• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Al G7 tenuto a Fasano si è evidenziata la criticità dell’antibiotico-resistenza che, se non trattata per tempo, può diventare un’emergenza sanitaria. C’è un forte investimento da parte del governo Meloni: 100 milioni di euro sono previsti in Legge di Bilancio per la lotta all’antibiotico resistenza e ritengo che tutto lo sforzo fatto a livello nazionale e globale possa farci guardare con cauto ottimismo al futuro”. Lo ha dichiarato Marcello Gemmato, sottosegretario al ministero della Salute alla presentazione dell’evento conclusivo del G7 Salute sul tema dell’antibiotico-resistenza, in programma il prossimo 28 e 29 novembre a Bari.


00:00Already the G7, held in Fasano, has highlighted the criticism of antibiotic resistance, which
00:12can be, if not treated in time, a health emergency.
00:16In Bari, we will decline all the measures of prospect that the Meloni government, together
00:23with Minister Schilaci, is putting in place, with a resolutive view of national and international
00:31Because the fight against antibiotic resistance lives on two steps, one national and the other
00:35international, and we believe that from Bari the solutions must arrive at both levels
00:43of problems.
00:44There is a strong investment by the Meloni government, 100 million euros have been invested
00:51in the fight against antibiotic resistance, and I believe that all the effort made at
01:00a national and global level can make us look optimistically at the future.
01:04We are proud to say that Italy is the country that has reduced the use of antibiotics
01:10to a greater extent at the European level.
01:12There has been a reduction in the last few years of 46.7% of the use of antibiotics,
01:17which is symptomatic of the fact that Italian meat is a healthy meat that does not contain
01:22antibiotics and therefore does not produce the effect of antibiotic resistance.
01:27We intend to give a logical thread to the action put in place by the government and also to
01:35international interlocutions.
01:36There was the G20, there was a meeting of the UN, there was a meeting of the Agenda, and
01:41of course there was the ministerial meeting in Bari, where we gave perspectives on the
01:50launch to the local level of the fight against antibiotic resistance.
01:56We will talk about the measures taken by our government, we will do it by confronting
02:02all the players in the world of health who are interested, that is, the productive world,
02:08the professional world and the scientific societies that together can contribute in a
02:14timely fight at the national level against the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.
02:18The first measure is that of the reduction of antibiotics in animal consumption.
02:24Imagine that with the electronic tracking of the movement of antibiotics, we are able
02:30to reduce the use of antibiotics by 46.7% in farms and therefore in the zootechnical
02:38MEF has invested 21 million euros in the so-called push-and-pull mechanism, thus taking the opportunity
02:45to promote the research in innovative antibiotics that can treat Italians and citizens of the
02:53In the balance sheet, 100 million euros are provided for the so-called reserve antibiotics,
03:00that is, those antibiotics that treat resistant strains and which are those that today, unfortunately,
03:07cannot be cured with the available antibiotics.
03:10So, three specific measures compared to what the criticisms are.
03:15Then there is also the whole issue of sensitization compared to the use of antibiotics, many times
03:22there is inappropriateness, we must also cure inappropriateness to ensure that the antibiotic
03:29is used only when it is necessary and not inappropriately.
