• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Sono felice di poter parlare di prevenzione e tumore al seno alle ragazze usando un linguaggio semplice e l’ironia, spesso pensano che questi temi non le riguardino ma sbagliano”. Lo ha detto Lucia Ocone, comica e attrice, volto e voce della campagna di sensibilizzazione ‘Non sono tutti uguali. Tumori al seno e percorsi di vita’ promossa da Msd con Fondazione Aiom. All’artista è affidata la lettura di un monologo, che racconta il vissuto di una donna che attraversa una diagnosi di tumore al seno, in apertura delle tappe di Roma e Milano (10 e 17 maggio) del tour del gruppo pop Pinguini Tattici Nucleari.


00:00When I was chosen for this campaign, I was very happy, because it is an important topic,
00:11in my opinion, to talk about prevention, but to talk about it in the right way to be heard
00:19and above all to talk to the younger girls, then also to those who are later like me,
00:26but I found it very interesting, because it is not the usual prevention campaign that must be done,
00:36because it is obvious that we all have to get mammograms once a year,
00:42but it is important to specify the fact that the tumors are not all the same,
00:47because it can happen, each of us, I think it has happened,
00:51we all have to deal with this word that is called tumor,
01:01and we have to say it, because it has a name, we should not be ashamed to call it as it is,
01:08because it is neither a shame nor a taboo, so many people call it that bad thing,
01:13no, it is called tumor, let's say it, it happens, so it is good to make information through irony,
01:20through an event like the concert of nuclear tactical penguins,
01:25because there are many young people who should be sensitized in this matter,
01:30so there must be this information, it must be known that the tumors are not all the same
01:36and that science has taken important steps.
