• last year
Surah Al-A'raf, Ruku 10, Ayah 73-84:


Ayah 73:
"And to the Thamud, We sent their brother Salih."

Tafseer: Allah sent Prophet Salih (AS) to the Thamud people as a guide.

Ayah 74:
"He said, 'O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him.'"

Tafseer: Salih (AS) invited his people to worship only Allah.

Ayah 75:
"The eminent among his people, who were arrogant, said, 'We will not believe in you.'"

Tafseer: The leaders of Thamud rejected Salih's message due to pride.

Ayah 76:
"They said, 'We found our fathers following a religion, and we are followers of their footsteps.'"

Tafseer: They justified their rejection by citing their ancestors' beliefs.

Ayah 77:
"He said, 'Even if I brought you better guidance than what you found your fathers following?'"

Tafseer: Salih (AS) offered guidance superior to their ancestral traditions.

Ayah 78:
"They said, 'We deny what you have been sent with.'"

Tafseer: Thamud leaders refused Salih's message.

Ayah 79:
"So he turned away from them, saying, 'O my people, I had certainly conveyed to you the message of my Lord.'"

Tafseer: Salih (AS) dissociated from them, fulfilling his duty.

Ayah 80:
"And Lot was sent to his people."

Tafseer: Prophet Lut (AS) was sent to his community.

Ayah 81:
"He said, 'O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him.'"

Tafseer: Lut (AS) called his people to monotheism.

Ayah 82:
"The wicked among his people said, 'We will drive you out.'"

Tafseer: Lut's (AS) people threatened him.

Ayah 83:
"And We saved him and his family, except for his wife."

Tafseer: Allah rescued Lut (AS) and his family, except his wife.

Ayah 84:
"Indeed, We destined her to be among those who remain."


1. #SurahAlAraf
2. #Ruku10
3. #Ayah73-84
4. #QuranTafseer
5. #IslamicKnowledge
6. #QuranRecitation
7. #AlAraf
8. #ProphetSalih
9. #ProphetLut
10. #Monotheism

*Key Points*

1. Prophet Salih (AS) guided Thamud to worship Allah alone.
2. Thamud leaders rejected Salih's message due to pride.
3. Salih (AS) offered superior guidance.
4. Prophet Lut (AS) called his people to monotheism.
5. Lut's (AS) people threatened him.
6. Allah rescued Lut (AS) and his family, except his wife.


