• 2 days ago


00:00Boy, what a beautiful day.
00:04Morning, son.
00:05Morning, Dad.
00:08What's this?
00:09Hazel put it there.
00:10It's a guide, darling, to use in building your insurance program.
00:14Another one?
00:15Well, she's only trying to help David, George.
00:17I know.
00:18Hazel says she's the one who talked him into going to law school.
00:21Son, that happens to be Hazel specially, telling people what to do.
00:25George, he's working his way through school.
00:27He's married. His wife's going to have a baby.
00:29He's having a hard time making ends meet.
00:32And Hazel's already bought every kind of policy from him she can afford.
00:36So have I, and I don't need any more insurance.
00:39What I need is my breakfast, and I'm going to find out what's holding it up.
00:42Hazel, I'm...
00:44What's the matter?
00:45Oh, I burned my finger.
00:47Mr. B., would you mind reaching up the top shelf of the cabinet
00:50and getting me down that job, Seth?
00:58And you keep the medicine up here with the food?
01:00Oh, sure, Mr. B., according to statistics,
01:0390% of the accidents in the home happen in the kitchen.
01:07Well, that stuff shouldn't be in with the food.
01:09If you reached up and accidentally got the wrong thing...
01:12Oh, Mr. B., I've been working in this kitchen so long,
01:16I could find anything blindfolded.
01:18If I was making a rice pudding,
01:20all I'd have to do is to reach up like this.
01:25Garden of Allah foot crystals?
01:27Oh, no, that should be rice.
01:29Well, we'd better... Let's try it again.
01:31Hazel, I haven't got time for games.
01:35George, where are you going?
01:37I want to look over my insurance policy.
01:39I need more accident coverage than I thought.
01:42And if she serves rice pudding tonight, I'll need double indemnity.
02:28Well, when is the baby due? Did David say?
02:31Any day now.
02:33Poor David.
02:34I don't see how he can keep his mind on his law books
02:36as well as sell insurance at a time like this.
02:39Well, if anybody can do it, David can.
02:41Well, Missy, will you look?
02:43Oh, George!
02:45Oh, darling, they're beautiful.
02:49Looks like a guilty conscience to me.
02:52What is she, a blonde brunette or a redhead?
02:56She was an elderly gentleman with gray hair named Dean Evans.
03:00Dean of the law school at the university.
03:02I had lunch with him.
03:04And what he told me blew my ego up until I nearly exploded.
03:07And I'm still exploding with love for this whole wide wonderful world.
03:11Hazel, may I have a kiss?
03:13Oh, boy, you ought to have lunch with him more often.
03:17Hazel, I'll have to have a vase for these.
03:20Oh, sure. I got the perfect one for it.
03:22Right down here in the cabinet.
03:24Here, look. How's this?
03:26Oh, no. It isn't deep enough.
03:29Oh. Oh, well, here. Here's the one I've always been crazy about.
03:33You know, something with more classic lines, I think.
03:35Let's see what we have.
03:37Well, isn't anyone going to ask what he told me?
03:39Here's a nice Grecian one.
03:41Oh, no, Missy, that's the one Mr. Griffin sent to you
03:43when you were sick in the hospital.
03:45No, that's got bad memory.
03:47Under pressure of public demand, I'm going to tell you what he said.
03:49This is pretty if it's deep enough.
03:51Well, put them in this until I tell you what he said.
03:54Oh. Oh, here's the one I was looking for.
03:57Oh, no, Hazel, the stems are too long for that one.
04:00Well, you can cut the stems.
04:02Well, I'm in love with the world, but it seems to be a one-sided romance.
04:09George, darling, I'm sorry.
04:12Tell us now. What did Dean Evans say?
04:15No, I'm not interested in talking about it at all.
04:17Oh, now, George, come on.
04:23Next to an honorary degree,
04:25it's probably the highest honor a school has to offer.
04:27What is?
04:29Well, every year, the law school invites a guest
04:31to deliver a series of three lectures.
04:33They call it the Oliver Wendell Holmes Memorial Lectures.
04:36Holmes delivered the first three.
04:38Usually, it's a very famous jurist or a Supreme Court justice
04:41or sometimes a prominent attorney.
04:44And they've asked you.
04:46Well, it's not quite definite, but...
04:48It ain't definite?
04:50It's definitely definite.
04:52Well, then, what'd you get so excited for?
04:54Well, it's that definite.
04:56How definite is definite, George?
04:58Well, a couple of the trustees have suggested Harry Belmont.
05:02But Dean Evans is determined to have me.
05:04And his choice has always been confirmed in the past.
05:07Well, when will it be definite?
05:09Well, it is definite, practically.
05:11They'll announce it after the meeting.
05:13A couple of the trustees are pushing this Harry Belmont, huh?
05:17Yes, Hazel, I told you that.
05:19What about the lawyer? You lost the case, too, last week?
05:22Uh, yes, Hazel. Have you seen my briefcase?
05:26You lost a couple of cases to Harry Belmont, ain't you?
05:29Yeah, yes, Hazel. It must be in the kitchen.
05:31Have you ever won a case from Harry Belmont?
05:34No, Hazel. I think I left it out in some car.
05:40Hazel, Harry Belmont is a name we don't mention in this house.
05:46Got it.
05:48Baxter residence.
05:50This is Dean Evans speaking. Is Mr. Baxter in?
05:52Oh, just a minute. It's Dean Evans.
05:54I'll get George.
05:55Well, uh, Mr. Baxter just stepped out for a minute.
05:59Would you like to hold on?
06:01Yes, I'll wait, thank you.
06:04Maybe I ought to keep talking so you won't think you cut off.
06:07Well, uh, very considerate of you.
06:09He's putting the car in the garage. George!
06:12I'm Hazel Burke, Mr. Baxter's housekeeper.
06:14And, uh, I'm Dean Evans, Dean of the University Law School.
06:17Oh, yeah, I heard all about you.
06:20I got a young friend, Dave Merrick, who's working his way through your law school.
06:23You know, his wife is gonna have a baby any day now.
06:28He sells insurance, and I bought a lot of little policies from him.
06:32Oh, you probably have, too. Everybody has.
06:34No, as a matter of fact, I haven't seen much of him of late.
06:38Students with his grades generally avoid me.
06:40I have a pamphlet in case you're interested.
06:43It says every man owes it to his family to have a well-balanced insurance program.
06:47Well, I don't have a family.
06:50Oh, now, Dean, the school is your family.
06:54What is it, dear?
06:55Dean Evans.
06:56I got a policy that protects my back at the bowling alley.
06:59And you can get a sensational general sickness policy.
07:02It covers lungs and stomach and gallbladder.
07:05Hazel, give me that phone.
07:07On the second thought, I'll take up a den.
07:09I got him interested, I can tell.
07:13Hello, Dean Evans.
07:15Hazel, will you please get off the line?
07:17Bye, Dean.
07:18Uh, George, I thought it only fair to tell you that the pressure to name Harry Belmont's a good deal stronger than I anticipated.
07:26There are only two trustees who are pushing for Belmont.
07:28Now, they're pushing hard.
07:30You can help me, if you will.
07:32Could you prepare a brief summary of the lectures you would deliver?
07:36Well, uh, yes, I suppose I could.
07:40George, tomorrow morning is the only time I'll have to see several of the trustees before the meeting.
07:45But, uh, if I could read it to them then, I'm sure the thing would be settled in your favor.
07:49Now, I realize this doesn't give you much time, but if I could have it first thing in the morning...
07:54I'll go to work on it immediately.
07:56Yes, I understand.
07:58And thank you for calling.
08:01Well, I have my work cut out for me this evening.
08:05I want you to tell Hazel that I'll have my dinner in here, and under no circumstances am I to be disturbed.
08:11Now, would you mind handing me that tray? It's all ready to take him to Mr. B in the den.
08:17Who is it?
08:19It's me, Hazel, David.
08:21Oh, come on in, David.
08:25Oh, hello, Mrs. Baxter.
08:27Hi, Hazel.
08:29I've been out selling all afternoon. I thought I'd stop by on my way home to bring you that policy.
08:33David, are you all right?
08:36Oh, you don't look very well.
08:38Yes, she's right. You don't look so good.
08:41I can't help it. What I need is three heads.
08:44One to worry about Maria and the baby, one to study law books, and one to sell insurance.
08:49Would you like a cup of coffee? Oh, have you had your dinner?
08:52Oh, no, but I'm not hungry, thanks.
08:54Oh, you fix him some anyway, Hazel.
08:55You bet.
08:56All right, David, now you sit right down here.
08:58I fixed this tray for Mr. B, but you have it, and I'll, uh, I'll fix him another tray.
09:03How's Maria?
09:04Oh, she's great. She's facing this thing with tremendous courage.
09:07Here's your coffee.
09:09You know, everyone's been so kind, but, well, Hazel here's been the greatest help of all.
09:14I made out a list of 23 names for the baby.
09:17I keep it up here.
09:19And every time I think of one, I add it to the list.
09:22Which one do you like best?
09:24Hazel, these are all girls' names.
09:26How do you know it's going to be a girl?
09:28Oh, I know it's going to be a girl. I dreamed it.
09:31You know, you can't depend on science for a thing like this.
09:35Say, I got a red-hot lead for you.
09:37You know Dean Evans, the dean of your law school?
09:40Hazel, it's not going to be my law school anymore.
09:43What do you mean?
09:45I'm dropping out.
09:47No, I've seen it coming.
09:49I've tried and tried not to look at it, but here it is.
09:51A married man has no business being a student.
09:54A student has no business being married, that's all.
09:56Oh, lots of the students are married.
09:59Well, maybe not lots, but some.
10:02Well, maybe they know how to do it. I don't.
10:04Marie and I thought we'd get swinging at the time.
10:07She had a good job, she helped me with the expenses.
10:10She had to quit on account of the baby.
10:12Now listen here, David.
10:13No, no, I've made up my mind.
10:16I'm dropping out of school.
10:19And you know something?
10:21Oh, now that I've made my decision,
10:24I can't tell you what a marvelous relief it is.
10:34Boy, he went right to sleep in the middle of a sentence.
10:37Hazel, if he turns his back on his education now,
10:40he'll regret it for the rest of his life.
10:43If there ever was a time when I needed to use my noodle, this is it.
10:50No, Hazel, no, no, no.
10:52Don't you know the meaning of the word no?
10:55Well, then look it up in the dictionary.
10:57It's an adverb designed to express refusal in response to a maid named Hazel.
11:01Oh, but Mr. B, his wife's expecting a baby, and he's busted,
11:04and he ain't had no sleep, and he don't know which way to turn.
11:08I'd say that's excellent training for married life.
11:10Okay, okay, I won't ask you to talk him out of it.
11:14I won't say one more word about him.
11:20You want more coffee, Mr. B?
11:23No, thanks.
11:26Anything else you want?
11:28Just privacy.
11:32Missy was telling me that you're writing a summary
11:35of all the lectures you're going to deliver.
11:37If they don't name Harry Belmont instead of me.
11:40Missy says you're going to talk about the real purpose of the legal profession.
11:44That's right.
11:47Missy says you're going to talk about how most people seem to think
11:51that what lawyers do all the time is just sue people and try to get money out of them.
11:56Well, not precisely, but to that effect.
11:59About how the real purpose of a lawyer is to keep people from fighting among themselves.
12:04To a great extent, it's that.
12:06And how a lawyer always tries to keep harmony.
12:09A good one does.
12:11And a lawyer always tries to help a person when they're in trouble.
12:15Well, certainly.
12:17A lawyer's whole purpose is to help someone when he's...
12:25All right, Madame Machiavelli, you've made your point.
12:28Where is the young man?
12:30In the kitchen.
12:34Will you stop arguing and just listen to me?
12:37Mr. Baxter, I can't let you do a thing like that for me.
12:39I'm not doing this for you.
12:41Look, I worked my way through law school, too.
12:43But I might not have made it if a friend of the family hadn't come to my assistance.
12:47Now, in a way, I'm just trying to pay him back.
12:49George, may I kiss you?
12:51Me, too.
12:53Would you cut that out?
12:55Do you know Mr. Griffin?
12:56Oh, head of Griffin Industries? No, I sure don't.
12:58Oh, him and Mr. B are buddies.
13:00I'm his attorney.
13:01I heard them talking the other night about this electronics firm
13:04that Mr. Griffin is going to buy in Philadelphia.
13:06And Mr. Griffin was asking Mr. B if he knew a good insurance company to take out a policy with.
13:10Hazel, Hazel, do you mind?
13:12I'm going to give you one of my cards and write a little note on the back here.
13:16I want you to see Mr. Griffin the first thing in the morning.
13:19George, couldn't you call him?
13:21I'll talk to him when I finish the summary.
13:23In the meantime, I've done business with your company, and I know it's reliable.
13:27You can discuss the coverage with Mr. Griffin.
13:29Oh, yes, sir.
13:30The Griffin order is a large one.
13:32The commission alone will be enough to put you through law school this year.
13:35Oh, Mr. Baxter, I can't wait to tell Maria.
13:38Do you mind if I call him?
13:39Oh, of course not, David. Go right ahead.
13:43Ain't it a good thing I heard you and Mr. Griffin talking about that the other night?
13:49Hello? Oh, hello, Mr. Miller. This is David.
13:52May I speak with Maria?
13:54She what? When?
13:56David, what's the matter?
13:57Oh, the hospital. The baby. I've got to get to the hospital.
13:59Oh, that's wonderful.
14:01Now, don't get excited. Don't get excited.
14:03Hazel, will you stop clapping your hands?
14:05Oh, wait a minute. Listen to me.
14:07Whatever you do, keep your wits about you and drive carefully.
14:09Oh, yes, sir, I will. I promise. I won't go over 25 miles an hour.
14:11Oh, I can't. I don't have my car here. I left it for Maria.
14:14Mr. B., you lend me the keys to the station wagon, and I'll drive him down.
14:17Oh, no, please. You've all done enough. I'll get through all right.
14:19I'm not even excited. I'll be all right.
14:21No, that ain't the back door. That's my bedroom.
14:23Look out for the bowling ball.
14:27Oh, boy. Wouldn't you know it?
14:30I'm insured against everything but this.
14:34George, darling, shouldn't you be working on your summary?
14:38No hurry. I have plenty of time.
14:40But you promised Dean Evans he'd have it first thing in the morning.
14:42He'll have it. The way I feel, I can write it off the top of my head.
14:46You feel pretty good, don't you?
14:49A wonderful feeling of contentment, knowing I helped that boy out of a tough spot.
14:56Oh, hello, Mary.
14:58Oh, hello, George.
15:02Oh, hello, Hazel. Where are you?
15:04The hospital?
15:06I hear a baby crying. Is that it?
15:08Oh, no. No, no, that's not Maria.
15:10That's just the nurse passing by with somebody else's.
15:13Maria ain't even in her room yet.
15:15What are you talking about?
15:17David and Maria took out a hospital policy to pay for the baby.
15:20Only you should see the room they gave him, right next to the elevator shaft.
15:24And it's clank, bump, bank all the time.
15:28Well, and when I saw it, I said, oh, no, nothing doing.
15:31The only thing is, the room that I decided on costs a little bit more.
15:35All right. All right, Hazel. I said all right.
15:38I'll come down with the money.
15:40And never mind the clank, bump, bang.
15:42Hazel, I said all right.
15:45Oh, brother.
15:47I should have written that summary off the top of my head while I still had the top of my head.
15:54Mr. Baxter, I'll pay you back out of my commission.
15:56Mr. Baxter, the other room was really quite all right.
15:58Now, don't apologize to either one of you.
16:00It was Hazel who insisted on that royal queen beehive down the hall.
16:03Oh, well, Mr. B, you should have heard that other room right by the elevator shaft.
16:07It was clank, bump, bang all the time.
16:09Anyway, the room I picked is much prettier.
16:12At these prices, it should be Buckingham Palace.
16:14Well, I'm paying for it.
16:16And my present is going to be to whatever of those 23 names you pick.
16:20And you can take it out of my salary.
16:22Forget it. This is my present.
16:24To what I trust will be an only child.
16:28Will you come along with me, sir? There's still a lot of information to figure out.
16:31Oh, and you can take your suitcase down to the room.
16:36Oh, no, Marie, you didn't.
16:38Oh, honey, I was in such a hurry to get to the hospital.
16:40Never mind, Marie. I'll run over to the apartment and I'll bring it back in 10 minutes.
16:43You two go on.
16:44Oh, Hazel, you're wonderful.
16:46You too, Mr. Baxter.
16:49Oh, Mr. B, the station wagon's nearly out of gas.
16:52I'll need $5.
16:54All right.
16:56Here you are.
16:57Oh, and maybe $10 for some flowers, huh?
17:00Okay. Here you are.
17:02And $3 or $4 for some little gift from the gift shop.
17:06All right. There you are.
17:09Well, I don't really know.
17:11Here he is now, George.
17:13Boy, what an evening.
17:14I thought I was going to have plenty of time to work on that summary.
17:17Who is it?
17:19Don't tell her I'm home. I have to work on the summary.
17:21I've already told her, George. She wants to talk to you. Go on.
17:27What do you mean they won't let go of the suitcase?
17:30Well, how much back rent does he owe?
17:33All right, all right.
17:35Hazel, I said all right. I'm on my way.
17:38I have to. I guess I have to.
17:40I don't like doing this to you, Mr. Baxter.
17:42I don't like you doing it to me either.
17:44Clang, bang, bump.
17:46Oh, Mr. B, while I was waiting, I called David at the hospital to see if the baby had arrived.
17:51And you know what he said?
17:52Well, you better tell me before I put my checkbook away.
17:55He said he called Mr. Griffin to make an appointment for that insurance, you know?
17:58Good. The sooner he gets his commission, the sooner he can start paying his rent.
18:01Well, the only thing is that Mr. Griffin's leaving the first thing in the morning.
18:04He's got to settle that electronics plant deal.
18:07Well, he won't be gone long. David can see him when he gets back.
18:10Yes, but Mr. Griffin says he wants to get it settled tonight.
18:12David gave him such a terrific sales talk.
18:15Tonight? Well, he can't go over there tonight.
18:17He has to be at the hospital with his wife.
18:19Yeah, I know that's what Mr. Griffin said.
18:21And he said he wants to see you there, too, on account of you being his lawyer.
18:25He says he wants to see you and David at the hospital in half an hour.
18:33Of course, I want liability insurance for all my employees.
18:36Oh, I already have that, sir.
18:37Oh, yes.
18:38But how many employees will there be?
18:39Well, that'll take a little thought.
18:41I'll have to go over my reorganizational plans in my mind.
18:45Yes, sir.
18:53Well, we'll come back to that.
18:55Also, after an executive has been with me for five years,
18:59I like to give him a paid-up life insurance policy as a Christmas present.
19:04Mr. Griffin, you haven't even bought the plant yet.
19:07Do you have to go into it now?
19:09Oh, you'd be surprised how fast time slips by.
19:12Yes, it certainly does.
19:15As the poet says, time flies and drags us with it.
19:18The moment in which I speak is already gone.
19:22Yes, it certainly is, and I should be home right now preparing that summary.
19:25George, you know that other poem about time that I like so much?
19:29Yes, Mr. Griffin, I've heard you recite it many times.
19:32Well, I never have. How's it go?
19:35Go on, recite it.
19:36Well, all right, if you insist.
19:40Time, what an empty vapour it is,
19:44And days, how swift they are,
19:47Swift as an Indian arrow, flies on like a shooting star.
19:53Now, where was I?
19:55Oh, uh, straight as a shooting star.
19:57Oh, yes.
19:59Uh, George, you're not listening to me.
20:02I'm trying to explain to you how fast time flies.
20:10Time, what an empty vapour it is,
20:13Swift as an Indian arrow, flies on like a shooting star.
20:17Now, where was I?
20:19Oh, uh, straight as a shooting star.
20:22Now, where was I?
20:38Hazel? George?
20:41Is it here?
20:42It's here.
20:43Boy or girl?
20:44A girl. I told you it was gonna be a girl.
20:47Oh, but you were only guessing.
20:49Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll go to bed.
20:51George, your summary.
20:53Well, it's a little late for that.
20:55Almost 5 o'clock. It'll be dawn soon.
20:57But Dean Evans, George...
20:59Well, if he doesn't get it, he won't be able to swing the trustees in my favor.
21:03He said tomorrow was his only chance of seeing them before the meeting next Tuesday.
21:07So, Harry Belmont will be named.
21:09And he should be named.
21:11After all, I've never even won a case from him.
21:14Should be obvious to everyone that he's a better man.
21:17Should be obvious to everyone that he's a better man.
21:35Hello, darling.
21:37Hello, dear.
21:39Dean Evans here yet?
21:41Dean Evans?
21:42Well, he called me this afternoon at the office and said he wanted to see me,
21:44so we agreed to meet here at the house.
21:46Well, the day of their meeting.
21:48Obviously, Harry Belmont has been named,
21:50and he wants to break the news to me gently.
21:52No, darling, he isn't here yet.
21:54But look who is here.
21:56Oh, it's good to see you again, Mr. Baxter.
21:58This is the first time we've left the house with the baby.
22:00Let me see her.
22:02Boy, she's certainly grown a lot in the past few days.
22:04George, they decided on a name for her a few minutes ago.
22:06Oh, one of Hazel's 23?
22:08No, we decided to name her after you.
22:10Miss George Mary?
22:12Hazel suggested we call her Georgine.
22:14Here we are.
22:16You know, they said they couldn't stay for dinner,
22:18but I hate anyone to leave the house hungry.
22:20Come on, have a fudge nut brownie.
22:22Harold, just a little one.
22:24Oh, ain't she sweet?
22:26Oh, she's a beauty.
22:30Did you ever see such a smile?
22:32I never seen such a smile
22:34since we brought Harold home in a blanket.
22:36Where did I come from?
22:38Oh, let's not go into that again.
22:40Go on, eat your brownie.
22:42I'll get it.
22:44Oh, she's getting sleepy.
22:46Oh, yes, a poor little thing.
22:48Eat your thumb, yes.
22:50Oh, come in, Dean Evans.
22:52Sorry I'm a bit delayed, George.
22:54Oh, not at all. I'd like to have you meet my wife.
22:56Darling, this is Dean Evans.
22:58I've been looking forward to meeting you, Mrs. Baxter.
23:00And, uh, Mrs. Merrick.
23:02How do you do?
23:04And Georgine.
23:06How do you do, Georgine?
23:08Hello, David. I come under a flag of truce.
23:10Thank you, sir.
23:12And, uh, this is Hazel Burke, our housekeeper.
23:14Yes, I know Miss Burke.
23:16You do?
23:18Oh, oh, sure, sure. I was talking to him over the phone, remember?
23:20Oh, yes.
23:22You tried to sell him some insurance for David.
23:24Have a brownie.
23:28Uh, you wanted to talk to me, Dean.
23:30Shall we go into the den?
23:32No. I'd be delighted to say what I have to say to you right here.
23:34The trustees had their meeting this afternoon,
23:36and now it's all settled.
23:38We're going to have one of those memorial lectures.
23:40Oh, whoopee!
23:42Well, uh,
23:44I thought Harry Belmont, uh,
23:46well, that is, you asked me to prepare the summary,
23:48and when I called you and told you I couldn't,
23:50you said that you were going to talk about
23:52the purpose of the law, which is to help people.
23:54Well, the trustees selected you, George,
23:56because rather than talk about it,
23:58you chose to demonstrate it
24:00by what you've done for David here.
24:04Well, that was between the two of us.
24:06You wouldn't have said anything to Dean Evans about that?
24:08I didn't.
24:10What do you mean? You must have.
24:12No one else knew about it.
24:14I went to see him after the baby was born, but...
24:16He didn't say a word about you, George.
24:18I only went to tell him I thought I could get my grades up again.
24:20He was sitting there munching on a fudge nut brownie.
24:24Just like he is now.
24:26Oh, well, Dean Evans being a bachelor,
24:28he probably knows how to cook, don't you, Dean?
24:30Oh, yes, yes.
24:32I frequently bake cookies.
24:34He probably cut the same recipes out of the paper.
25:04A Screen Gems Production.