• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’economia del mare è un pilastro del nostro sistema produttivo che va rilanciato, tutelato anche nei processi europei”. Cosi Nicola Zingaretti a margine dell’evento Confitarma di scena a Napoli presso la stazione marittima .


00:00The ship of the future coincides with the Italian and European economy of the future, because
00:09here we are talking about the economy of the sea, that is, of a very important pillar of
00:14our production system, which must be relaunched, protected, and even in European processes
00:21this peculiarity must weigh, and therefore as a European parliamentarian I am here because
00:26it is obvious that it will be necessary, as always happens in innovations, to combine innovation
00:32in defense and relaunch of productive sectors, so we are present for this.
00:36The problem is not the concern only of shipbuilders, but of an Italian economy that struggles
00:44to relaunch itself and that asks the public dimension for more investments to guide this
00:52phase of transition.
00:53The transition must be supported and financed, otherwise it falls on the shoulders of consumers
00:59or entrepreneurs, and this is wrong, it does not produce a future or hope, so it is important
01:07to push innovation to the future, but making us all responsible for the necessary investments
01:14to guarantee this innovation, and so a little in all fields it will also be so on the economy
01:20of the sea.
01:22Transcription by ESO, translation by —
