Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Crime
A struggling attorney risks everything when a young girl confesses to killing her sibling. Determined to uncover the truth, he delves into the dark and harrowing secrets behind the shocking murder.
#MyFirstClient2019, #KoreanThriller, #MysteryDrama, #LegalThriller, #DarkSecrets, #KoreanCinema, #ChildAbuseMystery, #CrimeDrama, #GrippingStory, #KoreanMovies, #PsychologicalThriller, #MustWatchDrama, #EmotionalJourney, #HarrowingTruth, #JusticeAndRedemption, #SuspensefulMovies, #AsianCinema, #ThrillerFans, #IntenseDrama, #KoreanCrimeFilm
A struggling attorney risks everything when a young girl confesses to killing her sibling. Determined to uncover the truth, he delves into the dark and harrowing secrets behind the shocking murder.
#MyFirstClient2019, #KoreanThriller, #MysteryDrama, #LegalThriller, #DarkSecrets, #KoreanCinema, #ChildAbuseMystery, #CrimeDrama, #GrippingStory, #KoreanMovies, #PsychologicalThriller, #MustWatchDrama, #EmotionalJourney, #HarrowingTruth, #JusticeAndRedemption, #SuspensefulMovies, #AsianCinema, #ThrillerFans, #IntenseDrama, #KoreanCrimeFilm
Short film