• il y a 7 heures
00:00Alors, si tu regardes ceci quand je publie ceci, cela signifie que je suis en Australie
00:08en ce moment, je compte pour un championnat mondial, le championnat de frisbee ultime mondial
00:15où je jouerai pour l'équipe USA Mix.
00:16Maintenant, c'est différent du championnat de plage mondial, où j'ai aussi joué avec
00:21l'équipe USA Mix et on a eu le bronze, et c'est aussi différent du championnat ultime
00:27mondial, où on a eu le pognon de l'or en 2021, mais l'ultime est confus.
00:33Mais basiquement, la histoire est que chaque quelques années, il y a un championnat mondial
00:36et l'USA invite 200 personnes à un try-out et puis sélectionne 25 personnes par équipe
00:45pour représenter l'USA dans le championnat mondial de cet an.
00:48Il y a un équipe de hommes, une équipe de femmes et une équipe de Mix.
00:51Et j'ai essayé de jouer pour ces équipes, basiquement pour toute ma carrière ultime.
00:57C'est ce que j'ai essayé de faire.
00:58Je me souviens, j'étais à l'école, junior world, U20, j'ai appliqué, j'ai eu un try-out,
01:04je n'ai pas fait partie de l'équipe.
01:05Un peu plus tard, U23, j'ai appliqué, j'ai aussi eu un try-out, je n'ai pas fait partie
01:10de l'équipe.
01:11Et puis j'ai essayé, je n'ai même pas été invité à des try-outs pour les derniers
01:15championnats mondiaux.
01:16Puis 2023 vient, je suis allé sur l'équipe du monde de la plage et puis 2024, pour l'équipe
01:23du monde de la plage, j'ai eu un try-out et j'ai fait partie de l'équipe.
01:27Donc l'équipe USA Mix, c'est là que nous sommes.
01:29J'ai tweeté ceci plus tôt cette année, que ce sera un peu un an occupant pour l'ultime
01:34pour moi, juste entre les équipes pro et l'équipe club et les camps d'entraînement de l'USA
01:40et puis l'actuel tournoi lui-même.
01:41Donc déjà en savant, je vais probablement finir en manquant d'un peu de choses technologiques,
01:46mais je suis totalement d'accord avec ça.
01:48Donc oui, à partir du moment où vous voyez ceci, je suis en route ou je suis en Australie
01:52ou quelque chose.
01:53Je vais éditer ça sur l'avion, mais c'est un tournoi de semaine où nous compterons
01:59internationalement contre toutes les meilleures équipes du monde entier, ce qui est super
02:04C'est un honneur.
02:05C'est un thrill.
02:06Ça devrait être vraiment cool.
02:07Il y a un site qui s'appelle UltiWorld qui va couvrir le tournoi, peut-être en live-streamant
02:11quelques jeux, mais derrière un mur de paye probablement.
02:14Mais j'essaierai aussi de poster quelque chose que je peux sur Twitter quand c'est disponible,
02:19juste pour que vous puissiez être informés de ce qui se passe.
02:22Mais oui, je sais, nos premiers jeux que nous connaissons déjà sont contre la Suisse,
02:28l'Austrie, l'Argentine et le Japon.
02:30Mais c'est aussi un vol extrêmement long, donc je vais éditer ça sur l'avion et
02:34j'espère que ça me tiendra occupé pour quelques heures.
02:37Mais je n'ai pas fait une de ces en un moment, une Q&A.
02:39J'ai demandé à vous sur Twitter ce que vous vouliez savoir sur les outils, la technologie,
02:44YouTube, Ultimate, quoi que ce soit, la vie, n'importe quoi.
02:47Et ce sont vos meilleures questions.
02:48Par contre, quelqu'un m'a demandé la dernière fois ce que c'est que ce micro, c'est
02:50le CM15 de l'ingénieur de jeunesse.
02:52J'ai adoré ce micro pendant les dernières années.
02:54J'ai besoin d'une meilleure position pour ça, donc je l'ai en main.
02:56Mais de toute façon, OK, première question.
02:58Que pensez-vous de Cristiano Ronaldo rejoindre YouTube et son éclat météorologique?
03:0320 millions de abonnés en un peu plus de 24 heures, c'est fou.
03:07Oui, c'est assez fou et c'est continué.
03:11Je pense que c'est environ 30 millions de plus maintenant.
03:15Oui, c'est fou.
03:17Et je pense que c'est juste un testament à où YouTube est.
03:21Pas beaucoup de gens qui sont si célèbres ne sont pas sur YouTube et YouTube aussi.
03:27Je ne pense pas que les gens réalisent que Ronaldo est un des plus suivis des humains sur les médias sociaux.
03:31Il a environ 600 millions sur Instagram, donc 30 millions, c'est comme un erreur de tournage pour ce gars.
03:36Mais aussi, les gens disent qu'il pourrait passer Mr.
03:41Je veux juste voir ce qu'il fait sur YouTube.
03:43Parce qu'il y a beaucoup de vidéos en cours, il ne les fait pas.
03:46Il y a quelqu'un qui les fait pour lui.
03:49Mais combien de temps ils gardent ?
03:50Quels types de vidéos ils font ?
03:52Ils s'intéressent à la culture de YouTube ?
03:53Ils collaborent avec quelqu'un ?
03:55Ou ils font juste des highlights réels de son jour ?
03:59Je ne sais pas.
04:03So that's a long way from 30 million.
04:04But we'll see how the trajectory goes based on what they actually post.
04:09What app is number one in your screen time ?
04:14Probably Waze, honestly, with all the recent road trips and stuff.
04:20Or it's also probably TickTick.
04:23I just, just to do list apps.
04:25I'm just always in there.
04:26Oh, this is a good one.
04:27This is a good one.
04:27What's a piece of technology that you have that isn't worth making a video about,
04:32but you now couldn't live without ?
04:36That is a really, that is a good question.
04:39My real answer is probably my calendar app, just because I'm not going to make a video
04:42just all about my calendar and how I, maybe I should, I don't know.
04:45But that's something I could not live without.
04:49But it's, it's accessory stuff like my mouse, like I've made an MX Master video.
04:54Maybe I do make videos on these things.
04:55My studio monitors at the studio, I have the Yamaha HS8s.
04:59I've never made a video about those.
05:01But I've had them for years and years and years.
05:04And they are so tried and true.
05:06So I'm going to, I'm going with that because they are some of my favorite equipment.
05:10I know you probably wanted like an everyday gadget, but Yamaha HS8s are the truth.
05:16How long before we get to know if the Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro was a success or a failure?
05:21And they haven't launched a second one yet.
05:23Of course, it has been fascinating to watch like the arc of the Vision Pro.
05:27I also tweeted recently because I'm curious if people who have Vision Pro still use it every day.
05:32I know I don't.
05:33I started using it a lot in the beginning and then my usage just fell off a cliff.
05:37And there's new experiences for it and there's new apps.
05:41But I think everyone's usage for Vision Pro was very high in the beginning and now has like stabilized to some level.
05:48But is Vision Pro a success or not?
05:49I mean, a lot of people are saying no because it hasn't sold well.
05:53And it's $3,500.
05:55Of course it hasn't sold well.
05:56That's not really a shock.
05:58I am mostly curious though about the second generation part.
06:02The second generation is the thing that teaches you the most about how that company feels about that product,
06:08about how it's hitting the market, about what actually worked with the first gen.
06:12And I suspect that Apple's next version of the Vision Pro is not Pro.
06:18It's just Vision.
06:19I mean, they put the word Pro on the end because this is the high-end one.
06:23But there will be a Apple Vision or whatever, Vision Air, whatever they call it,
06:28but a lower-priced version that will aim to be a stripped-down, more mass-produced version for more people.
06:36That one's going to be the most interesting one.
06:38Obviously, Vision Pro is exciting and at the bleeding edge.
06:41But what comes after Vision Pro?
06:43That's what I'm interested in.
06:45Ooh, someone said, what is the oldest phone you think you could use as a daily driver today?
06:50Whoa, okay.
06:52Honestly, because there's some throwback phones that I really like.
06:55So my mind is going to the last few.
06:59I'm thinking about OnePlus 7 Pro.
07:03That phone was super smooth, super, like very usable for a long time.
07:09When did that come out?
07:10The OnePlus 7 Pro was unveiled on May 14th, 2019.
07:14Okay, so a 2019 phone.
07:16That's, I guess that's five years ago.
07:18It's kind of a long time in tech terms.
07:20But the other one I think is the Pixel 3 XL.
07:27You know, the bathtub notch, the big bathtub notch Pixel.
07:30That one might be the same year.
07:33Oh, 2018, okay.
07:35October 9th, 2018.
07:37Six-year-old phone, Pixel 3 XL.
07:40Still has a good camera, still has that clean software.
07:42I don't know about getting all the software updates at this point,
07:44but those are like some of the oldest phones
07:48that I think I could legitimately steal daily today.
07:51What is the best Ultimate Frisbee move you have ever witnessed?
07:55Wow, okay.
07:57I've seen a lot in person.
07:58I've had the privilege of playing with some all-time athletes and players.
08:04You know, if you look up Ultimate Frisbee highlights on YouTube,
08:07it's crazy because it's still a young sport
08:10and there's not a lot of great footage of lots of games that get played.
08:15And so crazy highlights and athletic plays happen all the time,
08:20but they aren't really filmed very well.
08:22When they are, they immediately make like ESPN Top 10
08:25and they're like some of the sickest highlights to watch.
08:28But I got to think of...
08:31So there's actually two throwing highlights that come to mind
08:33just as someone who's trying to become a better thrower.
08:35One is my teammate Jimmy's throw in semis in 2022 at Nationals.
08:41This crazy upwind flick huck that was just ridiculous.
08:46It needs so much strength.
08:47And then also Harper, my other teammate,
08:49he's also playing on this World's team, by the way,
08:52had this sick, sick hammer from the sideline
08:56in the finals of the Pro League in...
08:59I want to say that was 2021 maybe, but against Dallas.
09:03And that was one of the...
09:05I was right on the sideline next to it
09:06and I've never seen a throw like that in my life.
09:08Oh, possibly my favorite game though.
09:10I've played in a lot of fun games.
09:12Comebacks though, always the most fun to play in.
09:14And there was, I really hope my teammates remember this.
09:18When we were in high school, we played against a YCC team.
09:23So like a high level youth team, youth Nationals team
09:27on our home field in front of our parents.
09:30And we went down 8-0 at halftime.
09:33And then we came back and won the game 15-14.
09:37It was one of, it was probably the most fun
09:40I've ever had on a field and on a sideline,
09:43like cheering on teammates, like that type of game.
09:46That's very rare.
09:48I will never forget that.
09:50How much do you use ChatGPT or similar in your daily life?
09:55Do you use AI as well to check, correct or edit content?
09:58And how much AI is used in content creation in general?
10:01What's your feeling about it?
10:02I've been asked a lot about this AI stuff a lot lately.
10:05Like how much do I use AI tools?
10:08How do I feel about them?
10:09Obviously there's a lot of controversy
10:10with them being trained on our content.
10:15It's actually pretty minimal for me.
10:16So I use it occasionally for brainstorming
10:18and for expanding on or rewriting ideas.
10:23Obviously not these Q&A videos,
10:24but I do write out basically almost everything
10:28in the actual reviews and the topical videos that I make.
10:32And so sometimes it's useful to use Gemini or ChatGPT
10:36to like twist an idea
10:38or to come up with something and brainstorm.
10:40So that's one thing.
10:42I don't use AI to edit almost anything.
10:44We don't use AI generated music.
10:46We don't use AI generated images or anything.
10:49That's kind of just like a fun tool to play with.
10:51When are you releasing your next sneaker?
10:55All I'm gonna say is TechTember is gonna be pretty sick.
11:01I'll put it that way.
11:02We already know TechTember is usually very busy
11:04and it will be busy again,
11:06but we got some extra stuff planned
11:08for TechTember and beyond.
11:10So if you haven't subscribed already, get subscribed.
11:14There's so much good stuff coming up.
11:16Oh, how did it feel to have Steph Curry respond to you?
11:19Oh, you didn't know?
11:20Steph and I are like, we're super tight.
11:23Yeah, we're super close like that.
11:24That one time that I met him
11:26that we shot a commercial together,
11:27that yeah, we've been bros ever since then, obviously.
11:31No, I think it's hilarious.
11:33I tweeted mentioning him during,
11:35I didn't even mention him.
11:36I just said Steph Curry is my goat during the Olympics
11:38when he was going on that barrage
11:39at the end of the finals game against France.
11:42And then I guess he logged into Twitter this week
11:44and decided to reply to one comment and it was mine.
11:48Hey, talk that talk, Steph.
11:50Okay, Quinn asks, what percentage of your driving time
11:53is spent in each of your cars?
11:56Valid question.
11:57I do review a bunch of cars.
11:59I spend time with those, but when I'm not,
12:01there are three vehicles in the fleet
12:04and I'm probably gonna get rid of one of them soon.
12:07But I spend 90 something percent of the time
12:10daily in the Turbo S.
12:11I have 12,000 miles on it at this point
12:13in a couple of months
12:15and it's everything I was hoping it would be.
12:17I gotta say, it is pretty incredible.
12:20Then the last few percent are spent in the Rivian R1T.
12:23So the Cybertruck, don't really use very much.
12:27And there's also that clause in the sales
12:31or the purchase agreement
12:33that you can't sell it within a year.
12:34So we just kind of have it.
12:37Maybe we'll still try to sell it.
12:38I don't know.
12:39Maybe we'll attempt.
12:40I mean, it's good for work.
12:41We've used it for work a bunch of times,
12:43shooting rollers, going to shoot that PGA Tour video.
12:46Like it fits the most gear.
12:48It's the biggest truck.
12:48It's the most stuff.
12:50Great for road trips with the team.
12:52But yeah, it's like 95% dailying the Turbo S,
12:574% R1T, 1% Cybertruck at this moment.
13:01Okay, do you think Tim Cook actually believes
13:04the Magic Mouse's ergonomics are done well?
13:08No, I do not think he believes that.
13:11You, if you're, if you are unfamiliar,
13:13I did ask him about it in my interview with him recently.
13:15And when I asked him about the Magic Mouse,
13:17you can see it in his eyes, genuinely.
13:19That is the first time anyone has even mentioned
13:21a Magic Mouse to him in years.
13:25And I've actually, honestly, now I'm saying this out loud.
13:28This is one of the things that I think most people
13:31don't understand about like these types of interviews.
13:36Like the small time example is Tim Cook obviously
13:39does not deal on the daily with the specific ergonomics
13:43of the Magic Mouse.
13:44I mean, almost nobody does at Apple,
13:45but definitely not Tim Cook.
13:47Tim Cook is the CEO, which means his job description
13:51is the highest level stuff.
13:53It's the strategy.
13:54It's the business.
13:57If you're Tim, it's the supply chain stuff.
13:59That's what Tim Cook makes daily decisions on.
14:02And so when I'm interviewing someone like this,
14:04it feels like that would be the thing
14:06to talk to them about.
14:08But also that's like some of the less exciting stuff
14:11I want to get into nitty gritty about tech.
14:13So the thing, I guess the point I'm trying to make
14:16is the Talking Tech series,
14:18it started as I want to do interviews
14:23and talk to people with interesting perspectives
14:25on technology at all.
14:28And the first episode was a virtual interview
14:30with a tech person, but then it was also Kobe Bryant
14:35mixed in with Neil deGrasse Tyson,
14:38mixed in with Will Smith.
14:39Like there's a wide variety of people
14:42who have interesting thoughts on tech.
14:43But it turns out when you do one or two
14:45other tech executive interviews,
14:48all the rest of the tech executive PR teams
14:50also reach out and want to do an interview.
14:52And then we just kind of fell down that slippery slope
14:54of like we just did all the tech CEOs
14:56and most of them are, let's be honest,
15:00they're media trained PR machines.
15:02So I want to talk to more product people.
15:04I want to talk to more like people
15:05who are in the nitty gritty of actual product stuff
15:08and also who are not even in the tech world
15:10just for their perspectives on tech.
15:12Like I saw, you're probably wondering,
15:14I saw the Lewis Rossman video
15:15and while I think he has a lot of good points
15:18and is totally valid to feel like,
15:21talking to someone at Apple is just shilling.
15:25I guess you guys don't know,
15:26I cut like 90% of the actual interview
15:29and things that I talked to him about.
15:31I talked to the head of hardware at Apple,
15:34hoping to get even more nitty gritty with hardware,
15:36but still got a lot of like fluff
15:39and cut almost all that stuff.
15:40I kept like the 10% that I felt
15:42was actually compelling and interesting
15:45about hardware being designed
15:48for longevity versus repairability.
15:50But people didn't love that either.
15:51But either way, yeah, I'm hoping to talk to more people
15:55who are actually doing the stuff on the ground
15:58and who are heavily involved in the product stuff.
16:00So long story short,
16:01I feel like I'm probably done with tech CEO interviews.
16:07We've also kind of done them all at this point.
16:08It's not like people are clamoring for the next one.
16:11So I'm interested if you guys have suggestions
16:14on what people should be next on the list for Talking Tech.
16:18Who should we actually add and have a chat with?
16:20Oh, this is a good one maybe to end with.
16:22So YouTube is the crown jewel of video platforms right now.
16:25I would agree.
16:26Why is that?
16:27Will a different platform disrupt it in the next 10 years?
16:30And if so, why would that happen?
16:34And the short answer is stability and money.
16:39Like people for the entire history of time,
16:44they go where the money is.
16:45So YouTube has been the most stable platform
16:48for discovery and for monetization for the longest time.
16:52And that is why they are the crown jewel of YouTube.
16:54That's why Instagram is like spinning its tires
16:58and trying to find ways to compensate creators
17:00to get them to stay and be discovered.
17:02That's why TikTok,
17:04number one is trying to compete with YouTube.
17:06They just enabled like super long videos,
17:08but also if they don't pay people,
17:10that's why you see TikTokers getting huge on TikTok
17:13and then moving over to YouTube.
17:15That's why you see Cristiano Ronaldo
17:17starting a YouTube channel.
17:18It's just the place that you can be discovered
17:20and make money.
17:21Now, will it ever be disrupted in the next 10 years?
17:25Because at this point,
17:26it's like also now the world's video library.
17:29It feels huge, like too big to fail.
17:32And it kind of seems like it can't fail.
17:36Like the one thing that could take down YouTube
17:39would be what?
17:40An adpocalypse, right?
17:42Some event, some horrible series of things
17:45that ruins advertiser trust
17:47in being able to advertise on YouTube
17:49and for creators to make money.
17:51A literal adpocalypse that drives advertisers away.
17:56And that happened.
17:57And then months slash years later,
18:00slowly they all came crawling back
18:02because guess where the eyeballs are?
18:03Oh, they're on YouTube.
18:06So yeah, I always say YouTube is so big
18:07that if it ever were to fail,
18:09it would be such a slow, catastrophic, played out failure
18:13that we'd have time to see the sinking ship
18:15and jump to the next ship if there is one
18:18that's doing a better job.
18:19But yeah, they've been the most stable for a while
18:21and I don't mind that one bit.
18:23But yeah, I think that's it.
18:24That's a good place to end it.
18:25There's some good questions in there.
18:26Let me know if you have other questions.
18:27I'll hang out in the comment section below.
18:29Of course, I'm probably not going to for the first week
18:32because like I said, I'm in Australia right now.
18:34I'm in the upside down, hopefully winning some hardware,
18:37but yeah, taking a little break while I do that.
18:40I'll see you on the other side.
18:42Thanks for watching.
18:43Thanks for listening and subscribing.
18:45And I'll catch you guys soon.