• last year
(Adnkronos) - L’economia del mare ricopre oggi, più che mai, un ruolo centrale nelle strategie nazionali. E’ un comparto composto da diversi segmenti che, insieme, danno al Pil nazionale un contributo significativo. Questo uno de passaggi dell’intervento di Mario Zanetti, presidente Confederazione italiana Armatori all’Assemblea Confitarma che si è svolta a Napoli.


00:00What is the future of the ship?
00:04The ship of the future, we see it today, is a ship that has a track route,
00:10it is a route that we know where we want it to arrive,
00:15but to get there we need to work all together.
00:19The ship has the opportunity to be a competitive driver,
00:23a social driver, a geopolitical driver and an occupational driver,
00:29but to make sure that all opportunities are met,
00:33it is necessary that not only the shipowners, but all stakeholders,
00:38all those interested in the economy of the sea,
00:41work together from an institutional and entrepreneurial point of view
00:46to make this route a reality.
00:49It is essential that we work to guarantee and maintain
00:55and possibly increase the competitiveness of the Italian flag.
01:01The Italian flag, Italian companies in the maritime sector
01:07represent an excellence, but they represent an excellence that must be cultivated,
01:12that must be promoted and that must be developed with a view to the future.
01:17We ask Europe to look at the goals with pragmatism,
01:23there is commitment, there are investments, there is a history and there is a future
01:28that the armament expresses with respect to the objectives of transition.
01:34It is necessary, however, that these objectives are approached globally.
01:40Energy transition is a global priority, it is for shipowners
01:44and it must be global for all legislators and regulators in the sector.
01:50Safety is a priority for those who go to the sea.
01:54First of all, safety for our colleagues who work on board the ships every day.
02:01Safety is a priority when a sea is unsafe,
02:05a sea that becomes more expensive, becomes more expensive for the company
02:09and therefore inevitably becomes more expensive for consumers.
