• last year
पुंछ: जम्मू कश्मीर के पुंछ में मौजूद सुखदेव सिंह जिला अस्पताल में स्थापित किया गया प्रधानमंत्री जन औषधि केंद्र क्षेत्र के गरीबों को हर प्रकार का उपचार सुलभ करवा रहा है क्योंकि इस केंद्र पर काफी सस्ते दामों पर दवाइयां उपलब्ध होती हैं। इसको लेकर पुंछ के लोग प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी का धन्यवाद अदा करते हुए कहते हैं कि इससे हमें बहुत लाभ मिल रहा है। जो दवाई बाजार में 100 रुपए में मिलती है यहां वह मात्र 20 रुपए में मिलती है। वहीं राजा सुखदेव सिंह जिला अस्पताल की मेडिकल सुप्रिटेंडेंट डॉ नुसरत उल निसा भी कहती हैं कि प्रधानमंत्री जन औषधि केंद्र का लोगों को बहुत फायदा मिल रहा है। हमने सभी डॉक्टर्स को निर्देश दिए हैं कि वह मरीजों को इस केंद्र में मिलने वाली दवाइयों के साल्ट ही लिखें।

#janaushadhikendra #pmjanaushadhikendra #jammukashmir #poonch #poonchdistricthospital #centralgovernmentscheme #pmmodi


01:00We have an open health center here, and the medicine we get here is the cheapest.
01:07If there is a 100-rupee strip here, you can get it for 20 rupees there, or even less.
01:14So we are giving people awareness.
01:17Whatever medicine is available, first of all, it has to be healthy.
01:23The medicine that is not available here, you can get it from the health center.
01:30The medicine that is available here is the cheapest.
01:33We have come here.
01:34The doctors are also instructed to write a list and advise every patient.
01:39We have come here.
01:40The doctors are also instructed to write a list and advise every patient.
01:45We have come here.
01:46The doctors are also instructed to write a list and advise every patient.
01:52First, go to the health center and get the medicine from there.
01:55If it is not available, you can get it from somewhere else.
01:59But here, the medicine is available in our hospital and in the health center.
02:03I have come to the hospital.
02:05I would like to thank the central government of the BJP.
02:13The medicine store is open in the hospital.
02:17This is very beneficial for the general public.
02:20For example, I have taken Pantop from here.
02:23This is Pantop.
02:24This medicine is available for 120 rupees outside.
02:28And here it is available for only 22 rupees.
02:31Due to this, many poor people come to this shop.
02:37This is a very backward area.
02:39People living below the poverty line live in large numbers.
02:43People benefit a lot from this medical store.
02:48This medicine store is very beneficial.
02:52This medicine is available for 120 rupees outside.
02:58This is very beneficial for the general public.
03:03We have brought the patients here.
03:05We get the medicine from here at a very good rate.
03:08This is very beneficial for the poor people.
03:10This is a very good scheme.
03:12We would like to thank them.
