• last year
The NFL trade deadline is just a few days away and the Texans have a few obvious needs. Should they be active? Payne and Pendergast discuss that here.
00:00The trade deadline coming up on Tuesday, next week, Tuesday, middle of the afternoon, I
00:05want to say three o'clock local time. I would be, I'd be shocked if the Texans didn't make
00:11any moves before the trade deadline. I would be very, very surprised. And I'm not saying,
00:16I'm not saying it's left guard, which I know if we were to put up a poll. And in fact,
00:21we may need to do that. Seth, you kind of informally polled your social media audience
00:26before we had Nick on a couple of weeks ago. And it seemed like defensive back was sort
00:31of an overwhelming reply to that. Should I put up a more formal poll as to what people
00:36want for the trade deadline? Do you think? Yeah. And I think right now it's going to
00:40end up being left guard more so than defensive back, which is going to be ironic because
00:44last night, I mean the death blow by the jets was when Jalen Petrie was manned up on Devante
00:49freaking Adams, which was the nightmare scenario that I, that I kept warning you about Sean
00:55was that man, okay. Petrie is, he's good as a nickel linebacker, but he's not a cornerback.
01:03Never was a cornerback in the NFL. If you call him your slot corner, you are putting
01:08a safety slash linebacker in the slot and expecting him to go, man. And that wasn't
01:15a cover zero blitz or anything. That was just good old school, the single high safety. And
01:21you've got a five man pass rush and Jalen Petrie is going to be manned up on, uh, on
01:28Devante Adams. What do you expect? I mean, this is the, the, that's the nightmare scenario
01:32that I've been terrified about ever since they started this experiment with him in training
01:36camp and we could see in training camp that when Jalen Petrie was lining up in the slot
01:41against tank Dell or Stefan digs or Nico Collins, he couldn't hack it. It was ugly. Yeah. So
01:46yeah, you need more guys right now. You've got two safeties as you're basically the guys
01:52that you're charging with playing man and for vast portions. And it was, it was nice
01:57when you're in the minor leagues. It was nice when you were going against the bills, depleted
02:01wide receiving core. It's nice versus the Patriots or teams like that. I would even
02:06throw the Packers out there in terms of their top end receiving talent. Isn't nearly what
02:13the jets have, but it's gonna, it's gonna bite you. It's going to bite you and it's
02:19going to embarrass you on nationally streamed television. That's right. Nationally streamed,
02:26nationally streamed, embarrassed in front of the entire internet and local television,
02:29the web. Uh, yeah. So trade deadline coming up on Tuesday and we already know who some
02:36of the teams are that are, that are open for business. Two of them are in your division.
02:41I don't know, you know, I, I don't know what the stomach is for GMs with the whole trading
02:46inside the division thing is these days. I, you know, I'm, I'm not sure. Um, but Tennessee,
02:53any Tennessee traded Deandre Hopkins, Jacksonville traded cam Robinson for both for day three
02:58picks. So they're both clearly open for business, right? You know, look, look, I think Casario
03:04comes from new England. Belichick was never bashful about trading within the division.
03:09And other than the jets who he just despises, but they would make trades within the division.
03:14Um, I don't know. There's a relationship there with the GM in, uh, in, in Tennessee and Tennessee
03:20is obviously very much in a reset year. So I think maybe perhaps something like that
03:25could happen, but, um, there's a, there's a, there's a wide, wide array of possibilities.
03:30I am going to put as the four choices on this, um, the four choices on this Penderpole that
03:36I'll put up during the break here. I'm going to put, I'm going to put a guard. I'm going
03:41to put wide receiver. Yeah. I'm going to put defensive back. Okay. And then I'll put other.
03:46And if it's other than have them reply, cause you can only have them reply too. Yeah. Yeah.
03:51If it's other, I noticed these people that are super online with their social media,
03:55they love that engagement rate. That's what you, uh, you gotta go for that. I gotta go
03:58for the engagement rate. Hey, um, what did you think of my appearance on the open, uh,
04:03the opening credits last night, it was everything we expected it to be, which was awesome. But
04:10brief, it basically sounded like the, uh, debriefing that I give Brandy after any one
04:15of our relationships. I was like, that was, that was spectacular. And she's like, was
04:19it really? It was just, it seems like I just, uh, so we're done. And I'm like, yep. And
04:24it was incredible because you were on screen for all of them about like 1.5 seconds. Right.
04:30You look good. You got the high powered NFL films, cameras up in your face. Yeah. Yeah.
04:37Thanks man. I appreciate it. It was like 1.5 seconds. It wasn't long. Yeah. And I knew
04:41at that moment that the Texans were going to win by at least four touchdowns. Yeah.
04:44You kind of set me up there. You're like Texans by 50. Sean made the opening credits and I'm
04:48like, Oh boy, I've already blamed you this morning. I know. I called you a diva. You're
04:52not alone. Yeah. Trying to get your 1.5 seconds of screen time. Oh yeah. No, they've already
04:58put a lot of money. They put into these things. You guys got to understand. NFL films was
05:02in there with us with an app for an hour. They got three, uh, three, three workers and
05:07they were, I mean they were in studio for a half hour, but they had to be there before
05:11the show and then it's breaking down and everything traveled to it and everything. And they did
05:15that for all of 1.5 seconds of screen time. It's incredible. It is the, the, the level
05:20of meticulousness that goes into it. I mean, I don't know. Like part of me is like, okay,
05:26is that a good use of, of resources there? You know, well they should, you know what?
05:32They should hire whoever organizes all of that. Cause so much of these productions,
05:36it takes the interviews that they're doing during training camp. They're kind of cataloging
05:41them and getting them ready for a production and everything. You know, we could tell a
05:44training camp a couple of times there were producers from national broadcasts that were
05:48there just to ask questions that day that they can use in Sunday night football or what
05:53you, they should have that person coach the offensive line. Oh, that's an attention to
05:58detail that frankly seems to be lacking around these parts. Can you imagine like that would
06:04be, that would be amazing. They fire Chris trouser, but they hire that Chris that was
06:10here filming us the other day filming us. He was a wide receiver for the chiefs back
06:17in the day. Chris Wilson, he was a wide receiver. He was a wide receiver. Yeah, he has a big
06:21wide receiver. He's not a fat guy. He's a big guy. No, he's big. He's kind of, yeah,
06:25he's kind of fit. He's kind of, he's kind of muscular. We're going to ask if he was
06:27a defensive end or something. He played at the university of Pittsburgh with Larry Fitzgerald
06:32back in the early two thousands. Yeah. I taught him everything he knows. That's what he told
06:35us. Yeah. No, he didn't say that. I just, no, he didn't say that. He definitely didn't
06:38say that. So that was the fun part of last night. And then it was fun for a little while.
06:43It was fun when Malachi Corley dropped the football. Yeah. When did it, when did it stop
06:47being fun for you last night? Like, I mean, it never felt, it was never fun. Even after
06:52Malachi Corley. Yeah. Cause of the, you know, the problem was three guys on defense got
06:56collapsed for Malachi Corley to run in and stop himself at the goal line. There were,
07:01you know, yes, yes. No, we, we owe more to sir. Isaac Newton. And uh, before sir, Isaac
07:09Newton gravity didn't exist. It was a mess everywhere. But then he invented gravity and
07:15it allowed that ball to fall to the turf. Thank you sir. Isaac Newton. Thank you. Everybody's
07:20floating around in space and sir. Isaac Newton grabs an Apple and he'd like drops it and like,
07:23Oh, he said, Oh, gravity. Yeah. And someday Malachi Corley, great name by the way. Well,
07:30uh, we'll, we'll gift the Texans seven points. Thanks to gravity. That was a seven point swing
07:35right there. And he did us the honor of letting it roll out of the end zone to be sure it was a
07:40touchback. The reason I asked you, when did that game stop becoming fun for you last night? It's
07:44because that game was never fun for me last night. There were so many points in that game.
07:48And there's something about that stadium that makes it less fun that one of you guys is going
07:54to get hurt. But I looked over to our bosses up there. We were watching the game up here in the
07:59live lounge and our boss was up here. A few other, uh, T mill was up here and there were so many
08:05times I looked at them and I said, I am not enjoying this. Even when the Texans were winning,
08:09I'm like, I just want to get the hell out of here with a win. I am not enjoying this right now. No,
08:13no, no. The very beginning of that game was everything that Thursday night football has come
08:17to promise you and that you can expect was it looked, it looked so much like the jets were
08:25playing the worst version of the jets and that this was going to be a battle of which team can
08:30avoid the most catastrophes, right? It really was. It was narrowly averted catastrophes left
08:35and right at the beginning. And that's what kept the game close. And yet, so what I expected in
08:40the second half of the Texans lost that game would be that there would be a couple of really
08:44weird occurrences because there were recipes for it. Could our Holman could our Holman for God
08:51knows what reason as the punt returner or as a, as a blocker was like still trying to block a guy
08:59that was going to touch the ball down and came precariously close to touching it with his leg or
09:03something that would have been an all time idiotic move if that had turned into a touchdown. I don't
09:07know what the hell he was doing back there. Um, but there, so there's that, but no, it ended up
09:13just being an absolute drubbing in the second half that the jets systematically worked their
09:19way down the field three times in a row. They had three meaningful possessions when the game was
09:25still in contest and they scored a touchdown on a sustained drive every single time in the second
09:30half, the offense doing its part and as they had for the two previous games, didn't even score a
09:37touchdown in the second half. Yep. You can't even score a single damn touchdown in the second half
09:42six all season, six second half touchdowns in nine games. It's just, it's, it's unacceptable.
09:50It's remarkable in a bad way. It's really bad. Second quarter, Sean,
09:54that's when games are won in the NFL. I got to win it in the second quarter. I suppose.
