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Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mengungkapkan, pelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) serentak pada November 2024 ini akan memberikan dampak positif bagi ekonomi lokal. Hal ini utamanya di sektor transportasi, makanan, hingga hiburan

Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Perbankan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Dian Ediana Rae mengatakan, adanya kampanye calon kepala daerah menciptakan permintaan tambahan yang menggerakkan ekonomi lokal, meningkatkan peredaran uang, dan membuka lapangan kerja sementara.

Di sisi lain, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Shinta Kamdani berharap pelaksanaan Pilkada serentak 2024 dapat berjalan lancar, damai, dan demokratis.

Apindo mendorong pemerintah daerah terpilih untuk memiliki visi ekonomi yang sejalan dengan prioritas nasional. “Terutama dalam menciptakan iklim usaha yang mendorong investasi daerah dan fokus pada penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan,” ujarnya

Apindo juga berharap proses Pilkada ini tidak mengganggu stabilitas ekonomi di tingkat lokal, khususnya bagi pelaku usaha yang membutuhkan kepastian regulasi dan kebijakan untuk menjalankan aktivitas bisnis mereka.


00:00Yes, hello viewers, how are you today, straight from the IDX studio in Jakarta, I am Prasetyo Wibowo
00:26I am Prasetyo Wibowo, welcome back to Market Review, which will address the issues that are the driving force of Indonesia's economy
00:31and this time we will discuss how much the impact or implications of the election of regional heads
00:36on the economic activity in Tainan Air, let's just start the Market Review, let's go
00:43Indonesia's Economic Activity
00:51Yes, the financial services authority said that the election of regional heads will have a positive impact on the economy in the region
00:59On the other hand, the Indonesian Business Association hopes that the election of regional heads this year can run smoothly, peacefully and democratically
01:12The Financial Services Authority or OJK estimates that the implementation of the regional head election, which will be held on November 27, 2024, will have a positive impact, especially on the local economy, especially in the transportation sector, food and entertainment
01:28The Executive Head of the Financial Services Authority, Dian Ediane Rai, said in his statement that there is a campaign for regional head candidates to create additional requirements that move the local economy through the increase in consumption and transportation, increasing revenue and money and opening temporary jobs
01:45In the words of the Chairperson of the Indonesian Business Association or ABINDO Sinta Kamdani Berharap, the implementation of the entire stage of the 2024 regional election can run smoothly, peacefully and democratically
01:57ABINDO encourages local governments to choose to have an economic vision in line with national priorities, especially in creating a business climate that encourages local investment and focuses on creating job opportunities
02:09ABINDO also hopes that this election process will not interfere with the stability of the local economy, especially for entrepreneurs who need certainty in regulation and policies to run their business activities
02:20Provided by IDX Jenung
02:50Hello, Mr. Arman, how are you?
02:53Good health and good spirit always
02:55Good health too, thank you
02:57And we go to Mr. Eko first, historically, how do you actually see the dynamics of Indonesia's economy in the years of the previous regional head election and before we discuss the current election?
03:11Yes, good, Mr. Pras, so if there is a regional election moment, let's say a few years ago, in general, it has a positive impact on the economy
03:23We can see from the amount of money that circulates, in terms of macro, it certainly increases, and then there are also some aspects such as food, the food industry, drinks, including the campaign tools from Spanduk,
03:48which is experiencing an increase in demands, and also maybe the digital aspect, because there are also a lot of campaigns being done via social media, then advertisements, it also helps, so in general it is positive,
04:05but there are also funds from the APBN that are said to directly spend on the government, so to speak, to implement the election, but it is indeed more, in terms of segments in each region, so if brought into the context of the national economy, the implication is 0, so the push is not very strong,
04:34but it does provide additional economic activity, but it is not very extraordinary, something like that.
04:42Okay, okay, so from the perspective of entrepreneurs, how do you view the implementation of the regional election as soon as it is done in the water, Mr. Sarman?
04:52Yes, so if we look at it, this is the first time we have implemented a regional election in all provinces, regencies and cities in this matter.
05:07If I'm not mistaken, from the Indef regency, it is estimated that the money is around Rp20 trillion, the money circulation during the election, with the assumption that the average spending of the campaign is around Rp20 billion, which is less in this matter.
05:26Yes, so if we look at it, this election is able to move the local economy in this matter. Although there are around 40 candidates, if there are only one candidate, it may not be so maximal, because the opponent is empty city.
05:43But other than that, we see that the impact of the local economy can be felt, especially the candidates of the MSMEs in that area.
05:54Because we see, for example, the design services, printing, yes, for the printing of campaign business tools, it is very profitable for this brigade.
06:10Then also the local class, then the management of artists, yes, if we look at it, the artists are quite expensive in the end, because they have been booked far, far away, almost all over the country.
06:24Yes, it means that from the artists of the capital, from the upper class to the lower class, it has been sold, it is very full in this matter.
06:33And it is facilitated by the local IOIO. So it means that they also sell.
06:37Well, at the time of the Akbar campaign, there were food sellers, drinkers, and other businessmen.
06:46Well, they really feel it. So it means that the small and large from the cadres in each region contribute positively to the economic growth in each region.
06:59Well, how do you evaluate it yourself, Mas Iko?
07:02For example, in an area that seems to be more
07:15consuming than nationally, as you said earlier, but the money circulation is also expected to be able to move, there are MSMEs, then the consumption sector there, food and drink.
07:17But can't it push the national pre-economy forward even higher? Because this is a clash.
07:25Yes, so it's true that if it's national, we're talking about GDP, maybe if it's in one trillion, it can be 2,000 or 3,000 trillion.
07:38So if the number is still tens, it's really small in a national context.
07:44But if we talk about it in a local context, especially in certain segments,
07:49as you said earlier, not all segments enjoy the cadres, but some are benefited.
07:54Like the MSMEs in the food sector, then the printing service, I think there are a lot of orders.
08:02And also the entertainment industry, as Mr. Saruman said, there are a lot of direct campaigns that involve a lot of time.
08:12Also the transportation sector, I think there is also a support for the transportation sector.
08:19So it's more local, and then one more thing, this is also important, I think, Mr. Pras.
08:25There is a sector called LNPRT, a non-profit institution that serves households.
08:31So it's like social institutions, including polling and so on, the growth is quite significant in that segment.
08:41So in a sectoral context, in a local context, it will be more visible to see the impact of the cadres on the economy.
08:50Well, that's it.
08:51If we look at it later and we hope with the cadres, this can go smoothly according to the schedule.
08:58Can it correlate with a conducive climate for the continuation of business world, then investment in Indonesia.
09:05We will discuss later in the next segment, Mr. Saruman.
09:08Mr. Mirsa, make sure you are still with us.
09:28Make sure you are still with us in Market Review.
09:31In this next segment, we will provide you with data related to the number of candidates for the 2024 regional election.
09:40This is the data from the General Election Commission, where the governor's election and the governor's representative have 103 candidates.
09:47Then the mayor and the mayor's representative have 284 candidates.
09:51Then the mayor and the mayor's representative have 1,166 candidates.
09:56Or the candidates from the regional election in 2024.
10:02The next is the regional election in 2024.
10:05It was held in the area with the term of the regional head office that ended in 2022 to 2024.
10:13There are about 207.1 million voters.
10:17Then it was held on November 27, 2024.
10:21There are 37 provinces, 508 regencies and cities that held the regional election.
10:28Next, we will discuss Indonesia's economic growth.
10:31This is about 2014 to 2023, which is still stagnant at 5%,
10:37although we know that yesterday there was already a level of 4.95% for our economic growth in the third quarter of 2024.
10:47Next is the realization of investment.
10:49We will discuss this together from 2014 to 2023.
10:53It also continues to grow.
10:54It was recorded last year that it reached Rp1,418.9 trillion.
11:01Let's continue the discussion again with our speakers, Mr. Sarman Simanjora and Mr. Eko Lustianto from Indef.
11:08Okay, Mr. Eko, if we look and discuss some of the data that has been provided,
11:14what do you see?
11:15The potential of involvement of quite a lot of participants or pass loans.
11:20Then what do you see with our economic growth, which is still at a level of 5%,
11:26it even went down.
11:27Is this a thin booster again, but it can also give a fresh wind to look at our national economy?
11:37Yes, if I look at it, there were actually 1,166 participants.
11:43That's quite a lot.
11:45Then it is surrounded by more than 540 regions.
11:48So there is, let's just say roughly, the local economy must also be benefited by the bill.
11:57But we have to admit that this also depends on the economic situation.
12:03Coincidentally, in 2024, our economy is getting worse.
12:09So if we look at the first 3 months, even since the first 3 months 4 years ago,
12:16it was also the time of the bill press and legislative campaign.
12:20It turned out that until the bill press was over, it did not push consumption to 5%.
12:27So only 4.9%.
12:29So that describes the situation, the context of the economy today is also influential.
12:34Maybe there are not too many sponsors to the participants as well.
12:39Donations to maximize their ability to socialize, deliver programs, and so on.
12:48So with about 1,100 participants, the impact locally will be visible.
12:57But there may also be some in the regions.
12:59But if we talk about the national impact,
13:02my guess is that in these 4 regions, if it can only grow by 5%, that's good.
13:08Because there is the effect of the bill press earlier, and later it may be accompanied by the effect of Christmas and the end of the year.
13:15Okay, okay.
13:16Mr. Serman, how do you see the potential of the smoothness,
13:21the timing of the bill press, related to the conductivity for the development of business and investment in Indonesia and the region?
13:30Yes, of course we are grateful.
13:33If we look, for example, during the campaign until now,
13:40we see that the prosperity in the region is quite good.
13:44It runs safely, comfortably.
13:47Even though we see that there are debates that are quite hot,
13:53there are even a few incidents,
13:55but we still see that there are corridors that can still be tolerated,
14:01and we see that it does not interfere with the activities of the community and the economy in this area.
14:07Well, our hope is that after the election,
14:11of course, whoever wins, the community will also have to be active in monitoring and monitoring.
14:21Yes, because we don't want after the election is over, there will be more riots, there will be fraud issues.
14:29Of course, this will also interfere with the condition of our economy in this area.
14:35Well, this is the task of the community together.
14:38Yes, if in the voice counting process after the election is over tomorrow,
14:42yes, we will monitor it together.
14:44If there is a meeting, please immediately convey it.
14:47So we hope that after the election,
14:50our community is safe, comfortable,
14:53and we are also able to create a very conducive business and investment climate.
14:59And we are starting to move again,
15:02especially what Mr. Eko said earlier,
15:05that we will enter the month of December,
15:09we will prepare for the New Year's Eve.
15:13Of course, we also hope that this New Year's Eve momentum will also be able to increase our household consumption,
15:19will be able to increase our money circulation at the end of the year,
15:25and of course we hope to be able to make a significant contribution
15:30to our economic growth in the fourth quarter later,
15:33so that our national economic growth in 2024 is still at 5%.
15:38That is our hope in this matter.
15:40Okay, from a policy point of view,
15:42what do you see with the issues of the economy?
15:46Usually, the economy is now expanding,
15:50the understanding is also increasing from the community,
15:52so this issue is quite crowded when it is taken or becomes a crucial issue
15:57for the regional leaders?
16:02Yes, there is something interesting.
16:04There is something interesting that the policy of Mr. President, Mr. Prabowo, and Mr. Kibran is that
16:10the vision is only one, that is the president's vision.
16:14Now, this president's vision is already in the Asta Cita,
16:19eight Asta Cita.
16:21And I think what is most needed later is
16:24how later these regional leaders,
16:29after they may be appointed by Mr. Prabowo and Mr. Kibran,
16:33the understanding of this Asta Cita will be implemented immediately.
16:37So that this president's vision can be implemented
16:42in a program in the region,
16:45in accordance with the character and needs of each region.
16:50Because if we look at Mr. President's vision, it is quite large in the Asta Cita.
16:56For example, our food security,
17:00our energy security,
17:02our human resources,
17:09All of these must be integrated with the region.
17:12It means that the success of this central government
17:15must also be pushed from the region.
17:18Including our national economic growth,
17:20it will not be possible to reach the 8% target
17:23if the economic growth in the region is also low.
17:26So if it is productive in a high region,
17:29it will automatically push our economic growth at the national level.
17:33So that the synergy and communication
17:38and harmonization between the central and regional governments
17:41becomes something that is very urgent to be done
17:43in accordance with Mr. Prabowo's vision
17:46and the new government at the regional level.
17:48Okay, Mr. Herman.
17:49So what is the implementation policy like,
17:52as it is the one that can push the local economy
17:54that will also contribute to the national economy?
17:57We will ask for an in-depth opinion in the next segment.
18:00And Mr. Mirza, make sure you are still with us.
18:14Yes, you are still watching Market TV.
18:16Let's continue this interesting discussion
18:18about the implementation of the regional leadership in Indonesia
18:20together with Mr. Eko Lustianto, Deputy Director of Indef
18:22and Mr. Sarman Simanjorang.
18:24He is the head of the inter-agency relations
18:26of the Indonesian Entrepreneurship Association, PINDO.
18:29Okay, Mr. Eko, what is the implementation policy like?
18:31What are the policies expected from the economic side
18:34that need to be implemented,
18:37the implementation of the regional leadership in Indonesia?
18:40What are the policies that need to be implemented,
18:43then the target to push the local economy
18:46as well as push the national economic growth rate
18:49so that only 5% has become an extraordinary thing
18:53for the end of 2024?
18:57Please, Mr. Eko.
18:59Regarding how to push the economy
19:02and with the words of Bill Kadeh,
19:07it usually has to do with the promise of these candidates.
19:14Because they are usually elected,
19:16they will still implement their programs.
19:22Most of the programs are also relevant
19:26or related to national programs.
19:28If we look at it, we observe from various debates,
19:33especially in the economic field,
19:35many raise the issue of labor.
19:38I think this is one of the issues that is directly related
19:42to the constituent candidates, the candidates.
19:46There must also be serious efforts,
19:49so whoever is elected,
19:51related to the context of labor in each region,
19:55it really has to be tried,
19:57the creation of jobs in them.
19:58Of course, to be able to create jobs,
20:00there is an investment that has to go in there.
20:03So, the investment aspect is also one
20:06that they should convey to the public.
20:10So, in the context, usually,
20:12in large provinces,
20:15the speeches are already very good.
20:22So, it's really not inferior
20:24to the speech of the press or yesterday.
20:27So, that's good.
20:28Another important thing is
20:30how to reduce the level of poverty.
20:36That is also an important point that is usually said.
20:39In addition to what Mr. Sarman said earlier,
20:42the aspect of astacita that grows in human resources.
20:46I think there are also many candidates
20:49who convey the health aspect, education,
20:52that is also an important point.
20:55I think if those aspects can be done,
20:58after they are elected later,
21:00it can indeed support the path of a better national economy,
21:04grow higher.
21:07If we talk about the supply of jobs,
21:09we know that there are also some industries
21:11that are also experiencing pressure.
21:12Meanwhile, in one session,
21:13do we have to focus on supply,
21:16we know, labor density or capital density
21:18when it becomes an option for regional leaders later?
21:23Yes, if I look at it,
21:25actually this is not a choice,
21:27but we need both.
21:30But in what context?
21:31For example, areas that are ready are labor-intensive,
21:35it's okay.
21:36They start by pushing investment in the labor-intensive sector.
21:41But in some places,
21:42maybe areas of the industry that have advanced,
21:44they also need technology-intensive.
21:47So, actually, we have to look at the local context first.
21:51If the areas that are said to have good human resources,
21:55there are good universities there,
21:57in fact, they need technology
22:00to accelerate the regional economy.
22:04Mr. Herman, how is it?
22:05From your point of view,
22:07who can orchestrate the regional policies
22:10with the new leaders?
22:12So that the synchronization of regional policy centers
22:15can support each other,
22:17both in the business world, investment,
22:19the creation of jobs, poverty alleviation, etc.
22:23Yes, of course,
22:25with the new regional government,
22:29it must be synergistic with the central government.
22:33Moreover, whether they want it or not,
22:35the regional government will adjust to the central government structure.
22:39Because at the moment,
22:40there is already a ministry-to-ministry partnership in this matter.
22:43So, how to be synergistic,
22:46and also how to make the ministry-to-ministry programs
22:50at the central level,
22:52it is also connected with the programs
22:55at the regional level in this matter.
22:58Because if we look at, for example,
23:00in terms of permits,
23:02these permits must be integrated from the central and regional.
23:05Because sometimes,
23:06so far there are investors
23:08who have received permission from the central government,
23:10but when they get it in the region,
23:12there is a lack of certainty in this matter.
23:15There is still a discrepancy
23:18between the central government and the region in this matter.
23:20Well, this must be solved in this matter.
23:22Then also,
23:23regarding various government programs,
23:26the issue of hillarization,
23:27the issue of infrastructure development,
23:29job creation, and so on,
23:31yes, this must be communicated, synergized.
23:34That's why we also really hope in the future
23:37how these heads of state provide subsidies.
23:42Especially in terms of
23:44how these heads of state in the future
23:46must be more creative.
23:48Creative to manage
23:51various natural resources in the region.
23:54So, no longer just relying on,
23:57let's say, the budget from the central government in this matter.
24:01But how do they open up,
24:03how to approach investment,
24:06so that the potentials in the region
24:09can be managed well in terms of investment.
24:12Because if we look at it,
24:14the natural resources in this village
24:16are generally from the region.
24:18And each region must have something,
24:21let's say, the potential of its own advantages.
24:25There is the sea, there is fishing,
24:27there is forestry,
24:29there is agribusiness.
24:31So, there is mining,
24:33there is forestry.
24:34So, I feel that all this time,
24:37these heads of state have not yet
24:39had an experience in entrepreneurship.
24:42So, we have to provide support in this matter.
24:44So that we are open,
24:46how to develop the economic activity of the region,
24:49how to sell tourism villages, etc.
24:52So, we hope that, in terms of investment,
24:54it will be able to further stimulate the economy of the region.
24:58Okay, lastly, Mas Eko,
24:59how do you see the projection like before?
25:01Connectivity, then integration
25:03between the latest regional leaders,
25:05also with our new government
25:07also nationally formed.
25:09Yes, because this is implemented
25:11almost in the same year.
25:13I hope later,
25:14after they are elected,
25:16there is an in-line policy,
25:18with a national strategy.
25:20Of course, we must also look at the local context.
25:23They still work in the context
25:25of optimizing the regional economy,
25:27but also have to be synergistic with the center.
25:30I think that's the key
25:31to be able to say,
25:33with the presence of these regional leaders,
25:36it really has an impact on the economy.
25:38Indeed, the main goal of the regional leaders
25:40is to elect local leaders,
25:43regional leaders who are the best,
25:46but there is an impact of joining,
25:48or an additional impact,
25:49which is an economic impact.
25:50And then, in the future,
25:52what is more important is,
25:53by being done in parallel,
25:55and a little closer to this presidential election,
25:58I hope their vision for the future,
26:01as Mr. Sarman said earlier,
26:02is indeed in-line.
26:04So, it will lead to a better economic goals
26:11Because the growth of the national economy
26:13actually depends on regional cooperation.
26:16Yes, that's it.
26:17Now, the regional economy must originate from the region,
26:19then it can push the national economy.
26:21And hopefully, the leaders in the new regions,
26:24then synergize with the central government,
26:26which is also new,
26:27there is also a new spirit to build the Indonesian economy,
26:30to chase the target of 7% to 8% growth
26:33in the next few years.
26:35Okay, Mr. Sarman, thank you very much for the time,
26:37the update that you have delivered.
26:38Mr. Eko, thank you for the analysis and info
26:40that you have given to the audience.
26:42Congratulations on your activities again.
26:45Mr. Sarman, Mr. Eko, see you again.
26:47Thank you, Mr. Peras, Mr. Eko.
26:49See you.
26:50Thank you, Mr. Sarman.
26:51Okay, audience, don't leave your seat
26:53because for a while,
26:54we'll be back with another interesting topic
26:56related to the effectiveness of implementing
26:58the Amnesty 3 tax policy.
