(Adnkronos) - “Roma è una città enorme, visitata da decine di milioni di turisti ogni anno. Tra le sfide che abbiamo davanti c’è quella di poter garantire un accesso e servizio pubblico decoroso alle tante persone che hanno bisogno di un bagno pubblico. Il patrimonio di Roma Capitale può essere una risorsa ma va gestito al meglio, vanno trovati gli spazi e per questo stiamo facendo un grande censimento. È un progetto che va fatto in collaborazione tra pubblico e privato, per avere una città più aperta e inclusiva.” Ha dichiarato l’assessore al Patrimonio e alle Politiche Abitative del Comune di Roma Tobia Zevi a margine dell’evento al museo Maxxi di Roma ‘Perfect Toilets’, l’iniziativa del brand Tork che coinvolge sette architetti italiani chiamati a sviluppare un concept progettuale di bagno pubblico per le città di Roma, Milano, Venezia, Firenze, Napoli e Palermo.
00:00Rome is a huge city, visited every year by tens of millions of tourists and obviously full of people.
00:12Among the challenges we have in front of us, there is also that of being able to guarantee access,
00:17a decorous public service to the many people who need a public bathroom.
00:22To do this, evidently the heritage of the Roman capital is a great opportunity, a great resource,
00:28but it is necessary to find a way to manage it, let's say, to identify it as best as possible,
00:33because it is necessary to find many spaces, many suitable spaces and many spaces evidently in the various areas of the city.
00:39For this reason we are working on the census, the Atlante project,
00:42so we have additional tools that we did not have in the past, but it is clear that a great job must be done.
00:47In my opinion, it is necessary to do it in collaboration between the public and the private sector,
00:51because it is clear that we struggle to do all this only as a public sector,
00:55while the private sector can be an important resource,
00:58if of course the project is shared and the addresses are clear.
01:01From my point of view, the fundamental address is to have a more open, more inclusive, more accessible city,
01:07where it is not just a question of bathrooms, where the pee is done,
01:11it is a question of the city in which we want to live.