• last year
He loves it! ❤️ Lawrence's mom told us all about how their ritual developed.


00:00And that's how you burp a turkey.
00:10See what he's got locked and loaded for us today.
00:13One day I was loving on Lawrence and I gave him a hug and I squeezed a little too tight
00:17and he let out a huge burp.
00:19That was a good one.
00:22It caught me by surprise and then I started researching and I realized this is a thing
00:27and turkeys burp.
00:28We got a burp in here for us today.
00:30We're extra jiggly.
00:32He enjoys our burping sessions.
00:34It doesn't take much pressure.
00:38Lawrence is truly a unique guy and unlike any bird that I've had.
00:42He was only a couple of days old when I got him.
00:44After having turkeys now, I definitely think they are a misunderstood animal and they are
00:48capable of so much love.
00:50Good morning.
00:51They're the dogs of the poultry world.
00:55It's like having the big clumsy toddler with feathers that follows you around all the time
01:01when you're outside.
01:02Don't even stop it.
01:06Lawrence definitely has a lot of trust in me.
01:09Just looking into his eyes, you can almost see it.
01:11Your belly's nice and warm.
01:13Do you have a burp?
01:22I feel lots of pressure.
01:24Lawrence and I have a very special relationship.
01:31I love our burping rituals.
01:32Feel better now?
01:34And apparently the world has grown fond of it as well.
