• last year
Paciente de VIH vive en la pobreza en Cuba
Yarisleidis Coutiño García, una joven guantanamera diagnosticada con VIH desde hace 8 meses, afirma que no ha tenido ningún cuidado especial por parte del Ministerio de Salud en Cuba: “Solo medicamentos y una dieta de “Un picadillito y 15 huevos cuando llegan”. Coutiño tiene dudas con relación a su diagnóstico, pero no ha recibido una respuesta profesional al respecto. Aunque acepta que recibe los medicamentos de forma gratuita, las imágenes de su casa grabadas por ADN Cuba, dejan claro que sus condiciones de vida son precarias.
#diamundialdelsida #luchacontraelsida #pacientesconsidaenCuba


00:00My name is Yaryletti Coutinho Garcia. I am a patient of YACHI and I want to talk to you about how this disease is presented here in Cuba.
00:10Before, when we were positive, they would send me to a necessity center to give us talks to see how we fought the disease.
00:22In the 8 months that I have been sick, I have not had any care.
00:28What they give us is a medical diet. They give us a little bite when it arrives, 15 eggs when it arrives,
00:36and they spend up to 3 months and 4 months without arriving, and when it arrives, they give it to us.
00:43They give us a card, we go to the pharmacy, we look for the medicine, they give us a gift,
00:50one is called Tabin, the other Tolurarin, the other is called Isonacida,
00:56and so far there has been no problem with the medicines. Every month, when we go, the medicine is there.
01:04I don't understand why I am positive when I am pregnant.
01:08I was already fighting with the father of my children, that he was positive, and I had another relationship that was negative.
01:16My children are negative, I don't understand why I am positive.
01:20I need to see that they help me, that they repeat it to me, to see why I am positive.
01:25This has affected me, that I don't know if I am negative or positive.
