MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 MORNING - 22/11/2024
00:00Welcome everyone, I'm delighted to see you again for a new edition of Le Grand Journal
00:23Let's take a look at the headlines
00:30On high instructions from His Majesty King Mohammed VI, His Royal Highness Prince Eritre Moulay Hassan
00:36received yesterday evening in Casablanca the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping
00:42who made a short visit to the kingdom
00:54Arrest warrants were issued yesterday by the International Criminal Court
00:58against Prime Minister Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu, his former minister of defense in Afghanistan
01:03and the head of the armed branch of Hamas Mohamed Deyf
01:07for war crimes and crimes against humanity have aroused a wave of reactions around the world
01:13And then in Senegal, the party in power, the PASTEF, won more than three quarters of the seats of deputies
01:23in Sunday's legislative session according to the provisional national results which confirm its electoral rally
01:32On high instructions from His Majesty King Mohammed VI, His Royal Highness Prince Eritre Moulay Hassan
01:45received yesterday evening in Casablanca the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping
01:52who made a short visit to the kingdom
01:55His Royal Highness Prince Eritre Moulay Hassan received yesterday evening in Casablanca the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping
02:07who made a short visit to the kingdom
02:20His Royal Highness Prince Eritre Moulay Hassan received yesterday evening in Casablanca the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping
02:30His Royal Highness Prince Eritre Moulay Hassan received yesterday evening in Casablanca the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping
02:40The last visit of the sovereign was held in China in May 2016
02:54The mandates were issued this Thursday by the International Court of Justice
02:58against the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, his former Minister of Defence, Yoav Galante
03:06and the head of the Hamas military branch, Mohamed Daif
03:09for war crimes and crimes against humanity
03:12have aroused a wave of reaction around the world
03:16The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell
03:19has stated that the mandates should be respected and applied
03:24On his side, Joe Biden has deemed the mandates scandalous
03:27He has stated that whatever the International Court of Justice may imply
03:32there is no equivalence between Israel and Hamas
03:37This is an important step towards justice
03:40which can allow victims to obtain reparations
03:42but it remains modest and symbolic
03:44if it is not fully supported by all the countries of the world
03:48said Bassem Naim, a member of the Hamas political bureau
03:51For his part, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
03:54has described anti-Semitic decisions
03:57issued by the International Court of Justice
04:01against his former Minister of Defence, Yoav Galante
04:11The reactions are multiplying after the arrest warrants issued by the International Court of Justice
04:15against Netanyahu and Galante
04:17A legal bomb, by virtue of which the two responsible
04:20are accused of using famine as a method of war
04:24an act severely prohibited by international law
04:27They also face charges of crimes against humanity
04:30including murder, persecution and other inhuman acts
04:34For the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell
04:37these arrest warrants must be respected and applied
04:54It is not a political decision
04:56It is a decision of a court
04:59As I have already said, the Gaza tragedy must stop
05:02It is not a political decision
05:04It is a decision of a court, of a court of justice
05:07of an international court of justice
05:10and the decision of the court must be respected and implemented
05:14I therefore take note of the decision of the International Criminal Court
05:18to issue arrests against Prime Minister Netanyahu
05:21the former Minister of Defence, Galante
05:23and DAEF
05:24It is a binding decision for all states
05:26All states, including all members of the European Union
05:30are obliged to implement this decision of justice
05:34All states, all states parties of the court
05:39which include all members of the European Union
05:43are binding to implement this court decision
05:50On the part of the United States
05:52Washington provides indefatigable support to the Israeli leaders
05:55The United States categorically rejects the court's decision
05:58to issue arrests against two high-ranking Israeli officials
06:01A spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House reacted
06:06A position followed by Argentina
06:08where the presidency made it known that the arrest warrants
06:11according to it, ignore the legitimate right of Israel to defend itself
06:14against the constant attacks of terrorist organizations
06:17On the Israeli side, the government accused the court
06:20of having lost all legitimacy
06:22by issuing absurd orders
06:25Of course, the arrest warrants in Israel
06:27Of course, the arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Galante in Israel
06:31were received with great shock
06:33This court does not see the real situation of the Israelis
06:36There is a serious lack of understanding towards us
06:39Our reality is not theirs
06:41and then they claim the right to impose these decisions on us
06:46The scope of these warrants exceeds the judicial framework
06:48If this case evolves
06:50it could profoundly influence the perception of international conflicts
06:53and establish a precedent in the fight against the impunity of the leaders
06:57The international response will be crucial
07:00Support or opposition?
07:02These reactions will determine the political and legal consequences
07:05for Netanyahu, Galante, but also for the CPI itself
07:11And in the news also in Senegal
07:13The party in power has won more than three quarters of the seats of deputies
07:19in the legislative session on Sunday
07:21according to the provisional national results
07:24which confirm its electoral tide
07:27The PASTEF in power since the presidential election in March
07:31has won 130 of the 165 mandates at stake
07:34and thus obtained the overwhelming majority
07:37that it claimed to be able to apply its agenda of rupture and social justice
07:43It is one of the most massive majorities
07:46in the number of seats ever obtained by a single party in the legislative session
07:51Opposition and laminated
07:53The coalition of former President Macky Sall
07:56is content with 16 seats
07:59that of former Prime Minister Amadou Badecette
08:02that of the mayor of Dakar, Barthélémy Diaz
08:04of three according to the provisional results
08:08These figures will be definitive
08:10once proclaimed by the Constitutional Council
08:14which will be able to do so in five days
08:17if there is no contestation
08:24In Côte d'Ivoire
08:25the phase of revising the electoral list for 2024-2025
08:31ended on November 17th
08:34after an extension of a week
08:37granted at the request of political actors
08:39The Independent Electoral Commission
08:41has made the point on this crucial step
08:44for the upcoming election
08:46What are the figures and trends observed?
08:49Mel Berchel and Herman Degoff tell us more
08:56From October 19th to November 17th, 2024
08:59the Independent Electoral Commission conducted
09:01the phase of reviewing the revision of the electoral list for 2024-2025
09:07An extension of 7 days at the request of political parties
09:10allowed to maximize the enrollment of voters
09:13a key step in the preparation of the elections
09:16At the end of this operation
09:18the Independent Electoral Commission presented raw data
09:20still subject to verification and treatment
09:23Category 1
09:26i.e. people on the electoral list
09:30requesting a change of voting place
09:34or modification of personal data
09:39517,927 applicants
09:43Category 2
09:46i.e. people requesting a first registration
09:52943,157 applicants
09:58the Independent Electoral Commission
10:01registered 1,207 applications
10:06in radiation of supposed voters
10:10The provisional list
10:12resulting from this technical treatment
10:16will be displayed later in all voting places
10:21Among the highlights
10:23the Independent Electoral Commission recorded
10:25a clear progression of new registrations
10:27nearly a quarter of the expected potential
10:29has been reached
10:30a figure that exceeds the results of the previous exercise
10:34where 575,489 new applicants
10:37had been registered
10:39This progress is perceived as
10:41a positive sign for the electoral process in the future
10:44even if the challenges remain to be raised
10:46to guarantee a wider participation of voters
10:50In Mali, President Asimi Goita
10:53appoints General Abdullahi Maika
10:56as Prime Minister
10:57in place of civilian Chogail Limogé
11:01After criticizing the regime
11:04Mohamed Dagnoko, our correspondent in Mali
11:07tells us more
11:10Less than 24 hours after Chogail Limogé's appointment
11:13his replacement is known
11:15It is the Division General
11:17Abdullahi Maika
11:19This was announced today
11:21at around 10 o'clock
11:22on the national TV
11:24by the Secretary-General of the Presidency
11:26Al Fuseni Diawara
11:29Abdullahi Maika will now be in charge
11:31of forming a government
11:33a government that, according to the number of Malians
11:35we have interviewed
11:37must be united
11:39must be a federal government
11:41to face together the challenges of the time
11:43Let us recall that Abdullahi Maika
11:45was previously Minister of Land Administration
11:48and State Minister
11:50He had to occupy the post of Prime Minister
11:53in 2022
11:54when former Prime Minister Chogail Kokala Maika
11:57carried out a terrorist attack
11:59and was hospitalized
12:01Mohamed Dagnoko for Median TV Afrique
12:07This is what we are going to talk about today
12:09in our section
12:11The guest of the major newspaper
12:13Median Morning
12:15In Mali, General Abdullahi Maika
12:17was appointed Prime Minister
12:19This appointment comes
12:21the day after Chogail Maika's appointment
12:25Chogail Maika, a well-known figure
12:27close to the President of Transition
12:29Abdullahi Maika
12:31is a familiar face for Malians
12:33a major evolution
12:35which creates an additional uncertainty
12:37in an already troubling context
12:41To talk about it
12:43we are live with Beatrice Meza
12:45researcher in political science
12:47at the International University of Rabat
12:50Hello Beatrice Meza
12:53Thank you for accepting our invitation
12:57Thank you, hello
12:59In Mali, two Prime Ministers
13:03Abdullahi Maika
13:05was until Wednesday night
13:07Minister of Territorial Administration
13:10and spokesman of the government
13:13He was appointed Prime Minister of Transition
13:17What do you think of this appointment?
13:21First of all, regarding Chogail Maika's dismissal
13:25it can be interpreted as
13:27a message that is very clear
13:29Any criticism of the attempt
13:31to reorient the transition process
13:35will not be tolerated by the military regime in Mali
13:38This also highlights the predominance
13:41of the military logic
13:43under the political commitments of the transition
13:45This is fundamental
13:47This is the message we must retain
13:49Chogail Maika's dismissal also illustrates
13:53this fragility of relations
13:55between the military and the civilian actors
13:59in a regime of transition
14:01like the one in Mali
14:03We must also know that
14:05Chogail Maika has represented
14:07until now
14:09the civilian side of the regime
14:11This was important for the military
14:13because they wanted to use
14:15Chogail Maika as a tool
14:17to legitimize the military power
14:20within the national and international community
14:23Now there are many questions
14:25and many questions about
14:27this democratic transition
14:29that must be accompanied
14:31by the elections
14:34We do not know exactly
14:37when these elections will be decided
14:40Until now, there is no light
14:44following this change in the presidency
14:49due to a criticism
14:51Chogail Maika made
14:53against the military regime
14:55that we were waiting for
14:57until now
14:59We must not forget that
15:01Maika comes from the civilian society
15:03Maika was a fundamental actor
15:05during the social demobilization
15:07in 2020
15:09who led the fall of Keita
15:12Ibrahim Boubak
15:14at that time
15:16Chogail Maika was at the center
15:18of the agenda
15:20of a popular movement
15:22that led the fall of Keita
15:24and that opened
15:26an opportunity for the military
15:28to return to the presidential chair
15:30following a failure
15:32of the security
15:34and the economic and social issue
15:36in Mali
15:39Returning to this nomination
15:41the choice of Abdoulaye Maika
15:43was it expected
15:45according to you?
15:47Already, in fact,
15:49fidelity, loyalty
15:51compared to Maika
15:53it is important that he is a military
15:55he is a colonel
15:57he has already had responsibilities
15:59in the state
16:01and to cut the position of Minister
16:03of Territorial Administration
16:05and Decentralization
16:07in the management of local affairs
16:11So, from him, once again
16:13answering this question
16:15the regime is waiting
16:17to throw him out
16:19that's why we chose
16:21a military face
16:23that contrasts strongly
16:25with that of Chogail Maika
16:27born, I repeat
16:29from the civilian society
16:33now we are facing
16:35Abdoulaye Maika who embodies
16:37the consolidation
16:39of military power in a transition
16:41where the space for civilians
16:45more and more restricted
16:47and this nomination
16:49reinforces the idea
16:51that the privileged military regime
16:53the continuity of its control
16:55direct on
16:57this transition process
16:59always at the expense of
17:01political and civilian diversity
17:03which was initially expected
17:05because I think it is absolutely necessary to insist
17:07on the fact that
17:09Assimi Goïta
17:11he comes to the presidential chair
17:13following an unprecedented social mobilization
17:17the security failures of the country
17:19which provoked
17:21which provoked
17:23the retreat of France
17:25and other Western security operators
17:27and which also illustrated the failure
17:29of the West of the Sahel region
17:31so I repeat
17:33this idea which is fundamental
17:35how we lost
17:37someone on the street, we lost
17:39a personality which came from
17:41popular support
17:43because it is also interesting to see how
17:45this military regime
17:47and the results of a coup d'état
17:49which was not a coup d'état per se
17:51it was a coup d'état which was supported by the people
17:53in 2020, supported by
17:55a very important social mobilization
17:58Less than 24 hours
18:00after having
18:02limogé Choguel-Kokala-Maïga
18:04the authorities of the transition
18:08this Thursday the composition
18:10of the new
18:12government team
18:14a word on
18:16this new
18:20in relation to
18:22the speed
18:24of the nomination
18:27of the new
18:29government team
18:31and if this new
18:35will it still push
18:37the end of
18:39the transition
18:41I do not know
18:43if we are really facing
18:45the end of the transition, I hope not
18:47because there are expectations
18:49of the population, I will come back
18:51to the idea that indeed
18:53this military power was supported
18:55by the people, it is a people who
18:57trusted the return of the military to the
18:59presidential chair following the failure
19:01of France militarily in the
19:03Emalian space, following
19:05once again the proliferation of violence
19:07multiplication of armed groups
19:09all this has created
19:11a disaffection on the part of the population
19:13vis-à-vis of a classic
19:15partner which was France
19:17from there the diversification of the
19:19strategy by counting now on
19:21other international actors including
19:23the presence of Russia in the Malian space
19:25so we know that all
19:27these geopolitical changes
19:29and all these political changes
19:31from the bottom up
19:33because it is followed by unprecedented social mobilization
19:35means that we must
19:37always be listening to this population
19:39the population had decided
19:41to change
19:45to make Ibrahim Boubakar Keïta
19:47in favor of a
19:49military regime under which this population
19:51supported itself by thinking
19:53that we could already
19:55recover stability
19:57or beyond the recovery
19:59of northern Mali which was
20:01under the hands of armed groups
20:03so the most important for the population
20:05is a recovery of stability
20:07and also started to think
20:09in terms of hope
20:11in relation to the economic issue
20:13which has also been greatly degraded
20:15following these security failures
20:19I will insist once again
20:21on the future evolution
20:23of the transition process, it must continue
20:25it must continue because
20:27otherwise it will also be the failure of this military regime
20:29the military regime cannot
20:31legitimize itself
20:33by only recovering the territorial sovereignty
20:35of northern Mali which is called the region
20:37of Asawat, this military regime
20:39it must legitimize itself
20:41through the people because
20:43it legitimized itself, it came through
20:45the people, it must continue
20:47this legitimacy through
20:49a convocation of elections and through
20:51a real materialization
20:53of this transition process
20:55so this is the future of Mali
20:57and Mali needs a political transition
20:59it needs elections
21:03accusations of
21:05high treason and denunciation
21:07of unilateral
21:09decisions, can we say
21:11that this rise
21:13of tensions reveals
21:15a deep fracture between
21:17the military and
21:19the political class
21:21and if
21:23cohabitation between the two
21:25parties is still
21:29This is precisely
21:31what I said at the beginning of my
21:33intervention, that the
21:35destitution of Shogel Maïga
21:37illustrates a deep
21:39fragility of relations
21:41between the military and the civil actors
21:43It is a regime of transition
21:45It was very interesting to see how
21:47the regime of Assimi Goïta
21:49had relied on a civil
21:51visage to precisely
21:53legitimize its regime and go
21:55towards a transition towards civil power
21:57From the moment you remove
21:59this civil visage which was
22:01finally used, instrumentalized
22:03in a very clear way
22:05by this regime
22:07it questions
22:09the expectations of this democratic transition
22:11which must be accompanied
22:13by an immediate call for
22:15an election
22:21greatly disappointed
22:23a population
22:25that was looking and waiting
22:27for this transition towards civil power
22:29So we lost
22:31a civil representation
22:33in a regime
22:35that arrived
22:37in a transitory way
22:41a popular uprising
22:43following a deep
22:45security crisis of the country
22:47and also a deep economic
22:49and social crisis
22:51following a crisis
22:53with the international security
22:57So at this moment, the people
22:59need to come back
23:01to civil power, call
23:03for elections and recover
23:05the democratic tradition of which Mali
23:07inherited from the regime of
23:09Amadou Toumanet Touré
23:11So I think it is the will of the people
23:13It should have been the will of
23:15Assam because it is thanks to this people
23:17who had mobilized
23:19during the unprecedented events in 2020
23:21who once again
23:23that an African civil society
23:25supports a coup d'état
23:29Madam Beatrice Meza
23:31We are coming to the end of our section
23:33I thank you for all your
23:35decision, thank you for answering our questions
23:37I remind you that you are a researcher
23:39in political science at the
23:41International University of Rameau
23:43I thank you very much
23:47This is how
23:49this news is coming to an end
23:51Thank you for following it, stay with us
23:53The information continues on Media Interflu