• il y a 18 heures
00:00Hey what's up guys, MKBHD here. Alright, couple things. Number one, yes I'm out here in California
00:11yet again, and yes I'm vlogging. Number two, yes I am wearing glasses, and that's because
00:16I am getting LASIK eye correction surgery on December 10th, which involves not wearing
00:23my contacts for a week. I really gotta learn how to light for reflections here, but that's
00:27gonna be a thing you'll see temporarily. Then three, yes I am wearing some of the
00:31newest merch. It is available now, it's back in the store for the entire holiday season,
00:36and if you get it, it will ship by the holiday, so that's really exciting, so if you want
00:41that, link below. And four, as I switch hands here, I'm out here for the Tesla pickup truck
00:46event. This is one of the few pieces of tech that didn't leak in 2019, which is actually
00:52really impressive, but Tesla's been pretty good at that, same thing happened with the
00:54Roadster, so I'm here to see it. So if you want my first impressions of a pickup truck
00:59from someone who doesn't really use pickup trucks, but I'm still curious about an electric
01:04one, I'm here for that. I'm doing my best.
01:18Alright, so this event was pretty wild in a lot of ways. I feel like it was the most
01:22showy Tesla event in a while. You know, they had props, they had lasers, they had just
01:29a lot of excited people, and they had an unveiling of a product that they'd kept a secret for
01:34a while, a pickup truck. So Elon, he gets on stage, he does his intro, and pretty quickly,
01:40it rolls right out, and holy mother of Batman, what the hell is that? That, that is not the
01:48shape, or the look, or any of what I was expecting. It looks like a low poly count
01:55render of what the pickup truck is supposed to look like in a video game, like it looks
01:59like one of those fan made renders that people were making for months that you'd say, oh,
02:03it totally doesn't look like that. But here it is. I'd say this reaction from some fellow
02:09tech YouTubers I was watching with sums it up pretty well. It was wild.
02:13Okay, so there's really not a whole lot of anything else like it out on the road, so
02:17there's some stuff you can pick up about it from the live stream, and from watching
02:20the event, and on the site, and there's more to learn from actually being here. So, on
02:27stage, Elon went over the Cybertruck's stainless steel exoskeleton, which on one hand sounds
02:32really impressive. They did a demo of Franz literally hitting it with a sledgehammer and
02:37not denting it, so that demo went great. But also, seems very tricky to work with when
02:43the entire body is this one piece of metal. Bodywork must be a nightmare, I think, but
02:48I guess that's not new for Tesla. So the body is essentially bulletproof, but then
02:52there's the windows, which they also had some demos for, and they had some bold claims about
02:57how tough it was, and they dropped a heavy metal ball from great heights onto a sheet
03:01of it and it didn't shatter. Cool. But then they tossed that same ball lightly at the
03:06one actual pickup truck prototype they have working, and both times, the glass broke.
03:12They didn't completely make it through, to be fair, but yeah, either this prototype
03:16didn't actually have the super tough glass, or they've got some work to do on that one.
03:21But then, of course, there was the specs, which were really impressive. Maybe the most
03:26impressive part of the truck. So, starting at $40,000 for a single motor rear wheel drive
03:32with a 6.5 second 0-60 and adaptive suspension, all the way up to a triple motor all wheel
03:38drive option that goes 0-60 in 2.9 seconds and will have a 500 plus mile range and a
03:4614,000 pound towing capacity. For reference, the 2020 Ford F-150 can tow about half of that.
03:53And that's about all you get from the presentation. You get your numbers, it rolls on stage, you see
03:58it. So it was up to us to find the pickup truck outside and learn about as much as we can in
04:04person, so I can tell you exactly what I found from that. And basically, it is a really striking
04:10truck, and it's huge. It really is massive. So your boy was first online to get a test ride,
04:16so literally Franz and his family got out of the truck as it pulled up with brand new fixed glass
04:22to give us test rides, and I hopped in the front seat for a quick little one minute hot lap.
04:28And yeah, you can tell right away, it's very bare prototype feeling on the interior.
04:33There's another yoke steering wheel similar to the 2020 Roadster prototype. It has basically the
04:38same touchscreen as a Model 3, but with new graphics on it for the Cybertruck. Not sure how
04:43final that is, but it looked cool. And yeah, tons of glass, tons of space, lots of headroom and
04:49footroom, and you are really high off the ground. You're really hiking up to get into this thing.
04:54The rear view mirror, if you caught that, is a display showing the rear facing camera, and the
04:59space in the middle between the driver and the passenger is actually a third seat folded down.
05:04So it's a six-seater. Three seats in the front row, three seats in the back, and they're both benches.
05:10So yeah, and you kind of get this like marble countertop-like blank surface area in the front.
05:15Very strange to me, but yeah, that's about all I could tell. We also did a bit of an acceleration
05:21test. Apparently, this is the dual motor variant, and I didn't point the camera at the speedometer
05:26the whole time, but I'd say we got up to 60. Here's a video I took later from the outside.
05:36So yeah, this thing clearly hauls, and it sounds crazy with those tires and all that weight.
05:42But yeah, it's gonna be really fast for a pickup truck, of course. But yeah, I feel like there's
05:46just so much to take in, and it's all so unconventional. Michael Fisher said something to
05:51me at the event, and he'll probably have a video about it too with his thoughts, and I'll link that
05:55below when it goes up. But it went along the lines of, well hey, at least we're not bored.
06:00And it's kind of funny, the more you think about it, the more that is super true about this truck.
06:04Tesla could have gone with a super cookie-cutter design and made it exactly what you'd expect.
06:10You know, just take an existing Tesla design and morph it into a pickup truck. Take a Model Y,
06:16just cut the back off. In fact, I love that that's exactly what Simone Giertz did with her
06:20Model 3 in her incredible video. I will link that below. And she had her truckla here at the
06:26event. But the Cybertruck? Nah, yeah, that Cybertruck shares, as far as I can tell, pretty
06:32much no DNA from any other Tesla model outside of, I guess, just the door handles. You know,
06:39instead of curves, it has angles. It looks like the cabin is a damn triangle. The bar headlights
06:46are kind of cool. There's also a roof bar headlight. The taillight is a bar. The wheels
06:52are crazy. Everything is rethought, hopefully for the better. And also, I did feel like there's a
06:57lot we still don't know. Like, when does this come out? We didn't get a date, but people can
07:02already pre-order them and reserve them and get online. Where are the windshield wipers? Where
07:07is the side view mirrors? What's the bed made of? That ATV that they brought out at the end,
07:13sort of a one more thing move that they pulled up and fit in the back of the Cybertruck and
07:18charged it in the back. Are they selling that too? Like, how much is that going to be? Is that
07:22an option with the Cybertruck? It kind of looks like a spoiler. Like, the truck looks better with
07:28the ATV in the back. You know, there's just a lot to think about with something where Tesla is
07:33attacking this new market. But the way things go for Tesla, you know, kind of like the Model Y,
07:38I think we'll start to see the details creep out a little bit as they get finalized and closer to
07:42production. And as of right now, we just have this massive hype unveiling to get people talking
07:47about it and thinking about it. And it's worked. And now we have a big wait. But yeah, it's one of
07:53the most polarizing automotive designs I've ever seen. To me, not a truck person, it seems super
08:00badass, like the Mars Rover type of stuff. I couldn't see myself driving it, but it looks
08:04crazy. But if you ask around, it seems like people either really like it or really hate it. So I'm
08:10curious, where do you fall on that spectrum? What do you think about the Cybertruck? You can't
08:15stay in the middle, you got to pick one. Either way, thanks for watching this initial first
08:20impressions from the Cybertruck event from Tesla. More to come. Catch you guys in the next one.
