• 10 hours ago
Enders 21st October 2024


00:00Get off.
00:21What are you playing at?
00:23Who's M?
00:24Who's he at?
00:26Shut up.
00:27Don't say anything.
00:28Hey, hey!
00:29No, we're good, ain't we? We're good.
00:31Yeah, we're good.
00:34Shut up. It's none of your business who you are.
00:36I'm your brother. This is my business.
00:38No, it's not.
00:39Everything all right?
00:40I am. She ain't.
00:41Shut up.
00:43Thanks for the advice the other day, Mum.
00:45You're welcome.
00:47Shut up.
00:49What's up with him?
00:51Shouldn't you know? You're the one living with our kids.
00:55Oh, great. Thanks.
00:59Save our Sonia.
01:01Don't worry, Pen, I'm not going to let anyone round here forget.
01:04I can't even sleep at night.
01:06Good to know injustice keeps some people awake at night.
01:08It's the eternal good vibe is my witness.
01:10I will not see one of our own behind bars for something she never even done.
01:14So a little bit of faith, yeah?
01:17Save our Sonia. Come on.
01:20Not exactly like those posh ones you get in Paris, but...
01:22No-one will be handing out flies for me, will they?
01:25Look, Pen, it'll all be for God's sake.
01:27Phil's going to sell Peggy's anyway.
01:29Any charges against her ain't going to mean prison time.
01:32Could be a family day out in court.
01:34Me for the crash, you for assault.
01:37Harry didn't deserve that.
01:39He's finished with me.
01:40Reckons he could do without the faceache.
01:43All right. He wound me up.
01:45And I shouldn't have beat him.
01:47It wasn't a good time.
01:48Denise has just told me that she wants to go ahead with the divorce.
01:51She's going through with it?
01:53Could be that we all need a fresh start.
01:55Even us, yeah.
01:58Anyway, Amy needs her one-shot oat milk, whatever that is.
02:02How's she doing?
02:04Yeah, she's getting better.
02:06Like things will get better for all of us.
02:09Promise you.
02:12See you later.
02:27Bert, where's your big brother?
02:30I'm ready. I'll get off my case.
02:32I'm not on your case.
02:34Look, James has been on the phone, right?
02:36Asking why I lied about having COVID.
02:38If you see her, just say you got muddled up or something.
02:40Why is she so bothered?
02:41She cares about me.
02:43About a dig?
02:44No, it's not a dig.
02:46Look, I have to show my face after being off for a week.
02:48Um, well, your dad will be back later, so just...
02:51forget about what happened and move on, yeah?
02:53Hey, hey, the wandering hero has returned.
02:56Oh, you got a hug for the old man.
02:58There we go.
02:59Bring it in, bring it in.
03:01Oh, hold on a second.
03:02Nobody move, stop the press.
03:03Kate, I hate to break it to you, love,
03:04but I think we're missing one.
03:06Yeah, he's at his mate's having a sleepover.
03:08Mr. Fussy, he didn't want to go
03:09because he didn't want to have something
03:11other than chicken nuggets for once.
03:12You're back early.
03:13Yeah, yeah, I wanted to see the kids
03:14before they headed off to school.
03:15What did you bring me?
03:17What did I bring you?
03:18I've been to Birmingham, not on a world tour.
03:19But, oh, oh, no, close your eyes.
03:20Got a little very special surprise here.
03:22Half-eaten packet of jelly babies.
03:25Slightly squashed, don't eat all of them.
03:26Kate, are you good for your mum?
03:28Oh, yeah, good as gold.
03:30So, how was the minute mark training?
03:31Did you learn anything
03:32or was it just a big old jolly?
03:33It wasn't a big old jolly.
03:35You're looking at a gold star student
03:36right now, boys and girls.
03:38So, today the minute mark, tomorrow the world.
03:44What's that?
03:45Oh, no, it's nothing.
03:46Oi, you, where's your P.E. kit?
03:48I told you it's a packet of jelly babies.
03:49Oi, you, where's your P.E. kit?
03:50I told you it's a packet last night.
03:52Tommy, go and help him.
04:03Can you do me a favour, please?
04:11Two blue ticks means she's ready, doesn't it?
04:14She's spooking me.
04:15Ghosting you, mum.
04:16Do you want brown or red sauce?
04:17Oh, brown all round, please, love.
04:19Yeah, can you and Moe
04:20start that trial for me today?
04:22Put some manners on the gaff.
04:23Oh, yes, yes.
04:24And my sponges are on standby.
04:26I'll just go and wake Moe
04:27because she likes lying on a weekday.
04:29Um, Stace, will you let me know
04:30if you hear from me?
04:32Yes, mum, just go.
04:33Go on.
04:34Right, love.
04:36Hey, Stace.
04:37You hear this rumour, you know?
04:39Apparently, there's this bloke
04:40amongst the listeners' bridge club.
04:42Oh, Bill, look.
04:43I ain't got time, all right?
04:44Eve's up north.
04:45I'm up to my eyes in bacon fat
04:46ain't a good time.
04:47All right, all right.
04:48Take care of it, Bill.
04:49Right, I'm off.
04:51Oi, have you got something?
04:53Thanks, guys.
04:54Stay out of trouble!
04:58So, look, Claire.
04:59If anyone asks,
05:00we spent this afternoon together, OK?
05:02But really, you'll be off with Mace.
05:04Come on, Moe.
05:06Bonnie, you know I have to lie.
05:07I can't let my dad know that.
05:09Hey, Bonnie.
05:11Why aren't you walking to school?
05:13Where's Nugget gone?
05:14What's going on with you two?
05:15Nothing, Dad.
05:16We're fine.
05:17I already told you.
05:21All weekend, you've been jumping
05:22every time that goes off.
05:23Who's messaging you?
05:24No one.
05:26Bonnie, phone.
05:27No way.
05:28You ain't having my phone, Dad.
05:29Bonnie, phone, now.
05:30I don't want to give you...
05:32Listen, you can focus on school now.
05:34Can you get it back at the end of the day?
05:36I need that, Dad.
05:37Yes, she's right.
05:38There could be a safety issue.
05:39An emergency, even.
05:41Bonnie, manners.
05:42Dad pays the bill.
05:43Dad owns the phone.
05:45Here you are.
05:46Off you go to school.
05:48I hate you for this.
05:49Yeah, well,
05:50I still love you.
05:52Kids and their phones, eh?
05:54Who knows what they're hiding on those legs.
06:01Don't want another call from the school
06:02if we're late again.
06:04Just hurry up.
06:07It's not what you think, all right?
06:09Only one's to blame.
06:10It's Stacey and that
06:12Greek stuff she got.
06:13What, Uzo?
06:14One night on the tiles
06:15and I end up with my face impaled
06:17on the steps.
06:19You'd have thought I'd learnt my lesson
06:20after being on those crutches, wouldn't you?
06:24Trust me,
06:25if it was Tommy, I'd let you out, all right?
06:27But we're moving on.
06:28Things are getting better.
06:30So, Mr Moon's Minute Mart, eh?
06:33Start by getting rid of that poncy stuff they flog.
06:35OK, you know me.
06:36That's me all over cheap and cheerful, all right?
06:39In fact, I bet I'm only next door
06:40so I can always pop over for a cup of you.
06:41You ain't nicking our biscuits
06:43when you've got a shop full of your own.
06:44I don't.
06:45You know you're going to be all over my jammy Dodgers, all right?
06:48So, I think things are looking up now, though.
06:51I'll see you later.
06:52Boys, come on!
06:59Running late?
07:00Breakfast takes priority
07:01and we're going lead.
07:02Yeah, they know the right places.
07:06Oh, still look sore.
07:09Oh, yeah.
07:10I've just seen my dad.
07:12Reckons you're a wind-up
07:14and he's stressed because Denise is divorcing him.
07:17Punches me, stitches you up
07:19and he's still the victim.
07:21Also swears I won't go to prison for the crash.
07:23You don't believe that?
07:24I'm going to get a record either way
07:25just because he was trying to get back with Denise.
07:27And failed.
07:28Right, are we sending this video or what?
07:30Let's show him who's really got the upper hand.
07:33Rinse him for everything he's worth.
07:36Favours, inside knowledge, the lot.
07:41We say jump, he says how high.
07:44You're almost scary, you know that?
07:46Mmm, you love it.
07:53Hit send.
08:04Bit cold for you to be out here all day, innit?
08:07Better than being locked up
08:08inside with you sharing a desk.
08:10No offence.
08:11Maybe it is good you're out here
08:12and all your mate can tap in your nails.
08:16You got a message?
08:32Don't let her take over, Ty.
08:34Oh, excuse me.
08:35I have won medals for my colouring in.
08:38How's his mum, then?
08:40Yeah, much the same, poor woman.
08:42I should actually call her.
08:43Why don't we take Ty to the Gurdwara?
08:46I would, but I'm getting ready for the minima.
08:48I'll brief her.
08:49It's OK?
08:50Yeah, but I can take him on my own.
08:52I don't want to be pushing it in your condition.
08:55You want Dadaji to come, don't you, Sir Daji?
08:58Yeah, go on, then.
09:04OK, come.
09:09Come on.
09:12Someone's certainly put a smile on my dad's face.
09:16It's just Ty, either.
09:18Well, we're just putting our differences aside
09:20for the little one, you know.
09:28Zak, will you get the kitchen started, mate?
09:30I need to work.
09:31Mate, listen, look.
09:32We've got Dolly a saloon outfit.
09:34Tell me that ain't the cutest bump in the world, eh?
09:38Enjoy it before she can speak, I'd say.
09:42Thanks a bit.
09:46I see more pictures of that baby than I do my own kids.
09:49I need your help.
09:54Yeah, we'll plan.
09:56I ain't got time.
09:58We'll be playing stupid games with the kid.
10:00It's my generation, innit?
10:02Always on their phones,
10:03sending stupid videos on social media.
10:06This will go viral.
10:10What do you want?
10:11Insider knowledge.
10:12I reckon you'll be a real asset.
10:15No chance.
10:17Ah, careful, Zak.
10:21You help me out or the world sees that video
10:24and you're finished.
10:26So give me a decision by the end of the week, yeah?
10:31I am not helping you break into her phone.
10:33You don't know where she could be hiding.
10:35Oh, look, fine.
10:37I wasn't meant to tell you.
10:38She's dating that Barney kid.
10:40Oh, hold on.
10:43What, him?
10:44So why didn't you tell me?
10:46Yeah, cos you're so calm and relaxed about it.
10:48Look, just be glad she's dating some nerdy kid.
10:52No, no, no, no.
10:53There's something else.
10:54Look, I was on her case all of last week.
10:56There's nothing for me.
10:58I bet you know the possibility.
11:01Look, if I'm right, you'll regret this.
11:04You know what?
11:05If you're right, I'll...
11:06I'll man up and admit you knew better.
11:11Because I'm her favourite,
11:12it's her birthday and the last two digits of mine.
11:20If she finds out you've broken into her phone,
11:22she'll never forgive you.
11:23Trust me.
11:28Oh, Alfie, you're back.
11:29I was going to have a word with you.
11:30Yeah, nice to see you.
11:31Hello, James.
11:32I've just been looking for you down at your back there.
11:34Oh, no, I've got cover.
11:35After the morning I've had, I'm having time out.
11:37Yeah, she threw a pickled onion at Winston's head.
11:39Oh, OK.
11:40How is Kat?
11:41Is she all right?
11:42Because she's not answering her phone.
11:43Yeah, she's good.
11:44She's good back at work now.
11:45She's got a bit of a hangover after the other night, eh?
11:47Oh, yeah.
11:48Good one, was it?
11:49You weren't there?
11:50What, three kids,
11:51a screaming grandchild and Freddy under my roof?
11:53Oh, I'd love to get bad with Kat,
11:55but I haven't seen her.
11:58She's all right.
12:00Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's good.
12:01She's fine, yeah.
12:02Nothing to worry about.
12:07Where'd you run off to?
12:10Is everything all right?
12:19Did you check that name I gave you?
12:25You suspected of what?
12:26I want to help you, but I still feel weird about it.
12:29OK, well, without my phone,
12:30it probably ain't happening anyway, so...
12:32Actually, wait, hang on a second.
12:37Dad, I want my phone back.
12:39You ain't gone through it, have you?
12:41I know.
12:43Your mum told me.
12:45About you and...
12:46What's-his-name, Barney.
12:48She weren't supposed to tell you that.
12:50Why not?
12:52Look at the way he was acting this morning.
12:53It's proper embarrassing, you know?
12:55Yeah, I was worried.
12:56Do you know, me and your mum,
12:57we got into all sorts of arranged...
12:58OK, well, I ain't mum.
13:00And Barney ain't nothing like you.
13:02Yeah, I can see that.
13:07Your mum reckons I should trust you, so...
13:14No matter what, you're still my little girl.
13:17Just don't let me down.
13:25See ya.
13:27Got my phone back.
13:30OK, yeah.
13:36Are you sure you didn't drop me in it when you talked to my dad?
13:39I told you, he does suspect that thing.
13:41So why's he just texted asking to meet me?
13:44I don't know.
13:45Come on.
13:47Yeah, Harvey, it's great.
13:49You're there on time.
13:50But it's the wrong airport.
13:52Yeah, it's not my fault.
13:57Delivery for you, Kat.
13:59No-one in it, yours, so I thought I'd drop it round.
14:01Might put a smile on your face.
14:03Unless Idris Elba's in here, I doubt it.
14:06Idris fan, is it?
14:08You know, Kim reckons I'm his double.
14:11Is she?
14:17Oh, nice.
14:18One of them headset things Denz has been saving up for.
14:21Tommy's a lucky boy.
14:24No, this is a mistake.
14:26I can help send you back if you want.
14:28No, no, no, sorry.
14:31See you later.
14:43You're lucky.
14:44I don't wait no more than three minutes for no-one.
14:47You getting in then? Go somewhere quiet?
14:49Yeah, all right.
15:12Quite late.
15:14Where have you been?
15:15Just sorting some things out in the call centre.
15:18When I decided to give Evonnie her phone back,
15:21I didn't use her password.
15:23Oh, right.
15:24So you actually listened to my advice then?
15:27Don't remember any advice.
15:31Still a bit weird, though.
15:33I mean, Barney.
15:35Yeah, I thought she'd go for a love island reject,
15:38not a social reject.
15:40All I know is she definitely does not take after her mother.
15:43Well, that's a relief.
15:46Well, what you were like at her age
15:49wasn't exactly a role model.
15:53Just like that Ellen Titchmarsh, ain't you?
15:55Love to have a dig.
15:56Oh, no, you know what I mean.
15:58Yeah, I do, and do you know what? I've had enough.
16:08It's still daytime.
16:10What if there's, like, I don't know,
16:12some creep watching us or something?
16:14What, there's no-one?
16:16Are you good, yeah?
16:23Did you hear that?
16:25I swear, Dan, you watch too many of them true crime documentaries.
16:28I mean, why don't we just, like, just chill for a bit?
16:32Look, no, like, I want you, yeah?
16:35But if you just want to chill, like,
16:37why don't you just go with your kid friends?
16:39I don't want to chill with them.
16:41I want you.
16:43Let's go to the back, then.
16:46Come here.
16:47Um, I'm maybe just, like, not today.
16:51You're just wasting man's time.
16:53It's called being a tease, you know.
16:55Trying to be a tease is just that, that...
16:58I'm not really feeling it right now.
17:01Just go.
17:02I'm not feeling it.
17:04I'm not feeling it.
17:06I'm not feeling it.
17:08I'm not feeling it.
17:10I'm not feeling it.
17:12I'm not feeling it.
17:14Just go.
17:16It don't mean that I don't like you.
17:45Give us two minutes, mate.
17:52I didn't mean that in a bad way.
17:55Priya, it's the truth.
17:57Yeah, and you'll never let me forget that, will you?
17:59That's all I'll ever be to you,
18:01some silly little girl who's putting you about for drugs.
18:03Firstly, no, I wasn't an angel,
18:05but that doesn't mean I didn't have feelings.
18:07I was in love with you.
18:09Yeah, stupid.
18:11I know.
18:12And secondly, you don't get to look down your nose at me.
18:14I don't.
18:15Oh, don't give me that.
18:16I'm so bad,
18:17you're terrified Avani might turn out like me.
18:19No, no, you ain't.
18:20I just...
18:21I don't want either of them to make mistakes.
18:23I mean, look at Nugget.
18:24Yes, I get that.
18:25I'm dialysis.
18:27Cos I took my eye off the ball.
18:28It was not your fault.
18:29Regardless, I should have known what was going on.
18:31That's why with Avani I'm...
18:32Yes, I get it, but you're a good dad.
18:34And do you know how much of a good mum you are to them?
18:36Do you know how much of a good mum you are to them?
18:50You know, Avani could do a lot worse than take after you.
18:54Oh, really? And why's that?
18:58Are you fishing for compliments, then?
19:00I've got a big net.
19:08Oh, right, OK, yeah, fiery.
19:13You don't care what people think.
19:16You're a fighter.
19:20People think you're hard, but...
19:24you ain't.
19:28You've just been hurt.
19:30By idiots.
19:32Like me.
19:33Magritte, you are an idiot.
19:37One that you were in love with.
19:46Maybe I'm an idiot too.
19:53Order from the restaurant, mate.
19:55No, no, no, no, I've, er...
19:57I, er...
19:58I best get dinner on for the kids,
20:00so I've got to...
20:03Well, um...
20:08Good chat.
20:22How'd it go in the good weather?
20:23Yeah, Ty did his mud paddock so well, didn't you, Baba?
20:27Oh, your usual, Vinnie?
20:29Oh, yeah, thank you.
20:34A beer for Vinnie, please, Linda.
20:42By the way, um...
20:43Mum was in the salon earlier.
20:45An Eastern Jack rollercoaster has gone off the rails again.
20:48Definitely divorce this time.
20:50That won't affect his loyalty.
20:52Don't think so.
20:53I, er...
20:54I haven't heard anything about the investigation, have you?
20:58And I don't know if that's good news or not.
21:00I suppose all we can do is keep ourselves busy.
21:04Grandson's certainly helping with that.
21:06Makes me run ragged.
21:08You and the doting grandad make quite a team.
21:11We're not a team.
21:13I know that.
21:14You know that.
21:15We're not a team.
21:17We're not a team.
21:19We're not a team.
21:20We're not a team.
21:21I don't like that.
21:22But does he?
21:24He's at the same thing, you know,
21:26that he's getting his feet back under the table.
21:28He isn't.
21:30He knows I'm engaged to Eve.
21:32You say so.
21:43One drink, and then I've got to get home and phone Eve.
21:51We haven't got the glamour and excitement of a Birmingham conference room,
21:54but it ain't all that bad, is it?
21:56No, no, no. It's all good. It's all good.
21:58Just, um, it's got a lot on my mind at the moment, that's all.
22:01Come on, then. Tell me.
22:03Well, no, no, it's nothing. It's, um...
22:05Where's Kat?
22:09I think she's, um...
22:11She's dealing with something.
22:13I think it's to do with the kids, but she just ain't telling me.
22:15Well, maybe she don't want to worry you.
22:17Oh, maybe we've just got to the point
22:20where we just don't tell each other anything anymore, you know?
22:23Well, look, she was raising them boys for a long time on her own.
22:26You know, it could be that she's afraid
22:28if she shares a problem that you'll judge her
22:30or take over or run away.
22:32Well, yeah, yeah, well, I'd never do that, no.
22:34No, no, we're in this together.
22:38Hmm. You don't need to tell me that.
22:53Oi, you all right? What's happened?
22:55Nugget, what happened?
22:57I just fell. I just fell, OK?
23:00Oi, listen.
23:02It's all undone, this.
23:04No, Dad, just leave me, please. I just want to go inside.
23:07OK, OK, OK.
23:09Listen, your mum's going to go clean you up, OK?
23:21You've been hiding something this morning.
23:26Yeah, I saw her texting someone,
23:28saying she's got... got condoms.
23:31Who's she texting?
23:33I don't know, man. Someone called M.
23:38Listen, we'll figure it out later, yeah?
23:41Go on, get home.
23:46Carry on with your homework.
24:00You nicked my card.
24:02I just learned the numbers.
24:04And I'm sending it back.
24:06Yeah? Cos we can't have anything, can we?
24:08I thought we were turning the corner.
24:10I said I was sorry!
24:12Right, OK. Listen, Tommy, we can't go on like this, all right?
24:15You do what you want.
24:17I never asked you to lie.
24:19I know, but you can't treat me like this, all right?
24:21It's not fair, it's not right.
24:23Just leave me alone.
24:25I lied to your dad and I shouldn't have.
24:27I never asked you to lie.
24:29Lie about what?
24:33Where are the kids?
24:35Ricky's with Charlie and Amy's upstairs in her room doing her work.
24:38Best they don't hear this.
24:40You're not still seeing that Harry, are you?
24:42No. I told you, it's over. Why?
24:44Well, for one, he's got footage of that punch.
24:46He wants to blackmail me.
24:48Well, you're not going to let him.
24:50He's not right in the head. He was round here.
24:52No, I mean it. He's dangerous.
24:54Dangerous how? What are you on about?
24:56Look, they think he might have killed his girlfriend.
25:21M for Mitchell, is it?
25:26You were the Varney after school.
25:28Yeah, yeah, I was with the Varney.
25:30Just us two. We went to the park and discussed anime.
25:33Oh, nice. Sorry, I've got to get back.
25:37Plans didn't work out.
25:39She wrote condoms but comes back with a bust lip.
25:44Look, I wasn't really with her.
25:48Think I'm stupid.
26:13Come on.
26:26I hate it.
26:28Authoritarianism might intimidate others, but it won't.
26:31You what?
26:33Authoritarianism is a word. Look it up.
26:35Look it up.
26:42All right.
26:44Let's go for a walk.
26:48Look, I've got a mate who's got a contact on the case.
26:51He reckons they moved here
26:53because everyone down their way knows he did it.
26:57So, wait, this girlfriend...
27:03She went missing. Maybe she just ran away.
27:06Anything could have happened. No, no, no.
27:09They'd had a massive argument.
27:11Loads of witnesses, supposedly.
27:14But he was the last person to see her alive.
27:17Then nothing.
27:21Could be your lucky escape.
27:34It's your last chance to tell me what did you do to Ravani.
27:38I don't understand. Is Ravani OK?
27:41Yeah. She will be.
27:43You? You won't.
27:45You can threaten me, but I've done...
27:47Hey, let's get one thing straight.
27:49This isn't a threat.
27:51No, no, no, please!
27:53Please, no!
27:55Please! Please, no!
27:57Please! Please, no!