• last year
(Adnkronos) - Le imprese presenti alla giornata d’apertura della prima edizione della Social Sustainability Week hanno portato la loro testimonianza rispetto all’impegno sul fronte dei giovani e della sostenibilità sociale. Le azioni da queste messe in campo risultano in linea con le esigenze delle nuove generazioni che si affacciano sul mercato del lavoro e che già lo abitano, come evidenziano i risultati dell’indagine “Giovani e sostenibilità sociale”, promossa da Eikon e presentata all’inaugurazione dell’evento.


00:00At the opening day of the first edition of the Social Sustainability Week,
00:09the companies present have testified their commitment to the young people and social sustainability.
00:14The actions taken by these companies are in line with the needs of the new generations
00:19who are approaching the job market or who already live it,
00:22as evidenced by the results of the Young People and Social Sustainability survey
00:26promoted by EICON and presented at the opening of the event.
00:30Between 2021 and 2023, 6,700 young people were hired.
00:38The number is an important number because we consider young people the engine of the company
00:45and a whole series of initiatives have been carried out
00:50to promote the growth of young talents and, above all, an intergenerational exchange.
01:00Looking at the needs of young people and the need to enhance talent and skills,
01:04Ferrovie dello Stato has recently launched the Employer Branding campaign entitled Il talento sei tu.
01:10The first action is to engage in discussion.
01:14We spoke earlier about awareness in the panel.
01:16Awareness of their abilities and their desire to invest in the professional future and competence
01:23is certainly an asset on which Ferrovie dello Stato is investing.
01:27An important aspect touched on during the day is access to digital innovations.
01:32Social sustainability is only if it becomes a heritage in which all companies
01:39can coordinate in some way, agree and share the actions that are developed
01:47in terms of social sustainability in such a way that it becomes a heritage of all people
01:51and therefore allowing young people access to all elements of development such as digital,
01:58innovation and therefore the new technologies that are going to be faced.
02:01Inuit is taking care of filling the digital divide.
02:05We do this by bringing our digital infrastructures and shared ones,
02:09equipped with the operators' 5G, to almost 1,400 areas of market failure.
02:16This means ensuring more social inclusion, not only for those territories and those communities,
02:21but for the many young people who live in these disadvantaged realities.
