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Surah Al-Hijr, Ruku 4, Ayat 49-99:

In this ruku, Allah describes the punishment of the disbelievers and the reward of the believers. He also warns the disbelievers of the consequences of their actions.

Ayat 49-51:

"And inform My servants that I am the Forgiving, the Merciful. And that My punishment is the painful punishment." (Quran 15:49-51)


In these ayat, Allah describes Himself as the Forgiving and the Merciful, but also warns of the painful punishment that awaits the disbelievers.

Ayat 52-55:

"And indeed, the righteous will be in a secure place. With gardens and springs. And We will admit them to gardens of eternal residence, which We have promised them, truthfully." (Quran 15:52-55)


In these ayat, Allah describes the reward of the righteous, which includes gardens, springs, and eternal residence in Paradise.


1. #SurahAlHijr
2. #Ruku4
3. #Ayat49-99
4. #PunishmentOfDisbelievers
5. #RewardOfBelievers
6. #ForgivenessAndMercy
7. #PainfulPunishment
8. #ParadiseAndHell
9. #IslamicEschatology
10. #QuranicLessons


