• last year
(Adnkronos) - A Torino l’incontro ‘OLTRE LAB. Dalla consapevolezza all’empowerment’, organizzato da Sobi con il patrocinio di Acep - Associazione Coagulopatici Emofilici Piemontesi “Massimo Chesta” ODV. “L'attività fisica è fondamentale nei pazienti con emofilia per tutelare la salute articolare – Berardino Pollio, ematologo del Centro Emofilia pediatrico dell’ospedale infantile Regina Margherita di Torino – allo stesso tempo eventuali traumatismi possono rappresentare una minaccia per la salute articolare stessa; serve dunque un'informazione adeguata e dare consapevolezza ai pazienti dei propri limiti e delle possibilità di protezione di cui disponiamo oggi”.


00:00Physical activity is one of the most intriguing aspects of the management of hemophilia today.
00:11On the one hand, physical activity should be a health habit to promote in everyone,
00:21especially in patients with hemophilia, to protect the joint health thanks to a good muscle trophism.
00:31On the other hand, however, any excessive traumas can pose a threat to the joint health itself.
00:43Therefore, the key is adequate information, an ability to exploit multidisciplinarity thanks to doctors and physiatrists,
00:58and to make patients aware of their limits and the protection possibilities we have today.
01:08Therapeutic innovations in hemophilia allow today to eliminate more and more the differences between a person with and a person without hemophilia.
01:22More and more people affected by hemophilia have the opportunity to live their daily lives in an almost normal situation.
01:35Thanks to the therapeutic scenario, to the therapeutic arsenal we have, it is possible today to effectively protect
01:47even situations of daily life that in the past were avoided by patients with hemophilia.
01:55I think in particular of sport, long walks.
02:00As for children, there is an attitude to mitigate fears by getting closer to physical activity, especially in the school and recreational field,
02:19without neglecting the limits that disease can give.
02:26Therefore, there must be a good knowledge of the risks and of what medicine can offer today
02:36to eliminate these differences between a patient and a person without hemophilia.
