• last year
They wreak complete havoc on his life — but he wouldn't have it any other way. We talked to Glenn about the special connection they have, and how they never let him get any work done!


00:00Hey! Get off of there!
00:04They are an absolute menace.
00:07Come on. Do it.
00:14I was mowing the grass one day and looked down on the ground and there was a nest.
00:18My mom left so I kept the eggs.
00:21Now they imprinted on us.
00:24Stop it. Leave me alone!
00:27They're free to roam wherever they want because they're wild turkeys.
00:32But it's always where I'm at.
00:34I'm going to need therapy, honey.
00:36Stop is a little monster brat child and he'll start pecking me.
00:40No guards me.
00:43They have to see what I'm doing and they never let me get any work done.
00:47It got to a point to where I had to start wearing a hoop skirt.
00:52Hey! Get me now!
01:00You're going to have to wear that all the time now.
01:02They're quick learners. They figured out they could go under it.
01:06They're figuring it out.
01:08Going in low.
01:12There are sweet moments. Moments that I think, oh my gosh, this is really worth it.
01:17They're not always mean to me. They're nice. They come around and they're gentle.
01:22There's a special connection that they have with Glenn.
01:25They wouldn't know what to do without him just like he probably doesn't know what to do without them.
01:32Come here, stop it.
