• il y a 18 heures
00:00Hey what's up, MKBHD here, and welcome to the world of PS5 accessories.
00:08So first of all, if you've gotten your hands on a PS5, congrats.
00:11Seriously, congrats.
00:12It's not easy right now.
00:13If you haven't gotten one yet, my fingers are crossed for you.
00:16Hopefully you get it soon.
00:17But once you do get a PS5, it's kind of like a smartphone.
00:20You set it up and you kind of want to make it your own a little bit, maybe customize it.
00:24So now that I've had the PS5 for about three months now, I've sorted through some stuff.
00:29There's not a whole ton out there as far as customizations for it, but once you do
00:32actually buy some and try it, some of it is garbage, I won't be recommending it.
00:36Some of it is actually pretty good.
00:38So here are the best accessories for customizing your experience.
00:42So number one is obviously, it's a gaming console, finding some good games to play.
00:46And a lot of this is preference, but we've seen the game's library slowly growing as
00:51expected with the new console generation.
00:53A lot of my recommendations are still the same.
00:55Once you get it, you got to play Astro's Playroom just to really get to know the controller.
00:59And I think you got to get the Spider-Man game, the Miles Morales game, just because
01:02in my opinion, it's the most visual immersive game on the PS5.
01:06There's a reason it launched with it.
01:07It feels like it's built for the PS5, has a pretty good storyline.
01:10I like it.
01:11Slackboy, A Big Adventure came out shortly after.
01:13It's been getting some pretty good reviews and I've personally been playing a lot of
01:17NBA 2K21, but let's be real.
01:19It's pretty similar to last year, just with some improved graphics and a slightly different
01:24My Character Story.
01:25But whatever you're into, I'll leave a list of games that have gotten some good
01:28reviews for the PS5 right below that like button.
01:31But that's not really customization, right?
01:32You install the games, you go through the UI, just like everybody else.
01:36Everyone's PS5 software experience is more or less the same thing.
01:39But there are some things you can do to change the rest of the experience.
01:43So first of all, the look of the PS5 was one of the most controversial things about it
01:46at launch.
01:47Now, three months later, it's kind of grown on me.
01:49Like I'm used to seeing it next to my TV, but maybe you don't like it.
01:53Maybe you want the actual console to look different.
01:55So that is where faceplates come in.
01:57So you may have heard by now that these pieces on the side of the PS5 that kind of make it
02:03look like an alien spaceship are just plastic and they literally pop off.
02:07So if you pull hard enough from the corners, it just pops right off from the plastic.
02:10And so if you buy a different color faceplate like this one, which is dbrand's matte black
02:14dark plate, you can pop it on the exact same way and now your PS5 is different color.
02:19So this is the most fundamental way to get a very different looking console than the
02:23way it came out the box.
02:25I think it's better than a skin because it's actually way easier than installing a huge
02:28skin and it's also impressively high quality.
02:30Like it looks and feels exactly like the same stock Sony faceplates, except for the fact
02:35that all the tiny X's and O's from Sony's pattern are replaced with tiny robots and
02:40skulls for dbrand's version.
02:43Currently it is only matte black, which is the best color obviously, but I am kind of
02:47curious why there aren't more alternate shapes and also alternate colors.
02:53Like I would, I think it would be cool if there was a red and a blue version, you could
02:57just do whatever color you want for your PS5.
02:58I'm not just saying this because they're a channel sponsor.
03:00They didn't sponsor this video, but I happen to really like these.
03:03So dark plates, honestly, the real downside is it looks like they're about as hard to
03:07get right now as the PS5 itself.
03:11Maybe they'll arrive at the same time.
03:12I don't know.
03:13On to some other stuff.
03:14So the middle plastic part, like I mentioned in the review, is still this glossy plastic
03:17collects fingerprints and dust and eventually scratches.
03:20There are also skins for this, dbrand will happily sell you a skin for the middle part
03:23and you can go for this contrasty look.
03:26You could go matte black everything.
03:27You could go reverse ice cream sandwich.
03:30You can do whatever you want with the colors here.
03:31But what about the controllers?
03:33These are some of my favorite controllers ever in any console.
03:36Actually they're probably at the top of my list.
03:38And so is there anything you can do to customize the controllers?
03:41Turns out, yes.
03:42So we've all seen the black and white by now.
03:43This black piece is actually also a faceplate kind of the same way as the PS5.
03:48There's a lot more connection points, but you can remove it.
03:50Now this one's a little harder to pry off because of all those extra connection points.
03:54So you may require some assistance in the form of a thin pry tool.
03:57But this one I got from Amazon actually came with this blue pry tool.
04:01So they thought ahead.
04:02So I'm going to link this one below.
04:03Just try not to break the plastic piece that you're taking off in case you ever want to
04:06go back to it.
04:08But then this is the controller faceplate and it clips on the exact same way as the
04:13piece you just took off.
04:14So I just got the sky blue color because it shipped the fastest and it looks pretty
04:17good to me.
04:18But there's a ton of colors available at that link so you can go dark blue, you can
04:21go red or orange or gold.
04:24The world is your oyster.
04:25And it's cheap.
04:26It's like 15 bucks for a new color plastic on your controller.
04:29You know what's not quite as cheap, but also still I think 100% worth it?
04:35Is this entirely painted, fully customized controller by Colorware.
04:41So if you guys have watched the videos for a while, you've heard me talk about Colorware
04:44They take apart, paint and put together all kinds of devices and they do an incredible
04:49job every time.
04:50So what you're looking at right now is a one-of-one MKBHD edition PS5 controller they made.
04:56But you can go, if you want, fully matte black on your controller.
05:00The thing about a controller though is it gets the most wear and tear because you're
05:03holding it all the time.
05:04So matte black looks sick when it's brand new, but it might not be the way to go with
05:10It might be red or blue or something like that.
05:13Either way, you do you.
05:15You can go on the site and go crazy with the customizer, change the body color, the
05:18front color, the buttons, make it as beautiful or as ugly as you want.
05:23It's up to you.
05:24Also compared to the normal prices of some of their stuff, this is actually a little
05:26more reasonable.
05:27It's 109 bucks, which the controller by itself is already 69.
05:32So not bad.
05:33But then there is storage.
05:36So whenever you get a PS5, whether you get the digital version or the disc drive version,
05:40you have 825 gigs of storage before the OS install.
05:43So maybe you want some extra storage.
05:44Some games are huge.
05:45Some games sort of require you thinking about storage management.
05:49The thing about the PS5 is the external storage is only actually supported for PS4 games.
05:56So kind of a bummer.
05:58But at least if you have a library of PS4 games, you can move it to external storage
06:02to give yourself more room on the console for PS5 games.
06:05So it's not ideal.
06:06But if you want to do this, there are two versions of extra storage, internal or external.
06:11So the external drive, it's easy.
06:13You just plug in a fast compatible drive via USB and boom, you just added up to 8 terabytes
06:18of space to keep all the PS4 games you could possibly want.
06:22Matter of fact, this is an 8 terabyte drive from Western Digital.
06:25PS5 sees it when you plug it in.
06:27You can format it.
06:28It's no problem.
06:29The other option is an internal M2 SSD.
06:32Shout out to Austin Evans who just dropped his ultimate PS5 video where he goes a little
06:37crazy with it.
06:38But you can see inside the PS5, there is actually a slot for internal extra storage.
06:43And so same deal, only PS4 games.
06:45And it will require an upcoming firmware update on the PS5 to work.
06:49So it's not going to work right away.
06:50But hey, if you want to do it that way, that's one less cable on your TV stand.
06:55That's one less thing you have to worry about on the outside of the PS5.
06:57A little cleaner.
06:58But I'll link Austin's video below if you want to watch the destruction or modification
07:03of a PS5 to the extreme.
07:06So that's the meat of it.
07:07Then there are a bunch of not quite as useful, but still kind of cool accessories depending
07:13on who you are.
07:14So like the PS5 controller dock that Sony made.
07:17Looks like a baby PS5.
07:18It's cool and everything.
07:19It's pretty cheap.
07:20It's like 30 bucks.
07:21But it's not actually that great.
07:23Like I found it pretty finicky every time I wanted to try to line up the pins and the
07:26magnets to charge the controllers.
07:28So I was looking into alternate docks and you can get other controller docks.
07:32Turns out they're all pretty finicky trying to line up the pins to charge.
07:36This one I found here has a few more lights on it and it's a bit more stable.
07:41But yeah, it's barely better.
07:43It's barely better than the stock one.
07:45But it's still cheap.
07:46So I guess that's no problem.
07:48Then there's the docks.
07:49Yeah, PS5 docks.
07:51So they're everywhere.
07:52And they really just hold up the PS5 vertically if you're into that.
07:57And some will give you extra USB ports.
07:59So this one I'm going to link below here.
08:00It gives you some stuff if you want to plug in some lower powered stuff like controllers
08:04through the hub.
08:05And they even put some fans in the bottom to push air up through the PS5.
08:09Now I really doubt that that's making any difference in performance at all.
08:14But it's there.
08:15So it's really just giving you an all-in-one hub for charging your controllers, keeping
08:19the PS5 upright.
08:21That's what a dock is good for.
08:22Don't expect like a bump in your frame rate or anything.
08:24The best thing you can actually do for a PS5 is just keep it in a sort of well-ventilated
08:29A lot of consoles are a little tight for it.
08:31You want airflow generally to be able to flow freely around it.
08:34That's the best thing you can do for performance.
08:36And every once in a while, you can take these plates off and clean it out for dust.
08:41We've heard PS4s get loud in the past.
08:44Really loud, including mine.
08:46And that's just because the fans are spinning extra hard to get the same amount of air
08:49through it.
08:50So pro tip, clean it every once in a while.
08:52So you can do all that.
08:53For a cherry on top, you could grab yourself a pair of dedicated, like really nice gaming
08:58This is part of SteelSeries Arctics, and they're really high quality.
09:02They sound phenomenal.
09:03You can get a wireless version or a version that plugs straight into the PS5's controller.
09:08So that's nice.
09:09And then you're set.
09:12That is the extent of good PS5 accessories that you should get that can actually meaningfully
09:18change your experience.
09:19So there you have it.
09:20Good luck getting your PS5.
09:21Good luck getting your hands on the accessories.
09:23All the helpful links will be below.
09:24But that's been it.
09:25Thanks for watching.
09:26I'll catch you guys in the next one.