• 4 days ago
Surah Ibrahim, Ruku 7:


This ruku starts with the ayat:

"And indeed, this [Quran] is a reminder, so whoever wills may take to his Lord a way." (Quran 14:42)


In this ayat, Allah emphasizes that the Quran is a reminder for humanity, and whoever wills can take a path to Allah.

The next ayat says:

"And your Lord knows what is within their breasts, and what they manifest. And He is the Knowing, the Wise." (Quran 14:43)


In this ayat, Allah reminds us that He knows everything that is in our hearts and minds, and He is fully aware of our actions.

The last ayat of the surah says:

"And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Quran that you may warn the Mother of Cities [Makkah] and those around it." (Quran 14:52)


In this ayat, Allah reminds the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that the Quran was revealed to him in Arabic, so that he may warn the people of Makkah and its surrounding areas.


1. #SurahIbrahim
2. #Ruku7
3. #Ayat42-52
4. #QuranReminder
5. #PathToAllah
6. #OmniscientAllah
7. #ArabicQuran
8. #Makkah
9. #WarningToMankind
10. #IslamicKnowledge


