• yesterday


00:00Sure that the new new evidence was presented before the court in Heather's case. That's it. Oh, okay
00:04And so so what did you think what would happen that she would uh, what get extra phone privileges or something?
00:10No, I thought that she would be relocated to a minimum security facility
00:13Perhaps a mental health center. Okay. Well, guess what you far exceeded your goal, didn't you?
00:19I never I never thought that her sentence was gonna be fake
00:22Oh, that is such bull because you knew that this was how it was gonna end. You knew you didn't care
00:27Just keep in mind. Okay, Heather is no longer suffering from the metallosis. So wait, so wait because she's not a threat to anyone
00:33Well, according to the professional medical assessments. No, she is not she murdered five people
00:38Five and all of them trying to get to my daughter Trina. So, thank you
00:42Thank you for unleashing a monster and knowingly putting my daughter's life at risk
01:21Holly told you
01:23Yeah, she came to see me. I think maybe she thought I would sympathize or
01:27Run interference with you what she was wrong on both fronts
01:33I'll bet you gave her any it for
01:35Bit hypocritical, huh? Well, wait, wait a minute. Wait, this is nothing like you and Robin. I
01:42I think that Holly might disagree
01:44You know to be fair. I did lie to you about having your kid
01:49But honestly this this whole thing I find appalling because it I don't understand
01:55You both have so much history together and
01:58She's seen you be such a wonderful father to Robin
02:02I don't know why she would hide it because she thought I was dead for 15 years. Okay, fine. Yes
02:09You can't tell a dead man. He's got a daughter. Yeah, I'll give her that but then once we all found out that you were alive
02:17Holly's made a fair share of mistakes, but
02:20She's never well, she never intentionally hurt me
02:28You're gonna forgive her aren't you
02:31You misunderstand I simply have
02:35Some delicate merchandise to move and I was under the impression that you might be able to assist me with that
02:42That's a
02:44You know Luke isn't the only person that we have in common. I recently made the acquaintance of your associate
02:50Jason Morgan did he mention?
02:54Heroic adventures in Africa
02:57He mentioned that he brought lucky home to save his sister, but I don't I don't recall him
03:03Mentioning you I did get the impression that he is a man of fewer. Yeah, we both are
03:10well, I'm glad you said that because
03:14Before we go any further I would appreciate it if we would agree to
03:21I'm a private person as I'm sure you are and I would prefer if we could keep this negotiation
03:28Between us. I don't even know what this negotiation is precisely my point
03:35Sonny I was hoping we could Oh
03:41Looks like we had the same idea
03:43Bobby's closed. So I came back here to finish reviewing my notes
03:47Well, I'll put in a good word for you at the restaurant. Can't you after-hours status that you haven't in?
03:54Considering that Bobby Spencer was my mother. I guess you could say that Wow
03:59I've heard that name more than once in these hallways
04:02Your mom's a legend of iron. I'd like to think so
04:07Did you know about this? What do you have to say for yourself Rick? I
04:11Have spent time with Heather and that makes you an expert on what she is capable of
04:16I have spoken to the medical professionals and the officials of Pentonville. All right
04:20I've had her blood work tested multiple times in multiple facilities
04:24Look the overwhelming consensus is that the removal of the faulty hair and the ensuing we're not in a courtroom
04:29Okay, you can save all that legal mumbo-jumbo
04:33You should go. All right, let's go. I swear to you. This is not what I wanted
04:38No, what you wanted was a check
04:41And both the win column and in your pocketbook. So tell me
04:44How much we talking? I don't follow
04:47You're too smart to play dumb
04:50The civil case against the manufacturer of Heather's hip replacement device or should I say faulty device?
04:56What about it? Are you really gonna stand there and act like the vacated conviction isn't gonna help you win a huge settlement
05:02Those are two totally separate issues you told me that Heather's chances of being released
05:09Slim to none because he was and I believed you I accepted that on face value because of your relationship with Molly
05:15But never did I think that her father was capable of unleashing a murderer on my daughter for profit
05:21Okay, Curtis, please. No. No, I know I understand that you're mad, but this is too much. Okay blaming. My father isn't the answer
05:28But he isn't to blame who is
05:36Hello Holly
05:37Diane what can I do for you Diane?
05:40Well, I was literally just in the neighborhood and I thought I would pop in for one of my routine social visits
05:46We can have a chat, but I see you are otherwise engaged so we can catch up later
05:51Okay. Okay. All right. Always lovely to see you home you too
05:59Well, I can guess where she's headed
06:02Where my lawyer goes none of my business. Do you often socialize with your attorney?
06:07Do you want to talk about my attorneys social calendar? You want to conduct business? I
06:14Am very keen
06:16To secure our transaction, but I want an assurance about mr. Morgan
06:22What's in that bag is a lot more important to you than it is to me
06:26But I will consider helping you if if you tell me what I have to do for you
06:33If that's not enough
06:49Well Holly and understanding her choices is one thing but
06:55Forgiveness, that's something different entirely
07:00Think no matter how many years go by Holly always prioritizes Holly. I think Sasha would agree with you
07:06Have you spoken with her? She came in here demanding a paternity test
07:11She's desperate to prove that she's not my kid
07:14Something which is not beyond the realm of possibility
07:17But Holly lied you'd mean with Holly you always take your chances, but this kind of lie
07:24Is easily disproved. I mean, what's the point? She's gonna hurt me
07:29Sasha I don't see what could hurt more than the truth. How about she kept my daughter from me all this time?
07:38Portal vein thrombosis
07:40Heard of it. I studied in med school like everyone else, but that's the extent of my experience
07:48If you've performed successful liver transplants on patients with this condition though, I
07:54Can you walk me through your strategy sure
07:58But first tell me how you plan on scrubbing and on a transplant that involves your sister and your cousin
08:06Look you're understandably upset all of you. I get it. No one understands this more than me. We prosecuted Heather's case
08:12We were deeply invested in her being held accountable
08:15You were but if an appeal goes before a judge
08:18It is up to the judge to determine what justice looks like given the facts presented. This isn't on my father
08:24Molly yes, Rick acted like a lawyer. He didn't have to be Heather's lawyer. Honestly, I can't believe you defending him right now
08:30I'm defending the law TJ. My father had to give Heather a rigorous defense. What was he supposed to do?
08:35I don't know not take the case in the first place and leave Heather in prison where she belongs
08:39He didn't take it any other turn. He did
08:46We should leave
08:51So, what's it gonna be right
08:54You're gonna go ahead and file that civil suit and literally collect blood money for you and Heather. I'm sorry that this happened
09:03To all of you
09:10This is a nightmare, this is absolute nightmare Trina you're coming home with us tonight
09:16No, yes. Oh, yes 100%
09:18Look, okay
09:20Thank you for loving me and protecting me
09:24I love you, too
09:26But there's no way I'm moving back home
09:34With kinder surprise moments of play can appear anywhere go on a digital adventure together
09:45You okay
09:47Heather Weber is about to be released
09:51This was not the news I was expecting to hear tonight I
09:56Can't believe it
09:58Trina's parents seem pretty shaken up to of course. They are Trina was Heather's main target
10:04She was the reason why Heather committed all of those insane acts. Thankfully. She didn't succeed. Okay with Trina or with you
10:10Thanks to you and
10:13Brett I
10:16Wish I'd gotten there sooner. Dr. Westport might still be alive
10:22Do you ever think
10:27Look this might sound horrible, but do you ever wish that you killed her?
10:34All the time I
10:37Do think that it would be safer if we're all at home together under one roof
10:43Strengths the numbers honey, we can't mess around with this while Heather is out there plotting and planning. God knows what?
10:50I'm gonna need you where I can protect you. Look I I
10:54Know you want to keep me safe. I want to be safe
10:58But Heather hasn't even been released yet. So even if she had been I my choice would still be the same
11:04Honey, I don't know how you can say that. I spent a year of my life being terrified of a psychopath murderer
11:11Letting Esme and Heather control my every move. I just refuse to go back to them
11:17Okay, so there's no talking you out of it
11:23I'm going home to my apartment
11:29Being in on the surgery wasn't my first choice, but my sister asked and
11:35Sam is very hard to say no to
11:37Hmm that make you nervous operating on a family member. Oh, no, I I don't get nervous
11:45Besides you're the one doing the heavy lifting
11:48Which begs the question?
11:50Why I'm a surgeon from what I heard one who hasn't operated in a while
11:55And now you're signing on to do a transplant that
11:59That's a very high likelihood of failure, so
12:03Why same reason as you
12:08Lucky asked me to
12:11You guys are pretty close, huh?
12:13He's my best friend. And if his sister has a shot in hell of making it through this
12:18She's gonna need me
12:20See you in the morning. Dr. Jones
12:34Should probably go for TJ gets home. I don't want to leave you here all alone
12:41I'm used to it
12:43Spent a lot of time on your own lately
12:48How much of that is due to me?
12:50You're just the most recent excuse for TJ and I to run from each other
12:55Sorry to hear that
13:00Thanks for spending me tonight you didn't have to I know
13:06For the record
13:08didn't have to take Heather's case I
13:12Didn't mean to hurt you but like you said the law is the law
13:16Now there's cobalt levels. I don't need to hear about how there's cobalt levels. I
13:21Am sure you wrote a brilliant motion in Heather's defense so brilliant. Yeah, she's now going free
13:28Pray that you are right
13:30That she can be a functioning member of society. Yeah
13:34either way
13:35too late for regrets
13:38Thanks for understanding
13:42You know what it's not too late for yeah, what's that dropping Ava Jerome as a client
13:52Breaks my heart that I have a daughter running around out there pray that I'm not her father
13:57That has nothing to do with you who you are as a person
14:01She doesn't even know you yet, but I know her the minute she walked into this office. I knew this was my daughter
14:07How do you know why what was what made you so certain?
14:11She had my mother's eyes
14:14There's no record of these diamonds
14:17No serial numbers no way to trace them if you agree to move them for me they cannot be tracked
14:25Well, somebody had them before they got to you so they're gonna want them back
14:31Hence the need for discretion and speed just tell me
14:36Who you running from?
14:42TJ and I think you're working tonight. I
14:46wasn't the
14:48Hospital seemed like a better option than home. So well
14:52Work is a very productive distraction
14:56Really? No, I just figured you'd bust me for running away from my problems
15:03Lucas Jones, I moved to a whole other state to avoid my mess of a life
15:09It's nice to meet you. Yeah, no judges man. You want to hide out at work? Go ahead
15:16I'm not at a bar
15:19And here you can do some good put your energy into your patients
15:23Make them well so they can go home to their families while I'm avoiding mine
15:28we all do what we got to do and
15:32You're not at a bar
15:34I'm not at a bar
15:36This isn't some pro bono case dad you took Ava on as a client you can just as easily cut her loose you should
15:43Why should I drop Ava as a client? Oh
15:47Let me think where to start maybe because she's the reason my baby is dead. I don't believe that that's true
15:55You want to debate the cause of Irene's death no, I don't want to debate anything with you
16:00That is exactly why I can't drop the case because you think Ava's innocent Molly. I'm not doing this for Ava
16:06I'm doing it for you
16:09As much as I
16:10enjoy diamonds and I do I
16:14prefer my valuables more
16:16Liquid and if I seem in a rush, yeah, you actually do
16:20That's because I'd like to get out of Port Charles for personal reasons not professional
16:26Well, it's not the kind of merchandise that I usually handle. So I'm gonna have to make some calls
16:31Does that mean you want to do business with me?
16:35Maybe able to help you out
16:38That's all I wanted to hear on one condition, which is I
16:44Get a sizable cut
16:47Are you all right, I will be
16:55I'm gonna take off. Okay. I got something I need to follow up on
17:00Anything I need to be aware of no
17:04They can keep
17:08Anna yes
17:11It's okay with you. I'd like to be the one to tell Robin
17:14about this
17:17Of course
17:19Robin always wanted a sister
17:29Don't want to scare you you're not I
17:32Just want you to be safe. Okay. I won't let Heather near you
17:36There's only so much you could do now. You're a cop, but I'm not like the other cops Joss
17:41Okay, I've been in combat and I've killed before and that that's not something I've ever taken lightly
17:45But some people need to be stopped
17:48Period and Heather Webber is one of those people if Heather Webber even thinks about hurting you
17:54It'll be the last thing she ever does
17:56We shouldn't let Trina go home alone
17:59We should have forced her to come home with us. Oh
18:02Babe, she is an adult. She's still my baby girl. Yeah, but Trina Trina's trying to regain control of her life
18:10She can't regain control of her life if she's dead
18:13Don't say that it could happen once Heather goes free it could happen honey. We're gonna protect our daughter
18:22How the justice system
18:27Clearly clearly they couldn't care less
18:29I know and listening to Rick sit up here and talk about the law like he's some kind of passive participant. Oh, it's infuriating
18:37You know, I wonder if Rick would be so blase if Molly was the one who was in danger doubtful I
18:44Just don't see how that judge can't tell what kind of danger Heather is. You know what? I want to ask that judge
18:51If Trina were Molly or Jocelyn Jacks, let's say what his decision be the same
18:58If a young white woman was the obsession of a serial killer and not a young black woman
19:04Would that killer be going free right now?
19:16Was it it's geo
19:26Hi, I saw you drive up thought I'd come by and see if you're okay, I thought it was
19:33But I'm not
19:37Don't fight life's challenges alone look for the purple cap for your stress and sleep solutions
19:43Good you're still here
19:46You'll never guess who I just saw together
19:49Try me. I
19:52Went to Sonny's office and once I saw what I saw I
19:56Made it abundantly clear to state that I was only there for a social visit that nothing required attorney-client privilege
20:04What did you see?
20:07Sonny in a meeting with Holly Sutton
20:12Define size
20:1730% I thought you were a gentleman one taking the risk here. I
20:22Risked my life getting those and now you can't move them
20:26Obviously, that's why you're here
20:30Mr. Carinthus miss Sutton
20:35business transaction
20:37Is our first of hopefully many shouldn't we get our relationship off on the right foot?
20:46You are something else
20:49Thank you
20:52Beauty charm that accent
20:58You're not my type
21:04I'll need some time to consider your terms. Don't take too long
21:18Deposit in good faith
21:41You're doing the transplant tomorrow right with dr. Gannon, I'll be doing the surgery on Sam
21:45I've had to jump through some legal hoops, but she was adamant that I'd be her surgeon
21:51sounds like Sam
21:53Has Molly said anything about me operating on our sister?
21:58Molly hasn't shared much with me these days
22:01Hence why you're avoiding home. I'd say we are drifting apart, but really
22:10Molly's pulling away grief is tricky
22:16It can bring people closer together, but
22:19Sometimes it can do the exact opposite Molly wasn't there the day we cleared our nursery
22:24Molly wasn't there the day we picked a burial plot
22:28Even when Molly is there, you know
22:30You still feel alone
22:32It's been like that for weeks
22:35but tonight
22:36Things were finally starting to feel a little more normal
22:39We were not a party for my granddad and I can tell Molly was really trying what happened
22:44Well, you'll hear about it on the news soon enough, but long story short
22:48Heather Weber is going free
22:51No, yeah, and Rick Lansing made it happen. My entire family is freaking out
22:56Understandably so Molly doesn't think so
22:58She defended Rick Lucas I
23:01Swear to you. I saw more emotion in her defending her father than for anything that we've actually been through. She was there
23:07She was present focused
23:10And it feels like she hasn't been there for me once since our baby died
23:14You're doing this for me. Yes
23:17Well, that doesn't make any sense. You're defending the woman who's responsible for my child's death
23:21I thought you blame Christina for what happened Christina never should have gone to that hotel room
23:26But only one person went out the window that night
23:30Excuse me to
23:33Christina and my baby and for that I need Ava to pay
23:38That's what scares me
23:40Now that vengeance that you feel in you
23:44That's me Molly
23:46It's a part. I never wanted to see my little girl. Okay. Well, I'm not a little girl anymore. I
23:52Have made mistakes in my life
23:54All of them driven by this need to get what I was owed, okay, I'm not saying that I am past that that intention now but
24:04I am learning to distinguish when it is
24:10And you think it's destructive and yes, I do. I think you're confusing vengeance with justice
24:17Okay, you can call it what you want
24:18But that need to make someone pay is poison and I don't want that for you
24:23So then what am I supposed to do?
24:25Just just just forget what Ava did chalk it up to an accident and let it go then what dad it's my job
24:33As a lawyer and as your father
24:38To present the facts of the case and make you believe it was an accident
24:46Make you know it I
24:50Have to prove this to you only so that you can move on and heal
24:57I know that you would do anything to protect me anything
25:01But I do not want you to wreck your life to do it keeping you safe would be worth whatever it cost
25:08Brit died
25:11that night and
25:13I would have been next
25:16I'm alive because of you
25:19I'm sitting here because of you. I
25:23Promise I will do whatever it takes to keep you here
25:33You mean business keep that in mind I will
25:42Just index fill me in about the whole
25:45Heather Weber ordeal, I I don't know how you're keeping it all together
25:50I'm starting to realize that maybe I haven't been what do you mean?
25:56It just
25:57It seems so easy to say that my mom was overreacting and and be all mature about justice and let the court decide
26:05But I think I could say all that because it seemed impossible that Heather would ever
26:11Go free now. She's about to
26:14She killed five people
26:17And she just gets to walk away
26:19And probably with a big payoff. It just feels it feels home
26:25It just feels so wrong. I think
26:29for people like us
26:31What you're feeling is why music and art exist people like us
26:39Sometimes the only way to express my fears or my sadness or joy is through music and
26:46I'm thinking it might be the same for you
26:49Unfortunately, we both know the answer to that question. I
26:54Hate it. I
26:56Know me too
26:59Honey sometimes life just isn't fair
27:04Young black woman
27:06She's not valued
27:08She's just not she's not valued the same way a young white woman is
27:15It just makes me want to scream
27:18Baby, no, I know. I know me too
27:22But right now our focus has to be on protecting Trina. I
27:25Could get a security guard and I could place them right outside of Trina and Jocelyn's apartment
27:30It's not gonna be enough. It's not
27:33Okay. Well, baby, what options do we have? Gina doesn't want to come home. I
27:38Suppose I can get a bodyguard full-time to protect her. I know she would hate that but I could certainly do it
27:43What Trina wants and what Trina needs aren't necessarily the same thing
27:49Heather's grandson is here
27:52So Heather's gonna want to stay near him
27:56Heather and Trina can't be in the same city. What do you say? I'm saying that we got a century in our way
28:04Want some coffee mate coffee would be great. Thanks, mate. How about some coffee my coffee my coffee
28:08I already said I want some coffee. Maybe you want some coffee mate. Oh
28:11I'd love some coffee mate with my coffee mate mate, mate
28:17Rocky that's rich and creamy
28:19Understand if Eva is not held accountable
28:20Then it's like your baby died for no reason and I cannot live with that. I don't know how to I
28:28Mean forget what it's doing to TJ and me these days
28:30We can barely talk to each other about anything deeper than who's picking up dinner
28:36I'm so sorry
28:38This is the emptiest house you've ever been in because it was about to be so full
28:46And now it's not and we just we cannot see through to the other side
28:52we're just we're stuck in this like
28:56Horrible in-between with no baby and and a marriage that's hanging on by a thread
29:00So I'm sorry if I don't care how you feel about my need to make Ava pay
29:05Vengeance isn't gonna help you or TJ. Eva destroyed my family
29:09What kind of world are we living in if there are no consequences for that one which at this point?
29:14It wasn't anybody's fault. I need you to leave. Okay, honey. I need to understand please
29:36Our situations aren't the same they're not even close but I
29:43Do have experience with losing a child and I know what it can do to a relationship. I
29:51Hope you and Molly fare better than Brad and I did
29:54Do you miss her?
29:57But I'll never go back
29:59You might want to ask yourself that same question
30:04If you and Molly don't make it
30:07How much would you miss her? I don't want to lose Molly
30:11But we have taken so many hits Lucas, I don't know how much more we can weather
30:20Jason I just got a
30:23interesting business proposition
30:26And I need to talk to you before I take it
30:29Holly was at Sonny's office, correct?
30:33You don't exactly seem surprised by this revelation. Well, it's not the worst thing I've heard about Holly
30:47Does the police commissioner make a habit of breaking and entering when necessary and I thought it best to catch you off-guard
30:54I think we've said quite enough to each other already. Haven't we not about Sidwell?
30:59All right. You need to listen to me
31:01the pilot that brought us back from Africa has been killed and
31:06The plane completely ransacked and now Interpol has proof that Sidwell is in Miami
31:12Jens is in the u.s. Yes, he is and I think it's a long way to come just because you hurt his feelings
31:19So I'm guessing that you took something from him
31:25Well speculation, come on Holly just please stop lying for once could you I
31:32I will help you. All right, but I need you to tell me the truth
31:40Did you steal something from Sidwell? No
31:46Okay, fine have it your way but don't say I didn't try oh
31:53And you know what
31:56Stay away from Robert because the last thing he needs is for you to make him a target. Okay
32:27Appreciate art, but I'm not an artist
32:29I was thinking more about music. I know you love to sing and clearly
32:35Grandfather believes you have a gift
32:37Well, my grandfather has to say that no, he doesn't
32:41so what you want me just
32:43write a ballad about how Heather freaks me out or
32:50Just about how all this feels
32:57Disappointment whatever's in
33:00Let it out
33:03I'll think about it. Just don't overthink its expression after all
33:13She let you get to bed
33:17Thanks for checking on me
33:20You sure you're gonna be okay here by yourself, yeah, I'll be fine
33:25Hey, is it okay if I crash on the couch feels a little safer than that big creepy mansion
33:33Yeah, sure. Yeah
33:37and I
33:39Got my trusty mallet to protect us
33:41I'm feeling safer already. I
33:46Understand your fears and I share them too
33:49But now tell me what are the chances our extremely strong-willed daughter is gonna want to give up her life her friends her family
33:57school her job
33:59So we'll make her see that it's for the best
34:03yeah, I know our daughter and
34:06Her answer will be a refusal and she won't be wrong. So what's the solution?
34:12Trina isn't leaving Port Charles Heather is
34:19I'll handle it Heather Weber. It's never gonna be a problem ever again
