General Hospital 7/22/2024 FULL NEW 724HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 22th, July 2024

  • 3 months ago


00:00I'd like to add two more servers from five until closed. Is that okay with you?
00:07Can't believe my mom's actually letting me hang out with you this weekend. How'd you make that happen? I just asked
00:15Really? Cuz that hasn't exactly worked before
00:19Well, uh, your mom just wants what's best for you. I get that but lately what's best
00:26For me is staying away from you and taking my phone
00:29I'm going on a speedboat trip to the Toronto Island. Can we camp out overnight?
00:34You know what? I promised your mom that I'd have you home by 10, but we'll do that. We'll make it happen soon. Okay?
00:41Good morning. Hey boys. Oh, I hear your dad's taking you out on a boat. Yeah, I can't wait. It's gonna be fun
00:48I have the kitchen whipping up a couple sandwiches for you guys to take. Okay. Thank you. Mr. Morgan a
00:56Well, that's gonna have to wait I've plans with my son today not anymore
01:08Yeah, oh
01:10Hi, you're not too busy. Oh, yeah. No, I always have time for the mayor
01:15I'm here on a personal matter. Well, I have even more time for a friend. What's up?
01:20Have you heard from Valentine today or last night perhaps?
01:26Not that I can say no why
01:31The FBI is looking for him
01:35Thank you guys so much for meeting me here
01:38We've got a ton of kids running around the house this morning
01:40So this was the only place that we could meet without getting interrupted. Yeah, of course. This is great
01:45You should think about setting up shop out here. This has got a great vibe. Yeah, I know right?
01:51Please grab some coffee Christina. I have some herbal tea. Maybe a Danish I can use some coffee. I didn't sleep much
01:58Yeah, Nina gave us a lot to think about talking to Nina about this. Yeah, we just wanted to get her advice
02:04I'm not a deal with press the do's and don'ts of giving interviews. So we don't make things worse
02:09This is going to work how you ask. Well, we are here to figure that out
02:13Today is the day that we prep for your interview with Perez Hilton his people said yes, we got the interview
02:19This is our one chance to reverse the backlash caused by your mother's homophobic comments
02:25No pressure, but you guys are gonna be great. All you have to do is be yourselves. Have you met you guys? You're both fabulous
02:33So then did he agree to use the questions we sent over? I mean, we just we don't want any curveballs
02:39I I did bring that up to Perez and his producer and after careful consideration
02:44They said no
02:49Okay, Ava this is gonna come down to character witnesses and we need all the luck we can get
02:55Well Sonny and I both have shady pasts and if memory serves, he's the one still running a crime organization
03:02You got proof maybe
03:04Proof that won't get you killed
03:08All I'm saying is that when it comes to character witnesses the playing field is pretty level
03:15No, that may be true
03:20Please could you try to be a little more supportive?
03:22Look Sonny has alienated a lot of people but Diane will dig up a few people that'll get up on the stand and they'll
03:27Canonize him and they will vilify you. Yeah, where so who can we put on?
03:34Our list that will speak to Sonny's deficiencies as a father
03:43Hey Michael
03:45Thanks for coming over
03:47It's uh, it's been a while since you've invited me. Hey, Dan. Good morning, Michael
03:53What's this about?
03:57I need your help, son
04:21An FBI agent paid me a visit and demanded to know
04:25Valentine and Charlotte's whereabouts. Yeah, so it's one thing for them to be looking for Valentine
04:32he's traveling all the time for EOQ, but Charlotte and
04:37My granddaughter and I talk and we text all the time and now I'm so sorry that you're going through this
04:46Thank you, what what did the agent say what else did he say?
04:51He didn't you know how they are. They're good at asking a lot of questions without divulging anything
04:57Were you able to give them some answers?
05:00No, I don't have any answers none. I
05:04As soon as the guy left I tried calling Valentine and Charlotte both of their phones no longer in service
05:11so then I email bounces right back to me and then
05:15I go to Charlotte social media all
05:18Of her accounts have been wiped all of them. They're gone. They're just gone
05:23Please tell me you know some way to get in touch with Valentine
05:27No, I mean other than what you've just mentioned. No, I
05:32Was afraid of that
05:35Oh my gosh
05:37Okay. So what could this be about then? Right? I mean, I know that
05:43Valentine has been working for EOQ for the past few years
05:47So then why would he run unless unless the FBI uncovered something from his past?
05:53But know that because that's the federal law enforcement. It's not WSB
05:58Unless the WSB hasn't gotten to me yet. They could be waiting for me right now in my office
06:02Well if they are you need to let me know and if anyone else contacts you you have to let me know so that I
06:06Can help in any way I can
06:09Yeah, it's really I was really thinking that you were gonna tell me that there was some big misunderstanding here, you know, um, I
06:21Have a very bad feeling right now I
06:24Can understand that?
06:26All right. Look, I
06:28Know you two aren't together anymore. But can you tell me?
06:33Has the FBI contacted the PC PD or do you know why?
06:38They might be looking for Valentine at all
06:43Alexis no matter how displeased she is with Sonny that woman despises me
06:52Well now that she knows that Sonny and I are on the outs
06:55She's probably camped out in his hallway pretending. It's a coincidence that she pitched her tent there. No, thanks
07:02Okay, Ava. I don't want to go through a roll call of Sonny's exes
07:06Why don't you just tell me who you haven't angered Scotty? Oh, come on Ava for crying out loud
07:12I'm just pointing out the obvious here. You don't have a lot of people in your corner
07:17Laura I have Laura the mayor that's not nothing Laura
07:25She's a good get
07:27But only one
07:30We'll figure it out
07:32Now I know it seems that I don't have many allies but I'm betting right now that Sonny has even fewer
07:40Michael you want some coffee espresso and I don't want to make that heads but you don't you don't have to win me over
07:45Just just tell me what I can do to help. I don't know if you've heard but I filed for sole custody of Avery
07:50No, I hadn't what brought this on?
07:53Well, Ava has been going behind my back with people that I'm close to that includes your sister Avery
08:00No, Christina
08:02She's the one who made that recording of Blaze's mother and now Christina and Blaze are suffering
08:08Because of it. Yeah, I heard the recording but I had no idea that Ava was involved
08:13Still doesn't excuse when Natalia said well Natalia is trying to make it right. All Ava does is cause misery
08:19I don't want her to be a part of my daughter's life. I'm glad to hear it. But I mean, I mean dad
08:25Avery loves her mom
08:28She's gonna be better off in the long run without Ava's influence Michael
08:32Well, I'm glad you finally kicked her out of this place. I have no idea why you let her live here
08:36Anyway, I'll tell you why I let her live here because there was a break-in at Windermere and like you said Avery
08:41You know loves her mother. So I did the right thing. I moved her in and guess what? Never again
08:47Gentlemen, if I may there is an aspect to all of this that we have not explored as of yet. I'm listening
08:55Ava has been adamantly voicing her concern about your mental health yet Ava
09:02sabotaged Morgan's
09:03So if she can do that to Morgan
09:06Imagine what she could do to Avery
09:11Send the boy home
09:13agent Cates
09:14Jason has spent enough time away from his family now
09:17He wants to spend the day with his son and you're gonna let him with all due respect Carly
09:23Do me a favor drive Danny home while I talk with this
09:31Are you sure?
09:34Hey, I'll call you okay, we'll reschedule I promise you
09:39Let's go
09:45Any idea what that's about
09:49Look we both know your dad can take care of himself, right?
09:54Close captioning is brought to you in part by TSC from today's showstopper to eat
09:58I think Trina could speak to my character and she has seen firsthand how I make Avery my priority
10:04Yeah, but she's an employee not our best. Look
10:08What Trina is a strong and honest and immensely capable young woman if I fired her right now
10:15She'd have a new job lined up by tonight and her character is sure to impress any judge
10:20Okay, Trina Robinson
10:26If only to
10:27You know, I have had it with your pessimism
10:30Well Ava unless you've got a member of your fan club, that's gonna knock on the door right now. We're in trouble
10:35You're fired. Oh, okay. So what you're gonna hire Alexis that way she can't testify against you. Oh
10:41Wait a minute
10:43Hang on. Hey, can a lawyer testify against their own clients? All right, you're unfired
10:53Ava I
10:54Am in your corner. I just want you to understand what you're up against
11:02If we bring up Ava tampering with Morgan Smith's
11:05Well that opened the door for Ava to talk about how rocky Morgan and my dad's relationship was at the time. Yes, but
11:13Any friction that Ava may have witnessed between Sonny and Morgan was due to her relationship
11:19With him and the onset of Morgan's bipolar disorder, which again she sabotaged
11:26Why are we discussing ancient history because the real question should be
11:30Who's a better parent Ava or me because we gave you a lot of love gave you a great home
11:37Can't you testify to that that I would swear to it on a stack of Bibles, but I'm
11:42I'm not sure I'm the best person to use as a character witness because you and I have had a lot of public confrontations
11:46Lately we can handle that and as for my childhood and what about your childhood?
11:52Ancient history or not
11:53I think Scott's gonna bring up the fact that mom sent Morgan to military school to keep him away from you and that was after
11:58I was hit in the head by a ricochet bullet. That was meant for you. I
12:04Thought the whole reason we were doing this interview with Perez Hilton was because we knew that he was going to be fair and
12:10Not judgmental. He will be absolutely. Okay. Well, then why not just use our questions because once a guest dictates the questions
12:16It's no longer an interview becomes a press release. They said that no. No, no, they were much nicer. They just gave up polite
12:23No, thank you
12:23But me as blazes manager is telling you both that Perez will and should ask the questions that he wants to ask
12:30I don't know. I understand this in theory. I get the principle but
12:36Sitting down in front of a camera with no control
12:40Well Perez asked difficult questions, of course, that's because the whole situation is difficult
12:46Yeah, can't argue with that which actually brings me to your other request
12:51I did broach the idea of certain topics being off-limits blaze your brother Christina your father and so on
12:58Let me guess they said no to that too. They did
13:02Do you think that maybe
13:04He they are doing this to get us to back out so they don't have to turn us down Perez
13:11Legitimately wants to do the interview, but he'll only move forward if nothing is off-limits
13:17Look, we are we all knew that getting control the questions was a long shot
13:20The most important thing is that this interview gives you both an opportunity to tell your side of the story to the world
13:27This is too much of a risk
13:30Cancel the interview
13:35Sonny is not invincible and I will not let him take my child
13:40Okay, Ava. Calm down. All right now help me to help you
13:45What about your contacts on your phone, maybe there's somebody that you
13:49Could come up with or forgot about. Oh, there is somebody that I neglected to mention
13:54Agent Cates Jagger, but isn't he the FBI guy that didn't questioned you and Sonny at Miss Wu's warehouse?
14:01That John Cates
14:03He wants to support me in my petition for sole custody and that's got to be to our benefit, right?
14:08well, yeah, he's law enforcement and
14:12His hatred of Sonny both professionally and personally is good. There you go
14:18But you've only known him for a few days. I'm sure he's got a lot of work to do
14:23You've only known him for about 15 minutes and you told me that you thought he was having you followed
14:28That was because of my association with Sonny which is now over and John never found any evidence to incriminate me for anything
14:36Because he didn't find anything or you didn't commit a crime this time. Scotty. There was nothing to find
14:43Okay, Ava
14:46Other than his hatred for Sonny
14:49Is there any other reason why he would take your side
14:55Granted agent Cates and I haven't known each other very long, but we may have gotten
15:05What was so important that you had to pull me away from my son
15:10We raided Valentin Kassadin's house yesterday
15:13There was no trace of him
15:14My job was to find out who was running Pikeman and get you the evidence to charge them
15:18I did that finding and arresting Valentin. That's on you
15:23You were stalling yesterday
15:24I was waiting for you to finish talking you and I were talking for half an hour before you brought up the sat phone by
15:30The time we got to his house Kassadin had vanished that only happens if he's been tipped off
15:35And you think I did that? Well if it wasn't you
15:39Who was it?
15:41You know, I I don't really have a very cordial working relationship with the FBI these days
15:47Okay, what about agent Cates he stones brother he and Robin they must be old friends well, yes
15:53I mean they are but um ever since he came back to town, you know, we we haven't really seen eye-to-eye
16:00About pretty much anything
16:04Okay, and then you know
16:07Given my closeness to Valentin
16:08There's absolutely no way that Kate's and certainly not the FBI would disclose anything about this case to me
16:17Yes, that makes sense
16:20Okay, I'm sorry I really am I'm just uh, I am grasping at straws this just came out of nowhere
16:29I was convinced that
16:32Valentin had made a decision to
16:35Provide a stable home for Charlotte and to leave his old life behind. Yes. I mean, that's what I thought too
16:41Then could we both be that wrong?
16:44And I I just think that Valentin is probably not the person that we thought he was
16:51Yeah, well one of us wasn't so crazy about him to begin with
16:58Okay, I have to believe that that
17:01If Valentin is with Charlotte and that he will do everything in his power to keep her safe, right?
17:05Of course, I mean he is trained for this kind of situation
17:09I mean perhaps not with a child in tow certainly not but we know Charlotte and she's very resourceful
17:16Yes. Yeah, right. I know that I know that's true, right? Ah
17:23It's just that
17:26For some reason or another all of my children are out of my reach right now
17:31and if Charlotte
17:33is also missing and
17:37I'm so sorry
17:41It's okay
17:44You'll let me know you'll let me know if you hear anything. Yes, of course. Okay, Laura
17:49but the thing is
17:51The way that Valentin and I we left things I doubt very much that I'm gonna be hearing from him
17:56Well, you never know right? Yeah, you never know. Okay. Yes. Thanks for seeing me. No, of course any time any time
18:19Thought we got past all that man
18:21We did I'm just saying it's gonna come up if I take the stand. You're not gonna testify for me
18:25Is that what you're saying? No, I'm not saying that at all
18:28We just we just have to face certain facts head-on Ava and Scott. They're gonna bring up our whole history, Sonny
18:34Michael's right. In fact, I was going to bring all of this up later to prepare you both for this event. Well you too Diane
18:41All I'm saying is
18:43Of all those things happened to me back then who's to say it's not gonna happen to Avery now
18:48What are you talking about? You think I haven't thought about what happened to you every single day of my life?
18:52Okay, so this kind of reaction is exactly what we don't want in court when Baldwin brings all of this up and he will
19:00Maybe they should have
19:01Michael on the stand so he can punish me a little like he likes to do that. Nobody is punishing
19:07Well, are you are you helping me like he helped X spy on my organization? I think we're getting off topic
19:13No, the topic is that I'm trying to get his support
19:16I'm trying to get his help and he's doing everything he can
19:19Not to help me
19:22You're only a good son when you need something
19:25Rest of the time you look down on me like I'm something up. You're scraping off the bottom of your shoe
19:36Okay, Ava I gotta ask you something and I need you to be honest with me, okay, can you manage that? Yeah
19:42Yeah, I can manage it
19:45Is there something going on with you and John Cates?
19:48Why you jealous?
19:50Yes, I'm the jealous type more jealous of Diane the Lord because if she finds out that you're involved
19:56With him while you're shooing Sonny for custody. All right, don't worry. No involvement. Not yet anyway
20:07Well, Ava promised me
20:09Promise me that you won't get involved till after this custody battle. Oh, he's the charmer you yes
20:15That's one of my many gifts
20:18Okay, so in addition to agent Cates, yes John Cates
20:26What about Dex Heller he used to work for Sonny barely escaped with his life
20:31Sonny beat him to within an inch of his life. Maybe Dex would be willing to testify to that
20:36Yeah, be questionable testimony. I mean, we don't really have any proof
20:40Well, but Dex is a cop now or almost a cop he can't still be questionable and I have it on excellent authority
20:49That Christina witnessed that beating
20:52Well, do you think Christina is gonna testify against Sonny?
20:56Well subpoena her Scott and she'll have to just ask her what she saw that night. Well, maybe I can get the
21:03ER records on Dex
21:06And show what kind of a beating you know that the Sonny gave him that's perfect because it's about time that Sonny answers for his
21:14Yeah, what about Jocelyn?
21:17She sees Sonny as public enemy number one. Oh, I don't know. I
21:22mean, it's true she hates Sonny, but
21:26Jocelyn is her mother's daughter
21:29She's an entitled brat who looks down her nose at me
21:33Why would you think that? Oh, but I have a better idea. Oh
21:39Yes. Yes, she will make an excellent witness
21:52Are you how John Cates go after Sonny
21:56From what I understand he's more likely to confide in you than me
22:00What is that supposed to mean? Well, aren't the two of you friends or at least friendly?
22:03We are not friends. Okay, and I regret any bit of kindness
22:06I ever showed agent Kate's now is he going after Sonny with your help or on his own?
22:11Carly you of all people know that I can't divulge any information about an ongoing
22:15Investigation. Okay, or even acknowledge that there is one. Thanks for nothing. Okay. What God just tell me what this is about
22:21Why don't you Kate's came for Jason this morning?
22:26Would I warn Valentin maybe this isn't about Kassadin maybe you sabotage my case just to stick it to me and
22:33risk prolonging our deal
22:35There's no way I've given you more than two years of my life. I'm done
22:39Well, that might be true if we could find Valentin, but we can't and until we do I have nothing to show for my assignment
22:45Which means your days as my informant are far from over
22:50What does that mean that means I am putting you on a bus
22:54And you are going to Quantico and once you are there
22:56You will receive a new identification as a federal prisoner
22:59And then you will be transferred to the penitentiary at Lompoc and once you're there
23:04You will establish yourself and then you will be inserted into a drug and arms dealing outfit that we believe is headquartered there
23:11You leave tonight
23:15Feeling healthy by leaps and bounds
23:18Nikki Jason had me take Danny home because it was clear
23:21He didn't want to get into it with Kate's in front of Danny. All right
23:24Did Jason say anything this morning or any other time that would suggest that Kate's was coming for Sonny?
23:30What Jason said that last night that Kate's questioned him about Sonny and that he thinks that Kate's is trying to help Ava who's in
23:36Another custody fight with Sonny. I don't know. I just think it's all one big excuse excuse for what?
23:42Well, you know that Sonny despises Kate. Yes. Yes. Well Kate's feels the same way about Sonny
23:47He's gonna do anything he can to take him down and this custody fight is just a sympathetic motive to harass or stalk Sonny
23:54Is this your theory or Jason's?
23:56All I know is that last night Jason was supposed to be done with John Kate's
24:02Jason was finally free and then this morning Kate's barges in and starts trying to push Jason around all over again
24:08So if it's not about Sonny, then what the hell's going on?
24:13Sorry Brooklyn
24:20Cannot let your mother's voice be the only one that's out there. We have to share our side
24:25Bad press is what got us into this situation in the first place and just the idea of this interview is making it look like
24:31You're facing a firing squad. I can handle it. He wants to ask questions about my dad. Let him. Okay. What about your pregnancy?
24:37There's been a lot of speculation
24:39He can try and I can also just say that I have chosen to keep that part of our lives private
24:47Or you can explain the situation for what it is that you're carrying your sister's baby because she can't people would swim over that
24:55That is not my story to tell I'm not going to publicize the details of my sister's health or her fertility issues
25:03Ultimately, it is totally your decision. But if you're asking my advice and what else am I here for?
25:09I think you guys should take the risk and do this. I
25:12Keep thinking that we can't make things worse
25:14but I
25:16Know in my gut that's not true. This could all blow up Perez Hilton doesn't have a private agenda
25:22He just wants the truth and I am telling you there's no better or broader exposure
25:28And remember just because he asked the question doesn't mean you have to answer it. Well, what are we gonna say?
25:33We plead the fifth no comment. We can't do that. It'll look like we're hiding something
25:37No, it you don't have to answer a question directly. You can reframe a question and answer it in a way that makes you feel comfortable
25:45For example, Christina if he asked you what was it like growing up as a mob boss's daughter? You can say something like
25:52Both my parents encouraged me to be the best self I can be and I trust that they will continue to do that. I
26:01Like that
26:04Yeah, that's a good idea, but respectfully I wouldn't know I don't want it
26:12Maybe they're not working anymore. I don't know but there's something wrong with you
26:15What's not working is you stab me in the back treat me like dirt
26:19Then I get mad and you say that I'm crazy get out Michael. Just go. Okay. Okay. Let's everybody just guys Diane
26:25It's my son. Let me just let me just talk to my son. I'm done. Okay
26:30What do you want give me give me one reason to stay just give me one reason
26:36Do you have any idea how badly I wanted things to work out between us while you did the hell of an effort Michael
26:43No, I'm sorry Diane you'll be mistake to call me to testify this is not the father I knew growing up
26:57Big news
26:58No, I mean it it's more I could tell something's going on
27:02I don't mean John has been gunning for Sonny ever since he came to town
27:06And he's very resentful of the fact that he had to protect him when Sonny had a target on yeah
27:09And he's been very clear about how he feels and now Sonny doesn't have a target on his back
27:14Yes, I'm sure that Kate's thinks it's his turn to take Sonny down
27:17That is a likely explanation
27:19He's wasting his time. There's no way in hell that Jason will ever flip on something. I don't care what Kate's threatens him with
27:26See our deal
27:28Was that I would infiltrate Pikeman
27:30Identify its leadership and provide you with proof and I gave you a lot more than that on Valentin's phone
27:35So if you can't make a case stick with what I got you, that's your problem
27:41Maybe we can
27:43Maybe we can't
27:44But there is one case. It's ironclad
27:47The people versus Carly Spencer, and if you are not on that bus to Quantico, then Carly's going to Pentonville
27:55Are you nuts
27:57Why would you think Carly would testify against Sonny? We'd only be asking her to tell the truth
28:03Yeah, but the opinion of an ex-wife is not exactly a slam dunk
28:08Carly is not just an ex-wife
28:11She also happens to be the mother of two of Sonny's children
28:14Donna and Morgan
28:17I wouldn't bring up Morgan if I was you
28:21Well, whatever else might have happened when Morgan was a child
28:26Carly had to ship him off to military school to keep him safe from Sonny
28:32Yeah, I mean I could dig up those records but
28:38ancient history
28:40Okay, you want something more recent? I
28:43Happen to know that Carly won't let Donna sleep over at Sonny's because his behavior is so erratic
28:49Okay, I'm all ears. Give it to me. I was at Sonny's when Carly came over
28:54She accused Sonny of not taking his meds
28:57She even pushed her way into his bathroom to check his pills because he was being so combative
29:03Was he taking his meds?
29:05Well, yeah for all the good they're doing him
29:08in fact
29:11I think our strongest witness is gonna be Sonny himself. Why would you think that?
29:23You can find me you know exactly what I mean
29:26You're gonna confront Kate's or do something else reckless to help Jason without having any information
29:31About what is actually happening and what Jason intends to do about it. What's your point?
29:36My point is that I understand the impulse but I am asking you to hold off and let me find out what is going on
29:44first I
29:48Apologize I never should have involved you but this is between me and Jason and we will fix it ourselves Oh Carly, please
30:09Ava what are you thinking?
30:14Attorney-client privilege
30:16Well, yes, as long as you're not gonna tell me that you're gonna commit a crime
30:23I'm not gonna do anything
30:26Fire away
30:31Of Sonny's medications
30:33Has been replaced with a placebo. Oh, come on Ava not though. I didn't do it
30:39No, I am NOT the person switching his meds. I just figured it out. That's all
30:43Well, who else would switch his meds? I don't know. I mean it. I honestly have no idea
30:50But I have seen the results up close Scotty and it ain't pretty
30:59So what you're saying is you want me to get Sonny up on the stand and
31:05Then I start pushing buttons
31:09And the man will blow like the soothiest
31:13Which will prove to the court and anybody with an earshot that Sonny is far too volatile to have custody of Avery
31:21ever I
31:25Know what you're gonna say
31:29When it comes to my family
31:31It's my business
31:33Absolutely. Absolutely. So I will now speak just as your attorney
31:38Abusing a witness who came into your home at your invitation
31:43Ostensibly to help you
31:45Michael turned on me. No, Sonny
31:48Michael was trying to help you
31:51But you just refused to listen to him
31:54This behavior of yours is getting more erratic more aggressive
31:58Certainly more self-defeating than anything I have ever seen from you and I've seen a lot
32:02So, let me just again as your attorney
32:05If you cannot get a grip on what's got you
32:10Then there's no way I will be able to convince any family court judge that you will be a responsible
32:18Loving dependable parent for any child certainly not your own
32:24There's your bus ticket along with the details of your new assignment read it and destroy it, you know the drill I'm not going anywhere
32:32You want to stay in Port Charles?
32:35Then you give me enough evidence to arrest and convict Sonny Corinthos
32:40What if I don't have it
32:43Why are you still protecting him?
32:46Sonny has left the trail of broken lives behind him starting with my wife and my brother
32:52Sonny has to pay
33:02And I said it was was wrong about a lot of things when I came back in the town, but there was one thing
33:10That he was right about
33:14That's you
33:18Pikeman was just an excuse
33:22You're in Port Charles to take Sonny down
33:25You literally know where all the bodies are buried Jason
33:29You have enough evidence to put Sonny away until the end of time
33:33So you either give it to me?
33:36Are you get on that bus?
