• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi siamo qui per presentare questo progetto ‘Perfect Toilets’, che vuole sollevare un tema che noi riteniamo sociale: parlare dei bagni pubblici negli ambienti urbani. A noi di Tork è un argomento che ci sta molto a cuore, in quanto noi abbiamo come obiettivo principale l'abbattimento delle barriere al benessere, e quindi cercare di rendere l'igiene sostenibile e disponibile per tutti.” Ha dichiarato il direttore commerciale professional hygiene di Essity Italia Riccardo Trionfera, a margine dell’evento al museo Maxxi di Roma ‘Perfect Toilets’, l’iniziativa del brand Tork che coinvolge sette architetti italiani chiamati a sviluppare un concept progettuale di bagno pubblico per le città di Roma, Milano, Venezia, Firenze, Napoli e Palermo.


00:00Today we are here to present this project Perfect Toilets, which aims to raise a topic that we consider social, to talk about public bathrooms in urban environments.
00:17For us, DTORC is a topic that is very close to our hearts, as our main goal is to break down barriers to well-being and therefore try to make hygiene sustainable and available to everyone.
00:36This is very important for us because it touches on many elements, many topics that are fundamental to us.
00:43First of all, inclusion, therefore having public bathrooms that are inclusive, that give everyone the opportunity to use during their day, whether they are tourists or citizens who move for work, hygienic and efficient public bathrooms.
00:58Sustainability, because more and more we have to work on solutions that are in line with the environment, that allow us to pollute less, to consume less products, to generate less waste, and therefore these are all issues that we are constantly working on.
01:17The film by Vinvendors gave us the opportunity to try to take up a topic that, as I said before, is very close to our hearts, and we put together a group of architectural studies to which we asked to design public bathrooms for the main Italian cities.
01:37And so what we are seeing today are very interesting projects of inspiration that we hope can also contribute to local institutions to continue to debate on this topic.
01:51Clearly the road will be a long road, there will be a lot of work to do, but in any case, we as TORC can obviously make our contribution as hygiene professionals and help in the areas of inclusion, sustainability and hygiene for everyone.
