• le mois dernier
Embark on a poignant exploration of youth and identity in About An Age, a 2018 Australian coming-of-age film directed by Harley Hefford and Evan J Martin. Set against the backdrop of a rural house during a weekend gathering, the film follows five friends on the brink of adulthood as they celebrate the end of another school week. This intimate drama delves into the complexities of friendship, ambition, and the bittersweet transition into adulthood.
As the night unfolds, these young characters engage in heartfelt conversations about their lives, dreams, and uncertainties. The atmosphere shifts as alcohol begins to blur their judgment, leading to moments of introspection and tension. About An Age captures the essence of teenage life with authenticity, showcasing the struggles and joys that define this pivotal stage. The film’s narrative is enriched by its honest portrayal of youthful romance and the challenges that come with it.
The ensemble cast, featuring Daniel Cockburn, Rachel Lee, Eddie Orton, Keith Purcell, and Ashley Stocco, delivers compelling performances that resonate with audiences. Each character grapples with their own aspirations and fears, reflecting the universal experience of navigating the complexities of growing up. The film stands out for its unique Australian perspective within a genre often dominated by American narratives.
About An Age is not just a story about a party; it is a profound commentary on the pressures of youth and the realities that often accompany what is deemed "the best time of your life." With its polished script and beautiful cinematography by Thom Neal, this film invites viewers to reflect on their own experiences of youth and the inevitable passage of time.
Join these five friends in About An Age as they confront their futures and discover what it truly means to grow up.

