• l’année dernière


00:00Hey Whistlehound, where we headed for my fearless protector?
00:05Straight ahead to Flyspeck Island, Lamsy. It's a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, and we'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
00:16Hello? Anybody here?
00:21Any other bodies here?
00:24Groovy, it's decided. Ain't no good for nothing sheep stealing wolf named Bildu gonna find your way out here, Lamsy boy.
00:33What's well, Whistle, old faithful sheepdog? I can frowl, I can cavort. I'm molested in this balmy, salty island atmosphere.
00:43Bless his little old sandbar eyes, Creech Runtide.
00:54Watch me pull the lamb, see well over Bristle's eyes.
00:58Aloha, big boy.
01:01Would you like to learn the hula dance?
01:03Oh yes, ma'am, I sure would.
01:07How am I doing?
01:08Like a native. Like a native.
01:12I'm a native.
01:14I'm a native.
01:16I'm a native.
01:18I'm a native.
01:20I'm a native.
01:22I'm a native.
01:24Say, what is that? A pulchritudinous persimmon? Or a pensive pelican? No, pelicans don't pince.
01:33Hold it. Come to think of it, I thought this island was decided.
01:37It will be, in a minute.
01:43I know who it is. It's the wallop! That's who it is, the wallop. It's the wallop! It's the wallop!
01:50How observant of you.
01:57And now, my little shish kaboob, I'm taking you to a luau.
02:02It's gonna be loo for me and ow for you.
02:07It's the wallop! It's the wallop! That's who it is, the wallop. It's the wallop!
02:13It's the wallop!
02:15Well, as Mildew Wolf sinks slowly into the sunset, we say aloha to Flyspec Island.
02:25The wolfie's gone and I am free. No one's gonna make a pot roast out of me.
02:33How about a lamp stew?
02:36What a bummy day for frolicking and frillicking. And even hopping around.
03:11C'est la fin de cette vidéo, merci d'avoir regardé jusqu'à la fin de cette vidéo, j'espère que vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à vous abonner à la chaine pour ne manquer aucune de mes nouvelles vidéos, merci et à la prochaine !
04:11C'est quoi ce bordel ?
04:41C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:11C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:13C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:15C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:17C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:19C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:21C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:23C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:25C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:27C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:29C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:31C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:33C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:35C'est quoi ce bordel ?
05:37C'est quoi ce bordel ?
