• 11 hours ago


00:00The transplant team has come across a potential complication with Lulu's surgery.
00:07What kind of a complication?
00:09Please tell me that you're still planning on doing the transplant.
00:20What's going on? Did something happen to Lulu?
00:23Apparently there is some kind of complication with your sister's surgery.
00:27Dr. Randolph was just about to give me the details.
00:30Why don't we go to my office? It's more private.
00:43Cody! Where you at? Hey!
00:47I got your message. What's going on?
00:48Well, you tell me. It's five o'clock somewhere. You need to take a little time for yourself.
00:53You know, it's funny. Sam and I and the kids are up at the house, and I was going to come down to see you, and then you messaged me.
00:58Wait, is something happening with Lulu?
01:00No, it's about Sam.
01:05Sorry we all just descended on you like this.
01:08The only thing better than time with Scout is impromptu time with Scout.
01:12Yeah, I kind of wanted to talk to you about her.
01:16What is it, Sam? What's up?
01:18Um, can we wait a minute before we get into this? Because I am expecting someone else.
01:23Sure. Who?
01:34There's a sensitive matter. A highly, deeply sensitive matter that I need to talk to you about.
01:42Sounds serious.
01:44It is. It could change things completely.
01:49Don't keep me in suspense.
01:52How do I put this into words?
01:55Help out. Robert, you have a daughter.
02:03Who told you?
02:05Sasha. She just left here. She filled me in on the more colourful aspects of her history.
02:10Robert, I...
02:11We did a DNA test. The results have gone to the Bureau lab for verification.
02:17Now, you don't have to lie about this any longer.
02:20Please let me explain.
02:21I have a daughter that you never told me about.
02:25Now, do you want to tell me how all this happened?
02:31You know you can tell me anything, right?
02:34My mother told you.
02:37A trip?
02:38Yeah. Holly paid my mother and me a visit.
02:41I can't believe my mother dragged you into her ridiculous lie about Robert Scorpio being my father.
02:50What if, and trust me, I know this is far-fetched, what if she's not lying?
03:04I love apples and peanut butter.
03:06I know. That's why I made it for you. Your favourite snack for my favourite person.
03:10I thought I was your favourite person.
03:12Uncle Chase.
03:14I thought I heard laughing in here.
03:16Yeah, we were just having a snack before Chase and Violet head to the airport.
03:21But really, we were waiting for you.
03:23I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.
03:28Please, Dr. Randall, tell us what's happened. What is this complication?
03:35We've learned that Lulu has a condition called portal vein thrombosis.
03:41It makes the chances of a successful surgery for Lulu exponentially more difficult.
04:04Elizabeth, hi.
04:17Hey, look at you. You can barely tell you were injured.
04:21I just came from physical therapy and my knee is getting stronger every session.
04:26That's great.
04:27I'm glad you're both here. You are just the two people I was looking for.
04:35Oh, good news. Our flight's delayed, so it looks like we get to spend a little more time together.
04:41Excellent. I have an idea. How about we enjoy a final tea party?
04:48Will you two please go tell Yuri and have him make arrangements?
04:52Yeah, of course.
04:57I spoke to your dad and he is thrilled about his new job.
05:02But more than that, he told me about your new house. It sounds lovely.
05:08I'm excited to see my daddy again and the new house.
05:15But I'm sad to leave this one and all of you guys. I'm going to miss you so much.
05:22I didn't set out to deceive you, Robert.
05:26By the time I realized that I was carrying our child, you'd been killed in that horrible boat explosion.
05:32Or so I thought.
05:34The one that Faison set up to eliminate both myself and Anna.
05:38I couldn't believe that you were gone.
05:42The only thing that kept me going was the fact that you were gone.
05:49The only thing that got me out of bed every day was the baby I was carrying.
05:55Our baby.
05:57And I couldn't risk your enemies finding out about the baby, so I went into hiding.
06:04And I gave birth to Sasha with nobody in Port Charles knowing.
06:10And told them the father was dead.
06:12Which, as far as I knew at the time, was the truth.
06:19I wanted our child to have the best shot at life.
06:24So I left her with my mother and I went out to make a living so that I could send money back to support my child.
06:33By running cons.
06:36That is what I do best.
06:41There is absolutely no way my mother is telling the truth about Robert Scorpio being my father.
06:47Okay. Are you sure about that?
06:50Maxie, I know what's going on here.
06:52My mother wants me to cut ties with all my relationships in Port Charles so that I'll be free to join her on one of her cons with nothing holding me back.
07:01Why would she need to lie to you about who your father is in order to accomplish that?
07:06Because one lie and the life that I have built for myself here falls into pieces.
07:11Which is what my mother wants.
07:13She is selfish, she's self-absorbed, and her feelings are all that matters.
07:20Sasha, I'm sorry that's been your experience with her.
07:24No child should feel that way about her mother.
07:28I don't understand why Holly would lie about something like this.
07:36Lulu's got a donor and Sam's the match.
07:39What are the odds?
07:41I don't know, way too much for my brain to figure out.
07:44Lulu's got a donor, it's Sam.
07:47It's an amazing gift she's giving Lulu and why I love her so much.
07:53She's fearless and she does anything for the people she cares about.
07:57Okay, why do I get the feeling there's a buck coming?
08:00Because there is.
08:03I just feel guilty, man.
08:05I've been spending every waking hour at the hospital with Lulu.
08:10And Sam's got her own thing going on with her own family.
08:13Yeah, with her mom.
08:15Yes, and her sister, she deals with a lot and I just haven't been there for her.
08:19Yeah, because you've been at the hospital.
08:21I know.
08:23Look, I know she understands, but me being AWOL while she's going through all this stuff and me not being there for her is just...
08:31Okay, buddy, settle down.
08:33I'm trying to, the problem is I'm asking the woman I love to make this huge sacrifice for...
08:38for the other woman that you love.
08:42Thank you for coming over like this.
08:45It's just easier if I, um, only have to say this once.
08:51Say what?
08:53Are you okay?
08:54No, I'm fine.
08:56It's Lulu.
08:58Her liver is failing and she's in trouble.
09:01Oh, I'm sorry.
09:03I know Olivia's been looking for a donor everywhere.
09:06Yeah, I was hoping I was going to be lucky.
09:08Well, we all were.
09:11There is good news, though.
09:14A donor has been found.
09:18And it's me.
09:26I don't understand. I thought my daughter had been cleared for the transplant.
09:30She was, but during pre-surgery tests, the transplant team discovered this complication.
09:36You didn't really explain what portal vein thromb...
09:42Portal vein thrombosis is a blood clot in the vein that delivers blood to the liver.
09:50Along with completing the transplant, the surgeon will need to remove the clot.
09:55Oh, okay, well, then that's just one more step, right?
09:58Yes, but I'm afraid the odds of a successful surgery for Lulu have dropped drastically.
10:06I can't believe this.
10:08Whenever we have just a little bit of hope, it just gets yanked away.
10:12I'm sorry. I know this changes everything.
10:16I don't see it like that.
10:18If we cancel this surgery, my daughter has zero chance of survival.
10:22If we do the surgery, then she has a slim chance of survival.
10:28I only see one option.
10:30I agree completely. I mean, we can't just sit back and let Lulu die. We have to try.
10:36I just want to make sure that I'm being completely clear here.
10:41At this point, we believe the surgery will be in vain.
10:46In all likelihood, it will not save Lulu.
10:52Robert, put yourself in my shoes.
10:54I spent years grieving you, only to find out that you'd been alive all those years?
11:03You thought I was dead when you learned you were pregnant.
11:07I can't fault you for that.
11:09But what about Ethan?
11:11What about Ethan?
11:12I was devastated when you told me that he was Luke's.
11:16Why didn't you tell me?
11:18I was devastated when you told me that he was Luke's.
11:21Why didn't you tell me then we had a daughter?
11:24A love.
11:27I guess there were other opportunities.
11:31I came so close so many times.
11:36I just couldn't bring myself to hurt you anymore.
11:39I loved you too much for that.
11:41You say you love me, but you didn't have enough faith in me to trust me with the truth.
11:47I'm going to miss you too, sweet girl.
11:50It's weird feeling this happy and this sad at the same time.
11:54I understand. A lot of life is like that.
11:57Is it normal?
12:01So how about we just think about all the fun we're going to have the next time we see each other?
12:11Why were you looking for us?
12:12I've been going over it in my head and there's something about Lulu's ventilator malfunction that I don't understand.
12:17Like I told you, when I went into Lulu's room I noticed that the vent was too quiet.
12:21So I took another look and I realized that the vent had powered down without sounding an alarm.
12:28I can confirm there was no initial alarm.
12:31And when the secondary one kicked in I ran to her room, I found Isaiah manually resuscitating her and I started chest compressions.
12:39But if Isaiah hadn't gone into Lulu's room when he did and seen that the ventilator wasn't working,
12:44then by the time you heard that second alarm, it might have already been too late for Lulu.
12:51Is the hospital saying that they won't perform the surgery?
12:54Not exactly.
12:56The donor, Sam McCall, will be informed of these new complications.
13:01She'll be able to decide if she'd still like to proceed.
13:05If both she and you decide that you want to move forward, the surgery will happen as scheduled.
13:13I see, I get it.
13:15So Sam gets to choose whether or not she wants to donate given that there's a small chance of success.
13:23I just want everyone to have all the facts.
13:27This is a unique and challenging set of conditions and while we have a very talented surgical team,
13:34none of them have ever performed a surgery under these circumstances.
13:41Another factor which decreases Lulu's odds.
13:54What if I can make those odds better?
13:58This is the best tea party ever.
14:01It sure is, that's because Granny brought out the fancy china.
14:06Gracie said this was from her mother.
14:09Wow, well Granny must care about you a whole lot because I wasn't allowed to touch this tea set when I was young.
14:14Not even once?
14:17She wouldn't appreciate it the way you do.
14:19And you know, I was talking with your...
14:23your grandfather Gregory before he passed and we talked about what a special girl you are
14:27and how much you deserve only special things, which gives me an idea.
14:36How can I help?
14:38As you know, Violet is leaving us today to go live with her father in Seattle.
14:44Miss Violet, we are going to miss you very much around here.
14:50Thank you for all the times you've helped me and for playing hide-and-seek with me.
14:53Your ability to fit into tight spaces is truly impressive.
15:00So is your ability to find me.
15:05I shall miss you too, Miss Violet.
15:08So Yuri, when we are done with our tea party, would you please pack up this tea set
15:13and send it to Violet's new address in Seattle?
15:15It'll get much more use there than here.
15:17And my mother would want it enjoyed.
15:21Thank you, Tracy. I love it so much.
15:24But there's just one problem.
15:27What's that?
15:28Well, if I have all the teacups, then how will we have tea parties on video call?
15:34You'll have to keep one teacup to yourself.
15:37You're absolutely right. I would love it.
15:41There must have been a dual malfunction where both the ventilator and the alarm failed.
15:45It's been bothering me too, and I'm determined to get to the bottom of it.
15:51Hey. What's going on? What did Terry say?
15:54I'll explain later, but I just need to talk to Isaiah first.
15:57That's okay.
15:58Yeah, of course.
16:02I'm so sorry.
16:03It's okay.
16:05Looks like Zucky got some bad news.
16:07We should look at Lulu's chart.
16:18Oh, God.
16:21I do love Lulu.
16:23But not in the way that I want to.
16:25I don't want to hurt her.
16:27I don't want to hurt her.
16:29I don't want to hurt her.
16:31I don't want to hurt her.
16:33But not in the way that you mean.
16:35She's Rocco's mother.
16:37I'm always going to love her, but Sam...
16:40Sam is the woman I love and I want to be with.
16:44Trying to convince me? You're trying to convince yourself.
16:46Dude, I thought you asked me down here to relax.
16:48I did. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
16:49Look, I don't know Lulu, right?
16:52But I do know you, and I know Rocco.
16:54So I think I have a pretty good sense of who she was.
16:58She sounds incredible.
17:00She was. She was amazing.
17:03But she was my past.
17:06Sam is my here and now.
17:10She's my present and my future.
17:12She is...
17:14She is the woman I am in love with.
17:17And one of the reasons is this amazing thing she's doing for Lulu.
17:21I believe you.
17:24The surgery is tomorrow.
17:26I'm going to be in the hospital for about a week.
17:28I was hoping that Scout and Danny could stay here.
17:31Yeah, of course.
17:32Of course they can. Not even a question.
17:34Monica's going to love it.
17:35Tracy will probably be annoyed, so everybody wins.
17:39Well, I know you have a lot going on with the campaign,
17:41and I know that things have been strange between us lately,
17:46so I was hoping that the two of you could spend as much time with the kids as possible
17:53while I recuperate, please.
17:58You have nothing to worry about.
17:59And do not fall for those puppy-dog eyes of hers.
18:04I know it's your kryptonite, and Jason, please, no bikes.
18:08Danny's like water on rock.
18:10Just stay strong for me.
18:12I will.
18:14I will, too.
18:16We'll do exactly what you asked.
18:20And thank you.
18:21And thank you.
18:24Dr. Randolph thinks that the odds of you surviving have just gotten much smaller.
18:29I'm sorry, Lucky, but I have to agree with her.
18:32But her odds might improve with a surgeon who has experience with this portal vein thrombosis.
18:39So, do you know anyone who could help?
18:43A few colleagues fit the bill, but there isn't enough time to reach out to someone,
18:49get them to come to Port Charles, and do the surgery.
18:53Have you ever done a transplant on a patient with Lou's condition?
19:00You know, I grew up hearing tons of stories about all the adventures that Holly went on with Uncle Robert,
19:05Anna, and Luke, and yeah.
19:08Okay, she did some questionable things, but she always ended up on the side of good at the end, right?
19:15The questionable things are all I've ever known from her.
19:17Okay, I'm going to play devil's advocate here for a second.
19:20She did just save Anna, Jason, and Lucky from a very dangerous situation in Africa.
19:26I am very sure there was something in it for her.
19:30Mother doesn't help anyone purely out of the goodness of her heart.
19:33Okay, yes, Holly is a con artist.
19:37But the Holly I know is also sincere.
19:41Can't she be both?
19:42She lied to me my entire life about my father being dead. Of course she's lying now.
19:49It's just, why would she lie about something that could so easily be proven?
19:55The longer the lie went on, the bigger it became.
19:59I knew how angry you had been at Anna for hiding Robin from you.
20:04But I was too cowardly to tell you that I had done the same.
20:10What were you afraid of?
20:12That you'd hate me.
20:14You had to know that this day would come.
20:18Secrets don't last forever.
20:23They could. They could have, if not for Cody.
20:27Sasha and I have had our ups and downs, mostly downs, but I love our daughter.
20:35Too much to sit back and watch her fall in love with her cousin? Even I have my limits.
20:41You're saying that if you hadn't found out Sasha and Cody were dating, you never would have told me?
20:49Their relationship forced my hand.
20:51Otherwise, I probably would have kept the secret forever.
20:55And the way you're looking at me now is precisely why.
21:03You've done a lot of things over the years that I have not approved of.
21:07But I have never known you to be heartless.
21:10For what it's worth, I am so sorry.
21:14I'm sorry.
21:15I've never known you to be heartless.
21:17For what it's worth, I am so sorry.
21:25And, and when the DNA results come back, and Sasha finds out that I was telling the truth,
21:32she'll hate me even more and, and lose the man she loves.
21:36And you'll be the only person she has to lean on.
21:40So, look after our daughter.
21:51Look, family stuff can be really complicated.
21:54Especially when it comes to parents.
21:56But we all make mistakes.
21:59I have.
22:01So have I.
22:03Starting with how I conned Nina into thinking it was her daughter.
22:08Okay, I, I don't want to say anything right now that's going to make you feel worse.
22:12But, I do wish I had heard that Holly was your mom from you.
22:19It's just that I thought we were really close and then you kept this huge secret from me.
22:24Maxie, I am so sorry.
22:27We are close.
22:29I wasn't deliberately trying to hide this from you or anyone.
22:33It's just that I have spent most of my life ignoring the fact that I even have a mom.
22:40And when you spend so much time hiding a part of yourself like that, it, it, it's hard to open up about.
22:51I actually get that.
22:54Cody, Brando, and of course my, my sweet baby Liam.
23:01They all showed me that I can be a good person in spite of Holly.
23:05She made sure that I didn't have a normal childhood, her stable parents.
23:12But I will not let her take Cody away from me.
23:36I'm so glad you're here.
23:39There's no place I'd rather be.
23:48Today was awful.
23:52You've had to be strong for Lulu, for Lucky, everyone really.
23:59So now it's your turn to talk, cry, scream, throw things, whatever you need, I'm here.
24:10No, there's not going to be any of that.
24:13Because I believe that Lulu is fighting to get back to me and so I'm going to be strong too.
24:21Any word that Sam will go through with the transplant?
24:24No, not yet.
24:27I mean, I guess I would understand if she didn't want to do it, but everything in me is praying that she will.
24:36I know where you're headed. Let's not go there.
24:39I asked you a question, Isaiah, just answer it.
24:44Yes, I performed the transplant on someone with PBT.
24:47And did the patient survive?
24:49They did.
24:51Okay, okay, then what's the problem?
24:54I never told you how I ended up in Africa.
25:02There was another surgery, a difficult one with a lot of complications.
25:08I promised the family that everything was going to be okay.
25:11And it wasn't.
25:13I'll never forget the devastated looks on their faces when I had to break the noose.
25:18It was the worst day of my life.
25:22That's why I went to Africa.
25:24To do basic medicine.
25:26To help people that could be helped.
25:32I don't know.
25:34I don't know.
25:35To do basic medicine.
25:37To help people that could be helped.
25:42big promises that can't be kept.
25:46I'm sorry, Lucky.
25:49I can't save your sister.
25:53I'm not asking you to save her.
25:56I'm just asking you to try.
25:58Okay, car is all packed with a long list of instructions from Tracy, so let's head to the airport.
26:06Can we stop by somewhere real quick?
26:09Yeah, where?
26:11I want to visit Grandpa's bench one last time.
26:15I think that's a great idea.
26:17Dad said Grandpa's always with me.
26:21Your dad is right.
26:23You know what else he said?
26:25What's that?
26:27He said I was lucky because I had the best uncle ever.
26:30I already knew that, of course, but...
26:35I love you, Violet.
26:37Love you, too.
26:41Chase told me that you want to leave Bella for us.
26:45I want you to give her to your new baby.
26:48My cousin will be so lucky.
26:51Because you will be her mom and dad.
26:57I want you guys to have a girl because you're so good at taking care of me.
27:04Well, sweetie, when we do have a baby, you gotta come visit, okay?
27:09After all, you're the one who taught me how to be a mom.
27:12Can I tell you a secret?
27:14Of course.
27:16You're the one I'm gonna miss most.
27:18Oh, sweetie.
27:19I love you.
27:25What you're doing for Lulu is remarkable, Sam.
27:29Although I'm not surprised because it's who you are.
27:32Well, my surgery is the easy part. Lulu, on the other hand...
27:36She wouldn't have a chance without you.
27:38Sam, thank you for doing this.
27:40Yeah, I'm just glad I'm the one who's able to actually help her.
27:46It's wild.
27:47Would you mind spending some time at the quarter mains with Danny?
27:51This way he doesn't have to be away from the kids.
27:54Absolutely, I won't.
27:56Okay, I'm gonna say goodbye to the kids and go find Dante.
28:02And thank you, again.
28:16Well, sir, thank you for keeping me honest.
28:19That is what I'm here for.
28:21Okay. Hey, a favor I was gonna ask you.
28:25Sam's gonna leave the kids up at the house for a few days.
28:28You down with taking them on a trail ride or something like that? Maybe keep an eye on them?
28:32Yeah, no problem.
28:34I gotta get back up to the house you sent.
28:36Dante. Yep.
28:38Everything's gonna be okay.
28:41Yeah, I know.
28:47I love what I do, but I wish I didn't understand how much worse things just got for Lulu.
28:52Me too. But the tests and the numbers don't lie.
28:57You know, what's funny is that when you're dealing with a patient, you can see things so clearly.
29:00But when it's somebody you love, you can literally trick yourself into believing that they will defy the odds.
29:08Even if Lulu survives, she'll still be in a coma.
29:13A successful transplant would let her avoid liver failure, but her quality of life isn't gonna change.
29:20No, it won't.
29:22I think I need to be honest with Laura and Lucky.
29:25I know you mean well, but do you really want to be the one to tell them to give up on Lulu?
29:34Whatever Sam decides.
29:37I will be at Lulu's side.
29:41Right up until the end, God forbid.
29:44And so will Lucky.
29:47You've been resilient.
29:50You've done everything to give Lulu a fighting chance.
29:52You've done everything to give Lulu a fighting chance.
29:55You asked Nicholas to get tested.
29:57You went across the world to find Lucky.
30:00And you've never stopped looking for a donor.
30:04I'd do it all again tomorrow if I could save my daughter's life.
30:08I know.
30:11You've never given up hope that Lulu would survive.
30:16Don't make me a hero.
30:19I'm just her mom.
30:23I'm not asking you to make us any promises, but if we give Lulu a fighting chance, she'll take care of the rest.
30:30It doesn't work that way.
30:32It would take a miracle for her to survive this.
30:35If you really feel that way, just say the words.
30:38Tell me you won't do the surgery because there's no hope.
30:41Come on, Lucky.
30:43Don't put me in this position.
30:45If you think it's hopeless, just say it.
30:48Because I can accept that, but if you think there's a chance and you're just scared...
30:53Isaiah, please.
30:57We need you.
31:01Okay, so you're gonna call me when he gets to the airport,
31:05and then again when you get on the plane before you take off, and then again when you land so I know you got there safely, okay?
31:10Don't worry. We'll be fine.
31:14I guess this is it.
31:18You be good for your Uncle Chase, okay?
31:22I love you all the way to the moon.
31:29Goodbye, sweetie.
31:46are a very special young lady.
31:48And I am blessed to have gotten to know you so well.
32:00I know it's Monica's house because Ally gave it to her, but...
32:05you make me feel like home.
32:07Who told you to say that?
32:13You need to get going.
32:15You're gonna miss your flight.
32:18I love you.
32:20Okay. Uh, see you in a few days?
32:23Safe travels.
32:28Let's get out of here.
32:34I love you.
32:36I love you too.
32:37I love you too.
32:50I'm gonna miss her so much.
32:51I know.
32:53Oh, God.
32:55You ready, kiddo?
33:18Hello. This is Holly Sutton.
33:21I believe we have some business to discuss, Mr. Carinthos.
33:29I understand how difficult this is for you.
33:32Oh, it is. Come on, you know it is.
33:34But we'll get a divorce right away.
33:38The rules say we have to stay married for two years or until the child arrives.
33:43The immigration people are gonna be watching us.
33:50Okay. Well, I gotta get home before Bailey Lou wakes up.
33:53I'm sorry for venting so much. I'm just really upset.
33:57Sasha, I'm your friend. You can come to me about anything.
34:02There is no chance that she is telling the truth about Robert Scorpio being my father.
34:11You know, it's hard, but you have a choice to make.
34:14Act like a doctor and speak to your family on medical terms.
34:18Or be there for them as someone who loves Lulu and is holding on to every last bit of hope right along with them.
34:26I honestly have no idea what to do.
34:28Well, I think the answer is pretty obvious.
34:31Great. What is it?
34:35You're a Spencer. Spencers never give up.
34:39The word stubborn does come to mind when I think of my family.
34:43Not a bad trait to have right about now.
34:46You're right. About everything.
34:49I'm not gonna stop fighting.
34:51Because that's what Lulu would want and that's what she would do for me if the situation was reversed.
34:57I wish there was some way I could bear all this weight for you.
35:04You have done so much already.
35:08You've been my rock.
35:10Every time it's been too much, you keep me going.
35:14And I always will.
35:18I think I should go back. I don't want to be alone.
35:26I found a surgeon. One who can hopefully save Lulu.
