• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il mese rosa ci ricorda quanto la ricerca abbia fatto passi avanti per migliorare e prolungare la vita delle persone, e la nostra campagna ci ha permesso di ascoltare direttamente la voce delle donne per capire cosa c'è ancora da fare”. Così  Chiara Gnocchi, Head of Communication & Patient Engagement di Novartis Italia alla presentazione,  nell’ambito del Festa del Cinema di Roma, di ‘Distances’, la docuserie che racconta le storie vere di 6 donne basata su storie vere di 6 donne con il tumore al seno, promossa da Novartis Italia, in collaborazione con Salute Donna Onlus.


00:00The Rose Month reminds us how much research has made progress to improve and extend people's lives.
00:12But our campaign has allowed us to hear directly from the voice of women what is still to be done.
00:19In this we want to give hope for the commitment we will put in continuing to develop innovative solutions
00:29to extend the lives of patients, but also to take care of people.
00:36Because what has emerged is that women go on, life goes on, but they ask that they go on as people,
00:44for a more holistic approach, that takes into account their being women, mothers, daughters.
00:51And in this we are committed to developing services that can accompany them in living with the disease,
00:59and not with living, but life must be lived fully despite the disease.
