• last year
दिल्ली – आम आदमी पार्टी के नेता अवध ओझा ने आम आदमी पार्टी ज्वाइन करने के सवाल पर कहा कि एक प्रेम भरा निमंत्रण है। जब आपको कोई आदमी सम्मान देता है और निमंत्रण देता है तब आप निश्चित रूप से उसके साथ जाना चाहोगे। केजरीवाल की आलोचना के सवाल पर उन्होंने कहा कि कवि और टीचर या तो तारीफ करेंगे या किसी बात पर टारगेट करेंगे। शिक्षा मंत्री बनने के सवाल पर उन्होंने कहा कि मैं तो एक कार्यकर्ता हूं। मेरी इच्छा ये है कि जिस गति से शिक्षा के विकास धारा दिल्ली में चल रही है वो दिल्ली में और मजबूत हो। मैं इनके एजुकेशन मॉडल से शुरू से सहमत हूं। केजरीवाल के जेल जाने के सवाल पर उन्होंने कहा कि आम आदमी पार्टी के नेताओं के जेल जाने पर उन्होंने कहा कि गांधी भी जेल में गए थे, नेल्सन मंडेला भी जेल में गए थे, राम मनोहर लोहिया भी गए थे, नेहरू जी भी गए थे। कोर्ट डिसाइड करेगी कि सही है या गलत है। चुनाव लड़ने के सवाल पर उन्होंने कहा कि इसमें कोई बात होती तो मैं निश्चित तौर पर बोलता लेकिन मेरी इस मुद्दे पर कोई बात नहीं हुई है।

#awadhojha #aap #kejriwal #delhi


00:00When a man gives you an invitation, you will definitely want to go with him.
00:10This is the main reason to join the Aam Aadmi Party.
00:14I said that poet, poet and teacher will either praise or target something.
00:22So as a teacher, when we are in the class, we can raise anyone on any issue.
00:28So it's not like we are saying something personal.
00:32So that is an exemption for the teacher and poet.
00:35I do one thing, nothing else.
00:39My wish is that the pace in which the educational development is going on in Delhi,
00:44it should be more strong in Delhi.
00:46And as our party is growing all over India,
00:49and we should make this model, where the boy is asking questions to people,
00:53I have been to many schools, the boys did not ask questions.
00:56I have been to many schools, the boys did not ask questions.
01:01So this development of curiosity should go ahead.
01:05The biggest thing I said is that I got an invitation, I was invited.
01:09And the second thing is that when I came here, I was their education model.
01:13I have a video on them.
01:15I have been their education model from the beginning.
01:17And when I was told that we want you to be our partner in the development of our education,
01:23then there was no question of refusing.
01:26You see, government school pre-2015 and government school post-2015,
01:34means 97% result is of CBSE board.
01:38In 2015, there were 15 selections of government school in IIT.
01:43And in 2024, 783.
01:46The selection of NEET is around 1500.
01:51I don't know the accurate data.
01:53But the selection of NEET is around 1500 of government school.
01:56In this way, where people used to think that the boy of government school is not capable of doing anything,
02:02the whole concept has been changed by Aam Aadmi Party.
02:05And then Mohanlal Clinic.
02:07A common man who earns 200 rupees a day,
02:12how will he afford a doctor in private?
02:15And there is a long line in the government.
02:17But Mohanlal Clinic gave a facility that every person can be diagnosed, can meet a doctor.
02:23So, these are very revolutionary steps.
02:25These are very revolutionary steps.
02:27They should be appreciated.
02:28No, I think Aam Aadmi Party, which is running on that thread,
02:31needs to be strengthened.
02:33And Kejriwal's hand needs to be strengthened more,
02:36so that this stream of education, health, etc. is getting stronger.
02:41Gandhi ji also went to jail.
02:43Nelson Mandela also went to jail.
02:45Ram Manohar Lohia also went to jail.
02:47Nehru ji also went to jail.
02:48So, going to jail…
02:50If a person goes to jail, then why did he go?
02:53It is the government.
02:54Now I am saying that the government should come.
02:57These are the decisions of the government.
02:59The court will decide whether it was right or wrong.
03:01So, if the court says that it is wrong, then it is wrong.
03:03Otherwise, go to jail.
