• last year
(Adnkronos) - “È vero che all'interno di questo libro si racconta La tragedia del terremoto, ma al tempo stesso si offre una prospettiva di ripresa e di rinascita per dei territori che fanno parte storicamente della nostra storia e dell'identità italiana”. Lo ha detto Francesco Giubilei, editore e direttore scientifico Alleanza Nazionale, alla presentazione del libro ‘Mediae Terrae’ di Guido Castelli, Senatore della Repubblica e Commissario straordinario Sisma 2016.
Il libro, presentato in anteprima allo stand della Regione Lazio al Roma Convention center, in occasione della Fiera nazionale della piccola e media Editoria ‘Più libri, più liberi’, racconta la ricostruzione dell’Appennino centrale colpito dal sisma tra il 2016 e il 2017.


00:00It is a message of hope and a message of rebirth, because it is true that in this book a tragedy is told, that of the earthquake, but at the same time it offers a perspective of recovery, a perspective of rebirth for territories that are historically part of our history and of the Italian identity.
00:24We must not forget that Italy is made up of some great cities, but it is also and above all made up of the hinterland, of small centers that have been put to the test, unfortunately also with an incessant loss of human lives from a tragedy like that of the earthquake.
00:41Now it is important to try to restart and within this book Guido Castelli, who for many years has been doing an important job on the territory and is doing it for a greater reason with the role of commissioner of the government, tries to propose some ideas, some projects precisely to relaunch the territories affected by that tragedy that was the earthquake.
01:00Today we live an ambientalism, sometimes ideological, which considers man as an enemy, as an adversary of nature, as an adversary of territories.
01:08However, there is no greater area of ​​internal territories, of internal areas, in which it is evident how the presence of man is not important, but it is indispensable to take care of the territory, because where there is a strong depopulation, phenomena occur, for example, connected to hydrogeological depletion, which are dramatic precisely because of the absence of care for the territory by man.
01:30This is why it is important to try to relaunch these territories. At the same time, there is a key word, which is the concept of identity. When a small country, when a village is depopulated and loses inhabitants year after year, it also loses its identity, the stories of families that are passed down from generation to generation.
01:50Therefore, to defend our Italian identity, it is essential that these places are reborn as happened until a few years ago.
