Genres: Drama, Mystery, Crime, Thriller
Yoo-ri, a model student from a wealthy family, mysteriously dies at a lakeside campsite during a gathering with a suicide group. While detectives lean toward suicide, her mother believes there’s more to the story, leading to a deeper investigation into dark secrets.
#ToxicParents2023, #KoreanMystery, #CrimeDrama, #PsychologicalDrama, #DarkSecrets, #SuicideMystery, #KoreanCinema, #FamilyDrama, #KoreanMovies, #ChillingStory, #SuspensefulDrama, #HarrowingTruths, #MustWatchDrama, #GrippingMystery, #KoreanCrimeFilm, #FamilySecrets, #IntenseDrama, #AsianCinema, #MysteriousDeath, #EmotionalJourney
Yoo-ri, a model student from a wealthy family, mysteriously dies at a lakeside campsite during a gathering with a suicide group. While detectives lean toward suicide, her mother believes there’s more to the story, leading to a deeper investigation into dark secrets.
#ToxicParents2023, #KoreanMystery, #CrimeDrama, #PsychologicalDrama, #DarkSecrets, #SuicideMystery, #KoreanCinema, #FamilyDrama, #KoreanMovies, #ChillingStory, #SuspensefulDrama, #HarrowingTruths, #MustWatchDrama, #GrippingMystery, #KoreanCrimeFilm, #FamilySecrets, #IntenseDrama, #AsianCinema, #MysteriousDeath, #EmotionalJourney
Short film