00:30C'est une vraie belle palace à l'intérieur, je suppose.
00:34Buckingham Palace est une palace de renommée.
00:39C'est bon ou pas ? La Reine pourrait nous inviter à la vue de Buckingham Palace.
00:43Non, non, personne n'est jamais invité à Buckingham Palace, sauf les croyants.
00:47Si ils m'ont demandé, je serai là.
00:49Hey, n'as-tu pas reçu le message ? Personne n'est autorisé.
00:51Les portes sont trop hautes, et le fer est solide, et ils sont des soldats.
00:54C'est vrai. A plus, les gars.
00:57C'est tout ici, dans les étoiles.
00:59Le roi de l'Est, Carpathia, fait une dernière visite à Buckingham Palace.
01:02Je peux aller là-dedans si je le veux.
01:04Un rat !
01:12Attaquez-le !
01:19Attaquez-le !
01:20Arrêtez le rat !
01:27Attaquez ce rat !
01:29Attaquez-le, Falstaff !
01:45Véridique rat, attendez !
01:48Olivia !
01:57Tu veux une invitation ?
02:04Il y est !
02:08Il y a un rat, on va l'attraper !
02:11Viens !
02:27Oh non !
02:45Je pense qu'il est parti.
02:47Ouais, tout ça pour rien.
02:49Où est Falstaff ? Il est toujours là-bas ?
02:52Il sait sa route vers le bateau, ne t'inquiète pas.
02:55Je pense qu'on va monter ces étoiles.
02:58Quelle rue est-il ?
02:59Allons voir.
03:16Ça ressemble à un jardin.
03:26C'est froid ici.
03:27C'est effrayant, hein ?
03:43J'ai faim. Où sommes-nous ?
03:46Hyde Park.
03:48Ils ont des maisons à Hyde Park ?
03:51Ça peut être la maison du jardinier.
03:53On va juste s'occuper des oiseaux.
04:02Le jardinier nous montrera comment sortir.
04:19Le jardinier a un endroit vraiment sympa.
04:22Comment est-ce qu'il n'y a personne ?
04:26Il y a quelqu'un.
04:27Qu'est-ce si ils pensent qu'on est des meurtrières ?
04:30Je dois vous rappeler la situation entre nos pays.
04:34Que Dieu bénisse votre Majesté.
04:36Je crois que toutes les précautions nécessaires
04:39ont été prises pour s'assurer qu'il n'y ait rien d'intolérant
04:42pendant sa visite.
04:43Bien sûr, sauf dans le cas le plus diplomatique.
04:46Aucun affrontement au roi Carpathien
04:49et ça signifierait une guerre.
04:51Une guerre, elle a dit ?
04:52Le gardien du palais a été doublé, votre Majesté.
04:55Aucune personne sans autorisation sera immédiatement arrêtée.
04:58C'est une guerre.
04:59Immédiatement arrêtée, le garçon a dit.
05:01Oh, la Reine.
05:03On est juste à l'intérieur du palais de Buckingham.
05:05Le lieu où la Reine habite.
05:07Je veux dire, vous réalisez Orson...
05:09Je commence à... Allons-y. Je ne veux pas aller à la prison.
05:12Quelle luxe.
05:14Quoi ? Aller à la prison ?
05:15N'avez-vous pas entendu ?
05:16Si ils nous trouvent ici, on va à la prison.
05:19Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?
05:20On s'en va.
05:23Je vous le dis, nous sommes déjà ici.
05:25Non, ça ne ressemble qu'à rien.
05:27Il n'y a rien d'autre qu'un long couloir.
05:30J'imagine que c'est la sortie.
05:32Ah ah, un autre jeu perdu.
05:48Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
06:18ah ah ah
06:48I was on the verge of planting my teeth into that fat, pink Victoria.
07:00King of the Eastern Carpets, that's him?
07:03Do you know what I am thinking, Boris?
07:05You could build a fire and roast on a spit two of those horse guards.
07:10Do you know what I am thinking, Boris?
07:12You could build a fire and roast on a spit two of those horse guards.
07:20Your Majesty prefer no doubt his supreme favorite, a sugar pancake sire.
07:25And with a nice chunk of butter.
07:31Hear that? He likes pancakes as much as we do.
07:38Your Majesty, do you desire that I got Fyodor to bear?
07:41Thank you, Boris. Then go to bed yourself.
07:44Tomorrow promises to be an even more trying day.
07:47I will have to eat more of that slop they call breakfast, lunch and dinner.
07:55All right, Fyodor. Lie down, lion.
08:49Boris! Boris!
09:06Come, eat a muffin, Fyodor.
09:11A muffin? Where?
09:14Why did you do that?
09:16Why? No reason.
09:18I warn you, it is quite disgusting.
09:30This is our chance. Come on.
09:35Your Majesty, Her Majesty awaits you, Your Majesty.
09:38He was afraid of that.
10:01They've all got that cold.
10:02Let's find a way out of here.
10:05That way. That leads to the outside.
10:11Hey, you two there. Where are you going here?
10:14You come back right now.
10:17Stop where you are. Stop.
10:19I will tell you a second time.
10:28You're late. Go and put your livery on immediately.
10:31Yes, sir. What's a livery?
10:35What's a livery?
10:42Now it will be as easy as pie to find our way out.
10:51Well, having a stroll is the great stroller strolling.
10:56Well, we were looking...
10:59No, we didn't do it on purpose, sir.
11:02Sorry, but nearly all of the kitchen staff is sick with bad cold, sir.
11:05Bad cold, eh? That's terrible. It's horrible.
11:11And His Majesty, the King of Eastern Carpathia, has already complained about the food.
11:16Then is it war?
11:19You there, miss.
11:22Go down to the kitchen at once.
11:24As for you, lad, Her Majesty's royal kennels await you.
11:31His Majesty, Igor Deprived Nicotine, Eastern Carpathia's King.
11:39We are overjoyed.
11:40Me as well. I escaped the breakfast today.
11:48We wish to propose a little repast before embarking on our discussions, Your Majesty.
11:52A repast? One of the drawbacks of diplomacy.
11:57We should like to know the dishes served in your peasant land.
12:00The English could learn a great deal from our ethnic cooking.
12:04Our specialties are based on marinated cabbage and whole wheat flour.
12:08Sounds delicious. Only as it happens, it is precisely what we give pigs to eat in England.
12:14I am not surprised. It makes your meat tough.
12:17And it does the same to my soldiers.
12:21Ahem, ahem, ahem.
12:23Might I suggest Your Majesty's continue in the drawing room?
12:42Your Majesty, with respect, please don't annoy the King.
12:46Might I suggest refraining from the subject of food?
12:49It's a matter of war and peace.
12:51We chop up his sword for breakfast.
12:53Sire, a modicum of discretion concerning English cooking.
12:56Consider, Your Majesty, it's a question of war, Sire.
12:59Bah, we flatten them, like pancakes.
13:04Pancakes and butter.
13:14How are we doing on the banquet?
13:16The lobster is ready.
13:18But I don't have enough kitchen staff for the rest. They're dropping like flies.
13:21Oh, their Majesty's tea.
13:23Nobody here to serve it.
13:25Oh, good Lord. And that requires a certain class.
13:29There's nobody.
13:31You! It's you, I mean.
13:34Me? It's me? You what?
13:36You will take their Majesty's tea to their Majesty's in the blue drawing room of her Majesty.
13:40Hold on, hold on. There's too many Majesties here. I'm going to get lost.
13:44Discretion and elegance.
13:47Right. The tea shall be served.
13:50Tax, discussion, elephants.
14:02Your love's goodies.
14:06Where is our tea? Do we have to come and get it?
14:10Tax, discussion, elephants.
14:15No, no, no.
14:19No, no, no.
14:45No, no, no.
14:58I would say our bilateral relations have suffered a strain.
15:01Not at all, my dear colleague. An unfortunate incident, no more.
15:35Oh, no.
15:40Not another one.
15:42Why are you crying, Major Dummy?
15:44So, there's no banquet. It's not serious?
15:47No, it's not serious.
15:49Yes, it's terribly serious.
15:52Our bilateral relations won't resist additional strain.
15:56It will create a diplomatic incident.
15:59Bilateral relations? What?
16:01It's war on its peace.
16:03It's war?
16:04Yes, it's war.
16:06And all on account of your clumsiness, unpardonable...
16:11That's just it. We can't find the door.
16:17War is a terrible thing.
16:19Bilateral strains must hurt. And besides, it's all our fault.
16:22No, we mustn't walk out just like that.
16:24No, we've got to find a way to help.
16:31Oh, gods!
16:34Oh, no!
17:04Oh, no!
17:10Now, let's go. It's time.
17:12Two children, a lad and a little girl, will search the palace.
17:16If they haven't got a bomb, any chance?
17:19No way of telling.
17:28There they are.
17:31Halt! I order you to halt!
17:37Where's the banquet hall?
17:39It's over there, I think.
17:51My goodness! Too late.
17:54And have you any criticism of a lobster?
17:57Lobster I especially hate.
18:02Good lion, lie down.
18:07He's nice, Falstaff.
18:10What's she taking to their majesty?
18:13It's a surprise.
18:14A surprise.
18:16And who is the owner of this wonderful dog?
18:19He's mine, Mr. King. His name's Falstaff.
18:22Your majesty. Falstaff, your majesty.
18:26You're a good dog, Falstaff.
18:28Which I cannot say for all the dogs here.
18:33You brought me what, my child?
18:35A dessert, Mr. Majesty.
18:38No doubt a dry cake made from carrots.
18:40No, Mr. King.
18:42Use tact, discretion, elegance.
18:47A pancake.
18:48A pancake?
18:50A pancake. Now it'll be warm.
18:53Right, Mr. Highness. A pancake with sugar and lots of butter.
18:56A real pancake with sugar and plenty of good butter.
19:00Long live England!
19:03Mr. Major Dummy, wake up.
19:05The bilaterals aren't strained anymore.
19:08The war's over.
19:10Another pancake with butter.
19:14You may stop now, children.
19:16Their majesties are quite satisfied.
19:21I never saw anyone eat so many pancakes and butter
19:24as his majesty, the King of Eastern Carpathia.
19:27There's still one here. You want it?
19:31Truly delicious.
19:34Let's have another one.
19:36No, Mr. King.
19:38I'm not hungry.
19:40Truly delicious.
19:44You have saved my reputation and peace in Europe.
19:47Now, what can I do to express my gratitude?
19:51You can show us the way out of here, if you please.
19:55Ah, it feels good to be out in the fresh air.
19:57It's hell for a palace. It's not bad.
19:59Yeah, but it's so much better out here.
20:02Do you think the gang will believe us?
20:04Doesn't matter. We know it's true.
20:06Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!