Da iPhone 6s a iPhone X con un economico kit per trasformare il tuo vecchio smartphone nel nuovissimo top di gamma Apple: guarda il video per sapere come fare.
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00:00Turn your old iPhone into an iPhone X? What? How can that be?
00:04When I first saw what I'm about to show you, I was a little taken back,
00:08something that I'm like, wow, why? But it looks kind of cool, so I'm going to show it to you guys in this video.
00:13So, how can you turn your old iPhone 6S or iPhone 6 into the latest iPhone X before Apple even releases it?
00:21In this video, I'm going to show you just that.
00:23So take your old beaten and battered 6S or 6 model and convert it to the iPhone X using two things, software and hardware.
00:33I'm going to show you that in just a second here.
00:34The Chinese really never cease to amaze me, so they've released a new product that has really stunned me.
00:41And I'm going to show it to you guys right now.
00:42I'm going to get this unboxed real quick.
00:45So what could this be?
00:47Well, just like the conversion from an iPhone 6 or 6S into an iPhone 7, this is the very same thing just for the iPhone X.
00:55Let's go ahead and see how this looks, if it's worth doing this, if it's even convincible.
01:00So here is the inside and the outside.
01:03There it is guys, the iPhone X shell for the iPhone 6S.
01:07Let me get this plastic off here.
01:10And wow, it actually looks pretty dang good.
01:14The color looks fantastic.
01:16That white on silver blend.
01:17This is actually just a little bit more white than Apple's official white color.
01:21As you can see, it doesn't have that off white look to it.
01:24It's not so much gray.
01:25There's the color in comparison to the 8 Plus.
01:27Let's see how the actual size looks.
01:29All right, so here is the real deal, the iPhone X.
01:33So in comparison, it is a little bit bigger, of course, than your standard 6S size.
01:38But this actually looks pretty dang good.
01:40It gives you those chrome bezels, the same as the iPhone X, and it'll look all around
01:46pretty dang good.
01:47The bottom, very similar here.
01:50Of course, you don't get the display, but you get the overall look of the actual phone.
01:54And the lens, it is a bit smaller, but for someone that hasn't really seen this thing
01:59before, and of course, no one really has before the release, they won't know the difference,
02:03right, until they turn it on.
02:05But that's where software comes in.
02:07I'm going to show you guys how to iPhone X-ify your device, make it look just like
02:12the real deal, as close as you can, that is, and get some custom controls here, just like
02:18the real deal.
02:19Even emulate the bar up top if you want to go all out and really get that iPhone X experience
02:26on your current device.
02:27So I'm going to go ahead and show you real quick how to strip your device down, your
02:31old iPhone 6 or 6S, and put it into the body of an iPhone X.
02:36The spirit is willing here.
02:38So let's see what we can get.
02:39I also have an iPhone 6 version in here, which I just wanted to real quick show you
02:43guys, see if there's anything different on that one.
02:46And here is the iPhone 6 version in the same color.
02:49So I believe the internals are going to look just a little bit different.
02:52Make sure you get the correct version for your device as the mounting points do change
02:56between the models and you guys will need some battery stickers as well.
03:01So if you don't have any of these, these are a must for these housing swaps.
03:04I've done several on this channel already.
03:05They're not difficult to do, just a little time consuming.
03:07And this is actually real glass on the back.
03:10So you'll want to take care of it once we get it installed.
03:12But anyways, I'm going to go ahead and take up my more beat up iPhone 6S version.
03:17I'm going to start by powering it off.
03:19The number one thing that I always forget to do in my videos, but power it off and I'll
03:24start by removing the display.
03:25Now I will be doing a time-lapse here and I'll be giving you tips in between, but most
03:30of you will probably be using an iFixit guide.
03:32So I'll just give you some pointers in between in case you want to ever attempt to do this.
03:38But of course, one is just to remove the bolts here on the bottom.
03:42I still use a pry tool and pry that display off.
03:45Now the iPhone 6S does have a little seal.
03:48So if you want to do buy that to replace it, I usually save my existing one.
03:52Just work with that screen on the bottom.
03:55Try not to crack it like I just did.
03:58And it was already chipped on the bottom.
04:00So it's not entirely my fault there.
04:03All right.
04:03So you want to be very gentle with the top so that way it doesn't snag and then you cut
04:07all the cords off.
04:08I've done that, believe it or not.
04:10Like I'm a barbarian.
04:12Sometimes I just lose my patience.
04:14Start using strength where you shouldn't.
04:16So be very, very gentle here.
04:18Wiggle it around a little bit and go ahead and use a Phillips and screw the plates holding
04:23the display in.
04:24Of course, do note to the position of all of these screws as they are all different lengths.
04:29You don't want to put one where it doesn't belong.
04:31Peel the plate off and then go ahead and undo all of these connectors for freeing the display
04:37from the housing.
04:38Just like that.
04:39And go ahead and set that aside.
04:40All right.
04:41So now you just want to go ahead and start stripping this down slowly.
04:44I'm going to start with the Taptic Engine.
04:46After that, we're going to go to the battery there in just a second.
04:50This is where it would come in handy to actually watch an iFixit guide.
04:54As you begin to strip it down, it'll give you more concise instructions.
04:57But I'm going to start by removing the battery here.
04:59This one is tricky, so you want to be very careful with removing it.
05:03I'll show you some pointers here in just a second.
05:05Unplug this battery connector.
05:07Take that little adhesive and just go over it with some blunt nose pliers.
05:12You want to peel it back.
05:14Be very careful with this not to trim it.
05:16As this is your lifeline, you don't want to use a credit card method.
05:19Could damage your battery and puncture it.
05:21Once you've got one of them, go ahead and peel back and away from the battery.
05:27At a slight angle.
05:29Try to wiggle it back and forth.
05:32Sometimes once in a blue moon you'll get lucky and pull it out whole as it was intended.
05:38Can't believe both of these came out.
05:41That's ridiculous.
05:42That should be a crime.
05:43I mean, every single one I work on is a pain and rips.
05:46There we go.
05:47Got the battery out.
05:49So what's left?
05:50So not too much.
05:51Go ahead and continue by removing the logic board.
05:55So next up, go ahead and remove the camera.
05:57And do eject the SIM card from the side so it doesn't interfere with removing the logic board.
06:03And for this one right here in the middle, you have to use a 2.5 hex nut tool to get that out.
06:08So make sure you come prepared with the correct tools for this job.
06:12As this seems to be one of the harder ones to find.
06:14And out comes the logic board.
06:16So do unclip this one up here.
06:20And on the back there will be an antenna connector.
06:22So now just the remainder of this stuff immediately transfer it to the other iPhone.
06:27And the volume buttons are a bit tricky.
06:29So I'll get to that one in just a second.
06:31All right.
06:31So I got the top ribbon cable replaced.
06:33I actually didn't change out the buttons because the space gray is so similar to this.
06:37It's really hard to tell that they're not even that matching.
06:40But if you will be changing the buttons, you want to make sure to replace the little silicone
06:45gasket around the button.
06:47So before you put them in.
06:49Otherwise make sure they're all clicky and they work before you seal the deal here.
06:54Anyways, I'm going to start working on the bottom speaker here.
06:56Place that and the charging ports immediately just transfer everything over to this guy.
07:01Oh, and something I forgot to mention, you will lose your headphone jack.
07:06They wanted to make this hyper-realistic.
07:08So you will not even get a headphone jack on the bottom here with your 6 or 6S anymore.
07:13Honestly, if you really want to, you could just drill straight through here and get that
07:18hole there because all the mounting points are there.
07:20On the bottom here, when replacing the speaker, make sure to take out the existing speaker
07:24grills and replace them into the new iPhone 10.
07:27And also don't forget to take out this bottom trim for the lightning port down here.
07:31It's a little pry, but you can get it out.
07:34And this is where I'm a little puzzled.
07:36Why would they remove this headphone jack?
07:39I mean, just create a little hole down there.
07:41This type of realism isn't completely necessary.
07:43There's literally no way to even mount this flex cable down here with the lightning cable.
07:48With this in here.
07:49So goodbye.
07:50I'm going to have to do this.
07:51But ripping off the headphone jack.
07:54See you later.
07:56All right, so this will fit now.
07:58All right, so I've migrated all of the hard stuff, all the buttons, the ribbon cables.
08:03Now reassembly.
08:04Basically take everything from that pile over there and put it back in.
08:08Shouldn't be too difficult.
08:09Just reverse everything that you did.
08:11I'm still a bit bummed and mystified about the headphone jack.
08:14Why they couldn't just create an opening there.
08:16They really want you to commit to this conversion.
08:19All right, so now on the battery, just go ahead and reapply these stickers here.
08:23All right, nearly there.
08:24All the internals are inside.
08:25Now just pop the screen back in and we are ready to go.
08:28I'll show you guys the completed 10.
08:30And of course, before closing everything up, you want to power on your new iPhone 10.
08:34To ensure everything is working.
08:36The touchscreen is all working and everything.
08:39But what a procedure.
08:41And we are here.
08:42So in a moment here, I'm going to close this up.
08:44But I got to tell you, even right now, it feels pretty solid.
08:46It's got this heft to it.
08:48It's nice premium feeling.
08:49It's no longer kind of rough and matte.
08:52So yeah, everything good.
08:54All good to close it up and I'll be right back.
08:57All right, and here's the finished product.
08:59So the iPhone 10 in the silver white combo.
09:02I got to tell you, it looks a lot better than I thought it would.
09:05Actually has a very premium feeling to it.
09:08This is real glass.
09:09The chrome borders really adds to that realism.
09:11So here it is next to the real deal.
09:13Obviously the proportions are just a little bit off.
09:16Camera lens is a little bit smaller.
09:18But that's, of course, in order to accommodate the iPhone 6s design there.
09:22Silver border is pretty spot on.
09:25Of course, the display, you don't get that.
09:27Otherwise, pretty cool.
09:28Looks really clean.
09:29I would actually almost recommend it at this point.
09:32If you have an old 6 or 6s that you don't really care much about and do something new with it.
09:36So pretty cool.
09:38Aside from the fact that you do lose your headphone jack, that ultra realism is there.
09:43Versus an old iPhone 6s.
09:44Definitely looks a little bit newer, a little bit cleaner.
09:48Nice little updates there.
09:49All right, so that's the hardware side of things.
09:51But the software is just as important.
09:53I compiled a list of tweaks to get that authentic iPhone 10 experience.
09:57A double tap to wake the screen just like that.
10:00Double tap to kill it.
10:01Kind of cool.
10:02Also the iPhone 10 wallpaper.
10:04So with Swyper, also you get the iPhone 10 lock screen experience.
10:08You can swipe up from the bottom here and actually get that little slider.
10:13You get the quick shortcut to the flashlight right there.
10:16You get the camera button as well.
10:18Kind of cool.
10:19So you get that ultra realism.
10:21Now notice up top you have that lock icon as well.
10:24And you also have the status cutout.
10:27So that guy up there will actually adapt and change depending on the applications.
10:31If you really want that in your way, you can definitely get it for the ultra iPhone 10
10:36notch experience.
10:38It's kind of funny that someone went through the process just to create that.
10:41The dock down here is awesome dock in order to get the look of the iPhone 10 and no dock
10:47icon labels as well.
10:48We've got some iPhone 10 gestures.
10:50So from the top right using activator, we can access the control center just like on
10:54the real deal.
10:55On the left is the notification center.
10:57Also within an app, you can do the same thing and slide up to leave the app.
11:01Really cool.
11:02Take that a step further and actually lock the device with the swipe as well.
11:06So kind of neat there.
11:07You can also use switcher radio to actually get the cool rounded app switcher effect that
11:13Apple advertised on the iPhone 10.
11:15Pretty neat.
11:16All right, guys.
11:17So there it is.
11:17The hardware and the software side of things for the iPhone 10.
11:21Get that ultra realism with the notch, all the gestures and the lock screen of the iPhone
11:2610 all on your old iPhone 6 or 6S.
11:29Why spend over a thousand dollars to get this device?
11:32So there it is, guys.
11:33Hope you enjoyed this video.
11:34Just something really interesting I thought I'd share with you.
11:37I actually kind of like this.
11:38I might actually have even used this if I was still on a 6S.
11:41But anyways, guys, there it is.
11:42Hope you enjoyed it.