00:00I'm sure glad you like the TV set, Lamsy.
00:04Thanks to you, Bristlehound, stalwart protector of little old me.
00:08You have fun, Lamsy, but be scary wary of Mildew Wolf, you hear?
00:12I hear. I'll just play pretend I'm a TV hero. Bang! Bang! Bang!
00:18I think I'll join his act, only I won't be pretending.
00:22Bang! Bang! And a bing! Bing! Even!
00:28Wow! Who are you, may I to ask?
00:31Me Big Cheese, chief of Gocheezy.
00:34How about a powwow in my teepee?
00:36Say, haven't I seen you somewhere before?
00:39Are you a frazzled feather duster buster?
00:42Or a glockenspiel from Guacamara?
00:44You're getting warm.
00:45Uh-uh. I know who it is. It's the Wolf! The Wolf!
00:50I'll knock it off, you little loudmouth.
00:54Good old and a Nicholas of Time Bristlehound.
00:57Hey, hey. So you're an Indian, are you?
00:59Sure. Me harmless squaw. Pocahontas?
01:03Uh-uh. Try Minnehaha.
01:05Me Minnehaha.
01:09Wanna powwow?
01:10That's a laugh.
01:12Powwow, hater!
01:17Now there. Don't you wander off too far, Jesse James.
01:21I won't, partner.
01:23Hi-yo! And it's off I go!
01:26Hold it! Hold it!
01:29Bad voice, you're perfect. My search is over.
01:32It is?
01:33Positively. How'd you like to star in my TV special, The Lone Stranger?
01:37Oh, fame. Oh, fortune. I'll go tell Bristlehound.
01:41No, wait.
01:43Why don't we sup first?
01:45I mean, rehearse first and surprise Bristlehound.
01:48Why, of course.
01:50Ready whenever you are, CB.
01:52Bring on my horse. A mule, even. I'm ready.
01:56My, what we thespians won't do for a tasty little tidbit.
02:00Okay. The Lone Stranger, take one. Roll him.
02:06Hi-yo, slither! Away!
02:11Hey, let go my mask, er, I mean head.
02:16It's a wallop! It's a wallop!
02:19Little blabbermouth.
02:21Heading way for the posse.
02:24I'll head him off with the fan.
02:29Hi-yo, mildew! Away!
02:32You gotta be kidding, fatso.
02:37Okay, lambsy baby, you're weathered on the Red Riding Hood set.
02:40Oh, joy. I've been rediscovered. Let's rehearse. Act even.
02:47All right, let's take it from the top.
02:49Right, CB.
02:52Okay. You're Little Red Riding Hood and you're skipping over to your granny's for lunch. Got it?
02:57Got it, CB.
02:58Quiet, everyone. Lights. Action.
03:01This is the way to Granny's house, Granny's house, Granny's house.
03:04This is the way to Granny's house, early in the morning.
03:07And this is the way I get there first, get there first, get there first.
03:15Come in. Come in!
03:18Yikes! What's that?
03:20Hi, Granny. I brought my acting coach to watch. Teach even.
03:25All of a sudden, I don't feel so good.
03:28My, what big eyes you have, Granny.
03:31Big eyes run in the family.
03:34And Granny, what a big nose you have.
03:38Ditto for the big nose, too.
03:40Granny, what big teeth you have.
03:45It's the wall-off, the wall-off!
03:50Showbiz hater!
03:58Lamsi wondered on the set for the Super Sheep show.
04:01There's enough ham on that lamb to continue this silly charade.
04:04Super Sheep. Oh, joy unraveled.
04:08What's the action? What's the action?
04:10Spacemen are invading Earth to destroy it. Your job, stop them.
04:15This looks like a job for Super Sheep.
04:23Okay, action!
04:26Where is he?
04:29Oh, joy! The world is saved!
04:32Oh, no! Cut! Cut! Cut!
04:36How did I do, Stevie? Was I great? Brilliant? Colossal, even?
04:41You're overacting. Let's try it again.
04:46Open up, you big unidentified flying object, and identify yourself.
04:54It's the wall-off, the wall-off!
04:56Gotcha, didn't I? This is what I call taking it on the lamb.
05:04Say, why don't you just mind your own business?
05:06Lamsi is my business.
05:08Have you ever tried raising chinchellas instead?
05:11I'll raise Cain with you instead.
05:13TV or not TV, that is the question.
05:16Hold it! That diction, that acting, that profile, even.
05:21My search is over.
05:23Is that good?
05:24You should be in TV.
05:26Me on television?
05:28Uh-uh. In TV.
05:31Oh, this is great, Lamsi.
05:33Like they say, there's no biz like showbiz.
05:36Like they say, there's no biz like showbiz.