Genres: Action, Drama, Crime
A transfer student becomes the target of a school bully gang after standing up for his friend. His defiance sparks a movement among other students dissatisfied with the gang, leading to an all-out war for justice and respect.
#Bullies2018 #SchoolBullying #ActionDrama #TeenagerMaleLead #HighSchoolConflict #GangRebellion #KoreanCinema #RevengeStory #StudentResistance #ChillingDrama #KoreanMovies #MustWatchDrama #FightForJustice #StreetFights #ViolenceAndResilience #YouthEmpowerment #AsianCinema #HighStakesDrama #CharacterDevelopment #SchoolConflict
A transfer student becomes the target of a school bully gang after standing up for his friend. His defiance sparks a movement among other students dissatisfied with the gang, leading to an all-out war for justice and respect.
#Bullies2018 #SchoolBullying #ActionDrama #TeenagerMaleLead #HighSchoolConflict #GangRebellion #KoreanCinema #RevengeStory #StudentResistance #ChillingDrama #KoreanMovies #MustWatchDrama #FightForJustice #StreetFights #ViolenceAndResilience #YouthEmpowerment #AsianCinema #HighStakesDrama #CharacterDevelopment #SchoolConflict
Short film