photo shoot.
35:43Why do we have to shut up?
35:45There's no sound in the photo.
35:47Why are you asking so many questions?
35:49Shut up.
35:50You look better.
35:51Well, I see we're almost done,
35:53so I'm leaving.
35:55A new client is waiting for me.
35:56I have a meeting.
35:59What client?
36:00Oh, for now, we don't have a new client.
36:02What company?
36:03What's his name?
36:04Who is he?
36:05Listen, honey,
36:06it's best if we give each other space.
36:08See you.
36:10See you later.
36:12I can't stand her.
36:17What's wrong?
36:23Come here a minute.
36:25I have a question.
36:26Tell me.
36:27Do you have Osman's phone number?
36:29Of course.
36:31I want his number.
36:33Zanem says they're not together
36:34and there's no problem.
36:36Goliz, why don't you ask him directly?
36:38Why are you acting like a teenager?
36:42Oh, you're so mean.
36:46Let go.
36:47Let go.
36:48Let go.
36:49Let go.
36:50Let go.
36:51Let go.
36:52Let go.
36:53Let go.
36:54Let go.
36:55Let go.
36:56Let go.
36:57Let go.
36:58Let go.
36:59Let go.
37:00Let go.
37:01Let go.
37:02Let go.
37:03Let go.
37:04Let go.
37:05Let go.
37:06Let go.
37:07Let go.
37:08Let go.
37:09Let go.
37:10Let go.
37:11Let go.
37:12Let go.
37:13Let go.
37:14Let go.
37:15Let go.
37:16Let go.
37:17I can see you're enjoying life with a fireplace and your glass.
37:20You didn't have any chocolate or strawberries, did you?
37:23Hello, Superman.
37:24You look happy.
37:29You left mid-party with your smoke in last night.
37:32What did you do?
37:33Did you rescue the planet?
37:34That's none of your business.
37:35What do you care?
37:36Although I would say that I saved my world.
37:39You've become more mysterious than usual recently.
37:42It took me a lot of work to convince you to use a smoke at the birthday celebration.
37:46a smoking and now you put it on as if nothing happened.
37:49I assure you it's a long story.
37:51Give me a summary, tell me.
37:53Did you talk to Polen?
37:55Yes, we talked.
37:57And she decided to go back to England.
37:59That was better for her.
38:01Hey, why did you break up with Polen?
38:04I still don't understand, come on, tell me, tell me.
38:08Do you have time to listen?
38:11Yes, of course.
38:12I want another woman.
38:15What do you mean?
38:16And who is she?
38:17Who did you fall in love with, huh?
38:19Ha ha ha.
38:25Our Zanem?
38:26Our Zanem.
38:30I'm madly in love with her.
38:34It drives me completely crazy.
38:36Yes, I had never felt like that.
38:38I feel like a teenager, I swear.
38:44Zanem, I understand.
38:47It's not my business, but why Zanem?
38:52What's the difference between her and Polen?
38:54What is it?
38:56I'll explain it to you this way, Zanem.
38:59She's a girl full of passion.
39:03She has an eternal passion for life.
39:05I had never met a beautiful woman like her.
39:08She likes flowers, books,
39:11stars, the sea, and the Galapagos.
39:14She's different from the other women.
39:17She thinks in a different way.
39:19She drives me crazy, and that's why I'm attracted to her.
39:22I have fun with her, and I never get tired of seeing her.
39:27I want to be by her side.
39:28Yes, all my life.
39:30Look at my brother.
39:32He's in love.
39:33Yandivite enamorado.
39:36But in the end, we know she's not at your level.
39:43Why do you say that?
39:45Tell me.
39:46Zanem is sweet.
39:48She's a good girl, you know that.
39:50She's going to suffer.
39:51It's a lie.
39:52You'll see.
39:52She won't.
39:53She's going to suffer.
39:54She won't.
39:54She will.
39:55I told you it's not true.
39:57How long will it last?
39:58Until you get bored of Istanbul?
40:01And what will she do?
40:02Will she run after you?
40:05Emre, you're annoying me.
40:06Leave me alone.
40:07You're very pessimistic, Emre.
40:09I told you I wouldn't hurt her,
40:11and you keep insisting on the same thing all the time.
40:13Now forget about that and let's toast.
40:15Come on.
40:15That's my glass.
40:16Oh, yeah?
40:17Well, now it's mine.
40:18Go get yours.
40:18Come on.
40:20Hurry up.
40:22It's for today.
40:23You're very in love.
40:24Yes, of course.
40:25As you wish.
40:27Hurry up.
40:27I'm in a hurry.
40:28Don't be late.
