• il y a 18 heures
00:17Hey, what's up guys, I'm KBHD here.
00:19So, if you live in any big city in California or, I mean, I guess, really either of the coasts,
00:25you've probably seen these electric skateboards kinda everywhere, right?
00:29They've kinda made their way into New York City as well, it's not quite an epidemic yet,
00:34but it's definitely on its way, they've gotten very popular,
00:37so clearly Boosted has seen this trend and now they're making an electric scooter of their own.
00:42It's called the Boosted Rev.
00:43So the best place to start with this, and really the only way I know how to talk about tech,
00:47is the specs.
00:48So for this it has dual motors, one at each wheel,
00:51a total battery life slash range of 22 miles, which I think is really far,
00:56and a top speed of 24 miles an hour.
00:59And it'll all cost you 1600 bucks.
01:02One thousand six hundred dollars.
01:05If you didn't already know, in the world of electric transportation,
01:08there are many much cheaper alternatives.
01:10Xiaomi makes one of the most popular electric scooters right now,
01:13it's 400 bucks at Walmart.
01:15But what I think Boosted knows is, it has a bit of a name for itself,
01:18especially in the premium electric market,
01:21they've got some pretty popular products already,
01:23so they're kind of relying on people to pay a bit extra,
01:26a bit of a premium for that name,
01:29and also it's pretty damn well made.
01:31So there aren't that many really wildly different electric scooter designs,
01:35at least that I've seen,
01:36but I like the way the Boosted Rev looks,
01:38matte black everything,
01:39a couple of grey parts here and there,
01:41a few stealthy logos,
01:43but it is an absolute tank of a design.
01:46Also, learn from my inexperience,
01:49wear a helmet,
01:50anytime you ride,
01:52unlike me,
01:53wear a helmet.
01:54Okay, anyway,
01:55there's metal everywhere,
01:56there's tight tolerances,
01:57it doesn't creak or squeak at all,
01:59it's high quality materials,
02:00this thing is a tank.
02:01And I'm told by Boosted it's weatherproof,
02:04but I would say that's closer to splashproof,
02:07they don't want you to ride in the rain,
02:09the major components inside are IPX7 sealed,
02:12so you can go through a puddle or two,
02:14but you shouldn't ride when it's wet.
02:16But just straight up in terms of build,
02:18this thing is an absolute unit.
02:2146 pounds.
02:23So you're not carrying a scooter around very much,
02:26but technically, yes,
02:27when you arrive at your destination,
02:29you can fold it in half and bring it inside,
02:32it's portable in that way,
02:34you can fit it in a car trunk
02:35or under a desk at something like that,
02:37but that's about it,
02:38you're not carrying this around like a skateboard,
02:40you're definitely gonna be much more likely to ride it.
02:43And riding it is really fun.
02:46So performance is the main strength of the Boosted,
02:48and I'm not even gonna lie,
02:49it took me a minute to get used to going
02:5124 miles an hour with no protection,
02:54and it kind of feels a lot faster
02:55with the wind in your hair than it does in a car.
02:57But also we did an all out drag race
02:59versus the Boosted Board Stealth from Zero,
03:01and it's about the same,
03:03but I feel like you feel more secure
03:05when you're holding onto a handlebar.
03:06And then acceleration is the same mechanic
03:08as the Boosted Board Remote.
03:09So the throttle is this dial on the right handle,
03:12forward to go forward, backward to brake,
03:15which I'll talk more about in a second.
03:16And then you have this LCD screen up top
03:18that handles pretty much all your interaction with settings
03:21if you never wanna go into the app.
03:22So yes, the Rev will work with the Boosted app
03:24on your smartphone.
03:25It's not working yet on my prototype,
03:27but if for those of you familiar with Boosted,
03:29you know what I'm talking about.
03:30Anyway, in the middle of the scooter under this logo,
03:32there is the one button.
03:33So you'll hold it down to turn it on or off.
03:35One press will let you check your rough battery status.
03:38Two presses will turn on a permanent headlight
03:41and taillight, which is pretty sweet.
03:43That's of course something you'll need
03:44for riding at night.
03:45And a triple press will change your riding mode
03:47between modes one, mode two, and mode three.
03:51Mode one is a more beginner mode,
03:54not so fast pickup, not a super high top speed,
03:57but it gets you used to it.
03:58Mode two, definitely a typical riding mode.
04:02You know, you can go 20-ish miles an hour
04:04and it can accelerate pretty quick and up hills.
04:07And mode three, not even gonna lie,
04:10I would compare it to a ludicrous mode
04:14in a Tesla, very fast, very quick pickup.
04:17And then that comparison actually makes more sense
04:19because on the Rev, there's three ways to brake.
04:21The disc brake with the squeeze handle,
04:23that's your pretty typical look on the back wheel.
04:25The heel brake, which I honestly almost never used.
04:28It's a friction brake
04:29and you could kind of just forget it's there.
04:31And regenerative braking.
04:33So if you turn that dial in the negative direction,
04:35this is something you don't see
04:36on a lot of other electric scooters.
04:38It actually uses the motor spinning back to brake
04:41and give you a little battery back.
04:42So real regenerative braking
04:44from whatever speed you're at,
04:46all the way down to zero if you want.
04:48It can be a little bit herky-jerky,
04:50like you kind of have to get used to
04:51smoothly rolling onto the throttle
04:53and smoothly rolling onto the e-brake.
04:55So when I say it's like ludicrous mode,
04:57I mean, scooting around in mode three
04:59on the Rev is kind of like that.
05:01I personally drive in ludicrous mode on all the time.
05:05So that means when I touch the pedal, it's going.
05:08That can be a little bit jarring to a passenger
05:11if they're not used to it,
05:12but you can get used to driving that way.
05:14Same thing on the scooter.
05:15Like if you're in mode three,
05:17the e-brake, it's kind of a little bit jerky,
05:19but you have to get used to smoothly rolling on and off.
05:21And then you're sort of used to going that fast all the time.
05:24And I swear, it feels like you're going a lot faster
05:27than it looks like you're going.
05:28Really, the biggest downside of the Boosted
05:30is the lack of suspension.
05:32So I know it has, you know, thick nine inch wheels
05:35and it's built like a tank,
05:36but anything this stiff and low to the ground
05:39that weighs 46 pounds is gonna hit potholes
05:42and bumps pretty hard.
05:43And since the deck doesn't flex like a long board,
05:46the suspension is your knees.
05:48And this might not be a huge deal
05:50if you're gonna commute on just bike lanes
05:52or just incredibly smooth streets, if you're lucky.
05:54But trust me, when you start getting all kinds of bumps
05:57or manholes or potholes, you're gonna feel that.
06:00So overall, when trying to think about, you know,
06:02should someone buy the Boosted Rev
06:04over one of the cheaper scooters?
06:06You know, there are real reasons to consider.
06:08Some that even speak to me.
06:09Like it's very high tech.
06:10I obviously love the matte black everything look.
06:13The taillight, I think is pretty sick.
06:15It even lights up when you're using the e-brake.
06:18It charges pretty fast, zero to full in three hours.
06:22It's impressively quiet, much quieter than a Boosted board.
06:25I think a lot of people don't know that.
06:27And it seems like it would last a while.
06:29I think for me personally,
06:31it just comes down to like,
06:32I don't have that shortish commute
06:34that I could use it for much.
06:37That and I also just don't really see myself
06:39ever being this guy.
06:44I don't know, I'm just not, I'm not that guy right now.
06:45Maybe it doesn't mean it's a bad product.
06:47It's just, it's me.
06:48It's not you, it's me.
06:49Like if you heard that $1,600 price
06:51and immediately thought that's crazy overpriced,
06:54then yeah, this probably isn't for you.
06:56I'll link that Xiaomi one below,
06:58just because it's gotten a pretty impressive amount
07:01of really good reviews.
07:02My friend Harper seems to like his a lot.
07:04So shout out to that.
07:05But the biggest advantage the Rev does have
07:07over those cheaper ones
07:08are going to be build quality
07:10and performance for sure.
07:12But still at that price,
07:14the biggest disadvantage
07:15is it still doesn't have suspension,
07:17which can be pretty brutal.
07:18But it is super fun though.
07:19I mean, you can probably see it on my face
07:20as I'm riding it.
07:21That made this a really fun video to make,
07:23but let me know what you think
07:25of Boosted adding a scooter to their lineup,
07:28their family of electric vehicles.
07:30Does that make you want to get one,
07:32even if you didn't need one?
07:34Let me know what you think
07:35in the comment section below.
07:36Either way, thanks for watching.
07:38Catch you guys in the next one.