• 3 weeks ago
(Adnkronos) - “I giovani, lo sappiamo, sono molto più sensibili alle tematiche della transizione ecologica, ma grazie a questa indagine vediamo che anche l’attenzione alla sostenibilità sociale è molto radicata, che per loro vuol dire un salario dignitoso, una prospettiva di lavoro non a brevissimo termine. Alcuni degli obiettivi dell’agenda 2030 per la parte sociale sono altrettanto importanti di quelli ambientali”. Con queste parole Enrico Giovannini, direttore scientifico Asvis, è intervenuto a margine della presentazione della ricerca “Giovani e sostenibilità sociale”, promossa da Eikon, svoltasi a Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma nel contesto della Social Sustainability Week.


00:00We know that young people are much more sensitive to the issues of the ecological transition,
00:10but today, thanks to these investigations, we also see that the attention to social sustainability is very low.
00:18For them it obviously means a dignified salary, it means a not-so-short-term job prospects.
00:27In short, some of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for the social part are just as important as the environmental ones.
00:35We also see that a series of choices, even daily, are closely linked to the availability of funds.
00:44Therefore, they would like to be much more sustainable, but they cannot, for example, on urban mobility,
00:51because they do not have the possibility of using sustainable mobility.
00:55These are clear indications of policies.
00:58Let's see if the government, the parliament, but also the political and social forces
01:03will follow these indications to close the gap between the expectations of young people and the realizations.
